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No. I 26 July 1965 No. 2 23 September 1965 No. 3 23 September 1965 No. 4 21 September 1965 No. 5 29 October 1965 No. 6 30 November 1965 No. 7 3 January 1966 No. 8 3 January 1966 No. 9 4 January 1966 No. 10 15 March 1966


No. Io.


Delphacidae from Australia and New Zealand (Homoptera: Fulgo- roidea). By R. G. FENNAH

Diptera from Nepal. Empididae. By KENNETH G. V. SMITH

An introduction to the Aleyrodidae of Western Africa (Homoptera). By L. A. MounpD

Cicadelline types in the British Museum (Natural History) (Homop- tera: Cicadellidae). By D. A. YouNG

Diptera from Nepal.

Asiatic species of the genus Stenomicra (Anthomyzidae). By C. W. SABROSKY

Psychodidae. By F. VAILLANT Celyphidae. By P. VANSCHUYTBROECK

Fulgoroidea from Southern Chile (Hemiptera). By R. G. FENNAH

The Embioptera of Europe and the Mediterranean Region. By E. S. Ross

Contributions towards a revision of Myrsidea Waterston. 1 (Meno- ponidae: Mallophaga). By T. CLay

A revision of the British Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera: Homoptera). By L. A. MounpD

Diptera from Nepal.

Conopidae from Nepal and the Oriental region. By S. CAMRAS Heleomyzidae. By J. C. DEEMING

Pipunculidae (Dorilaidae). By D. ELMo Harpy

A new species of Platypeza and Callomyza (Platypezidae). By E. L.

KESSEL Sarcophagidae. By B. B. ROHDENDORF

Index to Volume XVII



203 219 227





431 435 439

453 457


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Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London

Pp. I-59; 199 Text-figures


THE BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), instituted in 1949, ts issued in five series corresponding to the Departments of the Museum, and an Historical series.

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become veady. Volumes will contain about three or four hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed within one calendar year.

In 1965 a separate supplementary series of larger papers was instituted, numbered serially for each Department.

This paper is Vol. 17, No. 1 of the Entomological series. The abbreviated titles of the periodicals cited follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals,

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1965


Issued 26 July, 1965 Price £1 2s. 6d.




Descriptions are given of ten new species of Delphacidae from New Zealand, of six from Australia and of five from New Guinea. The generic assignments of all known species from New Zealand, and of ten species from Australia, are revised, and fourteen new genera are erected.


THIS report is based on a comprehensive collection of Delphacidae from New Zealand and a less representative collection from Australia and New Guinea received for study from Dr. T. E. Woodward, of the University of Queensland. Additional material from Australia was obtained from the collections in the British Museum (Nat. Hist) made by C. Darwin, R. E. Turner, R. W. Mungomery, J. G. Myers and others.

The writer’s warmest thanks are tendered to Dr. Woodward, and to Mr. J. P. Doncaster, Keeper ofthe Department of Entomology inthe British Museum (Nat. Hist.) for the privilege of examining these interesting collections. Thanks are also due to Dr. J. W. Beardsley of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association for the loan of specimens from the type series of Delphax dilpa Kirkaldy and Haplodelphax iuncicola Kirkaldy.

In the General Catalogue of the Hemiptera, fasc. IV, part 3, four species of Del- phacidae are listed from New Zealand, and a further two from the Kermadec Islands. The present collections have revealed the presence of a further twelve species in New Zealand and the outlying Three Kings group. Ten of them are new to science and are apparently endemic.

The Australian collections, which came almost entirely from the eastern side of the continent, were found to contain few series ; a substantial number of the known species were not represented, and six new species were found. Such a lack of repeti- tiveness in the material indicates that the Delphacid fauna is still very incompletely surveyed, both as regards composition and distribution. It is evident, from a consideration of the genera present, that a strong Papuan element is present in eastern Australia, and that there is a small group, represented by such genera as Haplodelphax and Pseudembolophora, that is comparatively isolated, and may well represent an old native element.

A key is given for the separation of genera discussed below. Measurements of the head and thorax are taken as shown in Fennah, 1963: 75 (fig. 20) ; where the



anterior margin of the frons is appreciably convex, the length is measured along the middle line ; where it is transverse, it is measured close to, but to the side of, the narrow median projection caused by the thickness of the carinae, at their point of transition into the frons. The position of the post-trochanters is taken as the most anterior position that they can attain. The length of the basal post-tarsal segment is measured dorsally from its base to the point of insertion of the second segment.

The bibliographic references are cited in accordance with the usage in “A Bibliography of the Homoptera (Auchenorhyncha) ”’ (Metcalf, Z. P., 1942, N.C. State College of Agriculture and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, N..C,):


I Post-tibial spur awl-shaped , ; ; UGYOPS Gueérin-Méneville (p. 6) 2 - Post-tibial spur wedge-shaped, or thin and tectiform . 3 2 (1) Antennae cylindrical . ; : : subgenus UGYOPS (p. 6)

Antennae with at least basal segment slightly compressed. subgenus PARACONA nov. (p. I1) 3 (1) Post-tibial spur wedge-shaped, with only a single tooth at apex , ~ Post-tibial spur tectiform, with teeth on margin 4 (3) Vertex extremely elongate, about as long as remainder of body PSEUDEMBOLOPHORA Muir (P. 12) Vertex at most less than three times as long as broad . ; : 5 5 (4) Vertex longer than broad, basal segment of antennae cylindrical . TROPIDOCEPHALA Stal (p. 12) - Vertex broader than long, basal segment of antennae compressed HAERINELLA gen. n. (p. 13)


6 (3) Frons with median carina forked near middle . 4 = Frons with median carina simple, or forked at base, or with two carinae separate

to apex : . é 14 7 (6) Antennae with basal segment triangular and compressed : i P ; 8 ~ Antennae with basal segment cylindrical : : : j i i 10 8 (7) Vertex much broader than long . : : : P ; . , 9 _ Vertex about as broad as long . : ; PHACALASTOR Kirkaldy (p. 17) g (8) Post-clypeus short, about as long as basal antennal segment ; post-tibial spur

not long, with about 18 teeth ; pygofer devoid of processes ventrally on hind margin 5 : TEMENITES gen. n. (p. 15) - Post-clypeus not short, longer than basal segment of antenna; post-tibial spur rather long, with more than 30 teeth; pygofer with a pair of processes ventrally on hind margin : ; PERKINSIELLA Kirkaldy (p. 16) 10 (7) Profemora and protibiae foliately expanded, antennae relatively long PELIADES Bierman (p. 17)

Profemora and protibiae not foliately expanded . ; ; : ; ; II 11 (10) Lateral carinae of pronotum straight, attaining hind margin . , : ; 12 Lateral carinae of pronotum curved laterad, not attaining hind margin . 13 12 (11) Form slender; frons more than 2:5 times as long as broad ; pygofer with 3 a medioventral process. i THRAS YMEMNON gen. n. (p. 43) Form robust ; frons not more than twice as long as broad ; pygofer without a medioventral process. : é PEREGRIN US Kirkaldy (p. 18)

13 (11) Vertex broader at base than long i in middle line ; basal antennal segment fully twice as long as broad . . : E CEMUS Fennah (p. 19)


Vertex longer in middle line than broad at base ; basal antennal segment not

twice aslongas broad . ; ; ; THYMALOPS gen. n. (p. 20) Frons with two submedian carinae 3 : : ; : : ; 15 Frons with a single median carina : : 16 Vertex obtusely rounding into frons, which is about ewite as long as broad ;

ocelli distinct : ; : APLANODES gen. n. (p. 21) Vertex acutely rounding into frons, wiles is not nearly twice as long as broad ;

ocelli absent . : : NOTOAYUS gen. n. (p. 22)

Basal segment of post- tarsi with one or more e spines laterally NILAPARVATA Distant (p. 24)

Basal segment of post-tarsi without teeth laterally q : : : ; 17 Post-tibial spur with less than 13 teeth : P ; ; : : : 18 Post-tibial spur with 13 teeth or more 23 Head with eyes wider than pronotum : SMICRO TA TODELPHAX Kirkaldy Head with eyes not wider than pronotum . : : 19

Vertex distinctly broader than long, insensibly passing into frons

NOTOGRYPS gen. n. (p. 26) Vertex at least as long as broad, more or less distinctly separable from frons , 20 Basal segment of antennae fully twice as long as broad


Basal segment of antennae not nearly twice as long as broad . : 21 Vertex in profile meeting frons obtusely; frons broadly rounded at basal margin. F - EORISSA gen. n. (p. 28) Vertex in profile meeting frons subrectangularly or ee frons with basal margin only weakly convex . 22 Vertex in profile meeting frons acutely : : ‘sublateral carinae of vertex each straight from base to apex : . HAPLODELPHAX Kirkaldy (p. 31)

Vertex in profile rounding subrectangularly into frons; sublateral carinae of vertex each strongly concave or angulately bent between base and apex ANCHODELPHAX gen. n. (p. 34) Head with eyes broader than pronotum SMICROTATODELPHAX Kirkaldy

Head with eyes not broader than pronotum A : : : : 24 Vertex longer than broad at base : : é : : : , 25 Vertex not longer than broad at base . : ; : : : 36 Second antennal segment three times as long as first . STENOCRANUS Fieber Second antennal segment distinctly less than three times as longas first. : 26 Basal segment of antennae fully three times as long as broad, second segment

subequal i . F TAROPHAGUS Zimmerman (p. 37) Basal segment of antennae relatively shorter, second ee distinctly longer

than first , ; 4 . : oF Rostrum long, attaining post-trochanters or very nearly s so : : 28 Rostrum not attaining post-trochanters , : : : 29

Mesonotum polished, with intercarinal areas shallowly c concave ACRODELPHAX gen. n. (p. 38) Mesonotum finely granulate, shallowly convex with carinae fine, not prominent IZELLA gen. n. (p. 41)

Frons about three times as long as broad. : SARDIA Melichar p. 44)

Frons relatively shorter. : : 30

Lateral carinae of pronotum straight ¢ or convex, reaching hind margin or very nearly so : 31

Lateral carinae of pronotum straight or panied laterad, evidently not reaching hind margin . ; , ; : : : : ; 33


31 (30) Submedian carinae of vertex meeting before apex of vertex . : ; : 32 _ Submedian carinae of vertex meeting at apex, or on frons

SOGATODES Fennah (p. 45) 32 (31) Basal segment of antenna little longer than broad; second segment less than

three times aslongasbroad_ . : : CORONACELLA Metcalf (p. 47) Basal segment of antenna fully twice as long as broad ; second segment at least three times as long as broad . . ; : SOGATA Distant

33 (30) Rostrum reaching to mesotrochanters, short in relation to length of frons and clypeus ; slender, delicately formed species usually with a pale median stripe on head and thorax : : : SOGATELLA Fennah (p. 47) Rostrum surpassing mesotrochanters, not short in relation to length of frons and clypeus, robust species without a pale median stripe dorsally (except Tarophagus) 34 34 (33) Vertex not narrower than an eye, basal segment of post-tarsus short, less than

three quarters as long as frons ; 35 —_ Vertex narrower than an eye, basal segment of post- tarsus long, three quarters

aslongasfrons . ; ; . SYNDELPHAX Fennah (p. 48) 35 (34) Frons twice as long as postclypeus : F . CORBULO gen. n. (p. 48) Frons 2-5 times as long as postclypeus : : SULIX gen. n. (p. 49)

36 (24) Basal segment of antennae fully three times as long as broad TAROPHAGUS Zimmerman (p. 37) Basal segment of antennae relatively shorter : ; : 37 37 (36) Antennae slender, second segment reaching well beyond base of clypeus EUMETOPINA Breddin (p. 54) Antennae not slender, scarcely or not surpassing frontoclypeal suture. : 38 38 (37) Sublateral carinae of vertex meeting before apex of vertex, lateral pronotal carinae very strongly divergent and extending almost straight towards tegulae. Post-tibial spur with about forty teeth ANECTOPIA Kirkaldy Sublateral carinae of vertex meeting at apex of vertex or on base of frons, lateral pronotal carinae not very strongly divergent, or, if so, then not straight. Post-tibial spur with fewer than forty teeth , . 39 39 (38) Lateral carinae of pronotal disc straight, directed latero-caudad mesad of tegulae. A white median dorsal stripe on head and thorax. Abdomen of female in ventral view rather narrowly triangular in outline TERTHRON gen. n. (p. 55) Lateral carinae of pronotal disc curved laterad, or if straight, extending directly towards tegulae. No white median stripe present dorsally. Abdomen of female in ventral view not narrowly triangular in outline, but more bluntly rounded distally . : , ; ; é . TOYA Distant (p. 56)

UGYOPS Guérin-Méneville

Guérin-Méneville, 1834a, 477. Haplotype, Ugyops percheronii Guérin-Méneville, op. ol

The Australian representatives of the genus comprise three continental species, U. longiceps Muir, U. brevifrons (Jac.), and U. longifrons Jac., and an insular species, U. musgravei Muir (from Lord Howe Id.). In New Zealand only one nominal species has been recognized. (Micromasoria caelata (White)) and a further species, Micromasoria raoult Muir, is known from Raoul Id.

The material in the present collection from New Zealand proper includes three species. Members of two of them have terete antennae, like all the Australian


species, whereas those of the third species have compressed antennae, as in vaouli. The type specimen of [Cona] caelata White is not to be found in the White collection at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), and as it was based on a series in White’s personal possession (White, 1878 : 275), would appear now to be lost. Both the original generic description and that of the species leave no doubt that the type series included the three forms here recognized as distinct species. Hutton (1898a : 187) interpreted the species as including the forms with hyaline tegmina, more or less clouded with brown. Tillyard (1926d : 167) figured one coelopterous form as a representative of caelata White. The writer, in the absence of any information about the existence of a type specimen, and in conformity with Tillyard, here proposes to restrict the specific concept to include only a form with terete antennae, a pronotum with discal carinae gently sinuately bent a little before meeting the posterior margin, laterally trispinose post-tibiae, and tegmina as long as the abdomen.

The forms with slightly compressed antennae and brachypterous tegmina are set apart from the general assemblage of Ugyops only by weak characters. The differences are here regarded as being of subgeneric value, and a name for the concept is proposed below.

Ugyops caelatus (White) (Text-figs. 1-7)

[Cona] caelata B. White, 1879b : 218. Micromasoria caelata Kirkaldy, 1909h : 29.

Vertex longer submedially than broad at base (nearly 1-3 : 1), broadly and evenly rounding into frons, rather wider at apex than at base, lateral margins shallowly concave, apical margin shallowly convex, with submedian carinae only slightly prominent, Y-shaped carina with median stem obsolete, submedian carinae not uniting at apex of vertex, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length (1-5: 1); frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (nearly 2-3: 1), widest at about two-sevenths from base, lateral margins shallowly convex, submedian carinae separate to apex; antennae reaching to level of apex of clypeus, basal segment cylindrical, longer than broad (4:0: 1), second segment cylindrical, longer than first (about 1-1: 1). Ocelli minute or obsolete. Pronotum with disc longer in middle line than broad at anterior margin (3:0 : 1), lateral carinae concave, broadly recurved posterolaterally and attaining hind margin.

Pale tawny yellow ; submedian carinae and lateral marginal carinae of frons and vertex, anteclypeus, a small mark just below eyes, a spot at apex of first antennal segment, two bands on second segment, a suffusion on each side of pronotum behind eyes, mesonotum laterad of lateral carinae, longitudinal stripes on all femora, and two bands on each protibia and meso- tibia, all tarsi, posterior margins of abdominal sterna, and markings sublaterally on terga, posterior half of pygofer, except at margin, and anal segment of male, fuscous ; frons medially, a spot on genae before antennae, pronotum in middle line and on each side behind antennae, and mesonotum in middle line, red. Tegmina brownish hyaline, pale distad of transverse line : veins ochraceous extensively interrupted with castaneous, sometimes castaneous at node and basally in costal cell.

Anal segment of $ with lower margins as seen in ventral view meeting at 90 degrees apically. Pygofer with medioventral process distally broadly rounded and with a small median notch. Genital styles moderately long, strongly tapering distad, weakly diverging and rather abruptly incurved near apex.

3 (coelopterous): length, 4-°8mm.,tegmen, 4.1mm, @: length, 6-1 mm., tegmen, 4:5 mm,


New ZEALAND: Poor Knights Group, Tawhiti Rahi Id., 1 g, 21.i.43 (Majors Buddle and Wilson) ; Kauri G., I g, 25-i-21; Three Kings Group, Great Id., 1 J, 4 9, 2-10.v.46, beating kanuka, 27.iv.46, in tea tree (E. G. Turbott) ; S. W. Id., I nymph, 13.i.51, on bushes (7. E. Woodward) ; North Auckland, Mangonui, 1 J, 8.iii.51 (JT. E. Woodward); Te Paki, 2 nymphs, 21.i.50, on Leptospermum ; Auckland, Tikirangi, r g, I nymph, 7.xii.48, 28.xii.44; Foxton, 16 g, 14 Q, I mutilated specimen, 8.1.50, on Muehlenbeckia australis (T. E. Woodward), 7.1.50, (R. A. Cumber) ; Coromandel, Te Hope stream valley, 6 3, 1 mutilated specimen and g nymphs, on flowering prostrate rata, 12.1.52 (T. E. Woodward); behind W. Spirits Bay, 25.i1.50, 3 g, 2nymphs, on small-leaved Muehlenbeckia(T.E. Woodward) ; N. Auckland Pen., 5 2, 2 mutilated specimens and 8 nymphs, 1924 (T. R. Harris) ; York Bay, 3 nymphs, 3.ix.22, on Coprosma rhamnotdes (J. G. Myers) ; Catchpole, 2 nymphs, on Knightia excelsa; Wilton’s Bay, 3 nymphs, 16.iv.21; Auckland, Watershed reserve, I 9, 26.11.48 (G. Chamberlain), Waipapakauri, I 9, 30.1.53 (R. A. Cumber) ; Houhola, 1 3, 16.11.51 (R. A. Cumber).

This species is distinguished from other New Zealand species by the combined characters of trispinose post-tibiae, cylindrical antennae, and gently recurved lateral pronotal carinae. It is also readily recognizable by the narrowly infuscate lateral carinae of the frons.

Fics. 1-7. Ugyops caelatus (White). 1, Frons and clypeus; 2, head and thorax, dorsal view; 3, head in profile; 4, basal segment of antenna; 5, second segment of antennae; 6, tegmen; 7, ¢ genitalia, right side,


Ugyops rhadamanthus sp. n. (Text-figs. 8-14)

Vertex longer submedially than broad at base (1-2 : 1), rather strongly rounding into frons, as wide at apex as at base, lateral margins shallowly concave, apical margin rather strongly convex, with submedian carinae not prominent, Y-shaped carina with median stem weak, submedian carinae almost uniting at apex of vertex, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length (2:1); frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (nearly 2-3 : 1), widest at one quarter from base, lateral margins shallowly convex. Median carinae uniting just before apex ; antennae reaching almost to level of apex of clypeus, basal segment cylindrical, longer than broad (nearly 4:0: 1), second segment longer than first (1-2: 1). Ocelli obsolete. Pronotum with disc longer in middle line than broad at anterior margin (1-6: 1), lateral carinae concave, abruptly and rectangulately recurved postero-laterally and attaining hind margin. Post-tibiae laterally with three teeth.

Stramineous ; second antennal segment in apical third, a very dilute suffusion on all coxae, and in two bands on protibiae, abdominal sternites at posterolateral margins, fuscous ; post- clypeal disc and frons submarginally, a suffusion on genae before eyes, vertex in middle line apically and at lateral angles basally, pronotum in middle line, and on two areas of lateral lobes, mesonotum in middle line and over lateral carinae, and abdominal terga at posterior margin, red. Tegmina stramineous hyaline, veins concolorous except on posterior claval vein near union of claval veins and at entry into hind margin, where it is overlain fuscous.

Anal segment of ¢ with lower margins as seen in ventral view meeting apically in a very acute


Fics. 8-14. Ugyops rhadamanthus sp. n. 8, Frons and clypeus; 9, head and thorax, dorsal view; 10, head in profile; 11, basal segment of antenna; 12, second segment of antenna; 13, tegmen; 14, ¢ genitalia, postero-ventral view,


angle. Pygofer with medioventral process distally narrowly rounded and without a distinct notch. Genital styles moderately long, weakly tapering distad, weakly converging distally. 3 (coelopterous): length, 5-3mm., tegmen, 4.0mm. @: length, 6-5 mm., tegmen, 5:0 mm. Holotype 3, NEw ZEALAND: Auckland, Nihotupu, 2.1.50 (A. Harrison), in collection of Plant Diseases Division, D.S.I.R., P.B., Auckland.

Paratypes, Huia, 1 mutilated specimen, 13.iv.50 (7. E. Woodward); Mocrewa,tr 4, 7.1.53 (R. A. Cumber) ; Paihia, 2 9, 12.i1.49, 28.ii.50 (R. A. Cumber) ; Kaeo, 1 6, 4 Q, 2, 31.1.53 (R. A. Cumber) ; Oturere Sta., Desert Rd., r 9, 3.1.57 (R.A. Cumber), Levin, I 9, 26.xi.41 ; Spirits Bay, 1 g, 1 nymph, 13.ii.51 (R. A. Cumber) ; Little Barrier Id., summit track, I J, 22.xi.54, Waipawa stream, r g, 28.xi.54 (K. A. J. Wise) ; Titirangi, r 3, 1 9, 1 mutilated specimen, 1I5.ii., 22.iii., 4.iv.42, on kohe kohe tree (M. Carter).

This species is distinguished by the shape of the vertex, by the antennal proportions and by the abruptly angulate bend in the lateral pronotal carinae and, in the 3, by the shape of the anal segment. Among the New Zealand species its coloration is dis- tinctive: there are practically no obvious fuscous markings, and the frons is red- margined.

Ugyops musgravei Muir (Text-figs. 15-20) Muir, 1931b: 70. This species is not represented in the present collection. It is apparently endemic

in Lord Howe Island, and the opportunity is here taken of figuring a paratype specimen in the collection of the British Museum (N.H.).

Fics. 15-20. Ugyops musgravei Muir. 15, Frons and clypeus; 16, head and thorax, dorsal view; 17, head in profile; 18, basalsegment of antenna; 19, second segment of antenna; 20, tegmen.


PARACONA subéen. n.

Frons scarcely twice as long as broad, submedially bicarinate ; antennae reaching to level of apex of clypeus, with apical segment, and sometimes basal also, slightly laterally compressed. Post-tibiae with four spines laterally. Tegmina brachypterous, apical margin truncate.

Type-species of subgenus, Ugyops (Paracona) pelorus sp. n.

This subgenus is recognizable by the compressed antennae and quadrispinose post-tibiae.

Ugyops (Paracona) pelorus sp. n. (Text-figs. 21-26)

Vertex longer medially than broad at base (about 1-4: 1), subangularly rounding into frons, wider at apex than at base, lateral margins shallowly concave, apical margin sinuately convex with submedian carinae prominent, Y-shaped carina present, with median stem weak, submedian carinae not quite uniting at apex of vertex, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length (about 1-6: 1) ; frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (1-9 : 1), widest at three-fifths from base, lateral margins shallowly convex, submedian carinae separate to apex. Antennae reaching to level of apex of clypeus, basal segment laterally compressed, longer than broad (2:2: 1), second segment laterally compressed, longer than first (1-5: 1). Ocelli obsolete. Pronotum with disc longer in middle line than broad at anterior margin (3: 1),

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Fics. 21-26. Ugyops (Paracona) pelorus sp. n. 21, Frons and clypeus; 22, head and thorax, dorsal view; 23, head in profile; 24, antenna; 25, tegmen; 26, ¢ genitalia, right side.


lateral carinae concave, obsolete laterobasally, not attaining hind margin, weak paired lateral carinae between eye and tegula on each side.

Light yellowish brown, with pustules and carinae pale stramineous ; antennae dilute fuscous ; a few small spots bordering submedian carinae in basal half of frons, a band across base of clypeus and extending across procoxae and mesopleura, stripes on all femora, two bands on each protibia and mesotibia, and a suffusion on post-tibiae, castaneous. Intercarinal areas of frons and genae marbled with orange-red; disc and sides of postclypeus, except at base, tawny. Tegmina stramineous, veins irregularly marked pale yellowish brown, three apical cells near anal angle, dark castaneous.

Anal segment of g, as seen in ventral view, with ventral margins meeting distally at about 90 degrees, in lateral view as figured. Pygofer with apical margin of medioventral process broadly convex, with a small median notch. Aedeagus as figured. Genital styles moderately long, tapering distad and weakly curved mesad.

6 (brachypterous): length, 4-0 mm., tegmen, 1-9 mm. 2 (brachypterous): length, 6-0 mm., tegmen, 2:8 mm.

Holotype 3, NEw ZEALAND: Ohope beach, 22.1.47, Hem. 149 (C. R. Pattison), in Auckland Museum.

Paratypes, NEw ZEALAND: Auckland, I g, 13.ii1.49 ; Coopers Beach, 1 nymph, 8.1.51 ; Mt. Mangonui, r 3, 4 nymphs, 23.x.60, under Muehlenbeckia (B. M. May) ; Coromandel, Te Hope stream valley, 5 3, 1 9, on flowering prostrate rata, Muehlen- beckia australis ; Spirits Bay, 2 9, 13.11.51 (R. A. Cumber) ; W. Bank Pen., Price’s Valley, r 2, 18.ii.59 (I. E. Woodward) ; Eastbourne, 1 g, 31.i1.51 (R. A. Cumber) ; Whangarei Heads, Ocean Beach, 2 9, 7.xii.58, under Muehlenbeckia (B. M. May), I g, 1 9, Three Kings, S.W. Id., 13.i.51 (T. E. Woodward).

This species is closely allied to U. vaouli (Muir), but is readily separable by its more strongly compressed second antennal segment and smaller size; other, less obvious, differences are to be noted in coloration, tegminal venation, and in the form of each element of the ¢ genitalia.

Ugyops (Paracona) raouli (Muir) (Text-figs. 27-32) Micromasoria vaoult Muir, 1923 : 257.

KERMADEC Is.: Raoul Id., 2 g, from nikau fronds (J. H. S.)

PSEUDEMBOLOPHORA Muir Muir, 1920b: 182. : Orthotype, Pseudembolophora macleayi Muir.

Pseudembolophora macleayi Muir Muir, 1920b : 183.

AUSTRALIA: Maida Vale, near Perth, r 9, 29. viii.59 (T. E. Woodward).

TROPIDOCEPHALA Stal Stal, 1853b : 266. Haplotype, Tropidocephala flaviceps Stal, 1855a : 93.


Fics. 27-32. Ugyops (Paracona) vaoult (Muir). 27, Frons and clypeus; 28, head and thorax, dorsal view; 29, head in profile; 30, basal segment of antenna; 31, second segment of antenna; 32, tegmen.

Tropidocephala eximia (Kirkaldy) Ectopiopterygodelphax eximius Kirkaldy, 1906c : 412.

AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, I g, I 2, 30.vi.57 (Haseler).

Tropidocephala dryas Kirkaldy Kirkaldy, 1907d : 143.

AUSTRALIA: Mt. Nebo, I dg, 2.vi.54 (N. Jenkins).


Head narrower than pronotum. Vertex shorter medially than broad at base, obtusely rounding into frons, narrower at apex than at base, lateral margins straight or very weakly concave, apical margin truncate, with submedian carinae not prominent, Y-shaped carina distinct, submedian carinae uniting at apex of vertex, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length (more than 2:1); frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (nearly 2:1), widest near middle, lateral margins distinctly convex, median carina simple, clypeus at base distinctly wider than frons at apex, postclypeal disc slightly longer than broad at base, in profile moderately convex, anteclypeus in profile shallowly convex ; entire clypeus in profile doubly convex; rostrum slightly surpassing mesotrochanters, apical segment a little shorter than subapical ; antennae little, if at all, surpassing frontoclypeal suture, basal segment as long as broad, strongly expanded distally, not carinate on the flattened surface, and scarcely so at edges, second segment longer than first (about 1-7: 1) distinctly compressed ; ocelli well developed. Pronotum with disc shorter in middle line than broad at anterior margin, lateral


carinae straight or weakly convex, not quite attaining hind margin. Total length of mesonotum longer than that of scutellum (about 2:3: 1). Post-tibial spur cultrate, concave on inner surface with an apical tooth and no lateral teeth.

Tegmina narrowly rounded at apex, apical veins of Sc, R and M, recurved to margin, radial cross vein present, first median sector abruptly bent at nodal line to touch Cua.

Type-species, Haerinella saeva sp. n.

There are only two tropidocephaline genera with a compressed basal antennal segment, and these are Bambucibatus and Belocera. From Bambucibatus, which is known only from the type-species, B. albolineatus Muir (1915e : 319), the present genus differs in the lateral carinae of the vertex not being “‘ large” (in consequence of the depression of the vertex) and the mediolongitudinal carina (the common stem of the Y-shaped carina) being quite distinct ; in the length of the frons not being more than twice the width, and the width at the base being greater, not less, than that at the apex ; in the basal segment of the antennae not having “a keel down middle ”’ and in being much less expanded and the second segment being compressed, not terete, and with a carina on the ventral margin in its basal two-thirds ; and in the spur, though moderately thick, being concave on the inner surface. From Belocera it is distinguishable by the narrower form of the frons and of the basal antennal segment.

Haerinella saeva sp. n. (Text-figs. 33-38)

Vertex shorter medially than broad at base (1 : 1-9), slightly declivous, obtusely rounding into frons, narrower at apex than at base, apical margin truncate, Y-shaped carina distinct, sub- median carinae uniting at apex of vertex, meeting almost at a right angle, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length (2-6: 1), and than median length (3:8: 1) ; frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (1-8: 1); widest at about two-fifths from base, lateral margins distinctly convex, median carina simple; clypeus at base distinctly wider than frons at apex, post-clypeal disc rather longer than broad at base (1-2: 1) in profile rather strongly convex, anteclypeus in profile moderately convex; entire clypeus in profile doubly convex; antennae with basal segment as long as broad, laterally compressed, ecarinate, second segment longer than first (about 1-7: 1); pronotum with disc shorter in middle line than broad at anterior margin (1: 1‘1) lateral carinae weakly convex, almost attaining hind margin. Total length of mesonotum longer than that of scutellum (2-3: 1); post-tibial spur with small apical tooth.

Castaneous-piceous ; two small spots on frons near base, vertex, disc of pronotum and meso- notum except for a suffusion near tegulae, rostrum, legs except coxae, abdominal sternites, except in their anterior portion, posterior margin of pygofer, genital styles in basal half, and anal segment, stramineous. Tegmina hyaline, a broad band from tegula to apex of tegmen and a narrow line on one or both sides of apical veins of Sc, R and M,, castaneous-fuscous, posterior half of tegmen with a faint yellowish tinge ; veins concolorous. Wings hyaline, sordid white or faintly infused, veins fuscous.

Anal segment of ¢ very short, ring-like, lateroapical angles rounded, not produced. Pygofer moderately long, posterior opening longer dorsoventrally than broad, dorsolateral angles not at all produced, diaphragm with dorsal margin deeply concave, medioventral process present as a broad callus. Genital styles moderately long, rather broad and flattened in basal half, twisted and tapering mesodorsad in distal half.

6: length, 3:3 mm., tegmen, 4-4 mm.


Holotype 3, NEw GuINEA: Central Highlands, Daulo Pass, c. 8,000 ft., 20-22. vili.56 (7. E. Woodward), in Queensland Museum, Brisbane.

Fics. 33-38. Haerinella saeva sp. n. 33, Frons and clypeus; 34, head and thorax, dorsal view; 35, head in profile; 36, antennae; 37, tegmen; 38, ¢ genitalia, posterior view.


Vertex shorter medially than broad at base (not quite 2:1), obtusely rounding into frons, rather narrower at apex than at base, lateral margins straight or weakly concave, apical margin transverse, with submedian carinae slightly prominent, Y-shaped carina distinct, submedian carinae not uniting on vertex, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length ; frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (nearly 2: 1), widest near middle, lateral margins convex, median carina rather widely forked near middle ; clypeus at base wider than frons at apex, postclypeus short, about as long as basal antennal segment ; rostrum with apex lying between mesotrochanters; antennae moderately surpassing frontoclypeal suture, basal segment little longer than broad, laterally compressed, expanding distad, second segment longer than first, with a shallow sulcus near lower margin ; ocelli reduced or obsolete. Pronotum


with disc shorter in middle line than broad at anterior margin, lateral carinae straight, not attaining hind margin. Post-tibial spur tectiform, with about 18 teeth.

Anal segment of ¢ short, lateroapical angles widely separated, each produced ventrally in a spinose process. Pygofer moderately long ; no medioventral process present on hind margin.

Type-species, Temenites ancon sp. n.

Temenites ancon sp. n.

(Text-figs. 39-43)

Vertex shorter submedially than broad at base (about 1-8: 1), obtusely rounding into frons, hollowed between carinae, submedian carinae not uniting at apex of vertex, basal compartment of vertex wider at hind margin than greatest length (3:0: 1) and than median length (4: 1) ; frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part (nearly 2 : 1), widest at level of lower margin of eyes, lateral margins convex, median carina rather widely forked at level of lower margin of eyes, clypeus at base distinctly wider than frons at apex, in profile strongly convex, postclypeal disc shorter than broad at base (1 : 1:2), anteclypeus in profile strongly curved caudad so that entire clypeus in profile is strongly bilobately convex ; antennae reaching approximately to level of middle of clypeus, basal segment scarcely longer than broad (1-1: 1), laterally com- pressed, expanding distad ; second segment longer than first (1-8 : 1) with a shallow sulcus near lower margin ; ocelli represented only by a scar. Pronotum with disc shorter in middle line than broad at anterior margin (about 1 : 2) lateral carinae straight, not attaining