DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY SCOFFIN SHEARES ACC. r-, . Class No. Book ;NU. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY SIDNEY LEE SCOFFIN SHEARES LONDON 1Tl i, LE>ER, & co., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1897 \Att rights reserved) LIST and contributed numerous papers to the ' Proceedings' of the Wernerian Society. In January 1819 he was elected a fellow of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh, and in February, he communicated to the Eoyal Society of London a paper on the variations of the magnetic needle. In May 1819 he moved with his family to Liverpool, where he was occupied during the year in superintending the building of the Baffin, specially fitted for the Greenland trade, at a cost of 9,500J. She was launched on 15 Feb. 1820, sailed on 18 March, and returned on 23 Aug. with the largest cargo that had ever been brought in from Green- land. During his absence there was pub- lished 'Account of the Arctic Regions and Northern Whale Fishery ' (2vols. 8vo, 1820), a work on which he had been, engaged for the* last four years. It was at once recognised as the standard work on the subject, and may be considered as the foundation-stone of arctic science. In 1821 and again in 1822 he made the accustomed voyage. On his return to Liverpool in 1822 he was met by the -news of the death of his wife, to whom he was tenderly attached. From, his youth he had had strong religious con- victions, which had been intensified by the fervent piety of his wife. On his return from the voyage of 1828 he resolved to prepare Scoresby Scory liimself for the ministry, and in this view was entered at Queens' College, Cambridge, in- tending to take a degree as a * ten years' man ; ' at the same time he studied Latin and Greek, his only relaxation being the writing of scien- tific papers. In June 1824 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. ^ By July 1825 he was able to pass his examination at Cam- bridge with honour, and on 10 July he was ordained by the archbishop of York to the curacy of Bessingby, near Bridlington Quay, with the modest stipend of 40 a year. His former career had brought him an average income of 800J. In January 1827 he was elected a corre- sponding member of the Institute of France, and in May became chaplain of the mariners' church at Liverpool. He married again in 1828, and in April 1832 was elected to the incumbency of Bedford chapel at Exeter. Tn 1884 he obtained the degree of B.D. as * a ten-years* man/ and in 1839 proceeded to that of D.D. About the same time he ac- cepted, from the Simeon trustees, the presen- tation to the vicarage of Bradford, a parish of a hundred thousand souls, where the work, both spiritual and temporal, was severe and the emoluments small. After five years at Bradford his health gave way ; six months' leave of absence, whicn he spent in a voyage to the United States, failed to effect a permanent cure, and in January 1847 he resigned the living. He went for a second tour in Canada and the United States, and during his absence, in January 1848, re- ceived news of his second wife's death. He returned to England in the following March, and, having married for a third time, in Sep- tember 1849, he lived for the most part at Torquay, near his wife's family. He took voluntary clerical work, and occupied him- self with science and literature. In 1850 he pub&sbeij 'The Franklin Expedition/ 8vo; and in 186% 'My Father, being Records of .the Adventurous Life of the late w. Scoresby,' ftvo. During these later years he was working specially on the subject of magnetism, and r m F'ebruary 1856 he made a voyage to Aus- tralia and home, in order to carry out a Series of systematic observations. The Liverpool and Australia Steam Navigation Company gave him a free passage, with every facility for observing. Scoresby was back in Liverpool by 13 Aug, While pre- jring his journals and observations he com- pletely broke down, and, after six weeks of suffering, he djed at .Torquay on 21 March 1S&7. t>n the 28th he was buried at Upton ohurcb, -where there is a monument to Hs memory, erected by subscription. By his first wife he had two sons, both of whom prede- ceased him. Scoresby was a voluminous writer, the larger part of his work consisting of contri- butions to scientific journals or of sermons* His nephew has enumerated ninety-one pub- lications, as well as *a variety of articles, lectures, essays, addresses, tracts, &c., in different theological, scientific, and literary journals.' His more important works, besides those already named, are: 1. 'Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery and Discoveries on the East Coast of Greenland/ 8vo, 1823. 2. ' Memorials of the Sea/ l&no, 1833. 3. ' Magnetical Investigations/ 2 vols. 8vo, 1839-52. 4. ' Zoistic Magnetism/ 8vp, 1850. 5, ' Journal of a Voyage to Australia for Magnetical Kesearch/ edited by Archibald Smith [q. v.], 8vo, 1859. [Life by his nephew, B. E. Scoreaby-Jaclcson, with a portrait after a photograph ; his wotka, especially the Account of the Arctic .Regions ; Journal of the Boyal Geographical Socitsty, vol. xxxviii. p. cxxxviii.] J. K. L. SCORESBY-JACKSON, ROBERT EDMUND (1835-1867), biographer, [See JACKSON.] SCORY, JOHN (d. 1585), bishop of Clu- chester and Hereford, was a Norfolk man, who became a friar in the Dominicans* house at Cambridge about 1530, signing the sur- render on its suppression in I #88. He pro- ceeded B.D. in 1539. In 1641 he was one of the six preachers whom Cranmer appointed at Canterbury (cf. STEYPB, Chmmr,p. 134). He was also one of Cranmer's chaplwns, lie was accused for a sermon preached on A aeon* sionday 1541, but nothing seems to have re* suited (ib. pp. 151 , 152). Xing Edward notes that when Joan Bocher rq.v.j was executed (2 May 1560) for heresy, wcory preached, and the poor woman reviled him, saying that he lied like a rogue and ought to read tho Bible (SiRYPEj Memorial*, n* L 835). He was about this time made examining chaplain to Ridley, bishop of Londonu In Lent 1&51 he called attention to the want of ecclesiastical discipline, and to the covetousaess of the rich, particularly in the matter of enclosures the king for his preferment, insisted again on these two evils (&. n. ii, 481). He was a commissioner appointed to revise the eccle- siastical laws (February 1551-2). Oa 28 May 1562 he was translated to drichesterv On Mary's accession Scory was deprived* but submitted himself to Bonner, renounced his wife, did penance for being married, and, Scory 9 Scot having recanted and been absolved, was al- lowed to officiate in the London diocese (STBYPB, Memorials, in. i. 241, Cranmer, j>p. 519, 1053). He is also supposed to have cir- culated Cranmer's 'Declaration concerning the Mass.' He soon, however, left England and went to Emden in Friesland, where he became superintendent of the English con- gregation, and where, at a safe distance, he wrote, in 1555, his ' Comfortable Epistle unto all the Faithful that be in Prison/ &c. He was also at Wesel, but fixed his residence in 1556 at Geneva, where he was also chap- lain to the exiles. At Elizabeth's accession he returned to England. He had a bad record, but he formed a link with the past too valuable to be lost. So he was marked out for prefer- ment. He preached before the queen in Lent 1559, took part in the disputation with the catholics on 31 March 1559, and on 15 July 15o9 became bishop of Hereford, being one of the first bishops nominated by Elizabeth, When Henry III of France died, Scory preached at the solemn service held at St. Paul's on 8 Sept. 1559 (STBYPB, Grindal, p. 88), He also assisted at Parker's conse- cration, and preached the sermon on 17 Dec. 1559 (STBYPB, Porter,?. 113). At Hereford he was much harassed. He wrote to Parker . p. 190) describing the condition of his iocese, which contained many chapels either unserved or served with a reader only ; some of the parish churches were in danger, owing to an interpretation of the statute for the suppression of colleges (STBYPB, Annals, u* i, 503), He also was troubled by the proceed- ings of the council for the marches of Wales, and had difficulties with the cathedral clergy ; but he obtained new statutes for the cathedral in 1582. He was accused of being a money- lender. In dogma he was sound enough, and signed the articles of 1562, and the canons of 1571. He died at Whitbourne on 26 June 1585. His wife Elizabeth survived till 8 March 1592. A son, Sylvanus (STBYPB Annals, m. ii. 453), was prebendary of Here- ford 1565-9, fought in the Low Countries was M.P. for Newton, Hampshire, in 1597 and,dyinginl617,wasburiedmSt. Leonard's Shoreditch, and left one son, Sylvanus, who died a prisoner in Wood Street counter in 1641, and another son, Edmund, knighted on 4 July 1618. Scory died rich, and left 600J. to chantabl tises. He published, besides a few sermons and theletter referred to : 1. ' Certein Works of the blessed Oipriane the Martyr/ London, 1556* 2. een preserved. [Cooper's Athenae Cantabr. i. 511 ; Dixon's list. Church of Eugl. iv. 42 ; Notes and Queries, >th ser. i. 466, 7th ser. viii. 1 ; Narratives of the Reformation (Camd. Soc.), pp. 218, 227, 228 ; Strype's Works, passim ; Parker Soc. Publica- tions; Greyfriars' Chron. (Camden Soc.), p. 83.] W. A. J. A. SCOT. [See also SCOTT.] SCOT, DAVID (1770P-1834), orientalist and miscellaneous writer, born about 1770 at Penicuik, near Edinburgh, was sort of "Wil- iam Scot, a small farmer, who is said to have sold his cow to pay the expense of printing a theological pamphlet; Young Scot was educated at the parish school and Edinburgh University. He was licensed as a preacher by the presbytery of Edinburgh on 25 Nov. 1795, Supporting himself by private teach- ing, he studied medicine, and graduated M JD. on 25 June 1812. He formed a close in- timacy with Alexander Murray (1775-1813) [q. v.] and Dr. John Leydenq.Vj, and under their guidance he made himself ^master of many Asiatic tongues, at the same time acting as tutor to candidates for the Indian service. In 1812 Scot was an unsuccessful candidate for the Hebrew chair in Edinburgh Univer- sity ; but, through the influence of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees, he obtained the parish living of Corstorphine, near Edinburgh, to which he was presented on 22 Aug. and or- dained on 17 Nov. 1814. After a ministry of nineteen years he was appointed in 1833 professor of Hebrew in St. Mary's College, St. Andrews. When on a visit to Edin- burgh to attend the meeting of the British Association, he was seized with a dropsical complaint, and died on 18 Sept. 1834. His wife survived him. Besides editing Dr. Murray's posthumous * History of the European Languages,' Scot was author of: 1. ' Essays on various Sub- jects of Belles Lettres ....,' Edinburgh, 1824, 12mo, 2. ' Discourses on some important subjects of Natural and Revealed Religion/ Edinburgh, 1825, 8vo. 3. Key to the He- brew Pentateuch/ London, 1826, 8vo. 4. 'Key to the Psalms, Proverbs, Eccle- siastes* and Song of Solomon/ London, 1828, 8vo. He also wrote a Hebrew grammar (published 1834) for the use of his class ; it is said tnat he dictated it extempore to the printers. [Scott's Fasti, i 138; Murray's Biogr. Annals of the Parish of Colinton; Thomson's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen,]; G-. Scotland IO Scott SCOTLAND, HENRY o*(1114P-1152). [See HENRY.] SCOTSTARVET, SIB JOHN OF (1585- 1670), Scottish judge. [See Scon, SIR JOHN.] SCOTT. [See also SOOT.] SCOOT, ALEXANDER (152PP-1684P), poet, bora about 1525, is supposed ta have been the son of Alexander Scott, prebendary of the Chapel Royal, of Stirling, whose two sons, John and Alexander, were legitimated 21 Nov. 1549 (Privy Council Register, xxiii. 50), There is no evidence of his having .followed any profession, but allusions in his poems establish the fact that much of his time was spent in or near Edinburgh. In a sonnet by Alexander Montgomerie (1556 P- 1610?) [q. v.], written apparently about 1584, be is spoken of as * Old Scot/ and as then living* ; he probably died in that year or soon after. H e was married, but his wife eloped with a ' wantoun man.' Scott's extant work consists of thirty- six short pieces, the longest numbering a little over two hundred lines. They are pre- served only in the Bannatyne manuscript compiled in 1568 (now in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh). The earliest poem by Scott to which a date can be assigned is * The Lament of the Maister of Erskyn,' written in 1547. The two most important poems are^ < A New Yeir Gift to Quene Mary/ which throws much light on the -social me and lamentable condition of the people in 1562 ; and * The Justing at the Drum/ a clever imitation of ' Chrystis Eark on the Grene/ in which the practice of the tourna- ment is ridiculed. The rest of the poems, written in a great variety of measures, are for the most part amatory, A few, in a satiri- cal vein, are very coarse. All are marked by felicity of diction and directness of ex- pression; Scott is called by Pinkerton ' the Aaacreon of old Scotish poetry.' But among the -ancient minor poets of Scotland his place should be below Montgomerie. Allan, Bamsay first printed seten of Scott's poems in ' The Evergreen' (1724). An equal oumber was jpnted by Lord Hailes in * Ancient Scottish Poems: published from the Manuscript of GeorgtfBannatyne 7 (1770). Efteeft of the poems were included by Sib- bald in *A Chronicle of Scottish Poetry/ 1&02, 4 yols. Svo. The first complete edition of the poems was issued by David Laing, Edinburgh, 1821. All the pieces are printed m 'the transcript of the Bannatyne manu- script wade for the Hixnterian Club, Glas- gow, 1874r-81, A small edition was printed -at Glasgow in 1882 for private circulation. A modernised and expurgated edition was issued by William Mackean, Paisley, 1887. The latest edition is that of the Scottish Text Society, with notes and memoir by the writer of this article (Edinburgh, 1895). [The printed editions of Scott's poems.] J O N* SCOTT, ALEXANDER JOHN (1768- 1840), chaplain in the navy, son of Robert Scott, a retired lieutenant in the navy, and nephew of Commander, afterwards Rear-ad- miral, Alexander Scott, was born at Rother- hithe on 23 July 1768. In 1770 his father died, leaving his family in straitened cir- cumstances, and in 1772 his uncle, going out to the West Indies in command of the Lynx, took the boy with him. For the next four years he lived principally with Lady Payne, wife of Sir 'Ralph Payne (afterwards Lord Lavington) [o[. v.J, governor of the Lee- ward. Islands, who used to call him ' Little Toby.* In 1776 his uncle, Captain Scott, was posted to the Experiment on the coast of North America, where, in the attack on Sullivan's Island on 28 June, he lost his left arm, besides receiving other severe wounds, which compelled him to return to England and retire from active service. * Little Toby ' returned to England about the same time, and was sent to school. In 1777 Sir Ralph Payne procured for him a nomination to a foundation scholarship at the Charterhouse (admitted 5 Aug.), whence he obtained a sizarship at St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1786. He was of a convivial disposition, and ran into debt. A good classic, he abhorred mathematics, but he duly graduated B.A* in 1791. In the following November lie was ordained deacon to a small curacy in Sussex, and in November 1792 was ordained priest. But his college debts were pressing oa him; his uncle refused assistance, and in Fe* bruary 1793 he accepted the offer of a war- rant as chaplain of toe Berwick with CajH tain Sir Jona Collins, an old friend of his father. The Berwick was one of the fleet that went out to the Mediterranean with Lord Hood, and by the time she arrived oa the station Scott, who had devoted himself to the study of Italian and Spanish, had acquired a competent knowledge of both these languages. French he had previously mastered, so that he quickly became of special use to his captain in his intercourse with the Italians ana Spaniards. la March 1795 the Berwick was captured, but Soott happened to be oa leave at Leghorn, and shortly afterwards was appointed by Sir Hyde Scott Scott Parker (1739-1807) [q. v.] to be chaplain of his flagship, the St. George. Parker con- ceived a warm friendship for him, and em- ployed him as a foreign secretary. Subsequently Scott accompanied Parker to the West Indies in the Queen. At Ja- maica, by Parker's interest with the governor, he was appointed to a living in the island, oi the value of 500?. a year, tenable with his chaplaincy. In 1800 Parker returned to England, and Scott went with him on leave of absence, joining him in the London when he hoisted nis flag as commander-in-chief ot the fleet going to the Baltic. With his re- markable aptitude for languages, Scott, who already had a good knowledge of German, quickly picked tip Danish, and was at work on Russian. After the battle of Copenhagen he was employed as secretary to the con- ferences on shore, Nelson, who had known him in the Mediterranean, making a special request to Parker for his assistance. After- wards, when Parker was recalled, he refused Nelson's invitation to come to the St. George, saying that he could not bear to leave the old admiral at the very time when he stood most in need of his company.' Nelson made him promise that he would come to him when he could leave Sir Hyde. In the last days of 1801 he learned that his living in Jamaica would be declared va- cant if lie did not return at once. He ac- cordingly went out in the TSmeraire, and arrived at Port Royal on 6 April 1802, when he was appointed by Sir John Thomas Duck- worth [q. v.l to be chaplain of the flagship, the Leviathan, and despatched on a secret message to Cape Francais, to try and ascer- tain the intention of the French in sending an army of twenty thousand men to St. Domingo after peace had been concluded. He failed to solve that puzzle, but found that sickness had so disorganised the flench ranks that nothing was to be apprehended from them. While returning to the admiral in the frigate Topaze the ship was struck by lightning, and he was seriously injured, To phvsicaf trouble was added the worry of fining, on arrival at Kingston, that his living had been given away by the go- vernor. Meantime, however, the governors of the Charterhouse had presented him t to the vicarage of Southminster in Essex, which, he visite? early in 1808, after his passage home. Nelson, who visited him while both were stopping in London, persuaded bcott to go out with him when *ffiDfc**L to S? Mediterranean command in may icvo. jae sailed in the Amphion, from which he was transferred, oiF Toulon, to the Victory. As private secretary and interpreter he was awe to render Nelson efficient assistance in a pri- vate capacity. Officially, he was chaplain of the Victory, and nothing else. The arrange- ment by which Nelson paid him IQOZ. a year was entirely a private one. He was fre- quently sent, as though on leave, to Leghorn, Naples, Barcelona^ or other places ; ^and the readiness with which he gained admission to fashionable society enabled him to bring back important intelligence, or occasionally to obtain concessions which would certainly not have been granted on formal application. He continued with Nelson on this footing for the whole time in the Mediterranean, during the chase to the West Indies, and till he landed at Portsmouth on 20 Aug. ^1 805. Before the end of the month he again joined Nelson at Merton, and on 15 Sept. sailed with him once more in the Victory. On 21 Oct. he attended during the dying- ad- miral's last hours, receiving his last wishes. On the return of the Victory to England he attended the coffin as it lay in state at Greenwich, and till it was finally laid in the crypt of St. Paul's. . The only public recognition Scott received for his services was the degree of D,D. con- ferred on him by Cambridge on the royal mandate. The admiralty refused to acknow- ledge his unofficial services, and even stopped his time and pay as chaplain for the many weeks he had been absent from his^hip on leave. This was strictly in conformity with established usage, though the stoppage was eventually withdrawn. Scott settled down as vicar of Bctth* minster on a narrow income, scantily ex- tended by a small half pay. In 1816 Lord Liverpool presented him to the crown living of Catterick in Yorkshire, and at the same time he was appointed chaplain to the prince regent, which gave him the right of holduig two livings. From this time he lived prin- cipally at Catterick, engaged in the duties of his profession and accumulating a large library, mostly of foreign books. Among them were represented forty different Ian* ffuages, of many of which, however, his knowledge was very limited. He died at CattericS on 24 July 1840, and was buried in the churchyard of Ecclesfield, near Shef- field, on the 31st. InJulyl807hemamed Mary Frances, daughter of Thomas Byder, registrar of the Charterhouse. She died in September 1811, leaving two daughters, the younger of whom, Margaret, wife ot Dr. Alfred Gatty, vicar of Ecclesfield, is sepa- rately noticed [see GATTY]. [Becollectious of the Life of the Bev. A. J. Scott (by his daughter and son-in-lav, Mrs. mid Dr. Gtetty), mainly made up of Scott's letters Scott and diaries, quoted or paraphrased, and recol- lections of many friends of his active life. The memoir may be considered trustworthy so long as it speaks of matters that came under Scott's observation, and on which he was competent to form an opinion, but is somewhat discredited by the introduction of positive opinions on points of which he could know, nothing, e.g t the for- mation of the enemy's fleet at Trafalgar (p. 183) he being below in the cockpit in direct contra- diction of the account given by Collingwood; in- formation from Canon "W. Haig Brown.] J. K. L. SCOTT, ALEXANDER JOHN (1805- 1866), first principal of Owens College, son of Dr. John Scott (d. 1836), minister of the Middle Church, Greenock, by his wife Su- sanna, daughter of Alexander Fisher of Dychmount (Hiaw SCOTT, .Fasft*,ii.240),was born at that town on 26 March 18Q5. He was educated at the local grammar school and at the university of Glasgow, which he entered at the age of fourteen and remained there until he was twenty-one. Having graduated M.A. in 1827, he was about the same time licensed by the presbytery of Paisley to preach in the church of Scotland'. He had previously obtained a tutorship inEdiriburgh, where he attended medical classes at the university. His first sermon after he was licensed was preached for the Rev. John McLeod Campbell [q. y.l who heard him * with very peculiar delight/ In thefollow- ingyear (1828) he made the acquaintance of Thomas ErsMne [q. v.] of Linlathen, after- wards one of his closest friends, and of Ed- ward Irving [q. v.], who invited him to be his assistant in London. He accented the in- vitation, without binding himseli to Irving's doctrinal views. Soon after his settlement in London his sympathies were excited by the wretchedness and ignorance of the poorer population, and he spent the winter months in preaching and teaching among the poor of Westminster. Towards the close of 1829 he went to preach for McLeod Campbell at Row, and also at Port Glasgow, where his sermons on the Charisynctta or 'spiritual gifts ' of 1 Corinthians xii. led to an extra- ordinary exhibition of* speaking with tongues ' and 'prophesying in the church.' The move- ment and the so-called manifestations ac- companying it had great influence on Irving, much more than on Scott himself, who never felt the ' utterances ' to b'e convincing proofs of any genuine inspiration. The intimate con- nection -between the two divines was shortly afterwards severed, though their friendship continued to the end. In the summer of 1830 Scott received an invitation to the pastorate of the Scottish church at Woolwich. Scott The necessary ordination involved subscrip- tion to the Westminster confession of faith. This he ctfuld not give, and he thought it his duty to embody his objections in a letter to the moderator of the London presbytery, in which he stated his inability to assent to the doctrine that 'none are redeemed by Christ but the elect only/ as well as his conviction that the ' Sabbath and the Lord's day were not, as stated in the catechism, one ordinance, but two, perfectly distinct, the one Jewish and the other Christian.' He also avowed his doubts as to the validity of the presby- tery's powers in ordination. On 27 May 1831 he was charged with heresy before the presbytery of Paisley, and deprived of his license to preach, a sentence which was confirmed by the general assembly. Not- withstanding, Scott remained at Woolwich until 1846, as minister of a small congre- gation. Scott had always been an omnivorous reader and enthusiastic student of literature. In November 1848 he obtained the chair of English language and literature in Univer- sity College, London, and in 1851 was ap- pointed principal of Owens College, Man- chester, then recently established. With this post he held the professorship of logic and mental philosophy, of comparative grammar, and of English language and literature. Soon after his appointment he took part with the Rev. William Gaskell [q. v.] and others in starting the Manchester Working Men's Col- lege, an admirable institution, which WHS afterwards merged in the evening claKse at Owens College. The high standard at which the college curriculum was maintained dur- ing the institution's early days was duo to the influence of Scott and his follow profes- sors. He resigned the principalship m May 1857, but continued to act as professor until his death. As a lecturer he was engaging and inspir- ing, though too philosophic and profound to captivate a popular audience. J>r. W, B, Carpenter ' never heard any public spi*akttt who could be compared with him in masterly arrangement of materials, lucid method of exposition, freedom from all redundancy, force and vigour of expression, beauty and aptness of illustration/ His addresses were unwritten, an, but died at Veytaux on 12 Jan. 1866, and was buried in the ceme- tery at Clarens. He married Ann Ker at Greenock in December 1880, and had an only son, John Alexander Scott, B. A., barrister-at-law, who died on 9 Jan. 1894, aged 48; and a daughter, who is still living. Mrs. Scott died in De- cember 1888. A marble bust of Scott, by H. S. Leifchild, was presented to Owens College in 1860 by bis students and those who attended his voluntary lectures. This is engraved in Shaw's * Manchester Old and New/ ii. 93. Two chalk portraits, one by Samuel Lau- rence (about 1848) and the other by F, J, 5 Scott Shields, (1865), are hi the possession of his daughter, [Letters of Thomas Ersfcine of Linlathen, ed. Banna, 1878; Memorials of John McLeod Campbell, 1877; Mem. of Rev. Robert Story, 1862; Thompson's Owens College, 1886; articles by John Finlayspn in Owens College Magazine, vols. xiii.and xxii.; Life of F.D.Maurice,! 884, u 199, ii. 403 ; Kemble's Records of a Later Lite, ii. 283, 290 ; Journals of Caroline Fox ; Hughes's Mem. of Daniel Macmillan, 1882; papers on Irving by Dr. David Brown in the Expositor, 1887; Recollections of A, J. Scofct, G-reenock, 1878 ; Sunday at Home, 1881, p. 661 ; Manches- ter Examiner, 8 July 1880; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Mrs. Oliphant's notices of Scott in her Life of Irving (1st edit. ii. 103 seq.), although she ac- knowledges his 'power of impressing other minds around him, not only with his own marvellous powers of understanding, but with his profound spirituality and perception of divine things,' are unjust and misleading. A vindication of Scott appeared in the National Review, October 1862. Some information has been supplied by Miss Susan F. Scott and Mr. John Finlayson/J C. W. S. SCOTT, ANDREW (1757-1839), Scottish poet, son of John Scott, day labourer, and Kachel Briggs, was born at Bowden, Rox- burghshire, on 19 April 1757. Scantily edu- cated, he was for some time a cowherd, and then a farm-servant. At the a^e of nineteen he enlisted, and served with his regiment in the American war of independence. After the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, 19 Oct. 1781, he was for some time a prisoner of war in Long Island, returning to Scotland subsequently to the peace of 4 Jan. 1784. Being discharged, Scott settled at Bowden as a farm labourer, acting also as church officer for several years before his death, which occurred on 22 May 1839. He was married and had five children. His portrait was painted by George Watson (1767-1837) [q. v.] of Edinburgh. Stimulated in boyhood by the t Gentle Shepherd/ Scott was all through his mili- tary career a persistent versifier, and enter- tained his comrades with original songs. Sir Walter Scott, Lockhart, and others be- friended and encouraged him. A manuscript volume of his lyrics was lost by his com- manding officer, to whom the author had en- trusted it; but, although he could repro- duce only two numbers of the collection, his resources were not exhausted. Continu- ing to versify, he at length acted on the re- commendation of the Bowden parish mini- ster, and published a volume of lyrics in 1805 (2nd edit. 1808). In 1811 he issued ' Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect/ and two further volumes of a siimlar character Scott Scott in 1821 and 1826 respectively. If somewhat defective in form, Scott's lyrics display ob- servation, descriptive facility, and quick appreciation of the picturesque features of Scottish rural life and character. [Autobiographical Sketch prefixed to 1808 volume; Eogers's Modern Scottish Minstrel; Goodfellow's Border Biography.] T. B. SCOTT, BENJAMIN (1814-1892), chamberlain of London, son of Benjamin "Whinnell Scott, chief clerk to the chamber- lain of London, was born in 1814, and en- tered the chamberlain's office as a junior clerk. In 1841, on the death of his father, he succeeded him as chief clerk, and re- mained in the service of the corporation in that capacity during the chamberlainship of Sir James Shaw, Sir William Heygate, and Anthony Brown. On the death of Brown early in 1853, Scott received a requisition, as a liveryman of the Wheelwrights' Com- pany, to stand for chamberlain, the office being in the gift of the liverymen of the various companies. For nearly a century the post had been filled from the ranks of aldermen who had passed the mayoralty chair. Scott had for his opponent Alder- man Sir John Key [q. v,], who had been twice lord mayor (in 1830 and 1831). After a four days' poll, in which the expenses of the candidates together exceeded 10,000, Key was elected by the small majority of 224 votes. At the end of 1853, owing to the continued friction produced by the contest, Scott resigned his appointments under the corporation, and a year later became secre- tary of the new bank of London, which he had taken part in establishing. In July 1858, on the death of Sir John Key, he again became a candidate for the office of chamber- lain, and was elected without opposition. His knowledge of finance macle him espe- cially useful to the corporation. Cn Black Friday 1866, through his judgment in in- vestments, the corporation lost not a penny, although they had at the time 700,000 out on loan. In 1888 the common council acknow- ledged his financial services by a eulogistic resolution and the gift of 5,0(JQ The pre- sentation addresses which he delivered when honorary freedoms were bestowed by the corporation were marked by dignity and elo- quence. In 1884 he published for the cor- poration * London's Roll of Fame,' a collec- tion of such addresses with the replies during the previous 127 years. ^ For many years he devoted much spare time to lecturing to the working classes, and in December 1851 was the caief pro- moter of the Working Men's Educational Union, which was formed to organise lec- tures jtor workmen. For this society he wrote and published three * Lectures on the Christian Catacombs at Rome,' two ' Lectures on Artificial Locomotion in Great Britain,' and a ' Manual on Popular Lecturing/ He was a F.RA.S., and much interested in the study of astronomy and statistics. ^ In 1867 he published a ' Statistical Vindication of the City of London.' He was a staunch nonconformist, tempe- rance advocate, and social reformer; and exerted himself strongly for the abolition of church rates, the promotion of ragged schools, state education, and preservation of open spaces, Towards the endowment of the nonconformist church in Southwark in me- mory of the Pilgrim Fathers he contributed 2,000 He worked hard to promote the passing of the Oriminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, and published an account of his efforts in a pamphlet, 'Six Years of Labour and Sorrow.' He died on 17 Jan. 1892, and was buried in Weybridge ceme- tery with his wife, who predeceased him by three days. He continued the exercise of his official duties till within a short time of his death. He married, in 1842, Kate, daugh- ter of Captain Gle^g of the dragoon guards* Four children survived him. His other publications were : 1, ' The Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritans nor Per- secutors,' 1866 j 2nd edit, 1869. 2. ' Sugges- tions for a Chamber of Commerce for tlie City of London,' 1867. 3. < Municipal Go- vernment of London,' 1882. [Scott's Memorials of the Family of Scott, 1876 ; information supplied by J. B. Scott, esq. ; Bevie-wof Reviews, v. 139; City Press, 12 Dec. 1891 p. 3, 30 Dec. 1891 p, 3, and 20 Jan, 1802 p. 3 ; Guildhall Library Catalogue.] C, W-K. SCOTT, CAROLINE LUCY, LADY SCOTT (1784-1857), novelist, second daughter of Archibald, first baron Douglas (1748-1827), by Frances, sister of Henry, third duke of Buccleuch, was born on 16 BVb, 1784. She married, on 27 Oct. 1810, Admiral Sir George Scott, K.C.B., who died on 21 Dec, 1841. Lady Scott died at Petersham, Surrey, on 19 April 1857. She must be distinguished from the contemporary novelist Harriet Anne Scott, Lady Scott [q. v.] Her first novel, 'A Marriage in High, Life/ 1828, 2 vols., was edited by the au- thor of * Flirtation/ i.e. her relative, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury [a, v,] The plot is based on fact. The style is diffuse, but the interest is well sustained. Another edition appeared in 1857. Two other novels fol- lowed, likewise anonymously: *Trevelyan/ 1837 (Standard Novels, No, 58), reprintod Scott i in the Railway Library 1860; and 'The Old Grey Church ' in 1850. Lady Scott's suc- ceeding works have her name in the title- pages. They are : 1. * Exposition of the Types and Antitypes of the Old and New Testament/ 1856. 2. * Incentives to Bible Study ; Scripture Acrostics ; a Sabbath Pas- time for young People,' 1860. 3. * Acrostics, Historical, Geographical, and Biographical/ 1863. [Works in Brit. Mus. Libr. ; Lodge's Peerage, 1856, p. 189; Dod's Peerage, 1855, p. 482.] G-. 0. B. SCOTT or SCOT, OUTHBERT (d. 1564), bishop of Chester, probably a member of a family long settled near Wigan (Notes and Queries, 8th ser. viii. 218), graduated B.A. at Cambridge in 1534-6 as a member of Christ's College. He was elected fellow there in 1537. He graduated M.A. in 1538, B.D. in 1544, and D.D. in 1547. About 1544 Scot preached a remarkable sermon at St.. Paul's Cross, condemning the license of the times. In 1545 he complained to Gardiner, the chancellor of the university, of the performance at Christ's College of an interlude, called ^ammachius/ which re- flected on Lent fastings and the ceremonies of the church. He held a prebend in the Sepulchre Chapel in York Minster, and re- ceived an annual pension when that chapel was dissolved in 1547. He was rector o1 Etton in Yorkshire in 1547, and of Beeford in the same county in 1549. He appears to have assented to the religious changes of Edward VPs reign. Soon after Queen Mary's accession Scot was chosen master of Christ's College, 8 Dec 1553, and thenceforth took a prominent part in furthering the religious reaction. He was one of the Cambridge divines sent to Qxforc to dispute with Cranmer, Ridley, anc Latimer on the doctrine of the mass, and was incorporated D.D. there, 14 April 1554 In the same month Bonner made him a prebendary of St. Paul's, and towards the close of the year he became vice-chancellor of Cambridge. He held that office again in 1565-6* In the latter year he was nomi- nated by Paul IV to the see of Chester. Resigning the mastership of Christ's, Sco threw nimself energetically into the worl of his diocese, where his zeal provoked the admiration of his friends and the animosit; of his eilemies* In January 1556-7 Cardiria Pole placed him at the head of a commission to visit the university of Cambridge with th view of more completely re-establishing th Roman, catholic faith. Scot incurred grea obloquy by exhuming and burning th bodies of Martin Bucer and Paul Fagius, an Scott ecohsecrating the churches in which they ad been buried. Scot was a stout opponent of the early cclesiastical changes of Elizabeth, and spoke trongly against the royal supremacy and he new prayer-book. f He was one of those ppointed by the government to dispute on he controverted points between the Eo- manists and reformers at Westminster, Jl March 1559. He and his fellows, refusing o proceed with the disputation, were pro- nounced contumacious. On 4 April he was 3ound in 1,OOOJ. to appear before the lords of the council as often as they sat, and not without license to depart from London, "Westminster, and the suburbs, also" to pay such fine as might be assessed upon him* STKYPE). Unable or unwilling to pay this ine, fixed at two hundred marks, he was committed to the Fleet, and on 21 June the commissioners for administering the oath^of supremacy deprived him of his bishopric., After four years' confinement in the Fleet, Scot was released on his bond that he would remain within twenty miles' distance from Finchingfield in Essex, and make his per- sonal appearance before the ecclesiastical commissioners when summoned. Considering this a penal obligation and not a parole tfhonneur, he found means to escape to Bel- gium, and took up his residence at Louvain. After assisting his exiled fellow-countrymen in their controversial labours with the Eng- lish reformers, he died at Louvain ' on the feast of St.Denys/(90ct. ?) 1564 (MoLAircrs, Hist. Lovaniertsis\ and was buried in the church of the Friars Minor. Scot was characterised as 'rigid* and froward/ but he possessed much learning and eloquence, and held uncompromisingly by his beliefs. He published the sermon which he preached at Paul's Cross in 1544, and some of his speeches are preserved in Foxe and Strype. [Laxisdo^ne MS. 980, ff. 241-2; Cooper's Athense Catitabr, i. 233 ; Bridgett and Knox's Catholic Hierarchy; Machyn's Diary (Oamden Soc.) ; Lamb's Cambr, Doc. ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Foxe's Aetes and Mon. ; Strype's Works, index ; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. xii. 343.] F. S. SCOCT, DANIEL, LL.D. (1694-1759), theological writer and lexicographer, born on 21 March 1693-4, was son, by the second wife, of Daniel Scott, a London merchant. The family was probably a branch of the Scotts of Staplaford Tawney, Essex [for his half-brother, Thomas, see under SCOTT, JO- SEPH NICOL]. Daniel was admitted to Mer- chant Taylors' School on 10 March 1704, but left to be educated for the ministry under Samuel Jones (1680P-1719) [q,. v.] at Glou- Scott cester (where in 1711 he was the 'bed- fellow ' of Thomas Seeker [q.v.j, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury), and at Tewkes- j bury, where in 1712 Joseph Butler [q.v.] became his fellow-student. Seeker speaks highly of his religious character. From Jones's academy Scott proceeded to the uni- versity of Leyden, which he entered on ' 13 Aug. 1714, aged 20, as a student in theo- loy. He appears again as a student of medicine on 20 June 1718, aged 25. He graduated LL.D. at Leyden on 16 May 1719. He is said to have graduated LL.D. at Utrecht, but his name is not in the Utrecht 'Album Studibsorum,' 1886. While at Utrecht he became a baptist, and joined the Mennonite communion. He appears for some time to have exercised the ministry at Col- chester, and afterwards in London, but there is no record of his ministry. His main occu- pations were those of the scholar and the critic. His anonymous * Essay ' (1725) on the doctrine of the Trinity, elaborate and undoubtedly able, attempted the impossible task of a middle way between Ckrke and "Waterland, and satisfied nobody except Job Orton [q. v.l The first edition of the ' Essay ' is said to have been bought up and sup- pressed by Edmund Gibson [q.y.j, bishop of London. The notes to his version (1741) of St. Matthew show good scholarship ; he makes a point of proving that the Hebraisms of the New Testament have their parallels in classic Greek, and improves Mill s collec- tion of various readings, especially by a more accurate citation of oriental versions [see MIJ.L, JOHBT, 1645-1707] ; Doddridge, his personal friend, in his e Family Expositor, 7 refers to Scott's notes as learned, ingenious, candid, and accurate. His labours as a lexi- cographer were encouraged by Seeker and Butler, to whom he severally dedicated the two noble volumes of his appendix to Ste- phanus's * Thesaurus,' a work of great merit, which cost him several hundred pounds and injured his health. The letter A, which fills more than half the first volume, is the only part printed as originally drawn up, the re- mainder being condensed. Scott died unmarried at Cheshunt on 29 March 1759, and was buried in the churchyard on 8 April, His will, dated 21 April 1755, was proved on 12 April 1759 (P. C. C. 147 Arran ; cf. Notes and Queries, 7th ser. x. 57). He published: 1. hanus (1816-28) by Edmund Henry Barker q.v.], and is employed in the edition of Scapula (1820) by Bailey and Major* The British Museum catalogue erro- neously assigns to Scott a tract against Clarke, ' The True Scripture Doctrine of the . . . Trinity, continued,^ 1715, 8vo. This is the sequel to t The Scripture Doctrine of the ... Trinity vindicated ' (written before May 1713, with a recommendatory letter by Robert Nelson [q. v.] ), and erroneously as- signed to James Knigut, D.D. [Some Account, prefixed to Sherborne edi- tion of Scott's Essay; Gibbon's Memoirs of Watts, 1 780, pp. 886 sq. ; Protestant Dittsento's Magazine, 1705, p. 186 ; Orton s Letters to Dis- senting Ministers, 1806, ii. 136, 247 (needs cor- rection); Album Stttdioaorum Aendemise Lug- duno-Batavte, 1875, pp* 837, 858; Browne's Hist. Congr. Korf. and Suff* 1877, p. 26$ ; Not** and Queries, 8th ser. iv. 37; information kind iy furnished by Hardinge F Ctiffard, esq,, and by Dr. W. N. du Kieu, teyden*] A* G-, SCOTT, DAVID (1806-1849), painter, brother of William Bell Scott [a. v*] and the fifth son of Robert Scott [q. v.] the engraver, was born in the Parliament Stairs, High Street, Edinburgh, on 10 or 12 Oct. 1806, His father was a stern Calvmist, and the loss of his four elder sons by an epidemic when David was only a year old increased the gloom of a household where * merriment was but another name for folly ' (cf. SCOTT'S Memoir of David 8eott\ His melancholy- temperament sad morbid habit of self- anatomy were cultivated by the influences of his home, which, sometime after the birth of two brothers and a sister, was moved to St- Leonards, near Edinburgh, He was sent to school, but was chiefly instructed by his father, and learnt Latin and a little Greek. The chief amusement of the family was drawing, and among 1 the stimulants to David's active imagination were William Blake's illustrations to Blair's * Grave.* At this time he wrote many verses on such Scott Scott themes as time, death, and eternity. When about nineteen his father's health broke down, and for a short time he had to turn to engraving as a means of support for the family ; hut his heart was fixed upon imaginative design, and in a sketch, inscribed * Character of David Scott, 1826,' he has re- presented himself seated at the engraving- table with clenched hands and an expression of despair. He was soon allowed to have his way, and was one of the founders of the Edinburgh Life Academy Association in 1827. He set to work on a huge picture of 'Lot and his Daughters fleeing from the Cities of the Plain/ not finished till 1829. In 1828 he exhibited at the Scottish Academy ' The Hopes of Early Genius dis- pelled by Death.' To these pictures he added ' Fingal, or the Spirit of Lodi/ 'The Death of Sappho/ and * Wallace defending Scotland* (a small work), before he was elected an associate of the Scottish Academy in 1830. In 1831 he published six Blake- like designs in outline, under the title of 'Monograms of Man,' and in the same year he commenced twenty-five outline illustra- tions to Coleridge's ' Ancient Mariner.' These designs, which are of extraordinary power and in close sympathy with the weird ima- gination of the poet, were published by Mr. A. Hill of Edinburgh, and by Ackermann ' in London in 1837, but did not meet with the recognition they deserved. In 1832 he contributed five small plates to 'TheCasquet of Literary Gems/ and exhibited at the Scottish Academy * Sarpedon carried by Death and Sleep/ ' Nimrod/ ' Pan/ ' Aurora/ and a sketch of ' Burying the Dead.' In the same year his picture of* Lot' was rejected at the British Institution on account 01 its size. In the autumn of 1832 he went to Italy, where fresh disappointment awaited him. He was satisfied with none of the great masters. The frescoes of the Sistine Chapel appeared to him ^powerfully executed but full of defects/ His industry in Italy was prodigious, but his health was very weak. JSarly in 1833 he executed a series of very careful anatomical drawings from subjects in the hospital of the Incurabile, but; the principal result of his visit abroad was an. immense picture of 'Discord/ which was meant to typify by the rebellion of son against father the overthrow of the old order by the new. It was exhibited at the Scot- tish Academy in 1840 together with *Phi- loctetes left m the Isle of Lemnos/ ' Cupid sharpening his Arrows/ and 'The Cruci- fixion.' In the same year he sent to the exhibition of the Royal Academy the first of several pictures which he now painted VOfc. LI. from subjects in national history. This was ' Queen Elizabeth at the Globe Theatre view- ing the Performance of "The Merry Wives of Windsor." ' It was hung high and passed unnoticed, a circumstance which, coupled with the rejection, two years before, of his- 'Achilles addressing the Manes of Patroclus/ prevented him from ever sending another work to the London exhibitions, with the ex- ception of ' Pan ' in 1845. Soon after his re- turn to Scotland he set up a large studio at Easter Dairy House, near Edinburgh, where he painted * Peter the Hermit preaching the Crusades/ ' The Alchemist lecturinfinai support The acoustic properties were a source of anxiety. At first there was a decided echo with wind iiwtrunumts, but the introduction of a * velarium * below the true roof cured the defect. On !20 May lb7L Scott was made a companion of the Bath (civil division,). On 7 June 1871 Scott was promoted to> be brevet colonel, and on 19 Aug. of the same year he retired from the army a$ im honorary major- general, but continued in his civil appointment at South Kensington, Oa 3 Feb. 1874 he became an associate of the Institution of Civil Engineers; on 3 June 1875 he was elected a fellow of the l&yal Society, and the same year a member of a select .Russian scientific society, on wbich occasion the czar presented him with a snuff- box set with diamonds* Scott was for some years examiner in mili- tary topography under the military educa- tion department. I!e was awarded nwhtla for service rendeml to tlieGrt'ftt Exhibition of London in 18fc> the Prussian Exhibition of 1865, the Paris Universal Exhibition ofl87 the annual London international Exhibition ot fine arts, industries, and inventions, the Dutch Exhibition of 1877, and the Paris In- temational Exhibition of 1878, He received Scott 27 Scott in 1880 a silver medal from the Society of Arts for a paper entitled * Suggestions for dealing with the Sewerage of London/ and the Telford premium for a paper he con- tributed in the same year, in conjunction with Mr. GK R. Bedgrave, to, the Institution of Civil Engineers, on the * Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement. 7 He had pre- pared the plans for the completion of the South Kensington Museum, when, in 1882, the treasury, in a fit of economy, abolished his appointment as secretary of the Great Exhibition commissioners. This abrupt ter- mination of his connect ion with the museum ,and anxiety for the future of his numerous 'family helped to break down his health. He ^designed the buildings for the Fisheries Ex- hibition, bufc was too ill to attend the opening. lie died at his residence, Silverdale, Syden- liam, on 16 April 1883, and was buried at Highgate, Scott's life was devoted to the public service and the advancement of scien- tific knowledge, but he failed to secure for himself any benefit from his inventions, Scott married, on 19 June, 1861, at "Woolwich, Ellen Selina, youngest daughter of Major-general Bowes of the East India Company's service* She survived him with fifteen children, Scott contributed to the ' Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects * (1857 and 1872) and to the * Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers' (new ser. vols. vi, vu, x, xi> xii, xvii, xx) papers chiefly dealing with his discovery of lus new cement and the construction of the Albert, Hall. [War Office Eecords; Boyal Engineers* Be- cords ; memoir by Canon Daniel Cooke in the Boyal Bngineers 5 Journal, 1883; Sir Henry CoWs Fifty Ytars of Public Work, 2 vols, 1884.] B, H. V* SCOTT, HEW (1791-1872), annalist of the v Scottish church, son of Robert Scott, excise officer, was born at Iladdington on & Feb. 1791. He attended Edinburgh Uni- versity^ but graduated M*A, at Aberdeen. Per a time he found employment in collat- ing the old ecclesiastical manuscripts in the iiegister House, Edinburgh, where he was known as * the peripatetic index.' Licensed to preach by the Iladdington presbytery, be was ordained to a Canadian mission in 1*829 ; Jbut David Lafojj the antiquary persuaded Hm to remain in Scotland* He became assistant minister successively at Garvaid, Ladykirk, Cockpen, and Temple ; and in 1839 was preferred to the charge of West Anstru- ther, Fifeshire, where he died on 12 July 1872, He received the degree of BJ). from St. Andrews University, The labour of Scott's life was the ' Fasti Ecclesise Scoticanse/ 6 vols., Edinburgh, 1866-71. This, work gives a notice, more or less complete, of every minister who has held office in the church of Scotland from 1560 to 1839. On the score of exhaustive- ness and accuracy it is unique in ecclesias- tical biography. Scott personally visited nearly eight hundred parishes in search of material. Rewrote the whole of the ' Fasti ' on letter-backs, and used turned envelopes for his correspondence. With a stipend of less than 200/.a year he left about 9,000/., and bore part of the costs of publishing the 'Fasti/ He was an eccentric character, and curious stories are recorded of his miserly habits. [Gtotirlay's Anstruther, 1888; Conolly's Emi- nent Men of Fife, 1866 ; local information/! J, C. H. t SCOTT, STB JAMES (Jl. 1579-1 606), poli- tician, was the grandson of Sir William Scott or Scot (d> 1532) [q. v.], and eldest son of Sir William Scott of Balwearie and Strathmiglo, by his wife Janet, daughter of Lindsay of Dowhillj he was served heir to his father in 1579. In December 1583 his name ap- pears at a band of caution for the self-banish- ment of William Douglas of Lochleven ( Reg P. C. ScotL iii. 615). On 4 March 1587-8 he was called to answer before the privy council, along with the turbulent Francis, earl of Both well, and others, for permitting certain border pledges to whom they had become bound to escape (ib. iv. 258). At the coronation of the queen on 17 May 1590 he was dubbed a knight, but his enjoyment of the royal favour was of short duration. A catholic by conviction, and fond of fight- ing and adventure, he gave active and un- concealed assistance both to the Earl of Both- well and to the catholic earls of Angus, Enroll, and Huntly. He seconded Bothwell in his attempt to seize the king at Falkland Palace on 28 June 1592 (MotsiE, Memoirs, p. 95), and having, for failing- to answer con- cerning the * late treasonable fact,* been, on_ 6 June, denounced a rebel (JReg. P. C. ScotL* iv. 765), he on 10 Nov. obtained caution to answer when required, and not to repair within ten miles of the king's residence with- out license (ib. v. 21). At the convention of estates held at Linlithgow on 31 Oct. 1593 he was appointed one of the sham com- mission for the trial of the catholic earls (ib. p. 103), and, as was to be expected, favoured the act of abolition passed in their favour. It was probably through hip that Bothwell arranged his interview with the three catholic earls at the kirk of Menmuir in Angusia 1594, when a band was subscribed Scott Scott between them which was given into Scott's keeping (MoisiE, p. 121) ; but by the acci- dental capture of Bothwell's servant the plot was discovered, and Scott was immediately apprehended and lodged in the castle of Edinburgh, On 23 Jan. 1595 he was brought to the Tolbooth gaol, and kept there all night. On being interrogated he delivered up the band, and, according to Calderwood, made a confession to the effect that ' the king should have been^ taken, committed to per- petual prison, the prince crowned king, Huntly, Erroll, and Angus chosen regents/ Notwithstanding this extraordinary revela- tion,/ he was,* says Calderwood, 'permitted to keep his own chamber upon the 29th of January, and was fined in twenty thousand pounds, which the hungry courtiers gaped for, but got.not* (Hfotory, v. 359). Calderwood also publishes the heads of the band (ib. p. 360), and Scott's confession is fully noticed in the record of the meeting of the privy council of 11 Feb. (Reg,. P. 0. Scott, v. 205), Nevertheless the matter does not appear to have been taken very seriously by the council, it being only too manifest that if the earls had the will, they had not the power to effect any such revolution. On 25 Jan. Scott ob- tained a remission under the great seal, much to the chagrin of the ministers of Edinburgh, who desired the task of excommunicating him (cf. CALDEBWOOD, v. 365). On 29 Aug. 1599 he was required to give caution that he would keep the peace (Reg. P. C. Scotl. v. 748). If during the remainder of his life he eschewed entangling himself in politics, there is evidence that he remained, as heretofore, restless and unruly. Having on 6 No v. 1 60 1 been denounced for failing to answer a charge of destroying the growing corn of Patrick Pitcairne of Pitlour (ib. p. 301), he on 16 Oct. 1602 found caution in three thousand merks not to harm him (ib. p. 702). On account of his repeated fines, Scott was compelled to sell various portions of his estates, until in 1600 all that remained in his possession was the tower and fortalice of Strathmiglo, with the village, and the lands adjoining. On 13 Dec. 1606 a decree was passed against Mm lying .at the horn for debt (ib. vii. 251), and various other decrees at the instance of different co ; mplainers were passed on subse- quent occasions (t6.passira). Before his death the remaining portions were disposed of, and he left no .heritage to his successor. The downfall of 1 the family affected the popular imagination, and gave birth to traditions more oirless apocryphal. According, to one of these, although hia inveterate Quarrelsome- ness made him lose his- all, he was very mean and miserly j and on oneoccasion, while look- ing over his window directing his servants, who were throwing old and mouldy oatmeal into the rnoat, he was accosted by a beggar man, who desired to be allowed to fill his wallet with it. This the harsh baron of Bal- wearie refused, whereupon the beggar pro- nounced his curse upon him, and declared that he himself should yet be glad to get what he then refused. The date of his death is not recorded. By his wife Elizabeth^ daughter of Sir Andrew Wardlaw of Tome, he had two sons, William and James, and a daughter Janet, married to Sir John BosweU of Balmuto. [Reg. P. 0. Scotl. vols. vi-vni. ; Calderwood's H ist. of Scotland ; Moysi e's Memoirs ( Bun natyne Club); Leitih ton's Hist, of Fife; Douglas's Ba- ronage of Scotland, p. 306.] 1\ F, H, SCOTT, JAMES (known as FmKOY and as CROFTS), DUKE OF MOMOUTH ANBBuc- CLBUCH (1649-1685), born at Rotterdam on 9 April 1649, was the natural son of Charles II, by Lucy, daughter of Kichard Walter or Walters of Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire* Charles seems to have met Lucy Walters at The Hague, while she was fltili under the protection of Robert Sidney (third son of Bo* bert Sidney, second earl of Leicester [q.v.]), whom jMonmouth was said to closely refianvbl o (see CLABKB, Z>fe of James JJ, *. 491-2), Evelyn, who met her in Paris in August 1649, when she went by the name of Barlow, describes her as a * browne, beautiful!, bold, but insipid creature.' After a narrow escape from being kidnapped as an infant (Htroivk Life, pp. 9-12), James was taken to Pari in 1650, and in January 165G brought by his mother to England. Courted by the cava- liers, ' Mrs. Burlo ' was placed in the Tower with her boy, whom she declared to be the son of King Charles. On her discharges on 12 July there was found on her a grant signed ' Charles R* of an annuity of five thousand livres ( WHXTELOCXB, p. 649), Ex- pelled from England, Lucy repaired at once with her child to Paris j but before long she became completely estranged from Charles* relapsed into evil courses, and died, wrote James II, ' of the disease incident to that profession ' (for pedigree see Dwra, Heraldic Visitations of Wales, I 228; Note* and Queries, 2nd ser, iL 374-6, but cf, M&ctl- lama Qeneakg. et Kerald, 2nd ser, iv 265). After her death, the youth was entrusted to the charge of Lord Crofts, as whose kins* man he now passed, and by whose name he was known. His tutors were first an Eng- lish oratorian named Stephen Golfe or Gou#h [q, v.J, and then Thomas Iloss(& 1675) [q, vj Scott 2 According to James II (Life, i. 490) this last appointment was not made nor the boy r s instruction in the protestant religion begun till Charles II had resolved to send for him to England. In July 1062 ' James Crofts/ after being presented to the kin^ at Hampton Court, accompanied him to White- hall, where he was assigned apartments in the privy gallery. Grarninont describes the furore created by his reception, but con- trasts his deficiency in mental accomplish- ments with 'the astonishing beauty of his outward form.' As early as 31 Dec. 1602 Pepys mentions rumours of an intention to recognise him as the king's lawful son in the event of the marriage with the queen re- maining childless. Scandal asserted (GRAM- MONT, p. 295) that the Duchess of Cleveland for the sake of her children made love to him, and that this gave rise to the plan of marry- ing him without delay. According to Claren- don (Life, ii. 253~6),*Lauderdale, in order to baulk Albemarle's wish to secure this prize for his own son, suggested the choice of Anne Scott, by her father's death Countess of Buc- cleucli in her own right. She had 10,000. a year, besides expectations. Disregarding Clarendon's advice, Charles II resolved to follow French precedent, and own his natural son. Accordingly on 14 Feb. 16G3 Mr. Crofts' was created Baron Tyndale, Earl of Doncaster, and Duke of Monmouth (the title of Duke of Orkney having been abandoned) ; he received precedence over all dukes no1 of the blood royal (PEPYS, 7 Feb.), and on 28 March was elected a K.GL (CoLLiurs). On 20 April of the same year ' the -little Dukf of Monmouth' (PjfsrYS) was married to th< Countess of Buccleuch 'in the king's cham- ber,' and on the same day (CoLUNs) they were created Duke and Duchess of Bucclmich, and he took the surname of Scott. Already on 8 April 1663 he had been empowered to as- sume arms resembling the royal ; on 22 Apri 1667 the royal arms themselves with the usua bar were granted to him ' as the king's dear son' (&.) Honours military, civil, and aca demical were heaped upon himduringthe first decade of his dukedom. The fact that th<* king continued to ' doat 1 on his son (PEPXfi 20 Jan., 8 and 22 Feb. 1064), even so far a to bestow a place at court upon the youth' maternal uncle (&.), sufficiently accounts fo the repeated revival of the rumour as tc Ms intended legitimisation (id. 15 May an<^ 19 Nov. 1663, 11 Sept, and 7 Nov. 1667) and for the early suspicion that this fondness produced unkindness between the king an hia brother (to. 4 May 1663). Meanwhil Monmouth was always in action, vaultin and leaping and clambering' (ib. 26 Jul Scott 365), dancing in court masques (ib. 3 Feb. 365), acting with his duchess in the l Indian jmperor' (id. 14 Jan. 1668), and accom- any ing the king to Newmarket for racing, to >agshotfor hunting, and on divers royal pro- gresses (Historick ?/ so that during the latter part of September there were various rumours in London aa to his movements and intentions(c. VerneyMSS. in Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App* p. 475)- Ultimately he left for Holland at the close of the month, after an interview in Arlington Gardens with the king, who insisted cm his departure, bxit told him it should not be for long (&.) His submission to the royal wish had beenadvised by his whigfriends (&CTBKBT, ii. 238) At the Hague he seemed in a melan- choly mood, went twice to church on one day f and was feasted by the fanatics at dinner (SiDKBt, i. 154, 166), During this visit the nrst personal approximation between Mon- mouth and the Prince of Orange seems to have taken place (ib. i. 190, 194)* At midnight on 27 Nov., the Duke of York being now in Scotland, Monmouth, though he had in vain sought to obtain the royal per- mission for his return, reappeared in London, where he was received with much popular rejoicing (RBR338BY, p. 181 j EVELYN, ri. 359$ LtTTTEBLL, i. 29), The king immediately issued orders for Monmouth's' chief military and civil olfices to be taken from him, and Scott 3 for Monmouth to be formally sent out of the kingdomby order in council (Life of James II, i. 579 ; but see LUTTRELL, i. 26, 27). He re- fused to see the letter which Monmouth wrote in reply, or to be moved by Nell Gwyn's de- scription of the wan, pale looks of his un- happy son (1 Dec. 1679 ; Verney MSS. u. s. 478). Monmouth ha his turn courageously held his own, quitting Whitehall for his house in Hedge Lane, and declaring that he would live on his wife's fortune (Life of James II, u. s.) In the meantime he made the most of his opportunities, worshipping in St. Martin's Church so as to provoke a demonstration of sympathy (Vemey MSS.}, and paying his court to Nell Gwyn (SIDNEY, i. 207) and others of his father's mistresses (ib. p. 298). About the same time (30 Jan. 1680) he was said to be involved in two guilty intrigues, one with Lady Grey, the other with Lady Wentworth (ib. i. 263-4). Faction now raged among ' Addressers' and ' Abhorrers,' and in February 1680 the Duke of York returned from Scotland. London playhouse audiences clamoured against him, and vowed to be * for his highness the Duke of Monmouth against the world 7 (ib. i. 237), and in * An Appeal from the Country to the City,' attributed to Robert Ferguson [q. v.] (Ferguson the Plotter,}*. 42), which one Har- ris was unsuccessfully prosecuted for publish- ing, the succession of Monmouth was advo- cated on the ground that ' he who has the worst title makes the best king,' and that * God and my People* would in his case make a good substitute for ' God and my Right' (Life of Lord William Russell, i. 173). A design in which the Duchess of Portsmouth co-operated was talked of, to empower the king to name his successor (BURNBT, ii. 260-1 , :sf. SIDNEY, i. 15). But bolder projects were iiscussed in the' secret meetings by the chief Leaders of the opposition (RERESBY, p. 182), and it was determined to place the claims of Monmouth on a legal basis. Not a tittle of real evidence exists in favour of the supposed marriage between Charles II arid Lucwalters. Monmouth is said by Sir Patrick Hume (Marchmont Papers, vol. iii.) to have informed him, when about to start gu-the expedition of 1685, that he possessed proofe of ids mother's marriage, and Sir Pa- trick Hume may have told the truth. Nor can any significance be attached to the fact that in 1655, writing to her brother about Lucy Walters, the Princess of Orange twice referred to her as his wife (see HALLA.M'S note toComt. History f c. xii.) A story which ob- tained wide acceptance was to the effect that the contract of marriage between Charles and Lucy Walters was contained in Scott a black box entrusted by Cosin, afterwards bishop of Durham, to his son-in-law, Sir Gilbert Gerard. No proof of the existence of the box was given. The king remembered a report that Roas, Monrnouth's tutor, had actually, though in vain, sought to induce Cosin, whose l penitent' Lucy Walters pre- tended to be at Paris, to sign a certificate of the marriage (Life of James II, i. 491). Sir Gilbert Gerard was on 26 April summoned before the privy council, where he denied any knowledge of box or marriage contract (LirT- TRELL, i.42). Monmouth's partisans issued a pamphlet called f The Perplexed Prince,' and under the fashionable disguise of a romantic narrative which asserted the facts of the marriage Ferguson maintained the truth of the marriage story in able pamphlets feed FERGUSON, ROBERT, d. 1714]. Monmouth is said to have given Ferguson an annuity of fifty guineas. Ferguson's first pamphlet pro- duced a new declaration from Charles em- bodying the preceding two. In August of the same year Monmouth started on an expedition among 1 his friends in Wiltshire, Somersetshire, and Devonshire. Besides several smaller towns, Ilchester, II- minster, Chard, &c., he visited Exeter, where he was greeted by about one thousand ' stout young men.' Once in the course of this journey he touched for the evil. Dry den (Absalom and Achitophel,^\<. i.l. 741) cannot be wrong in supposing Shaftesbury to have suggested this quasi-royal progress, on which Monmouth was received with the utmost enthusiasm. In October he was back in London, where he still abstained from attending court (LxrT- TREIL, i. 56) ; on lord mayor s day he was received with loud acclamations in the city ( Verney MSS. u. s. p. 479) ; in December he was present at Lord Stafford's trial (Heroick Life, p. 105). The Exclusion Bill had now passed the commons, but had been rejected by the lords. Just before the prorogation (10 Jan. 1681) the former house, among a series of defiant resolutions, voted one demanding the restora- tion to Monmouth of his offices, of which he had been deprived through the influence of the Duke of York (Life of Lord Russell, i. 253). When a new parliament was sum- moned to Oxford, Monmouth's name headed the petition against its being held anywhere but at Westminster. At Oxford he appeared with a numerous following, and, like the other whig chiefs, kept open table, and did his best to secure the goodwill of the com- mons (LORD GREY, Secret History , p. 10). Shaftesbury's attempt to make the Exclusion Bill unnecessary, by inducing the king to name Monmouth his successor, having failed Scott Scott (NoBTH, Ecamen, p. 100), the Oxford parlia- ment was dissolved, and the reaction promptly set in. The protestant joiner, who in his dying speech represented himself as a kind of detective commissioned by Monmouth, was sacrificed, and Shaftesbury was put on trial for his life. Monmouth, like others, visited him on the night of his arrest (LTTTTRELL, i. 106): but .the tories still hoped to separate Absalom and Achitophei, as is shown by the mitigations introduced by Dry^den into the second (December) edition of his great satire (published November 1681, and itself tender towards Monmouth). Part of this year was spent by Monmouth at Tunbridge Wells (ib. i. Ill, 118); in October he threw up his Scot- tish offices, rather than submit to a parlia- mentary test ; in November, returning from a visit to Gloucestershire, he became one of Shaftesbury's bail (#. pp. 143, 147), whereby he incurred the renewed displeasure of the king, who appointed the Dukes of Richmond and Grafton to vacant appointments formerly held by their half-brother (REKESBY, p. 225 ; LTTTTEELL, i. 150). Monmouth continued to maintain his attitude of resistance, thereby causing great uneasiness to his father, who for a time even feared that the murder of Monmouth'sintimate friend, Thomas Thynne, wouldbe popularly construed as a design upon the duke's own life (REBESBY, pp. 225, 228). On the other hand, the university of Cam- bridge obeyed the royal injunction to deprive Monmouth of the chancellorship (April 1682), and burnt his portrait in the schools. His tenure of office had been chiefly signalised Tby his letter to the university, in reproof of the secular apparel which the clergy and scholars were beginning to wear (PLTTMPTKE, Life of Ken,) i. 48 note). Monmouth himself seems in May to have been willing to submit; but he contrived to insult Halifax as having thwarted him in council, and was conse- quently severely reprimanded, and excluded from association with the king's servants (REEESBY, pp. 250-1 ; cf. LTJTTEELL, i. 189, and Hist. MSS. Comm.tth Rep. App. p. 352). Yet in August it was once more rumoured that the king intended to take him back into favour (LtTTTEELL, i. 215). But Monmouth was not his own master. According to Lord Grey (Secret History, p. 15 seqq.) an insurrection had been mooted between Shaftesbury and Monmouth early in 1681, when the* king was again ill at "Windsor; in 1682, immediately after the election of tory sheriffs in July, Shaftesbury strongly urged the necessity of a rising, and it was with this view that a number of meet- ing* were held in the autumn (at one of which Monmouth and Russell agreed inrejeetingthe detestable* and 'popish' proposal to mas- sacre the guards in cold blood ; Life of Lord Russell, ii. 117), and that in September Mon- mouth went on a second progress in the west. On his return the insurrection was to be finally arranged, Sir John Trenchard [q. v.] having been engaged by him to raise at least fifteen hundred men in and about Taunton (GEBY, p. 18). Monmouth was met by multitudes at Daventry and Coventry (ib. i. 219), and he passed by way of Trent- ham, to Nantwich and Chester, where enthu- siasm reached its height, and he presented the plate won by him at Wallasey races to the mayor's daughter, his god-child, * Hene- retta'(.H&. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. p. 533). The progress ended by his arrest by the king's order in the county town of Staf- fordshire, of which he was lord-lieutenant. He arrived in London in the company of the serjeant-at-arms (23 Sept.), and, though he bore himself high under examination by the secretary of state, he was after some delay (Hist MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. p. 359), bailed out by his political friends (LUTTRBU,, i. 222 ; see ' The Duke of Monmouth's Oaae/ in Somers Tracts, viii. 403-5). Shaftesbury bitterly inveighed apaint Monmouth's irresolution, and urged him on his release to return to Cheshire and begin the rebellion. He declined, but took part in the * cabals' of Russell, Essex, and Sidney, who were hatching the plot for the murder of the king and the Duke of York. Accord- ing to the most probable version of thae obscure transactions, Monmouth knew of the design to take the king's life on hin return from Newmarket in October. But he pro- tested against it (cf. Life of Lord llmM, ii. 51), and fell in with Ferguson's device of preventing it by keeping up preparations for a general insurrection, and by diverting money from the murder scheme* Monmoutli appeared in the city on the night of the king's return, having at the same time pre- pared everything for escape should it prove necessary (Ferguson the Plotter, p. 77 eqq.) After the breakdown of the first feye House scheme Shaftesbury, who was in hiding, con- tinued to press for a rising, while Monmouth continued to maintain a consenting but dila* tory attitude. At the end of October or be* ginning of November were held the two fatal meetings at Shephard's house in Ab~ church Lane, at both of which Ferguson and Eumsey were present, as well as Monmouth and his friends [see RtrssBLt, WiLtuar, LORD RUSSELL]. At the earlier of these meet- ings the night'of Sunday, 19 Nov., was tod for the rising in London, and Monmouth's house was appointed as one of the meeting* Scott 33 Scott places of the insurgents (for farther details see GREY, p. 28 seqq, j Ferguson the Plotter, pp. 86 seqq.) At the second meeting at Shep- Imrd's it was announced that the preparations were incomplete, and the rising was again postponed. Hereupon Shaftesbury fled the country. His flight (28 N ov.), succeeded hy his death (21 Jan. 1 683), deprived the whigs of the only chief who could command the support of London: it also snapped the link between the 'council of six' (Monmouth, Essex, Howard, Russell, Hampden, and Sid- ney) and the assassination plotters. The two factions still carried on their designs sepa- rately, and Monmouth in February 1683 paid a visit. to Chichester, where he was preached at in the cathedral on the subject of rebellion, But about this time Ferguson returned to Lon- don. The ' council ' or ' cabal/ to which Grey, according to his own account (p. 43), was now admit ted, resolved upon the simultaneous out- break of three risings in England (London, Cheshire, and the south-west) and a fourth in Scotland. Monmouth and Russell insisted upon the issue of a declaration in conformity with their views rather than with the re- publican sympathies of Sidney and Essex, and it was agreed that on the outbreak of the insurrection in London Monmouth should at once start for Taunton to assume the com- mand there. Lord Grey adds (pj>. 61-2) that Monmouth privately assured him of his be- lief that the insurrection would lead to little bloodshed, and speedily end in an accommo- dation between king and parliament, and of his detestation of a proposal to murder the Duke of York. Monmouth knew of the as- sassination plot, and kept up relations with the plotters, but it cannot be known how far his conduct was the result, of impotence or of a formed design to frustrate the scheme of assassination. The king's unexpectedly early departure from Newmarket ruined the plot before it was ripe (March), and 1 June its ' discovery ' began. A proclamation appeared 28 or 29 June offer- ing a reward of 500Z. for the apprehension of Monmouth, Grey, Armstrong, and Ferguson (LutTBBLL, i. 263). A true bill for high treason wasfound against Monmouth 12 July (ib. D. 267), and a proclamation against the fugitives was issued in Scotland (ib. p.. 270). Monmouth's actual proceedings are obscure. Report (ib. p. 279) asserted him to be .at Cleyes, where Grey was officiously nego- tiating for his entry into the service of the elector of Brandenburg (GREY, pp. 69-70); his biographer, Roberts, who cites no autho- rity, states that he retired to Lady "Went- worth's seat at Toddington in Bedfordshire, and was then reported to have escaped, to YOL, LI, the continent from near Portsmouth (L 148). He is said to have chivalrously offered to give himself up if he could thereby benefit Russell, who in the same spirit refused the offer (Life o/JRu^ell, ii. 25). Burnet (ii. 411) says that he was on the point of going beyond sea and engaging in the Spanish service when, 13 Oct., Halifax discovered his retreat, brought him a kindly message from the king, and with some difficulty persuaded him to write in return, craving the king's and th^ Duke of York's pardon, but protesting that all he had done had been to save his father. On 25 Oct. Charles II met Monmouth at Major Long's house in the city, and left him not unhopeful of mercy ; at another interview on 4 Nov. he instructed Monmouth what to say to the Duke of York. Another letter, drafted like the former by Halifax, and couched in a tone of great humility towards the duke as well as the king, was accordingly signed by Monmouth on 15 Nov., and in a final interview at Secretary Jenkins's office on 24 Nov. Monmouth, in the presence of the Duke of York, revealed to the king all he knew concerning the conspiracy, naming those engaged in it, but denying all knowledge of the assassination project. He was then pro- mised his pardon : * The king acted his part well, and I too ; the Duke of York seemed not ill-pleased ' (ROBERTS, i. 152-62 ; COLLINS, iiu 376-8; WBLWOOD, Memoirs of Transactions before 1688, 1700 ; Life of James J/, i. 742- 743 ; cf. Ifat. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. p. 368; REEESBY, pp. 286-7; LUTTBBLL, i. 292). On the next day Monmouth was brought before the council and discharged from custody; his first visit was to the Duke of York, who took him to the king and queen (Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. p. 101). The former sent him a present of 6,OOQ/. (LTTTTRELL, i. 293). ' The king, however, ignored his promise to Monmouth (or what BURSTBT, ii. 411, .states to have been such), announced his confes- sion at the council, and even ordered the fact of it to be published in the * Gazette.* To his great chagrin, Monmouth, whose pardon had now passed the great seal, was thus exposed to the imputation of having confirmed the evidence given at the trials of Russell and Sidney. The Duke of York still continu- ing urgent, the king, at Ormonde's advice, called upon Monmouth to write a letter acknowledging his * confession of the plot ' (BTIBNET, i. 413) ; he complied, but was so perturbed by what he had done, that on the following day he prevailed upon the king to return him his letter. At the same time the king banished him from the court ([SPRA.T'B] True Account, &c., 1685; cf. Hist. MSS. Scott 54 Scott Comm. 7th Eep. App. p. 368 ; cf. REKBSBY, p. 288). After lodging for a time in Holborn and then at his country seat, Moor Park, near Hiekmansworth, Monmouth, though subpoe- naed on Hampden's trial, crossed from Green- wich to Zealand, where he arrived about January 1684 (LTTTTBELX, i. 294-5, 298). It is at least open to question whether he was not acting under advice from court ; he refused to go to Hungary into the^emperor's service, because it ' would draw him too far off 7 (Life of James II, i. 744). In March, April, and May he was reported to be living in great splendour in Flanders and at Brus- sels, provided with a command, an income, the title of royal highness, and his plate from England (LITTTEELL, i. 303, 30C ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Kep. App. p. 499). In Oc- tober he was living luxuriously as the guest of the Prince of Orange at Leyden and The Hague, and treated by him with marked re- spect (LTTTTEEIL, i. 318; cf. MACAULAY and Life of James II, i. 744-5). Shortly before the death of Charles II, Monmouth paid a secret visit to England, apparently about .the end of November 1684 (cf. Hist M88. Comm. 7th Rep, App. pp. 378-9) j and it was believed that had the king lived a little longer he would have taken Monmouth back into favour. But Charles II died on 6 Feb. 1 685, without recommending Monmouth with the rest of his natural children to his brother (EvELYff, ii. 444). Monmouth received the news with genuine grief, He was immediately banished from the Spanish Netherlands, whither he had with- drawn (LTTTTRELL, i. 333\ having been dis- missed by the Prince of Orange, so as to avoid a summons to give him up. According to Macaulay's authorities he pledged his word to the Prince and Princess of Orange to attempt nothing- against the government of England, and was advised by the former to serve the emperor against the Turks. Burnet asserts (iii. 14-15) that he was pre- vented by those around him from adopting so inoffensive a course. He was accompanied to Brussels by Lady Wentworth, who now lived with him as his wife. Monmouth had not engaged himself with the English and Scottish exiles before the death of Charles II. After the accession of James II he consented to see Sir Patrick Hume at Rotterdam, and discussed a con- certed plan of action between the other exiles and Argyll, Monmouth was soon ready to co-operate, and to conciliate republican feel- ing by promising not to claim the crown ex- cept by the common consent of those con- cerned, Ferguson wa&once more busy, and an interview between Argyll and Monmouth endedin anagTeementfor simultaneousaction, in Scotland and England under their respec- tive leadership (Marchmont Paper*, iii. 7-15; GBEY, p. 93). Meanwhile Monmouth hud been carrying on a correspondence with Eng- land (GREY, pp. 94-5). According 1 to Lord Grey, Monmouth and he determined to make the west, the scene of the English risiupr, and to land at Lyme Regis about the beginning of May, while other risings were to follow in London and Cheshire (i?>. pp. 99, 104-5), Though at the request of the English govern- ment the States-General consented to banish. Argyll, Monmouth, and Ferguson, the pre- parations were carried on with the conni- vance of the Amsterdam authorities. Tho money for Monmouth's expedition was pro- vided by pawning the jewels of the duk and his mistress, and by subscript ions from private friends, of whom Locke was one ; none eumo from England or from public sources. On 2 May Argyll sailed, leaving behind Fergu- son and Fletcher of Sultoun to share Man- mouth's fortunes. Thus the Scottish en- terprise forced the hand of the Kngliftlu Monmouth embarked at Santfort unmolested on 24 May* and six days later joined hia petty armada in the Texei. It consisted of a man-of-war, the IMderenhergh, and two tenders ; on board were Lord Grey, Fletcher of Saltoun, Ferguson, a Brandenburg oi!ie*r of the name of Buyse, with a f<>w other gentlemen and men, including Monnumth, eighty-three in all (MACAiruY; cf. FBUUVHOMT ap. ECHARD, iii. 756 7, and in $\*rt;itwn the Plotter, pp. 209-12; BraNHT,iii.2tttt.) Bud weather kept Monmouth nineteen day at sea. As he passed the Dorset shire coast, he sent Thomas Dare, who jxwst'ssed great in- fluence at Taunton, to announce his coining. On 11 June the expedition itself wa otF Lyme Regis, and in the evening Monmouth went ashore (BoiiKUTH, i, 220 seqq.) Hw declaration, composed by Ferguson, whitth was read in the market-place, claimed for him, as ' the now head and eaj*tam-g**riml of the protestant forces of this kingdom,* a 'legitimate and legal* right to the crown, but distinctly promised to leave the deter- mination of that right, to a free parliament (ROBERTS, i. 235-30 ; cf. KCHAKD, iii, 758- 700). The declaration reached London on 18 June, and three days later a bill of attain- der against him received the royal OR8t*nt, while a price of 5,000/. was placed upon his head (RBRESBY, k p. 832). Pour days were spent at Lyme, where Monmouth sojourned at the Ueorgtj Inn* Men came in fast, but though arm were landed for five thousand, they proved mostly StOtt 3 unsuitable (EcHAED, iii. 787). A brawl in which * old Dare ' was shot down by Fletcher obliged Monmouth to dismiss -the latter, his best officer (ft. p. 762). His worst was Lord Grey, who on Sunday, 14 June, being de- tached to Bridport against a body of Dorset- shire militia, contrived to spoil what might have proved an effective success (ib. p. 763 ; cf. Fox, History of James II, 1808, pp. 239- 240). . On 15 June, having learnt that the Devonshire militia under Albemarle and the Somersetshire under Somerset were marching on Lyme, Monmouth set forth at the head of from two to three thousand men, and all but crossed Albemarle on his march. He did not venture an attack (cf. DALBYMPLE, 4th edit. i. 134, in censure), but encamped between Axminster and Chard. On 18 June he entered Taunton (cf. TOTJLMIJT, Histonj of Taunton, ed. Savage, p. 429). His recep- tion here, including the presentation of colours by the ' maids of Taunton ' (ROBERTS, i. 304), marks the climax of his undertaking. The number of his followers under arms had now increased to seven thousand men, and at his first council of war it was decided to con- tinue the advance. On 20 June he was pro- claimed king of England at Taunton market- cross, after which he assumed the royal style, both in a warrant for the impressing of scyfhes and in a letter to his ' cousin ' Albemarle (ELLIS, Original Letters, 1st ser. iii. 340 f cf. DALBYMPLE, i. 175), was prayed for, and touched for the evil. To avoid confusion, his followers called him ' King Monmouth/ an odd designation which long survived among the people (MACAULAY). A price was put upon the head of James II as a traitor, and the parliament at Westminster was declared a traitorous convention. On Sunday, 21 June, leaving Taunton open to Albemarle, Monmouth moved on to Bridg- water, where he met with an enthusiastic reception, and was proclaimed king by the mayor. Thence he proceeded by Glaston- bury, to Shepton Mallet, where (23 June) he %st communicated to his officers the project of an attack upon Bristol, where the Duke_of Beaufort was about to assume the command of a garrison of four thousand men. The Avon was successfully crossed at Keynsham, but bad weather made a retrograde move- ment necessary, and after a slight skirmish with some king's horse, Monmouth, whether or not moved by Beaufort's threat to fire Bristol, decided to forego the attack upon that city, though it had been the object of his movements since leaving Lyme. He likewise rejected a scheme of . marching by way of Gloucester into Shropshire and Che- shire, electing, in the hope of reinforcements, Scott to make for Bath instead. But Bath re- fused to surrender (26 June) ; the promised "Wiltshire regiments failed to appear, and Monmouth sent his chaplain. Hook, to Lon- don to hasten the rising of his. friends (FER- GUSON, p. 233). But he was losing heart, and appears to have been at times in a state of nervous prostration (WADE ap. ROBERTS, ii. 16-17). The engagement fought by his force at Philip's Norton against the advanced gnard of the royal troops under his halt- brother, the Duke of Grafton, was on the whole successful (27 June) ; but at Frome next day he received the news of Argyll's defeat, and relapsed into despondency (Fox, p. 256). Many of his followers deserted, and a suggestion (according to Wade Monmouth's own) was momentarily entertained-that the duke and his original following should escape by sea to Holland (EcHARD, iii. 766). It was now reported that a large body of peasantry had risen in Monmouth's favour and flocked to Bridgwater. Hither accordingly his army marched from Frome. Bridgwater was reached 3 July, but the number of rustics assembled there was insignificant. Two days later the king's army under Feversham and Churchill, consisting of some two thousand regulars and fifteen hundred Wiltshire militia, en- camped on Sedgemoor, about three miles off. 3-Trom Bridgwater church tower Monmouth recognised the Dumbarton regiment, formerly commanded by himself; but the want of discipline in the royal army was thought encouraging. At 11 P.M. on Sunday, 5 July, Monmouth led his army without beat of drum by a circuitous route of nearly six miles to the North Moor, where about 1 A.M. they crossed two of the l rhines * separating them from the royal army. A third, which had not been mentioned to Monmouth, stopped his progress immediately in face of the royal troops, and the battle began. About two thou- sand of Monmouth's troops, largely Taun' on men, took part in it ; the infantry led by him- self behaved gallantly, but -his horse under Lord Grey was easily dispersed. Whether or not .urged by Grey, Monmouth rode off the field before the fighting was over, and left his soldiery to their fate. Half of them were cut to pieces (MACATTLAY'S note in ch. v.; Hardwire State Papers, ii. 305-14; ECHARD, iii. 768-70, and Ferguson thePlotter. pp. 234-8), Monmouth, Grey, and Buyse, -with a party of about thirty horse, rode hard from the field of battle in the direction of the Bristol Channel, it is said to within twelve miles of Bristol. Rejecting the advice of Dr. Oliver, one of the party, to cross into Wales, Mon- mouth, Grey, and Buyse then turned south. Scott Scott They slept in Mr, Strode's house at Down- side, near Shepton JVIallet, and then went on in the direction of the New Forest and Lymington. On Cranbourne Chase their horses failed, and disguising themselves as rustics they pursued their journey on foot, Grey soon separating from the others. ^ Next day one of the search parties under Richard, lord Lumley, afterwards first earl of Scar- borough [q. v.l, and Sir "William Portman (1641 P-1690) [q. v.] came on Grey, and the day after (8 July) on Buyse, and not long afterwards, at 7 A.M., on Monmouth, hidden in a ditch. From Ringwood, whither he was taken with the other prisoners, Monmouth was carried under the guard of Colonel Leg^e, who had orders to stab him in case of dis- turbance, by Farnham and Guildford to Vauxhall, whence a barge conveyed him to the Tower. Hither his children had preceded him, voluntarily followed by their mother. Monmouth, whose courage had collapsed at the actual time of his capture (!)AL- BTMPIE, i. 141, and .), before leaving Ring- wood addressed to the king a letter (pub- lished at the time, and repr. in Life of James II, pp. 32-3; ECHARD, ni. 771, &c.), in which, with many servile protestations of re- morse, he entreated an interview in order to give to the king information of the xitmost importance. This possibly reckless assertion has been variously interpreted to have re- ferred to the Prince of Orange (cf. DAL- KTMPLB, u.s.) and to Sunderland (cf. MAO PHERSON, Original Papers, i. 146; Life of James II, ii. 34-6; Fox, p. 269). Mon- mouth also wrote from Rmgwood to the queen dowager and to Rochester (ELLIS, Original Letters, 1st ser. iii. 343 ; Clarendon Correspondent ce, ed. Singer, i. 1 43). James II granted the interview demanded, and it took place on the afternoon of the day of the pri- soner's arrival, at Chiffinch's lodgings (Liven of the Norths, ii. 6 n.) Monmoutn seems to have striven to exaggerate the humiliation of his position. The king's account of the interview (Life, ii, 36 seqq,), though devoid of generosity, bears the aspect of truth; it seems to imply, in accordance with the state- ment of Burnet (iii. 53), that already on this occasion Monmouth offered to become a catho- lic. He was reminded by Dartmouth that his having declared .himself king left him no hope of pardon, and the act of attainder pre- viously passed against him made any trial unnecessary. His execution was fixed for the next day but one after his committal to the Tower. His appeal to the king for a short respite, even of a day, was refused (Ems, Original Letters, 1st ser. iii. 346 ; Clarendon Correspondence, i, 144-5). It was dated 12 July, and advised the king to send troops into Cheshire (see Original Letters of the Duke of Monmouth, in the Bodleian Library, edited by Sir George Duckett for the Ctimden Society, 1879). To the bishops, Turner and Ken, who visited him, while seeking to avoid discussion of his political conduct, he spoke with sorrow of the bloodshed it had occa- sioned (BtTRNET, iii. 5t'W3) ; and, probably for his children's sake, declared in writing that Charles II had often in private denied to him the truth of the report as to the mar- riage with his mother, as well as that the title of king had been forced upon himself* On the other hand he refused to avow regret for his connection with Lady Wentworth, which he maintained to be morally blameless. Under these circumstances the bishops felt unable to administer the sacrament to him (EVELYN, ii. 471). He was more yielding towards Tenison, then vicar of St. Martin's, who at his request attended him early on the day of his death, but he too \vithfi*ld the sacrament. On the same morning ( Wed m>s- day, 15 July) Monmouth took leave of his children and their mother ( HOB RIOT, H. U&- 134; DALRYMPLB, i. 144; tiidnfy VorrwjMn-> $>wev,i.4tt.,26and.; BuRNtiT,L479; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rtp. App. pp. 204, 2CJ5, 5&K, 285). On the scalfold he avowed himself a member of the church of England, hut de- clined specifically to profess the doctrin* of non-resistance or to utter a 'public uiul pur* ticular' condemnation of his rebellion. He attempted once more to vuulinnt hia relation with Lady Went worth; aft or some hesitation responded by an *Amen* to u xwpeuttu! invi- tation to join in a prayer for tm king; r*~ fused to make a dying speech, and hu Ketch) bungled lit ft work, According to a trustworthy eye-wit new, h(* tit ruck thes duke five blow and ( severed not hw head from his body till he cut it off with his knife * (Vemey MSS.) His remains were buried under the communion-table of St. IVter'a Church in the Tower (>fACAU LA T ; ftmntr* Tracts, i. 216; cf. TOULMIK, pp. 40,% ftOQ; PLtrarTBE, tife of Ken, I 217 *etm.) The abstract of his spj-Jtich on the acaifblu pub* lished by his partisans seems fiction. The duke had by his wife four sons and two daughters* One of the latter died m the Tower in August 1685. Of the aona. James, earl of Dalkeith, and Henry, cratted earl of Delorainfc in 1700, survived their father. The latter is noticed sapuiratety, James, the elder son (1674-1705), nmrmd in 1693 Henrietta, dauffhtw of Laurence Hyde, first earl of KocWter [q. v,] ; he was buriedin Westminster Abbey m March 1706, *, Scott 37 . Scott leaving a son Francis (d. 1751), who suc- ceeded his grandmother (Monmouth's widow) as second duke of Buccleuch^ and was grand- father of Henry Scott, third duke of Buc- cleuch [q. v.] Monmouth's widow became on 6 May 1688 the wife of Charles, third lord Cornwallis (COLLINS) ; she was much "beloved by Queen Caroline when Princess of "Wales (see LADY COWPEE, Diary, 1716, p. 125), and died, aged 81, on 6 Feb, ' 1731-2. In the spring of 1686 Lady Wentworth died at Toddington Manor, in an old plan of which two adjoining rooms are stated to be called *the Duke of Monmouth's parlour' and 'my lady's parlour' (liXBQ88 t Maffna Britannia, i. 143). Macaulay has collected proofs of the at- tachment of the- west-country people to Mon- mouth's name, and of the credulity with which it waa intermixed (see also ELLIS, Correspon- dence (1829), i. 87-8, 177). The popular in- at inct rightly recognised the significance of the cause which he so imperfectly represented ; but he had in him many popular qualities and some genuine generosity of spirit. His personal beauty and graces, his fondness for popular sports, especially racing, which he loved as a true son of his father, and his bravery in war, were his chief recommenda- tions to general goodwill ; his intellect seems to have been feeble. But he was brought to ruin by , his moral defects, reckless ' ambition and wont of principle '"(EVELYN, ii. 471).^ The National Portrait Gallery contains two portraits of him, one by Sir Peter Lely, the other by his pupil, W. Wissing, who drew Monmouth several times. His house in Soho Square, which suggested the watchword 1 Soho ' on the night of the march to Sedge- moor, was pulled down in 1773, his name surviving, not very creditably, in that of the neighbouring Monmouth Street (WALPOBDj Old and, New London^. 186-7> [G. Boberts's- Life, Progresses, and ^Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth (2 vols,, 1844), is a biography of rare industry and completeness, though occasionally dencient in vigour of judgr met. There is also a life of Monmouth in Oullins's Peerage of England {5th >ed.), ni.'365- 3$7. The Historical Account of the Heroick Life and Magnanimous Actions of the Duke of IVlonmouth, &c., is & partisan panegyric, pub- lished in 1683. The other authorities are cited above.] ( .A.W.W. SCOTT, JAMBS, D.D. (1733--1814), political writer, son of James Scott, incum- bent of Trinity Church, Leeds, and vicar of 'Bardsey, Yorkshire, by Annabella, daughter of Henry, fifth son of Tobias Wickhanij .dean of York, -was born at Leeds in 1733. He was educated at Bradford grammar school, St. Catharine Hall and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1757, proceeded M.A, in 1760, B.D. in 1768, and D.D. in 1775. He was thrice successful in the competition for the Seatonian prize, was elected fellow of Trinity College in 1758, and was a frequent and admired preacher at St. Mary's between 1760 and 1764. He was lecturer at St. John's, Leeds, between 1758 and 1769, and curate of Edmonton between 1760 and 1761. In 1765, under the inspira- tion of Lord Sandwich and the pseudonym of * Anti-Sejanus,' he contributed to the 'Public Advertiser* a series of animated diatribes against Lord Bute, which were re- printed in 1767 in ' A Collection of Interest- ing Letters/ He was also the author of the pieces signed * Philanglia ' which appear in the same collection, and of others published with the signature of 'Old Slyboots ' in 1769, and collected in * Fugitive Political Essays/ London, 1770, 8vo. In 1771, through Lord Sandwich's interest, he was presented to the rectory of Simonburn, Northumberland, where he spent twenty years and 10,000/. in endeavouring to get in his tithes. Worsted at law, some of his parishioners at length, made a determined attempt on his life, upon which he removed to London, where he died on 10 Dec, 1814, By his wife Anne, daugh- ter of Henry Scott, who survived him, he left no issue. Besides his political jeux tf esprit and his Seatonian poems, ' Heaven/ * Purity of Heart : a Moral Epistle/ and * An Hymn to Repent- ance' (Cambridge, 1760-3, 4to), Scott was author of: 1. 'Odes on Several Subjects/ London, 1761, 4to. 2. 'The Redemption: a Monody/ Cambridge, 1763-4, 3. * Every Man the Architect of his own Fortune, or the Art of Rising in the Church/ a satire., London, 1763, 4to ; and 4. * Sermons on Interesting Subjects-' (posthumously with his * Life l)y Samuel Glapham), London, 1816, avo. [Thoresb/s Ducat. Leod. ed. Whitaker, i. 68; James's Bradford, pp. 245, 435; Grud. Cast.; Gent, Mag. 1814 n. 601, 1816 ii. 527; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. ix. 125, 724 ; lllustr. Lit. vii. 450; Walpole's Mem. Geo. Ill, ed. Russell Barker, ii. 191.] J. M, R. SCOTT, SIB JAMES (1790 P-1872), ad- miral, son of Thomas Scott of Glenluce iu, "Wigtownshire, and of Ham Common ia Middlesex, a cadet of the Scotts of Raebwn, was born in London on 18 June, probably in- 1790. He entered the navy in August 1803 on board the Phaeton, witn Captain, after- wards Sir George Cockburn (1772-1853) [q. vA and served in her for two years on. the East India station, In February 1806 Scott Scott he joined the Blanche with Captain Lavie, and was present at the capture of the French frigate Gaierriere near the Faroe Islands on 19 July. In September 1806 he was entered on board the Captain, again with Cockburn ; and in July 1807 in the Achille, with Sir Richard King. In April 1808 he rejoined Cockburn in the Pompe*e, and in her went out to the West Indies, where, in February 1809, he took part in the reduction of Mar- tinique. He came home with Cockhurn in the Belle-Isle, and under him commanded a gunboat in the reduction of Flushing in July and August. On 16 Nov. 1809 he was pro- moted to be lieutenant of La Fleche, in the North Sea, and was in her when she was wrecked off the mouth of the Elbe on 24 May 1810. In July he was appointed to the Bar- fleur on the Lisbon station, and in October was moved into the Myrtle, in which he seTedat the siege of Cadiz, and afterwards on , the west coast of Africa till April 1 812. He was then appointed to the Grampus, again with Cockburn, whom in August he followed to the Marlborough. In November that ship went out to the coast of North America, where Cockburn, with his flag in the Marl- borough, and afterwards in the Sceptre and Albion, had command of the operations in the Chesapeake. Scott, closely following the admiral, was constantly employed in landing parties and cutting-out expeditions ; and acted as the admiral's aide-de-camp at Bladensburg, Washington, and Baltimore. In consequence of Cockburn's very strong recommendation, Scott was promoted to be commander on 19 Oct. 1814. In May 1824 he commanded the Meteor bomb in the demonstration against Algiers [see NEALE^SIR HABRY BXTEEAKT)], and in the following November was appointed to the Harlequin in the West Indies. He was promoted to be captain on 8 Jan. 1828. From 1834 to 1886 he commanded the President in the West Indies, as flag-captain to Cockburn; and from 1837 to 1840 the President again, in the Pacific, as flag- captain to Kear-admiral Hoss. In 1840-1 he commanded the Samarang on the China station, and had an active and important share in the several operations in the Canton river, leading up to the capitulation of Canton. He was nominated a C.B. on 29 June 1841. He had no further service, "but was promoted in due course to be rear- admiral on 26 Dec, 1854, vice-admiral on 4 June 1861, and admiral on 10 Feb. 1865. On 10 Nov. 1862 he was nominated a K.C.B. In accordance with the terms of the orders in council of 24 March 1866, as be had never hoisted his flag, he was put on the retired list. Against this and the re- trospective action of the order he protested, in vain. He died at Cheltenham on 2 March 1872. He married in 1819 Caroline Anne, only child of Richard Donovan of Tibberton Court, Gloucestershire, and had issue one son. [O'Byrne's Nav. jBiogr. Diet.; Memorandum of Services, drawn up in 18-16, and printed, with remarks, in 1866, in the intention (afterwards postponed indetinite'y) of bringing his case before the House of Commons ; Times, 9 March 1872; information from the family; cf. art. NIAS, SIB JOSEPH.] J. K. L* SCOTT, JAMES EGBERT HOPE- ( 181 2-1873), parliamentary banister. [See HOPE-SCOTT,] SCOTT, SIR JAMES SIBBALD DAVID (1814-1886), bart., of Dunninald, Forfar- shire, antiquary, born on 14 June 1814, was eldest son of Sir David Scott of Egham, nephew and successor of Sir James Sfbbald of the East India Company's service, who was created a baronet in 180(1 The mother of Sir Sibbald Scott was Caroline, daughter of Benjamin Grindall, a descendant of Eliza- beth's archbishop. He graduated B.A. in 1835 from Christ Church, Oxford, was a captain in the royal Sussex militia artillery from 21 April 1846 to 22 Jan. 1856, succeeded to the baronetcy in 1851, was J.P. and D.L. for Sussex anil Middlesex. He was a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and an active member of the Royal Archaeological Institute. Various contributions from him are to be found in volumes xxx-xxxiii. and xxxix. of its journal. His chief -work was * The British Army : its Origin^Progress, and Equipment,' a store- house of information on military matters, copiously illustrated. The first two volumes were published in 1868, and a third volume in 1880, bringing down the record from the restoration to the revolution of 1(188. ^ In the summer of 1874 he paid a short visit to Jamaica, and his diary was published in 1876 under tlie title 'To Jamaica and Back.' It contains a sketch of the military and naval history of the island, and describes in some detail the outbreak of 1805. He died on 28 June 1885 at Upper Nor- wood. His wife, whom he married on 28 Nov. 1844, is noticed separately [see SCOTT, HARRIET ANNE]. By 'her he aad three sons and four daughters. [Burke's Baronetage ; Times Obituary, 30 June 1885.] B.M. L. SCOTT or SCOT, JOHN (ft. 1530), printer in London, may, as Herbert suggests, have been an apprentice of Wynkyn de Scott 39 Scott Worde. His first book, ' The Body of Policie,' was issued in May 1521, when he was living 'in St. Pulker's parisshe without Newgate. It is clear that about this time, besides printing books in his own name, he printed some for Wynkyn de Worde. In 1528 he was printing in St. Paul's Churchyard, and eight books are known bearing this address, though only two are dated. In 1537 he had removed to ' Fauster ' Lane in St. Leonard's parish, where he printed six books, among them being the ballad of the battle of Agincourt and the still more celebrated ballad of the Nutbrowne Maid/ He also^ was for a time living * at George Alley gate' in St. Bptolph s parish, but the only book known printed at at this place is undated. At the present time twenty-five books are known to have been issued by this printer, all of them being of extreme rarity. His disappearance in 1537 and the appearance of another printer of the same name at Edinburgh in 1539 have led to their being often mistaken for the same man, but the cbaract eristics of their work show that the two printers are distinct [see SCOTT or SCOT, JOHN, f,. 1550]. [Herbert's Typogr. Antiq. i. 317-18J E. Gr. D* gCOTT or SOOT, JOHN (/. 1550), printer in Scotland, has been considered by many writers as identical with the John Scott or Scot (Jl. 1530). [q.v.] who printed in London. Though one or two coincidences lend a,cer- tain appearance of probability to this theory, there is now little doubt that the two men are distinct. The Scottish printer appeared in Edinburgh in 1539, wnen he obtained a grant of some rooms' in the Cowgate, but for some time after we hear nothing of him as a printer. In 1547 he was in Dundee, for letters were issued in that year to John Scrymgeour, constable of Dundee, ordering Ijis arrest, though for what -ofi'enee is not stated- In 1552 Scot's -first dated book was issued, the catechism of Archbishop Hamil- ton. This was printed at St. Andrews,doubt- less in order that the work might be done under the personal superintendence of the archbishop, For a few years Scot worked on steadily at St. Andrews anil Edinburgh; but in 1562, while printing the * Last Blast of the Trumpet * by Ninian, Winzet [q.-yj, the Roman catholic schoolmaster of Lmlithgow, a raid was- made upon his office, by the magi- strates of Edinburgh, the book seized, and the printer dragged off to prison. His print- ing materials seem also to have been im- pounded and given two years afterwards to Thomas" Bassandyne, another printer. By- some means they seem to have found' their way again into Scot's hands, for in 1568 he printed an edition of the works of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, at the expense of Henry Charteris, an Edinburgh merchant. This was followed by another edition of the same work in 1571, the last dated book printed^by Scot. Altogether twelve books are known by this printer, but there is ^no doubt that he produced many more which have disappeared. Their ephemeral nature and strong controversial tendency favoured their destruction. [JEdmond and Diekson's Annals of Scottish Printing, pp. 150-97.] & GK D. SCOTT or SCOT, SIB JOHN (1585-1670), of Scotstarvet, or more properly Scotstarver, Scottish lawyer and statesman, was the only son of Robert Scot the younger of Knights- Spottie in Perthshire, representative in the male line of the Scots of Buccleuch. Robert Scot succeeded to the office of director of chancery on the resignation of his father, Robert Scot the elder of Knights-Spottie, but, falling into bad health, resigned the office in 1582 in favour of his father, its former holder. Robert Scot the elder iu 1592 again resigned the office to a kinsman, William Scot of Ardross, on condition that his grandson, John Scot, the'subjefct of this article, should succeed to it on attaining ma- 'j.^. I.' 1. 1^. Jl J : 1AA6 'Tli a. Ai-mn+ /%_ jonty. which he did in 1606. The director- ship of chancery, which had been long in the Scot family, was an office of importance and emolument ; for though the .Scottish chan- cery did not become, as in England, a sepa- rate court, it framed and issued crowa char- ters, brieves, and other crown 'writs. The possession, loss, and efforts to regain this office played a large part in the career of Sir John. He was educated at St. Leonard's College, St. Andrews, which he appears to have entered in 1600, for he describes him- self in the register of 1603 as in his third year. After leaving St. Andrews he went abroad to study, and on his return was called to the bar in 1606. In 1611 he acquired Tarvet and other lands in Fife, to which he gave the name of "Scotstarvet, and six years later he was knighted and made a privy- councillor by James VI, in whose honour he published a Latin poem, * Hodceporicon in fcerenissimi et ihvictissimi Principis Jacobi Sexti ex ScotiH su& discessum/ In 1619 he had a license to go for a year to Flanders and other parts (P. C. Reg. xiL 787), In 1620 he endowed the professor- ship of humanity or Latin in the university of St. Andrews, in spite of the opposition of the regents of St. Salvator, the first of many acts of liberality to learning. He did Scott Scott not practise much, if at all, at the bar, hut recommended himself to Charles I by a sug- gestion for increasing the revenue by altering 1 the law of feudal tenure. He became in 1629 an extraordinary, and in 1632 an ordinary, lord of session under the title of Scotstarvet. He was one of many Scottish lawyers and lairds who accepted the covenant, which he subscribed at his parish kirk of Ceres on 30 April 1638, and in the following- Novem- ber he declined to sign the king's confession. In 1(MO he served on the committee of the estates for the defence of the country. In, 1641 he was, with consent of the estates, reappointed judge by a new commission. During the war between England and Scot- land he served on the war committee in 1648 and 1649. During the Commonwealth he lost the office both of judge and director of chancery. He made many appeals to be re- stored to the latter as an administrative, and not a judicial, office ; but, although he ob- tained an opinion in his favour by the com- missioners of the great seal, Cromwell gave it in 1652 to Jeffrey the quaker, who held it till the Restoration. Scot, through Monck, again appealed to Cromwell for the reversion of the office if Jeffrey died. Cromwell fined him 1,500/. in 1654 for his part in the war. But his later correspondence with Crom- well did not improve his character with the royalists, and on the Restoration he was fined 500/., and was not restored to the office of judge or that of director of chancery, which was conferred on Sir William Ker, who,, he'Jndignantly said, * danced him out of it, being a dextrous dancer/ Sir James Balfourwell describes Scot's public character in a few words : ' He was a busy man in troubled times.' But in spite of his mis- fortunes, Scot did not cease to be busy when peace came. He returned to Scotstarvet, where he engaged in literary work and correspondence. There he diecl in 1670, f Scot was thrice married : first, to Anne, sister of William Drumniond [q. v.] of Haw- thornden. the poet, by whom he had two sons and seven daughters; secondly, to Margaret, daughter of Sir James Melville of Hallhill; and thirdly, to JMargaret Monpenny of .Pitmilly, widow of Kigg of Aitherny, by each of whom he had one. son. The son by his second wife, George Scott (d. 168o), is separately noticed. ^ Sir John's male de- scendants became extinct in the person of Major-general John Scot, M.R for Fife, his great-great-grandson, who, at his death on 24 Jan. 1776, was reputed the richest com- moner in Scotland. The general's fortune passed chiefly to his eldest daughter, who jwurfed Ure Duke of Portland, but the estate of Scotstarvet was sold to Wemyss of We- myss Hall. Its tower, which ftir John built, still stands, and the inscription, with his initials and those of his first wife, Anne Drummond, as the builders, and its date (1627) are carved on a stone over the door. Scot consoled himself for his disappoint- ment in losing office by composing 'The Staggering State of Scottish Statesman be- tween 1550 and 1 050.' In it he endeavoured to show the mean arts and hapless fate of all those who secured offices, but it was not published until a hundred years after his death (Edinburgh, 1754, 8vo), so can only have been a private soluce to himself and a few friends for whom manuscript copies were made. A more honourable resource was the public spirit which led him to de- vote the most of his time and a large part of his fortune to the advancement of learn- ing and the credit of his country in the republic of letters. The tower of Scots- tarvet became a kind of college, where he attracted round him the learned Scotsmen of the time, and corresponded with the scholars of Holland, Caspar Bariums, Isaac Gruterus, and others. In it his brother-in- law Drummond composed his i History of the Jameses 'and the macaronic comic poem JFolemo-Middinia,' which had its occasion in a dispute of long standing as to a right of way between the tenants of Scotstarvet and of Barns, the estate of Sir Alexander Cun- ningham, whose sister was DrummoncTs ( betrothed. His intimacy with John Bleau ! of Amsterdam led to the inclusion of a Scottish volume in the series of ' Delitits Poetarum ' then being issued by that enter- prising publisher. The Scottish volume, edited by Arthur Johnston [q. v.j k , and printed at the sole cost of Sir John Scot in. two closely printed duodecimo volumes, has preserved the last fruits of Scottish latinity. A more important work was the publication of detailed maps of Scotland in the great atlas of Blaeu. Scot interested himself in the survey of Scotland begun in 1608 by Timothy Pont [q. v.l Pout's drawings, after his death about 1614, were purchased by the crown. Scot caused them to be revised by Sir Kobert Gordon of Straloch and his eon, James Gordon, parson of Kothiemay, and then went in 1645 to Amsterdam to superintend their publication, dictating from memory, to the astonishment of the publisher, the description of several districts. The work was not issued till 1654, when it appeared a* * Geographies Blaeuanise volumen qutntum/ with dedicatory epistles to Scot both by Blaeu and Gordon of Straloeh, Other exam* pies of Scot's liberal and judicious public * *' , 1 Scott Scott spirit were the establishment of the St. Andrews professorship of Latin and his en- dowment of a charity for apprenticing poor boys from Glasgow at the estate of Peskie, a farm of 104 acres, near St. Andrews. [The Staggering State of Scots Statesman ; Sir John fecot's Manuscript Letters in Advo- cates' Library; Register of Privy Council of Scotland, vol. xii. pp. ex, 716-18; Preface to Delitise Poetarum Scotorum, and Bleau's Atlas of Scotland ; Balfour's Annals ; Baillie's Letters ; Brunton and Haig's Senators of College of Justice; Memoir of Sir John Scot by Rev. ^C. Rogers ; Preface to reprint of The Staggering State, Edinburgh, 1872.] JE. 3M. SCOTT, JOHN (1639-1695), divine, born in 1639, was son of Thomas Scott, a grazier of Chippenham, Wiltshire, and served as a boy a three years' apprenticeship in London. Then altering his course of life, he matricu- lated at New Inn Hall, Oxford, 13 Dec. 1658. He took no degree at the time, but later in life proceeded B.D. and D.D. (9 July 1685), He became successively minister of St. Thomas's, Southwark, perpetual curate of Trinity in the Minories (before November 1678, NEWCOVRT, JRepertorium,i. 920), rector of St. Peter-le-Poor, 1 Feb. 1678 (resigned before August 1691 ; ib. i. 529), and rector of St. Griles-in-the-Fields, being presented to the last benefice by the king, 7 Aug. 1691 (NEWCOUKT, Repertoriwn, i. 613). He was buried in the rector's vault in St. Giles's Church in 1695. He held a canonry of St. Paul's from 1685 till his death, but was never canon of Windsor, as stated by Wood. An engraved portrait of Scott by Vandergucht is prefixed to ' Certain Cases of Conscience/ 1718, and another, by R. White, to his 'Dis- courses/ 1701. Besides twelve sermons published sepa- rately and preached on public occasions (all in the British Museum ; cL WOOD, Athena Q.ron. iv.415), Scott wrote: 1. 'The Chris- tian Life from its beginning to its Con- summation in Glory . . . with directions for private devotion and forms of prayer fitted to the several states of Christians,' pts. i. and ii., London, 1(581, 8vo ; 2nd ed. 1683- 1686, 8vo j 6th ed. London, 1704, 8vo ; 9th ed. 1712, 8vo; 9th ed. [sic] 1729-30, fol. ; in French, Amsterdam, 1699, 12mo, 2 parts ; in Welsh, London, 1752, 8vo. The work ulti- mately extended to five volumes. 2. ' Certain; Cases of Conscience concerning the Lawful- ness of Joyning with Forms of Prayer hi PubJick Worship/ 1683, 4to; 1685, 4to (as 'A Collection of Cases and other Discourses '), 2 yols. 1694, foL ; 1718, 2 vols. In reply to this appeared *An Answer to Dr. Scot's Case against Dissenters concerning Forms of Prayer and the Fallacy of the Story of Common plainly discovered/ 1700, 4to, 3. 'The Eighth Note of the Church Ex- amined, viz. Sanctity of Doctrine ' (in * The Notes of the Church as laid down by Car- dinal Bellarmin Examined and Confuted '), London, 1688, 4to; 1839, 8vo; and in Gib- son's 'Preservative against Popery/ 1738, vol. i., 1848, vol. iii. 4. 'The texts examined which papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine and for prayers in an unknown tongue/ 1 688, 4to ; and in Gibson's 'Preservative against Popery,' 1738, fol. ; 1848, 8vo, vol. vii. 5. 'Practical Discourses upon Several Subjects/ 2 vols. London, 1697-8, 8vo (vol. ii. with a separate title-* page and with dedication signed by Hum- phrey Zouch). Scott wrote a preface for the second edi- tion of J. March s sermons, 1699, 8vo, and his ' Works/ with the funeral sermon preached at his death by Zacheus Isham [q. v.], were collected in 1718 (London, fol. 2 vols.; Ox- ford, 1826, 8vo, 6 vols.) In. the ' Devout Christian's Companion/ 1708, 12mo ; 1722, 12mo, are ' private devotions by J. S[cott]/ and some quotations from his book are given in P. Limborch's 'Book of Divinity * and other devotional works. [Le Neve's Fasti ; Newcotirt's Bepertormm ; Wood's Athene Oxon. ; Abr. Hill's Letters, p. 1 35 ; Iflham's Funeral Sermon, 160.5 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Hist. MSS. Comm, 3 Uth Kep. v. 140; Notes and Quorirts, 8th ser. xii. 344.] W. A. S. SCOTT, JOHN (fl. 1654-1696), adven- turer, first appeared on Long Island, New Netherlands, in 1654, when he was arrested by the Dutch authorities for treasonable practice with the neighbouring English. He represented himself as a disreputable boy who had got into trouble by annoying the parliamentary soldiers, and who had been transported to the plantations. In 1663 he was acting in England in conjunction with a number of respectable and influential New- Englanders, and with them petitioning the government to confirm a. purchase of land made by them from the Narragansett Indians and disputed by the inhabitants of Khode Island. Soon after he writes from Hartford, New England, denouncing the Dutch as in- truders on Long Island. After the conquest of New Netherlands, he persuaded some of the English settlers on Long Island to form a r visional government pending a settlement the Duke of York, with Scott himself for president, and he made some ineffectual attempts to exercise authority over the Dutch- settlements on Long Island. In 1064 he was imprisoned by the government of Connecticut, and in tae next year he en- Scott Scott gaged in a dispute with them as to the pro- prietary' rights over certain lands on Long Island. Soon after Richard Nicolls, governor of New York, denounced Scott as * born to work mischief/ and as having brought about the dismemberment of New York through the grant to Berkeley and Carteret of the lands on the Delaware. In 1667 he told "Williamson, Arlington's secretary, a string of lies about New England. According to him, the antinomian disturbances in Massa- chusetts were caused "by Sir Henry Vane and his two mistresses, Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Dyer. About this time Scott succeeded in im- posing on an unhappy widow, Dorothea Gotherson, a landholder on Long Island. Her maiden name was Scott, and John Scott seems to have pez'saaded her that they were akin, and to have swindled her out of a large sum. He then returned to London, In 1677 he made common cause with Titus Gates, and charged Pepys and his colleague, Sir Anthony Deane, with betraying the secrets of the admiralty to the French, a charge which was no doubt intended to strike at Pepys's superior, the Duke of York. Pepys and Deane were committed fortrial. Fortu- nately an inquiry into Scott's character dis- closed so many iniquities >not only the frauds connected with land already mentioned, but also kidnapping and theft of jewels that the prosecution was abandoned. , Among Scott's other crimes, he is said to have swindled the Dutch government out of 7,000/., and to have been hanged in effigy at the Hague, an honour which he also enjoyed at the Tiands of his regiment, whose cashbox he carried oC He likewise offered the French court information which should enable them to destroy our fleet. ,In this case, however, it is said that he played the part of a double traitor, since the information was worthless. In 1681 he killed a hackney coachman and fled the kingdom, but Was seen again in a seaman's disguise and reported to Pepys in 1696. After this we hear .no more of him. [State Papers (Col. Ser.), ed. Sainsbury; Brodbead's History of New York ; Scott's Dorothea Scott j Pepys'e ]>iary.} J. A. D. SCOTT, JOHK (1730-1783), quaker poet, youngest son of Samuel Scott, a quaker linendraper, by his wife, .Martha Wilkins, was born in the Grange "Walk, Bermondsey, on 9 Jan; 1730. At seven he commenced Latin under John Clarke, a Scottish school- master of Bermondsey ; but his father^ re- moval to Amwell, Hertfordshire, in 1740 interrupted his education*, He developed a taste for poetry, 'and wrote verses in the 'Gentleman's Magazine ' between 17f>3 and 1758. After 1760 he paid occasional visits to London, and made the acquaintance of John Hoole [q, v.l, who introduced him to Dr. Johnson. In November 1770 he took a house at Amwell, frequented Mrs. Montagu's parties, and made many literary friends. Among them was Dr. Beat tie, in whose de- fence Scott afterwards wrote letters to the 1 Gentleman's Magazine' (March 1778). Dr. Johnson, who visited Scott at Amwell, wrote that he ' loved ' Scott, Scott published in 1776 his descriptive poem, 'Aru well' (2nd edit. 1776, 4to; reprinted Dublin, 1776). His * Poetical Works ' (London, 1782, 8vo; reprinted 1786 and 1795) were attacked by the ' Critical Review ' (July 1782, p. 47), and Scott ill-advisedbp defended himself in ' A Letter to the Critical Reviewers,' Lon- don, 1782^ 8vo. He next collected his ' Cri- tical Essays ; ' but before they were pub- lished he died at his house at Katcliff, 12 Dec. 1783,, and was buried at the Friends' burial-ground there. In 1767 he married Sarah Frogley, the daughter of a self-edu- cated bricklayer, to whom he owed his first introduction to the poets. She died a year later with her infant, and Scott wrote an 'JElegie '(London, 1769, 4to; 2nd edit. 1769), By his second wife, Mary, daughter of Abra- ham de Home, Scott left one daughter, Maria de Home Scott, aged six at his death. Johnson consented to write a sketch of Scott's life to accompany the ; Essays ; ' but, his death intervening, it was undertaken by Hoole, and published in 1785. A portrait by Townsend, engraved by J. Hall, which is prefixed; is said to be inexact,. Scott's verses were appreciated by his con- temporaries. Besides the works mentioned he wrote: 1. 'Four Elegies, descriptive and moral/ 4to, 1760. 2. ' Observations on the State of the Parochial and Vagrant Poor,' 1773, 8vo. 3. * Remarks on the Patriot ' [by Dr. Johnson], 1775, 8vo. ,4, 'Digests of the General Highway and Turnpike Laws/ e., London, 1778, 8vo. 5. 'Four Morai Ec- logues/ London, 1778, 4to ; reprinted in the 1 Cabinet of Poetry/ 1808. His collected poetical works and life, the latter based upon Hoole's, are included in the sertes of 'British Poets' by Anderson, Chalmers, Campbell, Davenport Park, and Sanford. SAMTJBL SCOTT (1719-1788), elder brother of -the above, born in Gracechurch Streefo London, on 21 May 1719, settled at Hert- ford and became a quaker minister. Of sober temperament, inclined to melancholy, he was deeply read in the writings of William Law [q; v.y Francis Okely [q. v.J and other mystics, He published a 'Memoir of the Scott 43 Scott Last Illness' of his brother (n.d.), and died on 20 Nov. 1788. His ' Diary,' edited by Kichard Phillips, was published, London, 1809, 12mo (2nd edit. 1811; reprinted in Philadelphia, and in vol. ix. of Evans's Friends' Library,' Philadelphia, 1845). One of his sermons is in ' Sermons or Declara- tions/ York, 1824. [Memoir by Hoole in Critical Essays, 1785 ; Mem. of the last illness, &c., by his brother, Samuel Scott; European Mng. September 1782, pp. 193-7; Gent. Mag. December 1783, p. 1066 ; Boswell's Johnson, ed. Hill, ii. 338, 3ol ; Monthly Review, July 1787, p. 25; Chalmers's Biogr. Diet. ; Cussans's Hist, of Hertfordshire, vol.ii. 'Hundred of Hertford, 5 p. 119 ; Clutter- buck's Hist, of Hertfordshire, ii. 20, 76 ; Nichols's Lit. Illustr. vol. v., * Letters of Joseph Cockfield,' passim ; Pratt's Cabirietof Poetry, vol. vi.pp. 11- 100; Forbes's Life of Beattie, ii. 107-12,122-6; Friends' Biogr. Cat. pp. 587-96.] C. F. S. SCOTT, JOHN, EAEL OF OLOISTMBLL (1739-1798), chief justice of the king's bench in Ireland, born on 8 June 1739, was the son of Thomas Scott of Urlings, co. Kil- kenny , afterwards of Modeshill and Mohubber, co. Tipperary, and Rachel, eldest daughter of Mark Prim of Johnswell, co. Kilkenny. Another account makes Thomas of Mohubber his elder brother, and gives as his father Michael Scott, and his mother a daughter of Michael Purcell, titular baron of Lough- more (cf. BTTRKE, Peerage \ FITZPATBICK, Ireland before the Union, p. 206). Both ac- counts, however, agree that his grandfather, the founder of the family, was a captain in King William's army and was killed during the wars in Ireland. After receiving an elementary education, probably at Clonmel school, where he contracted a friendship with Hugh Carleton, afterwards Viscount Carleton and chief justice of the common pleas, Scott was enabled through the gene- rosity of Carleton's father, known from his opulence as * King of Cork/ to enter Trinity College, Dublin, on 26 April 1756, and sub- sequently to pursue his studies at the Middle Temple. He never forgot the kindness thus shown to him, and afterwards, when Carle- ton's bankruptcy threatened to impair his son's prospects, he repaid his obligations in as generous a fashion as his position allowed. Still it was noticeable that even at this time his unblushing effrontery, coupled with his somewhat bronzed visage, gained for him the sobriquet, which stuck to him through life, of 'Copper-faced Jack.' He was called to the L*ish bar in 1765, and his diligence and aptitude for business soon pro- cured him a considerable practice. In 1767 he married the widow of Philip Hoe, a daughter of Thomas Mathewof Thomastown, who, in addition to her personal attractions, possessed an annual income of 300J. At this time the dominant star in the Irish political firmament was that of Dr. Charles Lucas [q. v.], and among Lucas's pro- fessed followers there was none more devoted than Scott. He is said to have taken a very active part on the popular side at one of the early college elections, and in 1769 he was himself elected M.P. for the borough of Mullingar. His ability and determination to rise attracted the attention of the lord chancellor, Lord Litford 3 and, at his sugges- tion, Lord Townshend threw out to him the bait of office. The bait was swallowed with the cynical remark, ' My lord, you have spoiled a good patriot.' In the following year he obtained his silk gown, and in 1772 was appointed to the lucrative post of coun- sel to the revenue board. So far as govern- ment was concerned the bargain was not a bad one. Night after night, with a courage and versatility which none could gainsay, he withstood the attacks on administration of Flood and the 'patriots' at a time when those attacks were most violent and perti- nacious. His services did not pass unre- warded. In December 1774 he succeeded Godfrey Lill as solicitor-general, and on. the death of Philip Tisdall [q. v.] he became attorney-genera 1 ! on 1 Nov. 1777, and a privy councillor. Shortly after his promotion, it is said that, encountering Flood in front of the House of Commons at the beginning of the session, he addressed him, ' Well, Flood, I suppose you will be abusing me this session, as usual? ' f When I began to abuse you,' replied Flood, ' you were a briefless barrister; by abuse I made you counsel to the revenue ; by abuse I got you a silk gown ; by abuse I made you solicitor-general ; by abuse I made you attorney-general, by abuse I may make you chief-justice. No, Scott, I'll praise you.' Scott, however, had his revenge during the debate on the perpetual mutiny bill in No- vember 1781, and the inimitable way in which he related his parable of ' Harry Plantagenet ' (Parl Register, i. 123), while it convulsed the house with laughter, must have wounded Flood deeply, ' The character/ wrote William Eden, describing the scene to Lord Loughborough, 'painted in great detail and mixed with many humorous but coarse and awkward allusions, was that of a malevolent outcast from ' all social inter- course of life, driven to madness by spleen and vanity, forlorn in reputation, and sunk in abilities ' {Auckland Corresp, i, 322). Still, it would be unfair to suppose that Scott's acceptance of office blinded him, any Scott 44 Scott more, than it did Flood, to the higher claims of country. At any rate, he was shrewd enough to recognise that without some extension of trade privileges the country was doomed to bankruptcy and discontent (cf. Beretford Cor- resp* i. 39, 64). His attitude was naturally misinterpreted by the public, and during the trade riots in November 1779 he narrowly escaped being murdered. As it was, every pane of glass in his house in Harcourt Street was smashed by the mob. He obtained com- pensation from parliament ;, though some re- marks of Yelverton, tending to exonerate the mob, so inflamed him that the house, was obliged to interfere to prevent a duel. But his personal feelings did not influence his political opinions, and to his- colleague in "London he wrote : ' Send us two men, or one man of ability and spirit ; send him with the promise of extension of commerce in his mouth as he enters the harbour,, uncon- nected with this contemptible tail of English opposition, meaning well to the king, to his -servants, and to the country, and he will rule us with ease j but if you procrastinate and send us a timid and popular trkkster, this kingdom will cost you more than America ; it will cost you your existence and ours ' (&. i. 81). The appointment of Lord Buckinghamshire was little to his taste,, and he inveighed strongly against the way in which he and his secretary, Sir Richard Heron, ' bungled * the business of government. His sentiments in regard to the claims of the Roman catholics were liberal, and oa 17 July 1781 he remonstrated at length on the practice of appointing none but English- men to the chancellorship (Addit, 'MS. 34417, f. 394). He refused to be badgered | into any premature expression of opinion as ! to the right of England to bind Ireland by acts of parliament, but astounded the house ' on 4 May 1782" by announcing ( in the most unqualified, unlimited, and explicit manner . . * as a, lawyer, a faithful servant to the crown, a well-wisher to both countries, and an honest Irishman, 1 that Great Britain pos- sessed no such right, and that if the parlia* menfc of that kingdom *vas determined to be the lords of Ireland, ' he for his part was determined not -to be their villain in con- tributing to it ' (ParL Regitf,e f r, i. 351). The declaration came .perhaps a littjte too late to save his reputation for sincerity, but it was early enough to- enrage the govern- ment against him j " and, without receiving one wotd of explanation, he. was at once dismissed from office by the Diffee, of Port- land,^ The, blow was- 'wholly unexpected, and, in the general opinion, wholly unjustifi- able. Overcome with mortification and pro- ** i h ** j strated by rheumatic fever and other family misfortunes, he deserved the pity accorded to him. In a letter to Fitzpatrick, written with a good deal of dignity, he remon- strated against the injustice done him (Auck- land MS. 34419, f. 96). But fortunately the administration of the Duke of Portland was short-lived, and on 31 Dec. 1783 he was created, though not without a word of warn- ing on the part of Fox (GRATTAK, L'fe ~of Grattarii Hi. .112), prime serjeant by Lord Korthington. He made a fast friend 01 North- ington's successor, the Duke of Rutland, who recommended him for the post of chief j ustice of the king's bench whenever it should become vacant (Rutland MSS. iii. 77, 80), which it presently did by the death of John Gore, lord Annaly [q. v.] lie was promoted on 10 May 1784, and at the same time raised to the peerage by the title of Baron Earlsfort of Lisson Earl. Only one thing was wanting, Jleresford jocosely remarked, to complete his happiness ' the satisfaction of sitting ia judgment on his grace of Portland 7 (JBeres- ford Corresp. i.2o(5). And in thanking Eden for his assistance, Scott pouted out the vials of his wrath on the duke and his 'Dutch system,' promising to ' see whether it may not he possible to stop the torrent of favouritism and brutal oppression which has covered this country with dirt since we have been overflowed by the politics of republicans and Low Country folks '(Auckland AT&& 34419, f. 207). He was specially consulted in No- vember 1784 by the lord* lieutenant on the subject of a parliamentary reform, and his Opinion, which is merely recorded to have contained 'sentiments very freely stated/ was ^transmitted to Pitt, and seems to have carried great weight with government (Jtut- land MSS. iii. 148). On the tjuestion of the amended commercial propositions of 1785 he was strongly opposed to any attempt to force them through parliament, and predicted their rejection (#. iii. 231). And hearing him speak on the subject of holdings of leases of low value in August that year, AVoodfall, the reporter, declared that though it might be txu that he had been lucky, yet lie had * abilities enough to countenance good fortune' (AucJdand Corresp. i. 83). His severe illness in the spring of the ensu- ing year caused Rutland much anxiety, partly on his account, but chiefly because it threatened to deprive him of. Fitzgibbon's services in the lower house (Rutland M>S8, Hi. 300, 302). Fortunately he recovered, and it was largely due to his * very able conduct* that the magistracy bill of 1787 was carried through parliament 5 but in the following year he found it necessary for lus health to Scott 45 Scott go to Tunbridge Wells. His annual income at thia time appears to have amounted to 15,000/., and on 18 Aug. 1789 he was created Viscount Clonmell. Early, however, in this year he committed the one great blunder of his official career. John Magee [q.vj, the spirited proprietor and editor of the, ' Dublin Evening Post/ had been sued for libel by Francis Higgins (1746- 1802) [q. v.], called the ' Sham Squire,' a friend oi Scott's in his convivial hours. The chief justice, influenced by personal and political motives, caused a capias ad respon- dendum marked 4,000 to issue against Magee, It was a tyrannical act, but in the state of the law perfectly legal, and would, as Scott intended it should, have utterly ruined Magee had not the matter been brought before parliament by George Ponsonby [q. v.] in March 1790. A motion censuring such practices was adroitly got rid of by govern- ment, and a similar motion in the following year met a like fate. But in consequence of the severe comments made on his conduct in parliament and bv the press (cf. Scott to Auckland, Auckland MS. 34429, f. 451), an act was passed, directed specially against him, regulating the law of fiats. The discus- sion greatly damaged his judicial character, and Magee, during his temporary release in September 1789, revenged himself by hiring a plot of land which he appropriately called Fiat Hill, adjoining Temple Hill, the resi- dence of the lord justice, and inviting the rabble of Dublin to partake of some amuse- ments, terminating with a ' grand Olympic pig-hunt.' Much damage was done to Scott's grounds. The ' detested administration,' as Scott with reason called it, of Lord West- morland came to an end on 5 May 1791, and his successor, sympathising with his suf- ferings, advanced him to the dignity of Earl of Clonmell on 20 Dec. 1793. If subser- viency ever merited reward, Scott certainly deserved his. But his arrogant manner on the bench was sometimes resented by the bar, and, in consequence of his gross rudeness to a barrister of the name of Hackett, it was resolved ' that until the chief justice publicly apologised no barrister would hold a brief, appear in the king's bench, or sign any pleadings in court.' He was compelled to submit, and published a very ample apology in the newspapers, which, with much tact, he antedated as though it had been written voluntarily and without the censure of the ,I?ar. Nevertheless Scott was not deficient in ability, and could, when he liked, behave with great dignity on the bench, His sum- ming up in Archibald Hamilton Eowan's case was as admirable as his behaviour to the publisher of the trial, Byrne, was the re- verse. Although his tendency was to make bis position subservient to government and bits own advancement, he ' never indulged in attacks on his country/ and never sought 'to raise himself by depressing her.' II is reluctance to support the arbitrary measures that marked the course of Earl Camden's administration caused him to lose favour at the castle, and as time went on his opinion was less consulted and considered. * I think/ lie wrote, in his diary on 13 Feb. 1798, ' my best game is to 'play the invalid and be silent; the government hate me, and are driving things to extremities; the country is disaffected and savage, the parliament corrupt and despised.' He died on the very day the rebellion broke out, 23 May 1798. He left no sur- viving issue by his first wife, Catherine Anne Maria Mathew, the sister of Francis, first earl of Llandaff, who died in 1771 ; but by his second wife, Margaret, daughter and heiress of Patrick Lawless of Dublin, whom he married on 23 June 1779, he had a son Thomas (1783-1858), who succeeded him, and a daughter Charlotte, who married, in 1814, John Keginald, earl of Beauchamp. Scott has been treated with scant justice by his biographers. His diary (published by Fitzpatrickinhis 'Ireland before the Union'), which ought to have been destroyed with his other papers, and was surely not intended for public or indiscriminate inspection, has been treated too seriously, and used mainly to emphasise his weaknesses and indiscretions. It is true that he was unscrupulous, pas- sionate, and greedy, that his language \vaa vulgar and his manner overbearing; but his chief offence in theeyes of whig aristocrats like Charlemont and the Ponsonbys was that he was a novus homo or upstart. His letters, on the other hand, reveal him as a man of con- siderable education and independent views, which he supported with no little ability. [Burke's Peerage ; Gent. Mag. 1798, i. S3&, ii. 622, 651 ; Fitzpat rick's Ireland before the Union ; Grattan's Life of Henry G-rattan, ii. 141-7, iiu 112,iv. 349; Wills's Irish Nation, in. 669-79; Offi- cial Returns of Members of Parliament ; Flood's Memoirs of Henry Flood, p. 135; Auckland Gorresp, ; Beresford Corresp. ; M'ltouepiU's Sketches of Political Characters, p. 13; Phillips's Curran and his Contemporaries, pp. 35-9 ; Barrington's Personal Recollections, i. 171, 222; O'Began's Memoirs of the Life of Curran y pp. 57-9; Hardy's Life of Charlemont, i. 268-71 ; Seward's Collectanea Politica ; Parl. Register, i. 243, 344, 351, ii, 14, 16, 207, 208 ; SheiPs Sketches, Legal and Political; Rutland MSS. iii. passim; Charlemont MSS. ii. 178; Hist. MBS* Scott * Comm. 9th Rep. (Stopford Sackville's MTSS.), p. 60 ; Pelham Papers in Addit. MS. 33101, f. 87; Auckland Papers in Addit. MS. 34417, ff. 394, 408; ib. 34418 ff. 211, 284. 34419 ff. 96, 117, 207, 395, 34420 f. 257, 3442 f. 219, 34429 f. 451, 34461 f. 106.] R D. SCOTT, afterwards SCOTT-WARING, JOHN (1747-1819), agentof Warren Hastings, born at Shrewsbury in 1747, was the grandson of John Scott, whose third wife was Dorothy, daughter of Adam Waring of the Hayes, Shropshire. His father was Jonathan Scott of Shrewsbury (d. August 1778), who mar- ried Mary, second daughter of Humphrey Sandford of the Isle of Kossall, Shropshire. The second son, Richard, ror-> to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and served with distinc- tion under Sir Eyre Ooote against Hyder Ali Khan and under the Marquis of Cornwallis in the war against Sippoo Saltaun. The third son, Jonathan Scott the orientalist, is noticed separately. The fourth son, Henry, became commissioner of police at Bombay. John, the eldest son, entered the service of the East India Company about 1766, and became a major in the Bengal division of its forces. He had been in India for twelve years before he knew War,ren Hastings, ' ex- cept by dining at his table in company with other officers ' of the same standing, but their intimacy after that time became close, and he was one of the intermediaries who, in No- vember 1779, patched up a temporary re- conciliation between Hastings and Francis (PA-REES and MBEIVALB, Sir P. Francis, ii. 175-6). In May 1780 he was appointed to command a battalion of sepoys stationed in Chanar, _ 'Scott was sent by Hastings to England as his political agent, and he arrived in London on 17 Dee. 1781. This selection has been described as 'the great mistake of the life ' of Hastings (#. ii. 236-7), and the choice was without doubt disastrous, Scott was indefatigable in his labours for his chief, -but he lacked judgment. The printing-press groaned with his .lucubrations. Macauky asserts that ' his services were rewarded with oriental munificence; ' but though Scott was profuse in his expenditure for his patron, he r \%^ U l ld ^Participate in the prodigality. 'When he left India Mr. Hastings was his debtor, and continued BO for many years' (Life of Charles Heade, 1 8). In 1782 Scott published, m the interests of Hastings, Ms 'Short Review of Transactions in Bengal during ttw i last Ten Years/ and, two years later, his 'Conduct of his Majesty's late Mini- sters considered, 1 1784. In a note to p. 6 of this pamphlet he dealt with the payments winch he had made to the newspapers for 46 Scott the insertion of letters in defenceof Hastings. Innumerable letters, paragraphs, puffs, and squibs were attributed to him, and a curious bill for such to the amount of several hun- dred pounds was published in 1787 by the editor of the ' Morning Herald ' (Lit. Memoirs of Living Aut7iors, 1798, ii. 242). From 1784 to 1790 Scon sat in parliament as member for the Cornish borough of West Looe, and in 1790 he was returned for Stockbridge in Hampshire. A petition was presented against him, and on 22 Feb. 1793 a prosecution for bribery seemed imminent, but the matter fell through. Hastings wrote to his wife on 13 Aug. 1784, * I am not pleased with Scott's going into parliament, and less with his annexing to it the plan of securing his seat for myself.' While in the House of Commons he * was always on his legs, he was very tedious, and he hai only one topic the merits and wrongs of Hastings.' The charges against Warren Hastings might have been allowed to drop, but Scott made the mistake of reminding- Burke on the first day of the session of 1786 of the notice which he had given before the preceding recess of bringing them before parliament. Scott desired Burke to name the first day that was practicable. The challenge was accepted, and Burke opened the subject on 17 Feb. During the course of 'the impeachment (1788-1795) a host of ineffectual letters, speeches, and pamphlets emanated from Scott His demeanour at the trial is depicted by Miss Burney (Diary, ed. 1842, iv. 74-5). He might be seen 'skipping backwards and forwards like a grasshopper.' ' What pity,' she exclaimed, ' that Mr. Hastings should have trusted his cause to so frivolous an agent ! ' < It was' the general belief/ she adds, that 'to his officious and injudicious aieal the pre- sent prosecution is wholly owing.' In 1798,by the death of his cousin, Richard Hill Waring, Scott came into the Waring estates in Cheshire, which he sold in 1800 to Peel and Yates [see PEEL, SIB EGBERT, 1 750- 1830] for 80,OOOZ. He consequently assumed the name and arms of Waring. A year or two later he bought Peterborough J&mse at Parson's Green, Fulham, and gathered around him a varied company of royal princes, poli- ticians, wits, and actresses (M. KELLY, Remi- niscences, ii. 263). He died at Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, London, on 5 May 1819. Scott was thrice married. His first wife, who brought him a fortune of 20,000, was Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander Blackrie of Bromley in Kent, sometime surgeon- general on the Indian establishment. She ^5? b v m oa 19 ^ pril 1745 > and died ^ 60ct; - 1/96, being buried in Bromley churchyard, Scott 47 Scott under a marble monument, with a long and peculiar epitaph (WlLSOK, Hist, of Bromley, pp. 40-2). She was the mother of two sons T Edward, a distinguished civil servant in Bengal ; and Charles, who died youngand of two daughters, the elder of whom, Anna Maria, married John Reade of Ipsden House, Oxfordshire, was mother of Charles Reade the novelist, and died 9 Aug. 1863, a^ed 90 ; the younger, Eliza Sophia, married the Rev. George Stanley Faber [q. v.] Waring's second wife was Maria, daughter and heiress of Jacob Hughes of Cashel. A portrait of War- ing's second wife and two of her children was painted by J. Russell, R. A., and engraved by 0. Turner, being published on 2 Jan. 1804. Waring's third wife was Mrs. Esten, a widowed actress notorious for her irre- gularities; on this union there was cir- culated an epigram concluding with the words : Though well known for ages past, She's not the -worse for Waring. His portrait, by John James Masquerier [q.v.], was engraved by C. Turner, and published on 27 Feb. 1802. It is inscribed to Warren Hastings. Besides the pieces already mentioned, Scott wrote: 1. ' Observations on Sheridan's pamphlet, contrasting the two bills for the better government of India/ 1788 ; 3rd ed. 1789. 2. ' Observations on Belsham's " Me- moirs of the reign of George III,"' 1796. 3. 'Seven Letters to the People of Great Britain by a Whig/ 1789. In this he dis- cussed the questions arising out of the king's illness. On the subject of Christian missions in India he published : 4. { Observations on the present State of the East India Com- pany ' [anon.], 1807 (four editions) ; and 5. 'A Vindication of the Hindoos from the ex- pressions of Dr. Claudius Buchanan, in two parts, by a Bengal Officer,' 1808. A me- moir of Hastings by Scott is inserted in Seward's * Biographiana/ ii. 610-28. [Burke's Landed Gentry, 6th ed. p. 1425; Gent. Mag ; 1819, i. 492; Busteed's Calcutta, j>. 315 ; Trial of Hastings, ed. Bond, i. p. xxxv, ii. pp, xxxvi-xxxvii ; Cornwallis's Corresp. 1. 364 ; Ormerod's Cheshire, ii. 12-13 ; Gleig's Hastings, ii. 354 et seq ; Macanlny^s Essay on Hastings; Life of Charles Keade, i. 1-10; Faulkner's Fulham, p. 301 ; Walpole's Letters, viii, 557; Overton's English Church, 1800-33, pp. 268-71.] W. P. C. SCOTT, JOHN (1783-1821), editor of the . 'London Magazine/ born at Aberdeen in 1783, and educated at the Marischal Col- lege, Aberdeen, was probably the John Scott, * filius Alexandri Mereatoris/ who matricu- lated from that institution in 1797. His father is elsewhere described as an uphol- sterer. Byron was his schoolfellow, and on meeting at Venice in 1819 they compared notes cm their schooldays. At a very early date in life he went to London and was employed in the war office ; but the love of politics and literature soon led him into journalism. Scott at first started a weeldy paper called ' The Censor.' He then became the editor of the ( Statesman/ an evening paper, and not long afterwards was engaged by John Dra- kard [q. v.] as editor of the ' Stamford News/ Under his editorial care there appeared, on 10 Jan. 1813, the first number of ' Drakard's Newspaper/ a folio sheet of political and general news. With the new year its name was changed to ' The Champion/ and under the altered title the first number came out on Sunday, 2 Jan. 1814, it still remaining iinder Scott's editorship. A letter written, to him by Charles Lamb in 1814 on some articles for its columns is reproduced in Dr. G. B. Hill's < 4 Talks on Autographs ' (pp. 24- 25). According to Horace Smith, this paper was sold in, 1816 to J. Clayton Jennings, an ex-official at Demerara, who had a quarrel with Downing Street, and it belonged after- wards to John Thelwall. Between 1814 and 1819 Scott passed much time on the con- tinent and published in 1816 'A Visit to Paris in 1814/ London (4th edit. 1816), and in 1816 'Paris revisited in 1815 by way of Brussels, including a walk over the Field of Battle at Waterloo' (3rd edit. 1816), On Scott and these volumes Bishop Heber wrote in 1816: 'Who is Scott? What is his breeding and history? He is so de- cidedly the ablest of the weekly journalists, and has so much excelled his illustrious namesake as a French tourist, that I feel considerable curiosity about him* (X//, i. 432). Thackeray described these books as ' famous good reading ' ( The Newcomer ch. xxii.) Wordsworth wrote of the second of them, * Every one of your words tells.' Scott made "further collections for books of travel on the commission of the publishing firm of Longman, but returned to London to edit the newly established * London Maga- zine/ the first number of which appeared in January 1820. An account of the magazine and of 'its contributors is given in Talfourd's * Final Memorials of Charles Lamb ' (ii. 1-9). Talfourd styles the editor ' a critic of remark- able candour, eloquence, and discrimination/ who acted with the authority which the posi- tion demanded. Many illustrious writers con- tributed to its columns, the most famous of the articles during Scott's lifetime being the Scott Scott early 'Essays of Elia.' A long letter from Scott to the publishers of the magazine on Hazlitt's contributions is printed in Mr. W. C. Hazlitt's 'Four Generations of a Literary Family ' (i. 135-8). In Slay 1820 the editor, in an article on 'Newspapers and the Magazines, 1 sharply attacked the criticisms of ' r L? that had ap- peared in ' Blackwood's Magazine/ and he followed up the attack by more elaborate articles in later numbers (i.e. in November 1820, pp, 509-21, ' Blaekwood's Magazine ; ' December 1820, pp. 660-85, ' The Mohock Magazine;' January 1821, pp. 76-7, 'The Mohocks 7 ).. Lockhart, the chief object of Scott's assault, was urovoked into communi- cating with Scott with the intention of ex- tracting from him an apology or a hostile meeting. Some fruitless negotiations fol- lowed, and the matter went off for the time wit hLockliart's statement that he considered Scott 'a liar and a scoundrel.' But em- bittered statements continued to emanate from both parties and their friends, and a com- munication from Jonathan Henry Christie, an eminent conveyancer and an intimate friend of Lockhart, led to a duel between Christie and Scott. They met by moonlight at nine o'clock at Chalk Farm, near London, on 16 Peb. 1821, James Traill acting as \ Christie's second, and Peter George Patmore j [q. v.] assisting Scott. Christie did not fire j on the first occasion ; but the second time he fired in self-defence, and the ball struck Scott 'just above the hip on the right side, and, passing through the intestines, lodged in the left side.' It seemed for some time that the wounded man would live ; but he died, on 27 Feb. 1821, in his rooms in York Street, Co vent Garden, and was buried in the vaults of the church of St. Martin's-in- the-Fielda, London. At the inquest a ver- dict of wilful murder was brought in by the jury. Christie and Trail! were tried at the Old Bailey on 13 April 1821, and were found not guilty, Patmore did not appear at the trial. Christie survived till 15 April 1876, aged 84. Byron wrote : ' Scott died like a brave man, and he lived an able one. A man of very considerable talents and of great ac- quirements, he had made his way as a literary character with high success and in a few years.' The testimony of Horace Smith ran: *He was invariably pleasing. In manner, appearance, deportment, mind, he was a perfect gentleman. He abounded in solid information, which he communicated with an easy, lucid, and unpremeditated eloquence/ Scott married Caroline, daughter of the printseller, Paul Colnaghi [q. v.] She was a beauty and a woman of superior talents* Their eldest boy, Paul Scott, died at Paris on 8 Nov. 1816, aged eight years and a half, as his parents were travelling to Italy. He was buried at Pere-Lachaise, where a pillar with an inscription was erected to his me- mory, and Scott wrote a pathetic poem on his loss, entitled * The House of Mourning,' which was published in 1817. Two infant children survived at the time of his death, and the family was left penniless, A subscription was raised for their benefit, and Sir James Mackintosh, Chantrey, Horace Smith, and John Murray were on the committee (Lon- don May* April 1821 , p. 859), Murray wrote to Byron, asking if he would give 1 0/. The response was a contribution of 30 as from ' N. N/ Besides the works mentioned, Scott was author of: 1. ' Picturesque Views of Paris and its Environs. Drawings by Frederick .Nash. Letterpress by John Scott and M. P. B. de la Brossiere,' 1820-23; English and French; and 2, ' Sketches of Manners, Scenerv in v the French Provinces, Switzerland, and Italy/ 1821 (posthumous). [Gent. Mag. 1821, i. 271-2, 569-70; New Monthly Mag. 1847, Ixxxi. 415-18, by Ilorace Smith; Byron's Second Letter on Bowles, Works, vi. 394-f5; JPatmore's My Friends and Ac- quaintance, ii. 283-7; Knight'** Life of Words- worth, ii. 26 1-72, Hi. 23 1; Sharp's Joseph {Severn, pp. 74, 88, 98 ; Sir W. Scott's Letter*, il 109-16; Lamb's Letters, ed. Ainger, i. 279, ii. 200; Moore's Byron, ii. 207, iii. 81, v, 143 ; Smilea'g J. Murray, i, 389, 420 ; Wainewright's Works, ed. Hazlitt; Black rood's Mag, xix. preface, pp. xvi-xviii ; Lang's Life of Lockhart, i. 250- 282; Drakard's Stamford, p. 431; informatioa from Mr. J. M. BuUoch.j W. P. C. SCOTT, JOHN (1774-1837), engraver, was born on 12 March 1774 at Newcastle- on-Tyne, where his father, John Scott, worked in a brewery. At the age of twelve he was apprenticed to a tallow-chandler, but devoted all his spare time to the study of drawing and engraving, and at the expira- tion of his articles came to London, wnere his fellow-townsman, Robert Pollard [q. v.], guve him two years* instruction, at the same time paying him for his work. On leaving Pollard he obtained employment from, AVheble, the proprietor of the * SportingMaga- zine, J and for many t years the portraits of racehorses published in that periodical were executed by him. The next work upon which Scott was engaged was W. B. Darnel's well-known 'British Kural Sports,' 1801, many of the plates in which were both de- signed and engraved by him. lie became Scott 49 Scott the ablest of English animal engravers, and hia ' Sportsman's Cabinet, a correct delinea- tion of the Canine Race, 1 1804; 'History and Delineation of the Horse/ 1809; and ' Sportsman's Repository, comprising a series ok' engravings representing the horse and the dog in all their varieties, from paintings by Marshall, Reinagle, Gilpin, Stubbs, and Cooper/ 1820, earned for him great celebrity. A pair of large plates, 'Breaking Cover/ after Reinagle, and 'Death of the Fox/ after Oilpin, issued in 1811, are regarded as his masterpieces. Scott also did much work for publications of a different kind, such as Tres- ham and Ottley's 'British Gallery/ Ottley's ' Stafford Gallery/ Britton's Fine Arts of the English School/ Hakewill's 'Tour in Italy/ and Coxe's 'Social Day.' He laboured unceasingly at his profession until 1821, when a stroke of paralysis practically ter- minated his career; during the last years of his life he was assisted by the Artists' Benevolent Fund, of which he had been one of the originators. Scott died at his resi- dence in Chelsea on 24 Dec. 1827, leaving a widow, several daughters, and one son, John R. Scott, who also became an engraver, and executed a few plates for the 'Sporting Magazine.' A portrait of Scott, drawn by J. Jackson, R.A., in 1823, was engraved by W. T. Fry and published in 1826. A crayon portrait by his son is in the print-room of the British Museum. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; G-ent. Mag. 1828, i. 376 ; Sporting Mag. Ivii. 290 ; manu- script notes in print-room of British IMuseum.] F. M. O'D. SCOTT, JOHN (1777-1834), divine. [See under SCOTT, THOMAS, 1747-1821.] SCOTT, JOHN, first EARL OF ELDOCT (1751-1838), lord chancellor, third son of William Scott of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by his second wife, was born in Love Lane, New- castle-upon-Tyne, on 4 June 1751 . Heraldic conjecture has sought to connect his family with the noble house of Scott of Balwearie, Fifeshire [see SCOTT, SIB WILLIAM, d. 1532] ; but, beyond the name, there is nothing but vague tradition to indicate a Scottish origin. The pedigree cannot be authentically traced further back than William Scott's father, also William Scott, who is described as yeo- man of Sandgate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The future chancellor's father, William Scott, -born about 1696, was apprenticed on 1 Sept. 1716 to Thomas Brummel, 'hoast- man r i.e. coal-factor, or, in the local dialect, 1 coal-fitter' of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; re- ceived the freedom of the town on 25 Aug. YOL. LI. 1724, and was admitted to the full privilege of the ancient guild of hpastmen on 7 Sept. following. He prospered in business, became the owner of several 'keels' i.e. barges and a public-house, and died on 6 Nov. 1776, having been twice married. His first wife, Isabella Noble (m. 11 May 1730), died in January 1734, leaving issue. By his second wife, Jane, daughter of Henry Atkin- son of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (m. 18 Aug. 1740, d. 16 July 1800), he had issue thirteen children, of whom six reached mature age. Of these three were sons, viz. (1) William (afterwards Lord Stowell) fq. v.]; (2) Henry (baptised 2 Nov. 1748, d. 8 Dec. 1799); and (3) John, the subject of the present article. A dominie named Warden taught the boys their letters by the Scottish method of 'muffling' the consonants, i.e. placing the vowel before instead of after them; and they were then grounded in the church catechism and the classics by Hugh Moises [q. v.] at the Newcastle free grammar school, where they sat on the same form with Cuthbert (afterwards Lord) Collingwood [q. v.] For Moises, John Scott retained so much regard that, as lord chancellor, he made him one of his chaplains. Though a fair scholar, John was at first in- tended for business; but at the suggestion of his elder brother, William, he was allowed to join the latter at Oxford in 1766. During the journey the Latin adage 'Sat cito si sat bene, ? which the coach bore painted on its panel, made so deep an impression on his mind that in after life he was never weary of quoting it as an apology for his inordinate Procrastination. He matriculated on 15 May 766 from University College, where on 11 July in the following year he obtained a fellowship, for which his Northumbrian birth made him eligible. He graduated B.A. on 20 Feb. 1770, proceeded M.A. on 13 Feb. 1773, was appointed high steward of the university on 18 Sept. 1801, and received the degree of D.O.L. by diploma on 15 Oct. following. In 1771 Scott gained the English-essay prize by a stilted Johnsonian dissertation on ' The Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling into Foreign Countries ' (see O.r- ford English Prize Essays, Oxford, 1836, vol. i.) At this time he had thoughts of taking holy orders, but abandoned the idea on gain- ing the hand of Elizabeth, the beautiful daughter of Aubone Surtees, a wealthy banker of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The lady's heart .had been his for some time, and, her parents refusing their consent to the match, she eloped with him by an upper story window and a ladder on the night of 18 Nov. 1772. Next day, at Blackshiels, near Edin- E Scott Scott burgh, the pair were married, according to the rite of the church of England, by John Buchanan, a clergyman of the episcopal church of Scotland, who had a cure of souls at Haddington. They at once recrossed the border, and were soon forgiven by their parents, who joined in settling 3,000/. upon them. The marriage was re-solemnised in St. Nicholas's Church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on 19 Jan. 1773. On the 28i;h of the same month Scott was admitted a member of the Middle Temple, where he was called to the bar on 9 Feb. 1776, elected a bencher on 20 June 1783, and treasurer in 1797. While eating his dinners he lived at New Inn Hall, Oxford, where as deputy to the Vinerian pro- fessor, Sir Robert Chambers, he made 60 a year by lecturing on law, while ignorant of the rudiments of the science. He removed to London in 1775, and, after a brief residence in Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, took a little house in Carey Street, which he soon exchanged for a residence in Powis Place, Later on he removed to Bedford Square, and finally to Hamilton Place. Scott's maxim was that a lawyer should live like a hermit and work like a horse. He therefore withdrew from general society, and devoted his days and nights to professional study with such assiduity as for a time seriously to impair his health. The eminent conveyancer Matthew Duane [a. v.] received him as a pupil without fee, and to the perfect mastery of the technicalities of real-property law which he thus acquired he added a pro- found study of common law and equitv. His means were improved on his father's death by a legacy of 1,000, and in 1781 by another 1,OOOJ. added to the settlement moneys by his father-in-law, through whose interest he ob- tained the general retainer of the corpora- tion of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, of which on 18 Oct. 1774 he had received the freedom as a hoastman's son. He supported the candi- dature of his friend Andrew Robinson Bowes [see BOWES, M^BT ELEANOR, COTTKTESS op STKATHMOBB] for the representation of the borough in February 1777, and represented him before the House of Commons on the petitions read on 25 April following and 18 Feb, 1782. The interest of another friend, Lloyd (afterwards Lord) Kenyon [q. v.], pro- ' cured him a brief on tie Clitheroe election petition, read on 13 March 178L At West- minster he at first attended the court of king's bench, but, thinking Lord Mansfield had a preference for Christ Church msn, he soon crossed over to the other side of the hall. Before Thurlow he argued, on 6 Feb. 1779, a point of some difficulty on the construction of a will (BBowar, p. 31), and on 4 March 1780 established the reputation of a sound equity lawyer by his successful argument in Ackroyd v. Smithson (ib. p. 503) on appeal from the rolls court. On 31 May 1781 he appeared, with Kenyon, before the House of Lords in support of the Duke of North- umberland's claim to the office of lord great chamberlain. On 9 May 1782 he appeared before the House of Commons for Peter Perring, of the Madras council, on the commitment of the bill to restrain him and Sir Thomas Rumbold [q. v.l from leaving the country. On 4 June 1783 ne took silk, having first, with charac- teristic independence, vindicated his right to precedence before Erskine and Arthur Pigot, whose patents had been made out before his. Thurlow now procured his return to parlia- ment (16 June), as an independent king's friend, for Lord Wey mouth's borough of Weobley, Herefordshire, which he repre- sented until the general election of May 1796, when he was returned for Borough- bridge, Yorkshire. His maiden speech, on the first reading of Fox's India Bill on 20 Nov, 1783, was laboured and ineffective, and a later effort on the third reading (8 Dec.), in which he attempted brilliance and achieved pomposity, excited the amazement of the house and the cruel mockery of Sheridan. A ' beginning could hardly have been less pro- mising, but his able, independent speech in condemnation of the Westminster scrutiny was heard with respect on 9 March 1785; and, having thus shown Pitt the value of his support, he atoned for his temporary revolt by his defense of the commercial treaty with iFrance on 21 Feb. 1787. He had long been high in favour with Thurlow, from whose .brother Thomas, the bishop [q. v.] ? he ob- tained in this year (1 March) the post of chancellor of the county palatine of Durham. During the discussion of the charges against Sir Elijahjmpey [q. v.], 7-11 Feb. 1788, Scott exerted himself to secure Impey a fair trial according to form of law. On 5 March fol- lowing he made an ingenious defence of the government measure charging the East India Company with the cost of the transport of troops to the East. On 27 June 1788 he was made solicitor-general, and, somewhat it would seem against his will, knighted. In the following winter he ably defended the government scheme for providing for the re- gency by means of a bill passed by fictitious commission under the great seal a solution of an unprecedented constitutional problem ridiculed by Burke and the wits of the ' JRolliad* as legal metaphysics, but which was probably the best that could be devised. He also drafted the bill introduced in the fol* Scott Scott lowing spring, "but abandoned on the re- covery of the King [see GEORGKE IV]. ^ On the meeting of the new parliament Scott incurred some unmerited suspicion of corruption by maintaining (23 Dec. 1790) the then not unconstitutional doctrine that the impeachment of Warren Hastings had abated by the recent dissolution. Holding Lord Mansfield's view of the respective functions of judge and jury in cases of libel, be so amended the measure introduced by Fox in 1791 as materially to modify its effect (31 May). In the debates on the government measures for the partial relief of Irish and Scottish catholics, passed in 1791 and 1793, he took no part. On Thurlow's dismissal, on 15 June 1792, he tendered Pitt his resigna- tion, but eventually withdrew it at Thurlow's instance, and on 13 Feb. 1793 succeeded Sir Archibald Matfdpnald as attorney-general. Being thus identified with the vigorous and rigorous policy pursued by the government during the next few years, he became for the time the best hated man in England. The Traitorous Correspondence Act of 1793(which virtually suspended mercantile relations with France), the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act of the following year, the Treasonable Prac- tices and Seditious Meetings Acts of 1795, and the Newspaper Proprietors' Registration Act of 1798 were his handiwork. At the same time he made liberal use of the pro- cedure by ex-officio information for libel, and strained the law of constructive treason to the breaking-point. In the actual conduct of the prosecutions, even so severe a critic as Lord Campbell finds nothingto censure [see FROST, JOHN, 1750-1842; HARDY, THOMAS, 1752- 1832 ; TOOKE, JOHK HORNE ; ERSEENTE, THOMTAS, LORD]. On 19 July 1799 Scott succeeded Sir James Eyre (1734-1799) [q. v,] as lord chief justice of the common pleas, having during the three preceding days been sworn serjeant- at-law and of the privy council and board of trade, and created Baron Eldon of Eldon, in the county of Durham, where in 1792 he had bought a fine estate. On 24 Sept. folio w- ing he took his seat, and on 27 m Feb. 1800 he made his first reported speech in the House of Lords, in support of a bill to continue the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. He also supported (4 A.pril) Lord Auckland's "bill prohibiting 1 the marriage of a divorced adulteress with her paramour, which passed the House of Lords, but was thrown out in the commons. In the debates on the union with Ireland he was conspicuous by his silence. The measure itself he probably dis- approved, and to the emancipation of the catholic population he was as adverse as the king, though he was too sound a lawyer to countenance the king's strange delusion as to the effect of the coronation oath (KENTOtf, Life of Lord Kenyon, p. 320). On Pitt's re- tirement he consented, not without demur, to succeed Lord Loughborough on the woolsack, and, if his notebook may be trusted, ( only in. pursuance of a prior pledge to the king, and on the understanding that he was to be the king's chancellor, not the minister's. He be- lieved that Addington had purposely kept him in ignorance of the true state of the .king's health, and, though he received the great seal from the king in council on 14 April 1801, he regarded his tenure of it as conditional upon his recovery, and retained the chief-justiceship until 21 May, when he was succeeded by Lord Alvanley [ARBEIT, RICHARD PEPPER]. On three occasions during- this interval, viz. on 18 April, 30 April, and 21 May, he procured the king's signature to a commission for passing bills. On the first and last of these occasions the king was unquestionably lucid ; whether he was strictly competent to transact business on 30 April admits of some doubt (COLCHESTER, Diary, i. 264-8 ; ROSE, Diaries, i. 344-52). In the common pleas Eldon gave proof, not only of a thorough mastery of law, but of a capacity for prompt decision which con- trasts curiously with the habitual dilatorinesa which he afterwards displayed in chancery. On the other hand he was too apt to confound the jury by the extreme subtlety with which he summed up. His judgments are reported by Bosanquet and Puller. As chancellor he made his first appearance in debate in sup- port of a bill, also favoured by Thurlow, for granting divorce to a wife whose husband had committed adultery with her sister (20 May 1801). He also supported the measure introduced to exclude Home To oke, by which clergymen were disqualified for sitting in the House of Commons (16 June 1801) ; the convention with Russia which dissolved the armed neutrality (13 Nov. 1801) ; and, though by no means warmly, the peace of Amiens (3 Nov. 1801 and 13 May 1802). In the spring of 1804 the admini- stration was hampered, while its existence, then almost at the mercy of Pitt, was pro- longed by the lunacy of the king, which lasted, with hardly a day's intermission, from 12 Feb. to 23 April. On 1 March, in answer to a question, in the House of Lords, Eldon stated that there was ' no suspension of the royal functions.' On 4 March and the next day be saw the king, and obtained his verbal consent to the Duke of York's estate bill. On 9 March, and again on 23 March, he aifixed the great seal to a commission which Scott Scott to give the royal assent to certain bills. On 24 March, of his own motion, without consulting Addington, he had a tete-&-tete with Pitt. On 18 or 19 April the king, by Addington's advice, authorised him to open the negotiations which terminated in Addington's retirement and Pitt's return to power. As what passed between him and Pitt on 24 March has not transpired, the imputation of disloyalty to Addington cast upon him by Brougham, Pellew, and Lord Campbell rests on no substantial basis fsse ADDiireTON, HESTRY, first VISCOUNT SID- MOTTTH] (STANHOPE, Life of Pitt, ed. 1879, iii. 196, 211 et seq.) To the king his loyalty was above sus- picion, and it was requited with confidence and affection. To his diplomacy was en- trusted, in the summer of 1804, the delicate task of composing the feuds which distracted the royal iamily. By urbanity, tact, and dignity, he prevailed with the prince to see his father and converse with him for a short while on indifferent topics (12 Nov. 1804), and eventually (January 1805) to concede to him the exclusive charge of the Princess Charlotte. In the House of Lords his ener- gies were absorbed in defeating such proposals as the abolition of the slave trade and the emancipation of the debtor and the catholic (8, 24 July 1804,25 March, 10, 13 May 1805). On the collapse of the administration which followed Pitt's death, he somewhat tardily (7 Feb. 1806) surrendered the seals. The king parted with him with profound regret. < Lay them down on the sofa,* he said, point- ing to the seals, * for I cannot and will not take them from you. Yet I admit you can- not stay when all the rest have run away.' His retiring pension, by previous arrange- ment, was fixed at 4,OOOJ. Except to question the propriety of the acceptance by "Lord Ellenborpugh of a seat in the cabinet while retaining the chief- justiceship for which the only precedent was furnished by Lord Mansfield to fight again the battle for the creditors 1 and sugar- planters 7 supposed vested interests in human flesh, and to record his vote for Lord Mel- ville's acquittal (3 March, 14, 16 May, 32 June 1806), Eldon took little part m public affairs during the shortlived admini- stration of All the Talents. Much of his leisure was occupied with the affairs of the Princess of Wales (Caroline Amelia Eliza- beth), as whose adviser he acted during the scrutiny into her conduct ; and solicitude to prevent the publication of ' the book ' brought him to "Windsor during the contest between the king and his advisers on the catholic question in March 1807. The coincidence raised a suspicion that he was privy to, if not the prompter of, the king's unconstitu- tional attempt to foreclose that question; nor did he in unequivocal terms deny the imputation, which is likely enough to be well founded. Lord Campbell's statement that he was concerned in the composition of ' the book/ the publication of which he after- wards (1808) restrained by injunction, is improbable in itself and unsupported by authority. On the formation of the Portland admini- stration in 1807 Eldon resumed the great seal, which he retained for rather more than twenty years. During great part of this period the strength of his convictions, the dexterity and decision with which he en- countered emergencies, and a veritable genius for managing men, gave him para- mount influence in the cabinet. Few Eng- lish statesmen have been less trammelled by the maxims of the comity of nations or con- stitutional precedents and forms. Though naturally pacific, the subjugation of Napo- leon was to him an end which sanctified all means. The seizure of the Danish fleet in 1807 he justified by the plea of necessity, while acknowledging that it was without colour of right ; the orders in council by which the entire seaboard under the domi- nion or control of France was declared under blockade, to the infinite damage of neutral commerce, and also the practice of searching neutral ships for British seamen, he de- fended on grounds which have since been generally repudiated by publicists,- and his plea for the detention of Bonaparte in 1815, that he had neither king nor country, but had constituted himself an independent belligerent, and was thus at the mercy of his captors, was perhaps more subtle than sound. Napoleon disposed of, his foreign policy was simply non-intervention. An orator he never became, but the dignity of his person and the melody of his voice triumphed over the clumsy and circumlocutory character of his style. His power of personal fascination was extraordinary. Secure in his ascen- dency over the king, he regarded without anxiety but not without resentment the intrigues of Canning to oust him from office during the protracted crisis of September- October ISOyj and in the end it was Can- ning that retired, while the Duke of Port- land was replaced by Eldon's old associate, and intimate friend, Spencer Perceval. In 1811, when the lunacy of the king became chronic, Eldon was still on the worst of terms with the prince, whom he further embittered by adnering to the view of the procedure to ponstitute the regency which Scott 53 Scott lie had advocated in 1788. The prince's friends accordingly sought to exclude him from the council which was to be associated with the prince during the first year of the regency ; and to this end the expedients by which a semblance of the royal assent had been given to bills while the king was pre- sumably unfit to transact business in 1801 and 1804 were magnified into acts of iisurpation, the responsibility for which it was sought to fix upon Eldon individually. Instead of relying on his true defence the extreme gravity of the emergencies in which he had acted Eldon took refuge in evasive circumlocutions and appeals to his conscience. He triumphed, however: the motion was negatived by a large majority ; nor had the year of restricted regency ex- pired before the prince had flouted his ( early friends,' and the administration had received a new lease of life. Eldon mean- while had renounced the princess, and de- voted himself to his { young master,' who in- vited him to his supper parties, gave him the endearing nickname of Old Bags, and trusted him implicitly in all matters public and private. His influence was paramount during the crisis which followed the assas- sination of Perceval, when with the skill of an old parliamentary hand he secured the failure of the overtures, which for the sake of appearances were made first to Lord Wellesley and Canning, and then to Lords Grey and G-renville ; and eventually formed Lord Liverpool's durable administration . (8 June 1812). He advised the prince and supported his parental authority during the first treaty for the marriage of the Princess Charlotte, and arranged her eventual marriage with Prince Leopold of Saxe- Coburg. Eldon concurred in conferring on Scot- land in 1815 the somewhat questionable boon of trial by jury in civil causes (55 Geo. HI, c. 42) ; and in 1819 in the abolition of trial by battle, and appeals of treason and felony (59 Geo. Ill, c. 46). A few other modifications of legal procedure are trace- able to his suggestion. But his normal at- titude towards innovations of all kinds continued to be one of determined hostility. He resisted the reforms of Sir Samuel Romilly q. v.] as stubbornly as catholic emancipation ; and, though he took no part in carrying the corn laws, he could conceive for the consequent disaffection no remedy but repression, and gave in 1817 his unqualified approval to Lord Sidmouth's circular in- structing magistrates to hold to bail before indictment for libel, to the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, to the revival without limit of duration of the expired Treason Act of 1796, and to the new and stringent Sedi- tious Meetings Act (57 Geo. Ill, cc. 3,6, 18). After the Peterloo affair (1819), the Six Acts, which placed public meetings at the mercy of magistrates, authorised domiciliary visits for the seizure of arms, provided a more summary procedure in cases of seditious libej, and subjected pamphlets to the same duty as newspapers, seemed to him the only means of preserving the constitution (60 Geo. Ill and 1 Geo. IV, cc. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8,9). On the accession of George IV the un- popularity of the administration evinced by the Cato .Street conspiracy was aggra- vated by their treatment of the queen, the odium of which attached in an especial de- gree to Eldon. But though he supported the reference of the report of the Milan com- mission to a secret committee (7 June 1820), he had had no hand in its initiation [see LEACH, SIB JOHN] ; and in refusing the queen permission (27 June) to attend the subsequent debates on her case, -he merely enforced the rule excluding ladies from the house ; nor is he fairly censurable for declin- ing to present her petition, or deviate from the long-established parliamentary procedure by granting her discovery of the evidence against her. On moving (2 Nov.) the second reading of the bill of pains and penalties, he summed up the case for and against her with the strictest impartiality ; and it was as much in her interest as in that of the king and the administration that he depre- cated the abandonment of the bill after the third reading. He was now in as ill odour with the populace as in 1794 ; but as the coryphaeus of the gallant l thirty-nine who saved the thirty-nine ' -i.e. who defeated (17 April 1821) Plunket's statesmanlike measure of catholic emancipation he was enthusiastically toasted by ro^al ckurch and state men. In anticipation of his coronation George IV, by patent dated 7 July 183&, conferred on Eldon the titles of Viscount Encombe and Earl of Eldon. The patent was sealed on 9 July, and on the same day the new earl took his seat as such in -the fouse of Lords. But while he thus reached the summit of his honour, his ascendency was already passing from him. The king was now swayed by Lady Conyngham, who had es- poused the catholic cause. The death of the queen opened the way for Canning's return to place. The administration was in need of new blood ; and on his return from Ireland, where he had treated Plunket with marked distinction, the king consented (January Scott 54 Scott 1 822) to a coalition with the Grenville party, whereby catholic emancipation entered the sphere of practical politics. Eldon's chagrin at 'this arrangement he had a hatred of coalitions was mitigated by the exclusion of Canning from office. He was further consoled by the defeat of Canning's adroit ^attempt to initiate the process of emancipation with the catholic peer (21 June 1822). His failure to defeat the retrospective clauses of the Clandestine Marriage Act of this year (3 Geo. IV, c. 75), by which marriages con- tracted by minors without consent of their -parents or guardians were validated, further evinced the decline of his influence; and when Canning succeeded Lord Londonderry at the foreign office, his consternation was extreme. He adhered, however, tenaciously to the woolsack, and for the additional mor- tification caused by Huskisson's accession to the cabinet found some compensation in the defeat of the Unitarian Marriage Bill of 1824 and of the Catholic Relief Bilbof that and the following year. When Canning suc- ceeded Lord Liverpool, Eldon deserted with the rest of the tories ( 12 April 1827), and was succeeded in the following month by Lord Lyndhurst. Mortification at his exclusion from the Duke of Wellington's administration in- tensified the obstinacy with which in the debates on the repeal of the Test and Cor- poration Acts (1828), and in the final struggle on catholic emancipation (1829), Eldon maintained what he knew to be a hopeless struggle, Plis resistance to the latter measure he carried to the point of seriously urging the king to withhold his assent in two prolonged private audiences, on# on 28 March, and the other in the fol- lowing- month. On the accession of Wil- liam IV he supported Lord Grey's amend- ment to the answer to the royal message (30 June 1830) with the view of postponing tne dissolution. Unmanned for a time by the -death of Lady Eldon (28 June 1831), he mastered himself sufficiently to lead the irreconcilable section of the opposition in the struggle on the parliamentary Beform Bill, Alter fiercely contesting the measure at every stage, he denounced (21 May 18S2) the proposed creation of new peers as unconstitutional, and only withdrew his opposition when its futility was made ap- parent. Tithe commutation, the several reforms founded on the reports of the real property and common law commissioners and the Irish Church Temporalities Bill, also found hi him. a sturdy opponent (1831- 1834). His great age and staunchness jnade him the idol of his party. Church men showed their gratitude by founding in 1829 the Eldon law scholarship, for which only churchmen and Oxford graduates were to be eligible ; and Oxford honoured her high steward hardly less than her chan- cellor, though the latter was the hero of Waterloo, at the commemoration of 1834. He survived to take the oaths to Queen Victoria (21 June 1837), and died of old age at Hamilton Place on 13 Jan. 1838, leaving personalty sworn under 700,000^ His re- mains were interred by those of his wife in the graveyard of Kingston Chapel, near En- combe in the Isle of Jrurbeck, where in 1807 he had purchased a seat. The chapel, which he had rebuilt, contains his monument with an effigy by Chantrey. Eldon had issue two sons viz. (1) John ( b, 8 March 1774), who died thirty-two years before his father, on 24 Dec. 1805, leaving issue by his wife (m. 22 Aug. 1804), Hen- rietta Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir Mat- thew White Ridley, bart., an only son, John (b. 10 Dec. 1805 ; d. 13 Sept. 1854), who from 1821 bore the title Viscount Encombe, and on his grandfather's death succeeded to the earldom and estates j (2) William Henry (b. 25 Feb. 1795, d. 6 July 1832)- and two daughters, viz. (1) Elizabeth (m. 27 Nov. 1817, George Manley Repton, youngest son of Humphry Repton [q. v.], d. 16 April 1862), and (2) Usances Jane (m. 6 April 1820 Rev. Edward Bankes, rector of Corfe Castle). Of middle height, well knit and active, with regular features, keen, sparkling eyes, and luxuriant hair, Eldon in the prime of life was almost the ideal of manly beauty. To please Lady Eldon he wore his hair rather long ; and at her instance, on his ap- pointment to the lord chief-justiceship, asked leave of George III to dispense with his wig out of court, but was met with the curt response, * No, no ! I will have no innova- tions in my time.' The liberty denied to the chief justice was, however, conceded to or usurped by the chancellor. As he ad- vanced in years thought and care added re- finement and dignity to his physiognomy without impairing the geniality of his smile or the urbanity of his manners. His consti- tution was as robust as his political prin- ciples; yet he wept with facility, even in public, sometimes, as on Rornilly's death, irom genuine feeling* sometimes, apparently, for effect. His political courage was un- doubted ; but he had little physical prowess. A single fall induced him to forswear riding in early manhood ; and though he was never happier than when among the birds at En- combe, he was so bad a shot that Lord Stowell rallied him with killing nothing but Scott 55 Scott time. Singularly careless of outward show, no chancellor more easily maintained the dignity of his office, none more readily threw oft the cares of state, not even Sir Christopher Hatton led the brawls more gaily than he. Intellectual society he shunned, and not un- wisely ; for he was ill-read, untravelled, and without either knowledge of or taste for the fine arts. Though in his own house he tolerated no politics Tmt his own, he never allowed party spirit to mar the ease and in- timacy of his social relations ; and an inex- haustible fund of entertaining anecdote made him a most engaging companion. In later life his capacity for port wine was prodigious, and his seasoned brain was rarely in any ap- preciable degree affected by his potations. He was a most devoted husband, restricting liis hospitality, and even discontinuing the levies which his predecessors had held, out of regard to La4y Eldon's wishes-; and was an affectionate father and grandfather if somewhat exacting he hardly forgave his- daughter, Lady Elizabeth, for marry ing with- out his consent, and .was not satisfied until Lord Encombe had given him a life interest in the Stowell estates. He was also a good landlord, and unostentatiously charitable. * Not to make the church political, but to make the state religious/ he defined as the object of church establishments ; he was him- self so neglectful of public worship that, with almost equal humour and truth, he was described as a buttress of the church ; and though a trick of sermonising, in season and out of season, clave to him throughout life, he turned a deaf ear on the verge of the grave to the spiritual admonitions of Bishop Henry Phillpotts [q. v.] Except in the disposal of the higher offices, his distribution of patronage was, on the whole injudicious, being chiefly deter-, mined by the caprice of the royal family or any other influence which might be powerful enough to overcome his habitual indolence ; and he was singularly, chary of giving the coveted silk gown to members of the bar. Yet he won the affection of all who pleaded before him, from , the grave and reverend seniors on the front bench to the young stuff- gownsman opening his first case, by the urbanity with which he treated them. Ex- cept by occasional sallies of wit, which, though rarely of a high order, served to vary the monotony of the proceedings, he seldom intervened during argument, but ap- peared to be wholly absorbed in attention, ids inscrutable features giving no indication of the effect produced upon him. At the close of the case he usually reserved judg- ment, though no one was by nature or train- ing better qualified to arrive at a speedy- decision. The material facts of the case he grasped with a celerity almost intuitive, while a memory well stored with precedents, and an understanding of metaphysical acu- men and subtlety, readily furnished him with the principles applicable to it. His indecision was due to an extreme scrupulosity, which caused him to review the case in all con- ceivable aspects long after he had in fact exhausted it, a propensity perhaps aggra- vated by a sense of his own instinctive pre- cipitancy. Hence his decrees, like his opi- nions, were overlaid by a multiplicity of fine distinctions, among which the ratio ded- dendi was not always easy to grasp. They were, however, seldom appealed from, hardly ever reversed ; nor, save so far as they have been rendered obsolete by legislative changes, has lapse of time materially impaired their authority. His gravest error, perhaps, was the extent to which he pushed the principle that the court will not protect by injunction works of an immoral, seditious, or irreligious tendency [see BrBON,GEOBeE GOBDOST, sixth, LOBD ; LA.WBEKCE,SIB WILLIAM; SOTTTHEY, ROBEBT ; and WOLCOT, JOHN], But, on the whole, .the jurisdiction by injunction was most judiciously amplified by him; and if he overstrained the law against forestalling and regratmg, and took a pedantically narrow view of the curriculum proper for grammar schools, he construed charitable bequests with exemplary liberality, and gave refine- ment and jprecision to the rules which govern the administration of estates in chancery and bankruptcy, the equities of mortgagors and mortgagees, and the remedy by specific per- formance. The arrears with which he was incessantly reproached, and which occasioned the crea- tion in 1813 of the office of vice-chancellor, the appointment in 1824 of a deputy-speaker of the House of Lords [GrFFOBD, KOBEBT, first BABONGOTOBD], and the ridiculous chan- cery commission of the same year, over which Eldon himself presided, were by no means wholly imputable to his dilatoriness. Chan- cery procedure had never been distinguished by despatch; and in Eldon's time a rapid and sustained increase of litigation combined with the unusually onerous nature of his political duties to render his position one of exceptional difficulty. Never were, the j udi* cial duties of the House of Lords more effi- ciently discharged than while he occupied the woolsack, though sometimes, as in the 'case of the Queenberry leases (1319), they involved, the decision of the most intricate questions of Scottish real-property law. Nor does it fall to every chancellor to sway Scott Scott cabinet councils, to investigate a Berkeley- or Roxburghe peerage claim, or preside at the trial of a queen. Moreover, the relief afforded by the creation of the vice-chan- cellor's court fell far, short of what was an- ticipated. Not a few of the hasty decisions of Sir John Leach were overruled by Eldon on appeal or rehearing, and some on fresh evidence. This practice of admitting fresh evidence on .appeal or rehearing, however conducive to the interests of justice, was, certainly calculated to impair tte authority of the court below, and was severely criti- cised by James Abercromby (afterwards Lord Dunfermlrne) fa. v.] in the House of Commons on 24 Feb. 1824. Misled by an - inaccurate report of his speech,- Eldon pub- licly denounced the charge as an * utter falsehood,' for which breach of privilege he narrowly escaped the censure of parliament, and tendered an apology. With all his hesitancy, no judge knew better liow to make up for lost time ; and, when so minded, he would fairly weary out lis counsel by his energy and assiduity. That, after all, 'the quantity of business of which he disposed during his tenure of the great seal was not disproportionate to its duration is attested by the space occupied by his decisions, even when allowance is made for their 'prolixity,, in the l Reports ' of Vesey, jun., and his con- temporaries and successors, Kose, Beanies, Cooper, Merivale, Bnck, Swanston, Jacob and Walker, Jacob, Wilson, Turner and "Russell, Glyn and Jameson, Do wand Bligh. Eldon was F.R.S., F.S.A,, a governor of the Charterhouse, and a trustee of the Bri- tish Museum, He was painted by Thomas (afterwards Sir Thomas) Lawrence while he was attorney-general. His portrait by Wil- liam .Owen, painted in 1812, is in the Guild- hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, The National Portrait Gallery has a replica of another portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence the ori- ginal, done in 1824, is at "Windsor Castle and his bust by Tatham, done in 1831. Another portrait, by PickersgiU, is at Mer- chant Taylors' Hall, London. His visit to Oxford in 1834 is commemorated by one of Briggs's compositions, representing him elated, while Lord Encombe, in academical costume, bows to kiss his hand. The new library at University College, Oxford, con- tains a colossal statue of him in Carrara marble, on the same base with that of Lord Stewelijbofch'by George Kelson from models by Musgrave Lewthwaite. Engravings of his bust by Sievier, done in 1824, are at the British Museum. [Twiss's Life of lord -chancellor Eldon (1 844) ' Lire* of Tvelve Eminent Judges (1846); Surtees's Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon (1846); Lord Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors (1847); LawBeview, i. 249, ii. 276, iii. 44 ; Legal Observer, i. 193, 209, xv. 208, 311; Law Mag. xxxiii. 347; Brougham's Memoirs, ii. 413, and Hiotorical Sketches of Statesmen (1839), ii. 54; Bennet's Biogr. Sketches (1867), p. 57; Gent. Mag. 1817 it 554,1831 i. 648, 1832 ii. 186, 1838 i. 313 ; Observations on the Judges of the Court of Chancery, and the Practice and Delays complained of in that Court (1823); Edinburgh Rev. xxxix. 246, Ixxxi. 131; Quarterly JRev. Ixxiy. 71 ; Westminster Rev. xlii. 456 ; North British Rev. ii. 212; Blackwood's Kdinb. Mag. xiv, 627, xviii. 212, Ixi 245 ; Brown's Cases in Parliament, ii. 146 ; Cases in the House of Lords (1781); Parl. Hist, xxiv-xxxvi, and Hansard's Parl. Deb. ; Howell's State Trials, xxiv-xxv. ; Commons' Journals, xxxvi. 437, xxxviii, 285; Lords' Journals, xxxvi. 279; "WraxalFs Mem. ed. Wheatley ; Romilly's Mem. ;. Buckingham's Memoirs of tae Courts and Cabi- nets of George III, the Regency, and George IV ; Phipps's Memoirs of Robert Plutner Ward, i. 371, ii. 69 ; Diaries of James Harris, first Karl of Malmesbury (1844), iv. 31, 223; PelleVs Life of Sidmonth, ii. 277-9 ; Russell's Life of Fox, iii. 325; Stapieton's Life of Canning, p. 207; Yonge's Life of Lord Liverpool; Lord Auckland's Correspondence; Plurket's Life of Lord Plunket; -Scarlett's Life of Lord Abinger, p. 89 ; Peel's Memoirs, ed. Stanhope and Card- well, i. 275 ; Greville's Memoirs of George IV and William IV ; B. I. and fl. Wilberforce's Life of William Wilberforce ; Arnould's Life of Lord Denman, i. 233 ; Martin's Life of Lord Lynd- hurst, pp. 262-0; Butler's Reminiscences, 4th edit, p. 135; Brand's Nawcastfe-upon-Tyne; Mackenzie's Newcasde-upon-Tyne, i. 217.] J. M. R. SCOTT, JOHN (1798-1846), surgeon, bom in 1798, was only son of James Scott, a general practitioner of medicine, living at Bromley in Kent. His father acquired a large practice, and was particularly success-* f ul in the treatment of chronic ulcers and of diseased joints. John Scott was educated first at a private school in Sevenoaks, and afterwards at the Charterhouse. He was then apprenticed to Sir William Blizard [q. v.], the senior surgeon to the London Hospital in Whitechapel. He was admitted a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries on 2$ April 3819, and a member of the Eoyal College of Surgeons of^England on 2 June 1820* He practised with his father at Bromley for a short time, but after marrying he came to London, and was living in New Broad Street in 1824 On 24 Nov. 1826 he was elected surgeon to the Ophthalmic Hospital in Moorfields in succession to [Sir] William Lawrence. Scott was elected .assistant sur- Scott Scott geon to the London Hospital on 18 July 18^7. He was appointed full surgeon on 28 March 1831, resigning on 3 Dec, 1845. He died at Brighton, after a prolonged ill- ness, on 11 April 1846. Scott revolutionised one department of surgery by introducing the passive treat- ment of diseased joints. His method, how- ever, was distasteful to his contemporaries owing to the unnecessary complications with which he surrounded it; but stripped of these, his principle remains a potent factor in surgery. He treated chronic ulcers by the method his -father had taught him of strapping the leg from the toes upwards, and he was thus opposed to Baynton's method, which consisted in applying the strapping for only a short distance above the ulcer, Scott's dressing and Scott's ointment are still known to every student of surgery, though they are now rarely used. His dressing had, as its base, a camphorated mercurial compound. Constant practice is said to have rendered him the most skilful bandager in London, at a time when bandaging in the London hos- pitals was almost a fine art. Scott was distinguished as a surgeon by the rapidity and by the general accuracy of his diagnosis. He displayed great decision and energy in the treatment of his patients. He was a bold, but not particularly brilliant operator, and he is said to have been the first surgeon in England to remove the upper jaw. He was of an uncertain and irritable temper, which disease sometimes rendered overbearing. His we-rSs are : 1. * Surgical Observations on ... Chronic Inflammations . . . par- ticularly in Diseases of the Joints/ 8vo, Lon- don, 1828 ; a new edit, by W. H. Smith, London, 8vo, 1857 : a most valuable work,, for it lays down very clearly the necessity for putting at rest diseased joints. 2.' Cases of Tic-douloureux and Qther Forms of Neu- ralgia/ 8vo, London, 1834. 3. 'Cataract and its Treatment/ 8vo, London, 1843 : the ob- ject of this work was to introduce a sickle- shaped knife, but the instrument never came into general use. ^ [Medical Times and Gazette, xiv. 136; addi- tional facts contributed to the writer by Walter Kivington, esq., F.R.C.S. Engl., consulting sur- geon to the London Hospital, and. by E. J. Newstead, esq., secretary of the Eoyal London Ophthalmic Hospital.] D'A. P. SCOTT, JOHN (1794-1871), . horse- trainer, was born at Chippenham, near Newmarket/on 8 Nov. 1794. His father was a jockey and a trainer, who became , landlord of the Ship inn at Oxford, and died at Brighton in 1848, aged 97. At an early period John entered his father's stables, and at the age of thirteen won a fifty-pound plate at Blandfdrd. As a light- i i -i i i e> fN trr At IYT and Mr. Stevens of Bourton-on-the-Hill, Gloucestershire. In 1815 James Croft, the trainer of Middleham, put into his charge Sir William Maxwell's Filho daPuta, which ran at Newmarket against Sir Joshua. Shortly after this he was engaged as private trainer to Mr, Houldsworth of Rockhill in Sherwood Forest. The next eight years of his life were spent at Eockhill; he then trained for two years for the Hon. E. Pet re at Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, and brought out Theodore, the winner of the St. Leger in 1822 (BuiCK, Jockey Club, p. 280). In 1825 he purchased Whitewall House, Mai- ton, with training stables, which accom- modated a hundred horses, and he resided there for the remainder of his life. For many years he had the best horses in Eng- land under his charge, and handled them with- unrivalled skill. Among his principal employers were the Duke of Westminster, the Marquis of Exeter, Lord Derby, Lord Chesterfield, the Hon. E. Petre, Mr. John Bowes, General Anson, Lord Falmouth, and Major Yarburgh. The first victory of note which he gained from Whitewall was the St. Leger of 1827, won by the Hon. E. Petre's Matilda. Many more triumphs at Doncas- ter followed. Before 1862 he trained in all sixteen winners of the St. Leger, St. Giles in 1832 was the first of six Derby winners which he trained, the others being Mundig in 1835, Attila in 1842, Cotherstone in 1843 (who also won the Two Thousand Guineas), Daniel O'Rourke (who unexpectedly beat Stockwell in 1852), and West Australian in 1853, the first horse that ever won the three great events the Two Thousand Guineas, the Derby, and the St. Leger. He also trained eight winners Of the Oaks. With Meteor he won the Two Thousand Guineas for Mr. Bowes in 1842, and with ImpSrieuse he beat Blink Bonny for the One Thousand Guineas in 1837, Among other horses trained at Whitewall were velocipede, one of the best horses of his generation, Lord Derby's Toxophilite and Caneiou, and Mr. Bowes*s Hetman Plat off and Epirus. The Whitewall horses would have gained more victories in the south of England had the facilities for travelling been what they have become. ^John Scott was much esteemed by all his employers, and among his most intimate friends was Baron Martin, who, with Hud- ston "Read, was an executor of his will. At Scott Scott Whitewall Scott accumulated many curio- sities and numerous sporting pictures by Herring and Hall. He died at Whitewall House ^on 4 Oct. 1871, and was buried on 9 Oct. in Malton cemetery, where a monu- ment was erected to his memory. A tablet in Norton church was similarly erected by public subscription. He married, first, Miss Baker, the daughter of an innkeeper at Mansfield j and, secondly, a lady who died at Whitewall Cottage in March 1891, aged 90. His daughter by his first wife became the wife of Mr. Farrar the trainer, and by his second wife he left a son. [Times, 12 March 1891, p. 10; Sporting Review, September 1 855, pp. 153-5, with por- trait; Baiiy's Mag. April 1862, pp. 249-53, with portrait ; Scott and Sebcight ? by the Druid, 1862 pp. 47-56 ; Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic New fl , 26 Dec. 1874, pp, 308, 315, with portrait ; Illustrated London News, 21 Oct. 1871, pp. 375, 377, with portrait; F. Eoss's Celebrities of Yorkshire Wolds, 1878,, p. 145; Rice's History of the British Turf, 1879, ii. 225-30 ; Bell's Life in London, 7 Oct. 1871, p. 6, 14 Oct. p f 6; Black's Jockey Club, passim;, Taunton's Por- traits pf Race Horses/ 1888, ii. 127 et seq.,with portraits of the, horses mentioned in this article.] GK c. B. SCOTT, JONATHAN, LL.D. (1754- 1829), orientalist, born at Shrewsbury in 1754^ was the third son of Jonathan Scott of Shrewsbury by Mary, daughter of Hum- phrey Sandford of the Isle near that town. John Scott, afterwards Scott-Waring [q, v], was his eldest brother. Jonathan received his first education in the Royal Free Gram- mar School at Shrewsbury, but left in his thirteenth year to proceed to India with his two elder brothers, John and Richard. Jona- than was gazetted to a eadetcy in 1770, and two years, later to an e'nsigncy in the 29th native infantry of the Carnatic. He became a lieutenant in 1777, and finally captain in 1778. His abilities gained him the patronage of Warren Hastings, then governor-general of Bengal, who appointed him his Persian secre- tary. Scott's official duties left him little time for literary work, but in 1784 he took part in founding the Royal Asiatic Society ot .Bengal, of which, body he remained a mem- ber until 1799. Hastings left India in Febru- ary 1785, and aa Scott resigned his commis- sion m January of that year, 'it may be pre- sumed that he .returned to England about the same time. In 1786, he published his first work. Scot was again sent as par- liamentary commissioner to him, and his re- ception opened his eyes to the fact that he had been deluded (ib. pp. 248, 252 ; PEICB, p. 768 ; LTTDLOW, ii. 222). The readmission of the members of the commons excluded in 1648 put an end to his secretaryship and his power, but before the dissolution of the Long parliament he- took opportunity to affirm the justice of the king's execution, saying that he desired not better epitaph than "Here lies one who had a hand and a heart in the execution of Charles Stuart ' (ib. ii. 250 ; Trial of the Regicides, p. 87). I^ud- low and some of the late- council of state hoped to raise money and troops fox a last effort to prevent the restoration of Charles II, but Scot, who had promised his assistance, finding the scheme had no prospect of suc- cess, and that his arrest was imminent, re- solved to retire to the coiimtrjr.fLTJDLOW, ii. 252). In April 1660, finding himself, as he said, in danger of assassination, he took ship for Flanders. In spite of his disguise he was recognised at Brussels in June 1660, and at- tempts were made to seize him. In the end he was persuaded to surrender himself to Sir Henry de Vic, the king's resident at Brussels, in the hope of saving his life by thus obeying the royal proclamation for the surrender of the regicides. The credit of capturing him or persuading him to surrender was much dis- puted (CaL State Papers, Dora. 1670, p. Scott 72 Scott 649 ; A True Narrative in a Letter written to Col B. R. of the Apprehension of the Grand Traitor Thomas Scot, 1660, 4to ; Mr. Ignatius White his Vindication from all Im- putations concerning Mr. Scot,fyc., 1660, 4to). Scot was brought to England, and at once sent to the Tower (July 12). The House of Commons had excepted him from pardon on 6 June, and the exception was maintained m the act of indemnity. Some promise of life appears to have been made to him if he would discover the agents from whom he had obtained information of the plans of Charles II during the time he was intelli- gencer. He drew up accordingly ' A Con- fession and Discovery of his Transactions,' to which he appended a petition for his life, apologising for his 'rash and over-lavish* words in parliament, and pleading his con- stant opposition to Cromwell (English His- torical Review, January 1897), but his reve- lations were not held sufficiently valuable ; he was tried with the other regicides on 12 Oct. 1660. Scot pleaded not guilty, argued that the authority of parliament jus- tified his actions ; and, when his words aliout the king's death were urged against him, claimed that they were covered by the pri- vilege of parliament. He was condemned to death, and executed on 17 Oct. 1660 (Trial of the Regicides, pp. 82-85, 99). He behaved with great courage, and died protesting that he had' engaged in ' a cause not to be re- pented of (LuDiow, -ii. 315; Speeches and jPrayers of some of the late King's Judges^ 4to, 1660, pp. 65-73). Scot had property at Little Marlow in Buckinghamshire, and was also for a time recorder of Aylesbury. During the Common- wealth he bought an estate from Sir John .Pakington at Heydon Hill, and was one of the purchasers of Lambeth House. He also made some small purchase of church lands, though he asserts that his official gains were small (LIPSCOMB, ii. 11, iii. 601; THTTRLOE, v. 711). Scot is charged with throwing down the monument of Archbishop Parker at tambeth, and causing his bones to be dis- interred (WooD, Athena, ii. 783 ; STRTPB, Life of Parser, pp. 494, 498 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7thEep.p. 149). He was thrice married, first to Alice Allinson at Chesterford in 1626 ; secondly, to Grace Maleverer or Mauleverer (buried in Westminster Abbey 26 Feb. 1646) ; and thirdly to Alice (surname unknown), who petitioned to visit him before execution (NoBLE, Lives of the Regicides, ii. 197; CHESTER. Westminster Reg. p. 140). His son William was made a fellow of All Souls' by the parliamentary visitors of Oxford, and graduated B.C.L. on 4 Aug, 1648 (WooD, Fasti, ii. 62 j FOSTER, Alumni Oxonienses. i 1326). In April 1666 William, who was then an exile in Holland, was summoned by proclamation to return to England. He pre- ferred to remain in Holland as a spy for the English government, who secured him by means of his mistress Afra Behn [q. v!] (CaL State Papers, Dom. 1665-6 p. 342. 1666-7 pp. 44, 82, 135, 142, 145). Another son, Colonel Thomas Scot, was arrested in Ireland in 1CG3 for a plot, turned king's evidence, and was expelled from the Irish parliament (CA.RTE, Omo<2e,iv.l38; PEPYS, Diary, 1 June 1663). Alice Scot, daughter of the regicide, married William Rowe, who was scoutmaster-general in 1650 (THTJB- LOB, v. 711 ; Biographia Britannica, p. 3528). Scot the regicide, who never served in the parliamentary army, is often confused with Major or Colonel Thomas Scot (or Scott) who was elected member for Aldborough in 1645, and was concerned in the mutiny at Ware in November 1047 (RTJSHWOETH, vii. 876; Comnwntf Journals, v. 362; Clarke Papers, i. 231), He died in January 1648 (CaL Clarendon Papers, i. 408). [The only life of Scot is that in Noble's Lives of the Begieides, ii. 169-99, which is full of errors ; see authorities cited.] C. H. F. SCOTT, THOMAS (1705-1775), hymn- writer, younger son of Thomas Scott, inde- pendent minister of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, afterwards of Norwich, brother of Joseph Nicql Scott, M.D. [q. v.], and nephew of Dr. Daniel Scott [q. v. J, was born at Hitchin in 1705. He was probably educated by his father. As a very young man he took charge of a small boarding-school at Wortwell, in the parish of Redcnhall, Norfolk, and once a month preached to the independent con- gregation at JEIarleston in the same parish. In 1733 he became minister of the dissent- ing congregation at Lowestoft, Suffolk. He is said to have retained this office till 1738, but in 1734 he succeeded Samuel Say [q. v.] as colleague to Samuel Baxter at St. Nicholas Street Chapel, Ipswich ; henceforth he pro- bably divided his time between the two places till Baxter was disabled. On Baxter's death on 13 July 1740 he became sole pastor, and remained so till 1 701, when Peter Emans became his colleague, followed by Robert Lewin (1762-1770), and William Wood, P.L.S. (1770-1773). Except during the three years of Wood's able ministry, the congregat ion languished. On 26 April 1 774 being in broken health, Scott was elected minister by the trustees of an endowed chapel at Hapton, Norfolk* lie died at Hapton m 1776, and was buried in the Scott 73 Scott parish churchyard. He was married and left issue. Scott met with some success as a hymn- writer. Some of his hymns (e.g. 'Absurd and vain attempt/ * Imposture shrinks from light ' ) are odes to independence of thought j but his 'Hasten, sinner, to be wise/ has great power, and, his * Happy the meek* has great beauty. Eleven of his hymns were first contributed to 'Hymns for Public Wor- ship/ &c., Warrington, 1772, 12mo, edited by beloved's Memoirs of ,W. Wood, 1809, p. 13 ; Miller's Oar Hymns, 1866, pp. 146, 148 ; Julian's Diet, of Hymnology, 1892, pp. 1019 sq. ; manu- script records of Hapton trustees; information kindly furnished by Hardinge F. Giffard, esq., F.S.A.] A. GL SCOTT, THOMAS (1747-1821), com- mentator on the Bible, son of John Scott (d. 1777), grazier, was born at Braytoft, Lincolnshire, on 4 Feb. 1747. He was the tenth of thirteen children, After seven years' William Enfield [q. v.l Most of his hymns schooling, latterly at Scorton, Yorkshire, he are contained in his * Lyric Poems ' (1773) ; was annrentiaad in Sft-nt,fimhfvr 1762 to aanr- others are in the 'Collection/ &c., 1795, 12mo, by Andrew Elippis [q. v.], Abraham Rees [q. v.], and others. He .published four single sermons (1740-59), including a funeral sermon for Samuel Baxter; also: 1. 'A Father's Instructions to his Son/ &c., 1748, 4to (verse). 2. ' The Table of Cebes ... in English verse, with Notes/ &c., 1754, 4to. 3. 'The Book of Job, in English verse . . . from the original . . . with Remarks/ &c,, 1771, 8vo ; 2nd edit. 1773, 8vo ; a poor ren- dering ; the notes are better than the text. 4. ' Lyric Poems, Devotional and Moral/ &c., 1773, 8vo. ELIZABETH SCOTT (1708P-1776), hymn- writer, sister of the above, was born at Hitchin about 1708. Her father writes of her (1 March 1740) as * one who devotes herself to doing good, as a protestant nun.' Her letter to Doddridge, 10 May 1745, shows that she was suffering from religious depres- sion, not unconnected with family troubles (HUMPHREYS, Correspondence of DoddMge, in. 424, iv. 408 sq.) She married (1), at Norwich, in January 1751-2, Elisha Wil- liams, formerly rector of Yale College, with whom in March 1772 she removed to Con- necticut ; (2) Hon. William Smith, of New York, whom she survived, dying at Wethers- field, Connecticut, on 13 June 1776, aged 68. Prior to 1750 she had written many hymns; three manuscript collections are known, the largest containing ninety hymns. The first publication of her hymns was in *'The Christian's Magazine ' (edited by Wil- liam Dodd [q. v.]), 1763 pp. 565 sq., 1764, pp. 42, 90, 182 sq.; the communicator of some of these signs * GL-T/ and was probably the grandfather of Thomas Russell or Cloutt ^. v,] Nineteen of her hymns were given in Ash and Evans's baptist ' Collection/ Bristol, 1769, and twenty in Dobell's 'New Selection/ 1806. Of these about fifteen are in use; one of the best is 'All ,hail, In- carnate God/ [Browne's Hist. Congr. Norf. and Suff. 1877, pp. 268, 288, 348, 391, 530 ; Historic Notes in Fellowship, October 1893, March 1894; Well- was apprenticed in September 1762 to a sur- geon and apothecary at Alford, Lincolnshire, bat was dismissed in two months for some misconduct. His father then set him to the 'dirty parts' of a grazier's work, and his health permanently suffered from exposure to weather. Having passed some nine years in menial employment, he learned that the land on which he laboured was bequeathed to one of his brothers. He turned again to his * few torn Latin books/ and at length, in 1772, left home in anger at his father's harshness. He applied to a clergyman at Boston on the subject of taking orders. The archdeacon of Lincoln (Gordon) gave him some encouragement, and he went up to London as a candidate for ordination, but was sent back for want of his father's con- sent and sufficient testimonials. He re- turned to a herdsman's duties ; but having at length fulfilled the required conditions, he was ordained deacon "at Buckden and 20 on Sept. 1772, and priest in London on 13 March 1773, by John Green [q.v.], bishop of Lincoln. Appointed to the curacies of Stoke Goldington, and West on Underwood, Buckinghamshire, at 50J. a year, he taught himself Hebrew, and became a diligent student of the scriptures in the original tongues. He exchanged the Stoke curacy for that of Ravenstone in 1775. At a visi- tation in May 1775 he had made the ac- quaintance of John Newton (1725-1807) [q, v.], whom in 1781 he succeeded as curate 01 Olney, Buckinghamshire. He had published on 26 Feb. 1779 a nar- rative of his religious development, under the title of 'The Force of Truth/ Cowper the poet revised the book ' as to style and externals, but not otherwise.' A more im- pressive piece of spiritual autobiography has rarely been written. With attractive can- dour it details the process by which a mind of singular earnestness, though of somewhat restricted compass, made it sway from a bald rationalistic unitarianism to the highest tvpe of Calvinistic fervour. Little by little Scott 'Came, reluctantly enough at the outset, to share his friend Newt oil's absorbing religious- Scott 74 Scott ness, and with it the scheme of belief which was penetrated by so powerful a flame of piety. , At Christmas 1785 he removed to London to become joint-chaplain at the Lock Hospital, along with Charles Edward de Coetlogon [q. v.] at a salary of 80/.; he held a lecture- ship at St. Mildred's, Bread Street, which added 30; and every other Sunday, at six in the morning, he preached inSt, Margaret's, Lothbury, at ' 7s. 6d. a time/ His preaching was not to the taste of his hearers, who thought his insistence on practical points had an Arminian savour; and the intensity of his conscientiousness made him angular. On tbe proposal of Bellamy, the publisher, he agreed to write a commentary on the Bible, in a hundred weekly numbers, for which he was to receive a guinea a number. Scott began his task on 2 Jan. 1788; the first number was published on 22 March following. After the fifteenth number he was told that the continuance of the^work must depend on his finding money to* carry it on. This he endeavoured to do, with the result, that, the commentary having been finished (2 June 1792) in 174 numbers, Bellamy became bankrupt, while Scott lost all he had, and was saddled with a debt of 600/. The printer who took over the work rendered no account of profits till compelled by a chancery suit. The sale of the second edition barely set Scott straight. He then sold the copyright, only to become involved in a second chancery suit, directed unsuc- cessfully against the arrangements for pub- lishing the third edition (1810). Apparently he had discharged his liabilities ana realised something^ under 1,000& His calculations were deceived; in 1813 he kad to meet a claim of 1,200J. For the first time he sought the aid of friends in the disposal of his stock. Charles Simeon [q. v.] and others came generously forward; in a few months his dues were paid, and he was master of some Apart, from pecuniary anxieties, the state of his health and the methods of his work made the preparation of his commentary a perpettial struggle with difficulties, painfully overcome by indomitable tenacity of pur- pose, According to his theory of exegesis, the sense of scripture is to be learned only from scripture .itself; hence the enormous labour which, he devoted to the examination and collation "of passages. His workman- ship is often clumsy, and sometimes hurried, but always, bears the marks of an impres- sive sincerity of -aim. The limitations of ,his achievement are obvious, yet Sir James Stephen does not hesitate to speak of it as f 1 the greatest theological performance of our age and country/ In 1801 his health compelled Scott to dis- continue his services at St. Margaret's, Loth- bury. On 22 July of that year he was in- stituted to the rectory of Aston Sandford, Buckinghamshire, a living which, deducting the outlay required for a new parsonage, yielded less than 100Z. a year, He was pro- moted on 25 March 1802 to be sole chaplain at the Lock ; but in the spring of 1803 he removed finally to Aston Sandford. Here in 1807, at the instance of the Church Mis- sionary Society, lie undertook the training of missionaries, mastering for this purpose the Susoo and Arabic languages, and con- tinuing this labour till 18 14, when his health gave way. In 1807 he had received a diploma of D.D., forwarded from the * Dicken- sonian College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, by persons whose names I never before heard/ In a well-known passage of his ' Apologia' (1864, pp, 60-1), Newman has recorded that while an undergraduate he thought of visit- ing Aston Sandford to see a man ' to whom giumanly speaking) I almost owe my soul/ cott's ' Essays J had ' first planted deep ' in Newman's mind ' that fundamental truth of religion/ the doctrine of the Trinity. He signalises Scott's 'bold unworldliness and vigorous independence of mind * which, com- bined with ' the minutely practical character of his writings,' prove him * a true English- man ;' he sums the spirit of his life in the maxims * Holiness before peace ' and ' Growth is the evidence of life/ Scott died at Aston Sandford on 16 April 1821, and was buried there on 23 April. His funeral sermon was preached by Daniel W ilson (1778-1858) [q. v.], afterwards bishop of Cal- cutta, at Haddenham (the next parish) church, that of Aston being too small for the occasion. Scott married, first (5 Dec. 1774), Jane Kell (d* 8 Sept. 1790), by whom he had issue John (see below), Thomas (see below), Ben- jamin (see below), and other children. He married, secondly (March 1791 ), alady named Egerton, who survived him. He published, besides single sermons and tracts: 1. 'The Force of Truth: an authentic Narrative/ c.> 1779, 12mo (many subse- quent editions; the received text is that of 1798, 12mo). 2. ' The Holy Bible, with . . . Notes/ &c., 1788-92, 4to, 4 vols. (plates) ; the first volume is dated 1788, the remain- ing three 1792; of the first volume only there is a ' second edition/ dated 1792 ; 2nd edit, (not so called), 1809, 4to, 4 vols. {no plates) ; 3rd edit. 1810* 4to, 5 vols. (no plates); 4th edit, (not so called), 1812, 4to, 6 vols* (no plates); many subsequent re- Scott 75 Scott prints, and translations inWelsh and Swedish; a selection from Scott's commentary, and from the ' Exposition ' of Matthew Henry [q. v.], was edited by G. Stokes, 1831-5, 8vo, 6 vols., and is known as Henry and Scott's Bible. 3. ' Essays on the most important Subjects in Religion/ &e., 1793, 12mo. 4. 'Sermons on Select Subjects/ &c., 1797, 8vo. 5. was edited, with a brief ' Memoir/ by Samuel King. BjB^AMJNScoTT(1788-1830),the youngest son, born 29 April 1788, was educated at Queens' College, Cambridge, graduating B. A. 1810, M.A. 1813. He began life as curate to Edward Burn [q. v,], and in 1828 became vicar of Bidford and of Priors Salford, War- wickshire. He died on 30 Aug. 1830, at Llandegley, Radnorshire, and was buried in the churchyard there. A posthumous volume of his ' Sermons/ 1831, Svo, was edited by his brother Thomas. [Life . . . including a narrative drawn up by himself, seventh edit., 1825 (with engraved portrait) ; Scott's Works ; Stephen's Essays in Ecclesiastical Biogr. I860, pp. 413 sq,; Funeral Sermon for Anne Scott, 1829; Funeral Sermon for Benjamin Scott, 1830; Memoir of Benjamin Scott, 1831 ; Gent. Mag. 1835, i. 103 sq., ii. 669 ; King's Memoir of Thomas Scott, 1837; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. xii. 344.] A. Gr. SCOTT, THOMAS (1745-1842), general, born on 25 Dec. 1745, was the second son of John Scott of MaUeny in Midlothian, by his wife Susan, daughter of Lord William Hay of Newhall, third son of John, second marquis of Tweeddale. The Scotts of Malleny were descended from John, eldest son of Sir Wil- liam Scott of Clerkington, appointed senator of the court of justice in 1642, by his second wife, Barbara, daughter of Sir John Dalma- hoy of that ilk, Thomas Scott obtained an ensigncy in the 24th regiment of foot on 20 May 1761. In the following year he served in Hesse under Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, and carried the regimental colours, at the battle of Wil- helmsthal. In 1763, returning home, he was stationed in Ireland, and obtained his lieu- tenancy on 7 June 1765. In 1776 he went to America with his regiment, and served two campaigns under General Burgoyne with a company of marksmen attached to a large body of Indians. He acquitted him- self so well that lie was twice mentioned in the despatches, and received his company on 14 July 1777. On 17 Oct. he succeeded in penetrating the enemy's lines and carrying to Sir Henry Clinton the tidings of Burgoyne's critical position at Saratoga. In 1788 he returned to Europe, and in 1791 served for six months with a detachment of the 53rd foot on board his majesty's ship Hannibal. In 1793 he served in the Netherlands under Sir Ealph Abercromby, and took part in the sieges of Valenciennes and Dunkirk. He received the rank of major for his exertions in the defence of Nieuport. On 27 Oct. 1794 he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of one of the battalions of the 94th ; in 1795 bie accompanied his regiment to Gibraltar, and in 1796 to the Cape of Good Hope. In 1799 he took part in, the campaign against Scott Scott Tipu Sultan, and was present at the capture of Seringapatam. In the following year ill health compelled him to leave India, but the Indiaman in which he took his passage was captured by a French privateer in the Eng- lish Channel, and it was some weeks before he was exchanged. In 1801 he was ap- pointed colonel by brevet, in 1802 inspect- ing officer of the Edinburgh recruiting dis- trict, in 1803 deputy inspector-general of the recruiting service in North Britain, and in 1804 brigadier-general. He attained the rank of major-general on 25 April 1808, and -was nominated lieutenant-general on 4 June 1813. Until he retired at the close of fifty- two years' service he was never unemployed or on half-pay. He received the rank of general on 22 July 1830. After his retire- ment he resided chiefly at Malleny, and was a deputy-lieutenant for Midlothian. There he died, unmarried, on 29 April 1842, and was succeeded by his nephew, Carteret George Scott. [Irving's Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen, p. 463 ; Burke's Commoners of Great Britain, iii. ]70; Douglas's Baronage of Scotland, i. 218; Army Lists of the period.] E, I. 0. SCOTT, THOMAS (1808-1878), free- thinker, was born on 28 April 1808. He was "brought up in France as & Roman catholic, and became a page at the court of Charles X, Having an independent fortune, he travelled widely, and spent some time among North American Indians, About 1856 he grew dis- satisfied with Christianity, and in 1S62 he started issuing tracts advocating ' free enquiry and the free expression of opinion.* These were printed at his own expense, and given away mostly to the clergy and cultured classes. Between 1862 and 1877 he issued, first from Ramsgate, afterwards from Nor- wood, upwards of two hundred separate pam- phlets and books, which were ultimately collected in sixteen volumes. Among the writers who contributed to the series were F. "W. Newman, William Kathbone Greg fq. v.], Df . Willis, Bishop Hinds, Rev* Charles Vpysey, M. D. Con way, Sir, Richard Davies Hanson [q. v.], Marcus Kalisch {q. v.], John Muir [q. v. ], John Addington Sy monds f q. v.l Thomas Lumisden Strange [q. v.], Edward Maitland, Edward Vansittart JNeale [q. v.l Charles Bray, Dr. George Gustavus Zerffi [q. y,], and R; Suffield. Scott also reprinted such works as Bentham's * Church of Eng- land Catechism Examined * and Hume's * Dialogues on, Natural Religion. 7 His own contributions to the series were slight, but he suggested subjects, revised them, dis- cussed all points raised, and made his house a salon for freethinkers. He was a com- petent Hebrew scholar, and saw through the press Bishop Colenso's work on the Pentateuch and Book of Joshua in the absence of the bishop from England. He also revised the work on * Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names,' by Thomas Inman [q. v.] Scott put his name on * The English Life of Jesus, 1872, a work designed to do for English readers what Strauss and Renan had done for Frenchmen and Germans ; but the work is said to have been written in part by the Rev. Sir George W. Cox. Scott also wrote * An Address to the Friends of Free Enquiry and Expression/ 1865 ; t Ques- tions, to which Answers are respectfully asked from the Orthodox,' I860 5 ' A Letter to H. Alford, Dean of Canterbury,' 1 869 ; * A Challenge to the Members of the Christian Evidence Society/ 1871 ; 'The Tactics and Defeat of the Christian Evidence Society/ 1871; ' The Dean of Ripon on the Physical Resurrection/ 1872 ; and ' A Farewell Ad- dress/ 1877, in which he stated his persuasion that * the only true orthodoxy is loyalty to reason, and the only infidelity which merits censure is disloyalty to reason.' He died at Norwood on 80 Dec. 1878. He was married, and his widow survived him, A portrait is given in * Annie Besant, an Autobiography ' fr.118). ** [National Beformsr, 5 Jan. 1870; Times, 15 Jan. 1879; Liberal, March 1870; Tfn^ thinker, 24 March 1896,- Wheeler's Diet,, of Freethinkers j Brit. Museum Cat.] J. M. W. SCOTT, SXB WALTER (1490 P-1652), ofBuccleuch and Branxholm, Scottish chief- tain, born about 1490, was eldest ami of ^ir Walter Scott of BuccUmch (d. 1504)* He was fourth in lineal descent from Sir Wal- ter Scott (142(5-1469), who first took the territorial designation of Buccleuch, and was the first to acquire the whole barony of Branxholm, with the castle, which remained the residence of the family for several gene- rations. His mother, Elizabeth Ker of the Oessford family, was attacked in her resi- dence of Oatslack in Yarrow by an English force under Lord Qr<>y de Wilton in 1548, and, with other inmates of the tower, was -burnt to death. Walter Bcott was under age whtm he sue* ceeded his father in 1504, and his earliest appearance in history was at the battle of Hodden, 9 Sept* 1613; on the eve of the engagement he was made a knight. In 151$ -he joined the party of John Stewart, duke of Albany [q. v.], then appointed regent of Scot- land, and he opposed himself to Margaret, the queen dowager 5 but on Albany '& return Scott 77 Scott to France in 1524, Scott was imprisoned in the castle of Edinburgh under the pretext that he fomented disorder and misrule on- the borders. He soon escaped from ward and joined the Earls of Angus and Lennox in continued opposition to Queen Margaret and her government. In 1526, in obedience to a letter from James V, then a boy, requesting liis aid against the power of Angus and the Douglases, Scott assembled his kin and men, but was completely defeated by Angus, who had the king in custody, in a skirmish near Melrose on 25 July 1536. He was obliged to take refuge in France; but after the overthrow of the Douglases in 1528 he was openly received into the royal favour. In 1530 various attempts were made to reconcile the feud which had fallen out be- tween the S,cotts and the kinsfolk of Ker of Oessford who had been slain in the skirmish at Melrose. Formal agreements were entered into with a view to a pacification, but the result was not permanent (Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, vol. i. p. clvi, ed. 1812). Owing to the influence of the Douglases, who had taken refuge in England, the borders between England and Scotland were at the time more than usually disturbed. Scott's lands suffered severely from the attacks of the English wardens and others, and he re- taliated with great effect (State Papers Henry VIII, iv. 625). In 1535 James V, with a view to peace, committed Sir Walter and other border chieftains to ward. On the death of King James in 1542 Scott joined the party which opposed the marriage of the infant Queen Mary to an English prince, and, though constant over- tures were made to him by the English wardens, and he was at one time credited with an intention of delivering the young queen into the hands of King^ Henry (Hamil- ton Papers, i. 447), he scornfully refused all offers of amity with the English (ib. p. 467), and at the battle of Ancrum, 27 Feb. 1545, lie took a prominent part in defeating the English forces. Scott fought, too, at the battle of Pinkie on 10 Sept. 1547, where the Scots suffered a severe overthrow. As a result his lands lay at the mercy of the in- vaders, and during the next two or three years he suffered severely at the hands of the English wardens. In 1551 he was directed to aid in repressing the violence which prevailed on the borders, but in 1552 he begged an exemption from some of his omcial duties on the ground of advancing years. The old feud with the Kers of Oess- ford still continued, and on the night of 4 Oct. 1552 he was attacked and killed by partisans of that house. Sir Walter Scott was thrice married : first, to Elizabeth Carmichael (of Carmiehael), with issue two sons ; secondly, to Janet Ker (of Fernihierst), from whom he was appa- rently divorced; and, thirdly, to Janet Betoun or Beaton, whose name is well known as the heroine of the * Lay of the Last Min- strel/ and by whom he had two sons and three daughters. She was given to Sir Walter ' in mariag by the Cardinall [Beaton], his other wif being yet on lif ' (Hamilton Papers, i. 740). Sir Walter Scott's eldest son died unmarried, while his second son, Sir William Scott, predeceased him, leaving a son Wal- ter, afterwards Sir Walter (d. 1574), who was father of Walter Scott, first Lord Scott of Buccleuch [q. v.] [William Eraser's The Scotts of Buccleuch, 2 vols. 1878; Captain Walter Scott's .A True History of several Honourable Families of the Right Honourable Name of Scott, c ed. 1786 ; Letters and Papers Henry VIII, Foreign and Dom., vols. i. ii.] J. A-N. SCOTT, WALTER, first LOKD SCOTT op BuocLBtrCH (1565-1611), born in 1565, was the only son of Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch (d. 1574), by his wife, Lady Mar- garet Douglas, eldest daughter of David, seventh earl of Angus, who afterwards mar- ried Francis Stewart Hepburn, fifth earl of Bothwell. The father, who latterly became a devoted adherent of Mary Queen of Scots, was privy to the design for the assassination of the regent Moray, and, counting on its occurrence, set out the day before with Ker of Ferniehirst on a devastating raid into Eng- land. In revenge his lands were laid wasi-^ by the Earl of Sussex and Lord; Scrope, and his castle of Branxholm blown up with gun- powder. He was a principal leader of the raid to Stirling on 4 Sept. 1571, when an attempt was made to seize the regent Lennox, who was slain by one of the Hamiltons during the melee. Buccleuch, who had in- terposed to save the regent Morton, his Idns- man, whom the Hamiltons intended also to have slain, was during the retreat taken prisoner by Morton (Diurnal of Occurrents, p. 248), and was for some time confined in the castle of Doune in Menteith (Reg. P. 0. Scotl ii. 156). The son succeeded his father on 17 April 1574, and on 21 June was infefb in the baronies of Branxholm as heir to David Scott, his grandfather's brother. Being a minor, the Earl of Morton failing whom, the Earl of Angus was appointed his guardian. On account of a feud between Scott and Lord Hay, both were on 39 Aug. 1586 ordered to find caution of 10,000 each for their good behaviour (ib. iv. 98). On 2 June Scott Scott 1587 he and other border chiefs were sum- moned to appear before the privy council on 9 June to answer ' touching good rule and quietness to he observed on the borders here- after, under pain of treason' (ib. p. 183) ; and on the 9th Kobert Scott gave caution for him in five thousand merks that he would appear on the 21st (ib. p. 189). Towards the close of the year he and the laird of Cessford were, however, committed to ward for making incursions in England (CALDEB- WOOD, History, iv. 641); but on 18 Dec. he found caution in 10,000 that on being libe- rated from the castle of Edinburgh he would by 10 Jan. find surety for the relief of ^the king and his wardens of * all attempts against the peace of England bygone and to come* (Reg. P. C. Scotl iv. 234). On the occasion of the queen's coronation, 17 May 1590,Buccleueh was dubbed a knight (CALDBB.WOOD, History, v, 95). When his stepfather, Bothwell, was put to the horn in the following year, he was appointed keeper of Liddesdale, and on 6 July, with the border chiefs, he gave his oath to concur without 'shrinking, shift, or excuse in Bothwell's pursuit 7 (Reg. JR. C. Scotl. iv. 649), a band to this effect being also subscribed by him at Edinburgh on 6 Aug. (ib. p. 667). Hardly had it been subscribed when the pursuit of Bothwell was declared to be unnecessary; but doubts of Buccleuch's fidelity being nevertheless entertained, hft next day gave caution in 10,000/. that he would go abroad within a month, and not return within the next three years (ib. p, 668) ; and on 29 Aug. he was relieved of the keepership of Liddes- dale (ib. p. 674), He, however, obtained letters permitting his return to Scotland on 12 Nov. 1592 (TRASEB, Scotts ofJBwcleuck, ii. 250). On 22 May 1594 he was named one of a com- mission for the pursuit of Bothwell (Reg. P. C. Scotl. v. 137), and at ' the king's earnest desire* he was in October following reap- pointed to the office of keeper of Liddesdale 4 heritably in time to come (ib. p. 178). On the division of BothwelTs lands after his flight to France in 1595, Buccleuch obtained DBKWOOB, v. 863). As a follower 01 the Hamiltons he in the same year joined them in the league with the chancellor Maitland against Mar, The queen proposed that he should succeed Mar in the guardianship of the young prince, and when the king declined to accede to this arrangement, Buccleuch, with the bold recklessness of the borderer, proposed that both king and prince should be seized, and that, this "being done, Mar should be arraigned for high treason ; but the proposal was too much for the prudent chancellor. In the following year Buccleuch won lasting renown by his brilliant exploit in delivering Kinrnont Willie [see ABM- STRoiro, WILLIAM, fi. 1596] from Carlisle Castle. Not only was the achievement note- worthy for its clever daring ; it indicated the faculty of swift decision, and the high moral courage of a strong personality. Persuaded that he had justice on his side, Buccleuch never hesitated to defy all consequences. His simple, and to himself unanswerable, plea was that Armstrong, having been cap- tured during a truce, was not legally a pri- soner. It was scarcely to be expected, however, that Elizabeth would homologate this novel method of rectifying her repre- sentative's mistake, or that she would regard the deed as aught else than an illegal ou- trage committed by the king of Scotland's representative, and thus virtually in his name, In accordance with Elizabeth's instructions, Bowes, her representative, made formal com- plaint against it before the Scottish parlia- ment, and concluded a long speech by de- claring that peace could no longer exist between the two realms unless Buccleuch were delivered into England to be punished at the queen's pleasure. Although Buccleuch asserted that the illegality was chargeable only against the English warden (Armstrong not being in any proper sense a prisoner), he declared his readiness to submit his case to a joint English and Scottish commission. But the sympathy of the Scots being strongly with him, it was only after repeated and urgent demands by Elizabeth that arrange- ments were entered into for its appointment, and before it inet Buccleuch still further exasperated Elizabeth by a raid into Eng- land, in which he apprehended six Tyndale rievers, whom he put to death. Consequently the commission which met at Berwick de- cided that he should enter into bond in 33ng- land until pledges were given for the future maintenance of peace. He therefore surren- dered himself to Sir William Selby, master of the ordnance at Berwick, on 7 Oct. 1597. On 12 May 1599 he received from Elizabeth a safe-conduct to pass abroad for the recovery of his health, and in 1600 he was in Paris, when he gave evidence before the Cour des Aides in regard to the genealogy of one Andrew Scott, Sieur de oavigne ( Scotte ofBuccteueh, i. 172-3). After the accession of James VI to ^ throne of England, Buccleuch in 1604 raised a, regiment of the borderers, in command of whom he distinguished himself under Maurice, prince of Orange, in the war against the Spaniards in the Netherlands. On 4 March 1606 he was raised to the peerage by the Scott 79 Scott title of Lord Scott of Buccleuch. He died in December 1611. By his wife Mary, daugh- ter of Sir William Ker of Oessford, sister of Robert, first earl of Roxburghe, he had one son Walter, who succeeded him as second Lord Scott of Buccleuch and two daughters : Margaret, married, first, to James, lord Ross, and, secondly, to Alexander Montgomery, sixth earl of Eglinton; and Elizabeth, married to John Master of Cranstoun, and afterwards second Lord Cranstoun. [Register Privy Council of Scotland, vols. i.- viii. ; Gal. State Papers, Scot. Ser. and For. Ser. during the reign of Elizabeth ; Histories of Knox and Calderwood ; Sir "William Eraser's Scotts of Buccleuch (privately printed) ; Douglas's Scot- tish Peerage (Wood), i. 251.] T. F. H. SCOTT, WALTER (1550?-! 629?), of Harden, freebooter, born about 1550, was descended from a branch of the Scotts of Buccleuch, known as the Scotts of Sinton. His father, William Scott, was first de- scribed as ' in Todrig/ a place .near Sinton in Selkirkshire, but afterwards as ' in Harden/ an estate which he acquired about 1550, or later, from Alexander, lord Home (Hist, MSS. Oman. 12th Rep. App. viii. p. 144 ; cf. Hegistrum Mogni Slffilli, vol. vii. No. 2114). Walter succeeded his father in 1663. In 1580 his lands at Hoscote were raided by the Elliots, a rival border clan then allied with England. In June 1592 he assisted Francis Stewart, earl of Both well, in his attack upon Falkland Palace [see HEPBURN, FRANCIS STEWART, fifth EAKL OF BOTHWELL]; and, with his brother William and other Scotts, helped Bothwell in the winter of 1592-3 to plunder the lands of Drummelzier and Dreva on Tweedside ; they carried off four thousand sheep, two hundred cattle, forty horses, and goods to the value of 2,00(k He also, with five hundred men, Scotts and Armstrongs, joined Sir Walter, first lord, Scott of Buccleuch, in his famous rescue of William Armstrong of Kinmont [q.v.], ' Kin- mont Willie/ from Carlisle Castle in 1596 (Calendar of Border Papers, ii. 120-2), and complaints of freebooting were made against him about the same time by the English wardens. In October 1602 he joined with other border leaders in a bond to keep good rule. In December 1605 he was threatened with outlawry for hunting and riding in Cheviot and Redesdale, spoiling the king's game and woods ; while in 1611 he and Eis sons, Walter, Francis, and Hew, were bound in large sums to keep the peace with some of his neighbours. t Wat of Harden ' is said to have' died in 1629; he was alive in April of that year (The Scotts of BucdeucTi, i, 256). His resi- dence is now one of the seats of his descen- dant, Lord Polwarth (CARKE, Border Me- mories). He married, first, about 21 March 1576, Mary, daughter of John Scott of Dryhope in Yarrow. The original contract is pre- served in Lord Polwarth's charter chest ( The Scotts of Buccleuch, vol. i. p, Ixx) ; an in- correct account of it is given by Sir Walter Scott in his 'Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border' (i. 157, ed. 1812). By his first wife Walter had, with five daughters, four sons : Sir William, who succeeded to Harden; Walter ; Francis, ancestor of the Scotts of Sinton ; and Hew, ancestor of the Scotts of Gala. He married, secondly, in 1598, Mar- garet Edgar of Wedderlie, and had issue one daughter. Sir William Scott the younger, of Harden, who married Agnes Murray of Elibank, is the hero of the apocryphal tra- ditional story of ( Muckle-mouthed Meg,' The second son, Walter, was fatally wounded in October 1616 in a quarrel about rights of fishing in the river Ettrick. A tradition connected with the incident, graphically told by Sir Walter Scott in his notes to the * Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border,' is proved false by authentic record (Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, x. 667. xi. 20, 98-101). [Many traditions of Walter Scott appear in a connected form in Border Memories, by "Walter Biddell Carre, 1876, pp. 73-9 ; Eegister of the Privy Council of Scotland, vols. i.-xiL"] J. A-N, SCOTT, WALTER, EARL off TARRAS (1644-1693), born on 23 Dec. 1644, was eldest son or Sir Gideon Scott of Highchester, who was the second son of William Scott ot Harden, and thus grandson of Walter Scott (1550P-1829P) tq.J.] When in his fifteenth year he was married by special dispensation, from the presbytery of Kirkcaldy, on 9 Feb. 1659, to Lady Mary Scott, countess of Buc- cleuch in her own right ; she was then only in her twelfth year, and his father was one of the curators. Th youthful couple were separated by the civil authorities until the countess had completed her twelfth year, and she then ratified what had been done. The husband was not allowed to assume the wife's title, but the dignities of Earl of Tarras and Lord Almoor and Oampcastill were on 4 Sept. 1660 conferred upon him for life. The countess soon died, and after protracted legal proceedings their marriage contract was reduced, and he was disap- pointed of the provision set apart for him therein out of his wife's property. From 1667 to 1671 he travelled in France, Italy, and the Netherlands, and, returning Scott So Scott by the English court, lie endeavoured in vain to move Charles II to grant him a provision out of the Euccleuch estates. To- wards the end of Charles's reign he took part in the plots concocted for the exclusion of the Duke of York from the throne, and being arrested was, on his own confession, found guilty of treason and condemned to death on 5 Jan. 1685. Owing, however, to his confession he obtained a remission, and was reinstated in his honours and lands by letters of rehabilitation on 28 June 1687. lie died in April 1693. He married as his second wife, on 31 Dec. 1677, Helen, daughter of Thomas Hepburn of Humbie in Kast Lo- thian, and left by her five sons and five daughters. [The Seotts of Buccleuch, by Sir William Praser, i. 320-400 (with portraits of Tarras and his first wife).] H. P. SCOTT, WALTER, of Satchells (1614 ?- 1694?), captain and genealogist, born about 1614, was son of Robert Scott of Satchells, who was a grandson of Walter Scott of Sin- ton, by his second marriage with Margaret, daughter of James Riddell of that ilk. The captain's mother was Jean, daughter of Sir Robert Scott of Thirlestane. He spent his youth in herding cattle, but, running away in his sixteenth year, joined the regiment which his chief, Walter, first earl of Buc- leuch, raised and transported to Holland in 1629. Prom that time he was, according to his own account, in active military service at home and abroad for fifty-seven years* He is said to have married and had a daugh- ter, whom he named Gustava in honour of the famous king of Sweden* But what is more certain is that at the advanced age of seventy-five he began his rude metrical * True History of several honourable fami- lies of the right honourable name of Scot, in the shires of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and others adjacent, gathered out of ancient chronicles, histories, and traditions of our fathers. 7 He describes himself on the title- page as An old scroldier and tic scholler, And one that could write nane, But just the letters of his name. He hired schoolboys to write to his dicta- tion. His work was originally printed in 1688, and later editions appeared in 1776, 1786, 1892, and 1894, [Prefacft to the 1894 edition Of the 'True History,' by John G. Winning.] H. P. SCOTT, SIB WALTER (1771-1832), author of the ' Wayerley Novels,' son of Wai- ter Scott by his wife Anne Rutherford, was born on lo Aug. 1771 in a house in the College Wynd at Edinburgh, since demo- lished. The * True History of several honour- able Families of the Right Honourable Name of Scot ' 1 1(568), by Walter Scott of Satchells fq. v.l was a favourite of the later Walter from his earliest years. He learnt from it the history of many of the heroes of his writings. Among them were John Scott of Harden, called * the Lamiter,' a younger sou of a duke of Bucclouch in the fourteenth century ; and John's son, William the * Bolt- foot,' a famous border knight. A later Scott tho horo of ninny legends [see SCOTT, WALTER, L r )f>0 Mti'20 p]. His sou, William Scott of Harden, was mado prisoner by G-ideon Mur- ray of Elibank, and preferred a marriage with Murray's ugliest daughter to the gal- Iowa, William's third son, Walter, laird of Raeburn, became a quaker, and suffered per- secutions described in a note to the * Heart of Midlothian.' Raeburn's second son, also Walter, became a Jacobite, and was known as * Beardie,' because ho gave up shaving in token of mourning for tho Stuarts. He died in 17:29. * Beardie * and his son Robert are described in the introductory ' Epistles ' to 'Marmion.' Robert quarrelled with his father, became a whig, and set up as a farmer at Bandy Knowe. He was a keen sports- man and a * general referee in all matters of dispute in the neighbourhood.* In 1728 he married Barbara, (laughter of Thomas Hali- burton of New Mains, by whom he had a numerous family. One of them, Thomas, died on 27 Jan. 1823, in his ninetieth year. Another, Robert, was in tho navy, and, after retiring, settled at Rosubank, near Kelso. Walter Scott, tho eldest son of Robert of Sandy Knowe, born 1729, was the first of the family to adopt a town life. He acquired a fair practice as writer to the signet, His son says (AittMographwal Frag- ment) that he delighted in the antiquarian- part of his profession, but had too much simplicity to make money, and often rather lost than profited by his zeal for his clients. He was a strict Oalvmist; his favourite study was church history; and he was rather formal in manners and staunch to old Scottish prejudices. He is the original of the elder Fairford in ' Redgauntlet/ In April 1758 he married Anne, eldest daughter of John Rutherford, professor of medicine in the university of Edinbiirgh fa* v.] Her mother was a daughter of Sir John Swinton, [q, v.], a descendant of many famous warriors, and through her her son traced a descent Scott Sr Scott from Sir William Alexander, earl of Stirling [q. v.], the friend of Ben Jonson. Mrs. Scott was short, and ' by no means comely/ She was well educated for the time, though with old-fashioned stiffness ; was fond of poetry, and was of light and happy temper of mind. Though devout, she was less austere than her husband. Her son Walter had no likeness, it is said, to her or to his father, but strongly resembled his great-grandfatner 'Beardie/ and especially his grandfather Robert. Walter Scott, the writer to the signet, had a family of twelve, the first six of whom died in infancy. The survivors were Robert, who served in the navy under Rodney, wrote verses, and was afterwards in the East India Company's^ service. John, the second, be- came a major in the army, retired, and died in 1816. The only daughter, Anne, suffered through life from an early accident, and died in 1801. Thomas, who showed much talent, entered his father's profession, failed in speculations, was made paymaster of the 70th regiment in 1811, accompanied it to Canada in 1813, and died there in April 1823. Daniel, the youngest, who was bred to trade, ruined himself by dissipation, and emigrated to Jamaica. There ne showed want of spirit in a disturbance, and returned a dishonoured man, to die soon afterwards (1806). His brother Walter refused to see him, and afterwards felt bitter regret for the harshness. Walter Scott, the fourth surviving child, was a very healthy infant, but at the age of eighteen months had a fever when teething, and lost the use of his right leg (on this illness see a medical note by Dr. Creighton to the article on Scott in the* i Encyclopaedia Britannica/ 9th ed.) After various remedies had failed he was sent to Sandy Knowe, where his grandfather was living with his second son, Thomas. Scott's earliest recol- lections were of his lying on the floor in this house, wrapped in the skin of a sheep just killed, and being enticed by his grand- father to crawl. Sheepskins and other reme- dies failed to cure the mischief, which resulted in a permanent deformity; but he recovered his general health, became a sturdy child, caught from his elders a 'personal antipathy ' to Washington, and imbibed Jacobite preju- dices, due partly to the fall of some of his relations- at Culloden, He learnt from his grandmother many songs and legends of the old moss-troopers and his border ancestry. In his fourth year he was sent with his aunt, Miss Janet Scott, to try the waters at Bath, He was taken to London shows on his way; and at Bath was petted by John , Home, the author of i Douglas/ and VOL. Li. by his uncle, Captain Robert Scott. He learnt a little reading at a dame school, and saw ' As you like it ' at the theatre. He returned after a year to Edinburgh and Sandy Knowe, where he learnt to ride. Mrs. (Alison) Cockburn [q. v.] describes him in a letter of December 1777 as the ' most ex- traordinary genius of a boy ' she ever saw, In his eighth year he was sent for sea-bathing to Prestonpans, where a veteran named Dal- getty told him stories of the German wars, and where he first made acquaintance with George Constable, the original of Jonathan Oldbuck. In 1778 he returned to his father's house in George's Square, Edinburgh, and after a little preparation was sent, in October 1778, to the high school. A sturdy presbyterian, James Mitchell, also acted as private tutor to him and his brother. Scott had many * amicable disputes ' with the tutor about cavaliers and roundheads, and acquired some knowledge of the church history of Scotland. Mitchell testifies to his sweetness and intel- ligence. He did not, however, distinguish himself at school, where he was for three years under Luke Fraser, and afterwards under Alexander Adam [jj. v.l, the rector. He was an ' incorrigibly idle imp/ though ' never a dunce.' He was better at the 'yards' (or playground) than in the , class, and famous, in spite of his infirmity, for climbing the ' kittle nine stanes ' on the castle rock and taking part in pugilistic ' bickers' with the town boys. Under Adam, however, he became a fair latinist, and won praise for poetical versions of Horace and Virgil, His mother encouraged him to read Shakespeare, and his father allowed the children to act plays occasionally after lessons. His rapid growth having weakened him, he was sent for a half-year to his aunt at Kelso, where he attended school and made the acquaintance of James Ballantyne, Ballantyne reports that he was already an incomparable story-teller. An acquaintance with Thomas Blacklock [q. v.], the blind poet, had led to his reading Ossian and especially the ' Faerie Queen/ of which he could repeat ' marvellous ' quantities. He also read Hoole's Tasso, and was, above all, fascinated by Percy's 'Reliques.' He was already beginning to collect ballads. He says that he had bound up * several volumes ' of them before he was ten (LoCKHAKT, ch. iv.), and a collection at Abbotsford dates from about 1783. To the Eelso time he also refers his first love of romantic scenery. In November 1783 Scott began to attend classes at the college. He admired Dugald Scott Scott Stewart, and attended a few lectures on law and history. Finding that his fellows were before him in Greek, he forswore the language and gave up the Latin classics as well. He remained ignorant of even the Greek alphabet, though in later years he was e was, how- fond of some Latin poetry, ever, eagerly pursuing his favourite studies. With John Irving (afterwards a writer to the signet) he used to ramble over Arthur's Seat, each composing romantic legends for the other's amusement. He learnt Italian 'enough to read Tasso and Ariosto in the original, acquired some Spanish, and read French, though he never became a good linguist. A severe illness, caused by the * bursting of a blood-vessel in the lower bowels/ interrupted his serious studies ; and lie solaced himself, with Irving, in reading romantic literature. His recovery was com- pleted at Rosebank, where his uncle Robert had recently settled, and which became a second home to him. He studied fortification on Uncle Toby's method, and read Vertot's ' Knights of Malta ' and Orme's ' Hindostan.' Gradually he recovered, became tall and muscular, and delighted in rides and, in spite of lameness, walks of twenty or thirty miles a day. His rambles made him familiar with many places of historical interest, and he tried, without success, to acquire the art of landscape-painting. His failure in music was even more decided. He did not resume his attendance at college in 1785, and on 15 May 1786 he was apprenticed to his father as writer to the signet. Soon after this he had his only sight of Burns. As an apprentice Scott acquired regular business habits. He made a little pocket-money by copying legal documents, and says that he once wrote 120 folio pages at a sitting, His handwriting, as Lockhart observes, shows the marks of his steady prac- tice as a clerk. He began to file his letters regularly, and was inured to the methodical industry to be afterwards conspicuously dis- played in literature. The drudgery, how- ever, was distasteful at the time, 'in 1788 he began to -attend civil-law classes, which then formed part of the education of both branches of the legal profession, He here made the acquaintance of young men in- tended for the bar, and aspired to become an advocate himself. His father kindly approved of the change, but offered to take him into partnership. Both, however, pre- ferred that the younger son, Thomas, should -take this position ; and Walter accordingly attended the course of study necessary for an advocate, along 1 with his particular chum, William Clerk, They ' coached ' each other industriously, and were impressed by the lectures of David Hume, the historian's nephew. Both were called to the bar on 11 July 1792, ^ Scott having defended a thesis t on the disposal of the dead bodies of criminals,' which was a ' very pretty piece of latinity,' and was dedicated to Lord Brax- field [see MACQTTEBN, ROBBBT]. Scott was already a charming companion and was a member of various clubs; the ' Teviotdale Club,' to which Ballantyne be- longed; 'The Club* (of Edinburgh), where he met William Clerk and other young advo- cates, and was known as * Colonel Grogg;' and the ' Literary Society,' where discussions were held in which, although Scott was not distinguished as an orator, he aired his anti- quarian knowledge, and gained the nickname 'DunsScotus.' Scott's companions were given to the conviviality of the period ; and, though, strictly temperate in later life, he occasionally put the strength of his head to severe tests at this time. When the hero of * Rob Roy ' is persuaded that he had sung a song during a carouse, he is repeating the author's experi- ence. It seems, too, that such frolics occa- sionally led to breaches of the peace, when Scott was complimented as being the ' first to begin a row and the last to end it.' He fell, however, into no discreditable excesses, and was reading widely and storing his mind, by long rambles in the country, with anti- quarian knowledge. As an apprentice he had to accompany^ an expedition for the execution of a writ, which first took him into the Loch Katrine region. He made acquaintance with a client of his father's, Alexander Stewart of Invernahyle, who had been out in 1716 and 1745, and had met Rob Roy in a duel. Scott visitod him in the highlands, and listened eagerly to his stories. At a rather later period he visited the Cheviots, and made a careful study of Flodden Field. The 'Literary Society* encouraged him to take a higher place among his friends. He had ' already dabbled,' says Lockhart, * in Anglo-Saxon and the Norse sagas.' In 1789 he read before the society an essay intended to show that the feudal system was the natural product of certain social condi- tions, instead of being the invention of a particular period. In the winter of 1790-91 he attracted the attention of Dugald Stewart, whose class he was again attending, by an essay ' on the Manners and Customs of the Northern Nations/ On 4 Jan. 1791 he^was elected a member of the Speculative Society. He took great interest in its proceedings, was soon chosen librarian and secretary, and kept the minutes with businesslike regu- Scott Scott larity. An essay upon ballads which he read upon the night of Jeffrey's admission led to an acquaintance between the two, and Jeffrey found him already collecting the nucleus of a museum of curiosities. By this time he had also become qualified for ladies' society. He had grown to be tall and strong; his figure was both powerful and graceful ; his chest and arms were those of a Hercules. Though his features were not handsome, their expression was singu- larly varied and pleasing ; his eye was bright and his complexion brilliant. It was a proud day, he said, when he found that a pretty young woman would sit out and talk to him for hours in a ballroom, where his lameness prevented him from dancing. This .pretty young lady was probably Williamina, daughter of Sir John and Lady Jane Belsches, afterwards Stuart, of Fettercairn, near Montrose, born October 1776. She ultimately married, on 19 Jan. 1797, Sir William Forbes, bart., of Pitsligo, was mother of James David Forbes [q. v.], and died 5 Dec. 1810. Scott appears to have felt for her the strongest passion of his life. Scott's father, says Lockhart, thought it right to give notice to the lady's father of the attach- ment. This interference, however, produced no effect upon the relations between the young people. Scott, he adds, hoped for suc- cess for * several long years.' Whatever the true story of the failure, there can be no doubt that Scott was profoundly moved, and the memory of the lady inspired him when de- scribing Matilda in ' Rokeby ' (Letters, ii. 18), and probably other heroines. He refers to the passion more than once in his last journal, and he had affecting interviews with her mother in 1827 (Journal, 1890, i. 86, 96, 404, ii. 55, 62, 321). According to Lock- hart, Scott's friends thought that this secret attachment had helped to keep him free from youthful errors, and had nerved him to diligence during his legal studies. As, however, she was only sixteen when he was called to the bar, Lockhart's language seems to imply rather too early a date for the be- ginning of the affair (see BAIN'S James Mill for an account of the Stuart family ; James Mill was for a time Miss Stuart's tutor). Scott, on joining the bar, received some employment from his father and a few others, but had plenty of leisure to become famous as a story-teller among his com- rades. Among his dearest friends of this and later times was William Erskine (afterwards Lord Kinneder) [q. v.] At the end of 1792 he made his first excur- sion to Liddesdale, with Robert Shortreed, the sheriff-substitute of Roxburghshire. He repeated these * raids ' tor seven successive years, exploring every corner of the country, collecting ballads and occasionally an old border war-horn, and enjoying the rough hospitalities of the Dandle Dinmonts. A Willie Elliot of Millb urn holme is said to have been the original of this great creation, though a Jamie Davidson, who kept mus- tard-and-pepper terriers, passed by the name afterwards; and Lockhart thinks that the portrait was filled up from Scott's friend, Wil- liam Laidlaw [q. v.J Scott was everywhere welcome, overflowing with fun, and always a gentleman, even when ' fou/ which, how- ever, was a rare occurrence. Other rambles took him to Perthshire, Stirlingshire, and Forfarshire. He became familiar with the scenery of Loch Katrine. At Craighali in Perthshire he found one original of the Tully-Veolan of i Waverley/ and at Meigle in Forfarshire he met Robert Paterson [q. Y.], the real ' Old Mortality. 7 In 1796 he visited Montrose, and tried to collect stories of witches and fairies from his old tutor, Mit- chell. The neighbourhood of the Stuarts at Fettercairn was probably a stronger induce- ment, but his suit was now finally rejected. His friends were alarmed at the possible consequences to his romantic temper, but he appears to have regained his self-command during a solitary ramble in the highlands. Another line of study was now attracting his attention. In 1788 a paper read by Henry Mackenzie to the Royal Society of Edinburgh had roused an interest in &er- man literature. Scott and some of his friends formed a class about 1792 to study German, engaging as teacher Dr. Willich (afterwards a translator of Kant), and gained a know- ledge of the language, which was then a ' new discovery.' Scott disdained the grammar, but forced his way to reading by his know- ledge of Anglo-Saxon and Scottish dialects. William Erskine shared his zeal, and re- strained his taste for the extravagances of the German dramatists. He became Scott's most trusted literary adviser. Three or four years later James Skene of Rubislaw [q. v.] re- turned from Germany with a thorough know- ledge of the language and a good collection of books. Their literary sympathies led to the formation of another of* Scott's warmest friendships. The French revolution affected Scott chiefly by way of repulsion and by stimu- lating his patriotism. In 1794 some Irish students of the opposite persuasion made a riot in the theatre. Scott joined with such. effect as to break the heads of three demo- crats, and was bound over to keep the peace. He was keenly interested in the raising of Scott Scott a volunteer regiment In Edinburgh, from which he was excluded by his lameness. He joined, however, in a scheme for raising a body of volunteer cavalry. It was not organised till February 1797, when Scott was made quartermaster, * that he might be spared the rough usage of the ranks. He attended drills at five in the morning before corned by his friends at the bar and among the volunteers. They were both fond of the theatre, and heartily enjoyed the simple social amusements of the time. Scott's father was failing before the marriage, and died in April 1799. Although still courting professional suc- cess, Scott now began to incline to literature. visiting the parliament house, dined with | He had apparently written and burnt a boyish the mess, and became a most popular mem- poem on the 'Conquest of Granada ' about _ A * TV* '! i _L! * her of the corps. His military enthusiasm which excited some amusement among his 1786 (LocKHAKT, p. 37), but afterwards confined himself to an occasional i sonnet to legal friends, was lasting. When, in 1805, his mistress's eyebrow/ In 1796 he heard of there was a false alarm of an invasion, he j the version of Burger's 'Lenore'by William rode a hundred miles in one day, from Cum- j Taylor of Norwich [q. v.], one of the first stu- berland to Dalkeith, an incident turned to ! denta of German literature. He was stimu- account in the * Antiquary * (LocKHAKT, ch. lated to attempt a rival translation, which he x i v% ) began after supper and finished that night in Scott's income at the bar had risen from a state of excitement which spoilt his sleep. 24J. in his first year to 144Z. in 1797. Lock- He published this in October with a corn- hart gives some specimens of his arguments, panioa ballad, 'The Wild Huntsman;' the which apparently did not rise above the j publisher being one of his German class* average. In the autumn of 1797 he was per- The ballads were praised by Dugald Stewart, suaded by a friend to visit the English lakes, and thence they went to the little water- ing-place of Gilsland, near the i waste of Cumberland * described in ' Guy Mannering,' Here he saw a beautiful girl riding, and, finding that she was also at Gilsland, ob- tained an introduction, and immediately fell in love with her. She was Charlotte Mary Carpenter, daughter of a French refugee, Jean Charpentier. Upon his death, early in the revolution, his wife, with her children, had gone to England. They found a friend in the Marquis of Downshire, on whose pro- perty Charpentier held a mortgage. The son obtained a place in tlife East India Com- pany's service, and changed his name to Car- penter. The daughter is said by Lockhart to have been very attractive in appearance, though not of regular beauty, with dark- brown eyes, masses of black hair, and a fairy-like figure. She spoke with a slight ^French accent. Scott, at any rate, was soon ' raving ' about her. She was just of age. LordDownshire approved. Her brother had settled an annuity of 500?. upon her; and, though this was, partly dependent upon his circumstances, t\-olt thought that the in- come, with his <-\vn professional earnings, would be sufficient. They were therefore married at St. Mary's Church, Carlisle, on 24 Dec. 1797. The Scotts settled at a lodging in George Street, Ed wburgh ; then at 1 Castle Street ; and in 1802 at 39 Castle Street, a house which Scott bought, and where fye lived till 1826, The bride's lively tastes were ap- parently not quite suited to the habits of George Chalmers, and others ; and his rival, Taylor, sent him a friendly letter. He had, however, many other rivals ; and most of the edition went to the trunkmaker. In 1797 "William Erskine showed the ballads to Matthew Gregory Lewis [q. v.l of the * Monk,' who was then collecting the miscel- lany called ' Tales of Wonder ' (1801). He begged for contributions from Scott, whom he met on a visit to Scotland. Scott, though amused by Lewis's foible, was flattered by the attentions of a well-known author and edified by his criticisms. Lewis was also interested by Scott's version of Goethe's 'Goetz von Berlichingen.' He induced a publisher to give 25 for it, with a promise of an equal sum for a second edition. It appeared in February 1799, but failed to ob- tain republication. Another dramatic per- formance of the time was the * House of Aspen/ an adaptation from 'Der heilige Vehme' of G. Wachter; it was offered to Kemble "by Lewis, and, it is said, put in re- hearsaL it was not performed, however, and remained unpublished* Meanwhile Scott had been writing ballads for Lewis, some of which he showed to his friend, James Ballan- tyne [q. vAwho was then publishing a news- paper at iCelso. Ballantyne agreed to print twelve copies of these ballads, which, with 'a few poems by other authors, appeared as < A ^r. * T' a i e8 O f Terror 'in 1799. Scott had suggested that they would serve as ad- vertisements of Ballantyne's press to his Mends at Edinburgh, He was pleased with the result, and now began to think of pub- lishing his collection of * Border Ballads, to Scott's parents ; but she was warmly wel- | be printed by Ballantyne. ScOtt 5 The office of sheriff-depute of Selkirkshire was at this time vacant, and Scott had the support of the Duke of Buccleuch in an ap- plication for the office. Scott's volunteering had also brought him into close connection with Robert Dundas, eldest son of Lord Melville, then the great distributor of Scot- tish patronage. Melville's nephews were also interested, and on 16 Dec. 1799 Scott was appointed sheriff-depute. It brought him 300 a year for light work and a closer connection with his favourite district. Scott now set about his ballad collection ener- getically. On 22 April 1800 he wrote to Ballantyne, whom he proposed to entrust with the printing, and suggested, at the same time, that Ballantyne would find a good opening for a printing establishment in Edinburgh. Scott s ballad-hunting brought him many new acquaintances, who, as usual, became warm friends. Among them were Richard Heber [q. v.], the great book-col- lector, and, through Heber, George Ellis [q. v.J, then preparing his ' Specimens of Early English Romances/ They kept up an intimate correspondence until Ellis's death. Scott managed also to form a friendly alliance with the touchy antiquary, Joseph Ritson [q. v.] He took up John Leyden [q. v.], whose enthusiastic co-operation he repaid by many good services. He made the acquaint- ance of William Laidlaw, ever afterwards an attached friend ; and, through Laidlaw, of James Hogg (1770-1835) [q. v.], to whom also he was a steady patron. The first two volumes of the ' Border Minstrelsy/ printed by Ballantyne, were published early in 1802 by Cadell & Davies, and welcomed by many critics of the time, including Miss Seward. Scott received 78J. 10$. for a half-share of the profits, and then sold the copyright to the Longmans for 500J. This price apparently included a third volume, which appeared in 1803. Other editions followed when Scott had become famous. The collection included various introductory essays, and showed, as Lockhart remarks, that his mind was already stored with most of the incidents and images afterwards turned to account. The 'Min- strelsy * had been intended to include the romance of < Sir Tristram/ which he and Leyden had persuaded themselves to be the work of Thomas of Ereildoune [q. v.] Asmall edition of this was published separatelv bv Constable in May 1804. The * Minstrelsy ' included some imitations of the ancient ballad by Scott, Leyden, and others. 'Glenfinlas/ written for Lewis in 1799, was, he says, his ' first serious attempt in verse.' Another poem, intended for the 'Minstrelsy/ led to more important results '5 Scott (Letters, i. 22). The Countess of Dalkeith (afterwards Duchess of Buccleuch) sug- EI to him as a tit subject for a ballad the d of Gilpin Homer. Soon afterwards x f John Stoddart fq.v.l, on a visit to extravaganza ' tended. A verse or two from * Christabel * was actually introduced in Scott's poems; and Coleridge seems afterwards to have been a little annoyed by the popularity due in part to this appropriation and denied to the more poetical original, Scott in his pre- face ^ of 1830 fully acknowledges the debt, and in his novels makes frequent references to Coleridge's poems. The framework of tlie 'Last Minstrel' was introduced on a hint fromW. Erskine or George Cranstoun [q.v.], to whom he had read some stanzas ; and its form was suggested by the neighbourhood of Newark Castle to Bowhill, where he had met the- Countess of Dalkeith. He read the beginning to Ellis early in 1803. The * Lay of the Last Minstrel ' was published at the beginning of 1805 by the Longmans and Constable on half profits. The Longmans bought the copyright on a second edition for 500/., Scott thus receiving 769J, 6$. on the whole. It succeeded at once so brilliantly as to determine Scott's future career. Scott's literary occupations had naturally told against his success at the bar. His pro- fessional income had increased slowly, and in 1802-3 amounted to 228/.18s. In 1804 his father's business had dwindled in the hands of his brother Thomas, and his own prospects suffered. In 1804 the lord lieutenant of Sel- kirkshire complained that Scott's military zeal had interfered with the discharge of his duties as sheriff, and that he was legally bound to reside four months in the year within his own jurisdiction. Scott had, upon his mar- riage, taken a cottage at Lasswade, six miles from Edinburgh, where he spent his sum- mers. He now had to look out for a house in a more appropriate situation, and took a lease of Ashestiel on the Tweed, near Selkirk. On 10 June 1804 his uncle, Robert Scott, died, leaving him the house at Bosebank. He sold this for o,000/., and, with the sheriff- depute-ship and his wife's settlement, had now about 1,000 a year independently of his practice (LQCKHABT, ch, adii.) Ashestiel was in a rustic district, seven miles from the nearest town, and in the midst of the Buc- cleuch estates. He had plenty of sporting and a small sheep farm. He thought of making Hogg his bailiff, but took a fancy to Thomas Purdie, who had been charged with poach- ing, and had touched Scott's heart by his Scott 86 Scott apology. Purdie became his shepherd, then his bailiff, and remained till death aix at- tached friend. Scott now resolved, as he says (Introd. to theJ&tf^), that literature should be his * staff, but not his crutch/ He desired to be inde- pendent of his pen, though giving- up hopes of the highest legal preferments. He applied, therefore, through Lord Dalkeith (2 Feb. 1805), to Lord Melville for an appointment, which he succeeded in obtaining in the follow- j ing year. Lockhart thinks (/;. ch. xv. p. 30) ' that, besides the Buccleuch interest, a hint of Pitt's, who had expressed admiration of the ' Lay/ may have been serviceable. George Home, one of the * principal clerks of the quarter session/ was becoming infirm; and, as there was no system of retiring pensions, Scott was associated in the office, on the terms of doing the duty for nothing during Home's life and succeeding to the position on his | death. Some formal error having been made | in the appointment, Scott went to London ; to obtain its rectification, and was afraid j that upon the change of government advan- i tage might be taken of the mistake. His j fears were set at rest by Lord Spencer, then i at the home office, and the appointment was gazetted on 8 March 1806. Scott was for the first time received in London as a literary lion, and made the acquaintance of Joanna Baillie, ever afterwards a warm friend. The i duties of his clerkship occupied him from ! four to six hours daily for four days a week j during six months of the year, and, though j partly mechanical, required care and busi- nesslike habits and the study of law papers at home. It brought him into close connec- tion with his colleagues, the children of the i several families all calling the other fathers ! ' uncle/ Soon afterwards he wrote a sons, j which James Ballantyne sang at a public dinner (27 June 1806), to commemorate the failure of Melville's impeachment. lie de- sired, as Lockhart thinks (ib. ch. xv.), to show that his appointment had not inter- fered with his political independence. The words 'Tally-ho to the Fox!' used at a time when Fox ? s health was beginning to collapse, gave deep offence ; and some friends, according to Cockburn (Memorials^ p. 217), were permanently alienated. The particular phrase was of course used without ungene- rous intention, and Scott paid a compliment to Fox's- memory in 'Marmion' soon after- wards. But he was now becoming a keen , partisan. Lockhart observes that during the whig ministry his tory feelings were * in a very excited state/ and that he began to take an active part as a local manager of poli- tical affairs. When Jeffrey playfully com- plimented him on a speech before the faculty of advocates, Scott burst into tears, and de- clared that the whigs would leave nothing of all that made Scotland Scotland. Ballantyne had removed to Edinburgh at the end oi 1802, and set up a press in the precincts of Holy rood House ( LOCKHART, ch. xi.) It was culled the Border Press, and gained a reputation for beauty and correct- ness. Soon after the publication of the 4 Lay/ Ballantyne, who had already received a loan from Scott, found that more capital was needed ; Scott (ib. ch. xiv.) thought it imprudent to make a further advance, but agreed at the beginning of 1805 to become a partner in tiw business. The connection was a secret; and Scott, whose writings were now eagerly sought by publishers, attracted many customers. He arranged that all his own* books should bo printed by Ballantyne, while as a printer he became more or less interested in the publishing speculations. Scott's sanguine disposition and ma generous trust in other authors led him also to sug- gest a number of litorarv enterprises, some very costly, and frequently ending in failure. Money had to be raised ; and Scott, who seems to have first taken up Ballantyne somewhat in the spirit of a border-chief helping on of his clan, Boon caught the spirit of commercial speculation. The first scheme which he proposed was for a collec- tion of British poets, to be published by Constable. A similar scheme, in which Thomas Campbell was to be the editor, was in the contemplation of some London pub- lishers. After some attempts at an alliance, Scott's scheme was given up j but he took up with great energy a complete edition of Drytlen. In 1805 he was also writing for the ' Edinburgh Kevimv,' and had made a beginning of * Waverley ' (ib* clu xiv.) The name was probably suggested by Waverley Abbey, near Farnham, -which was within a ride of Ellis's house where he had been re- cently staying. The first few chapters were shown to "William Krsldne (ft. ch. xxii. p. 20*4), and upon his disapproval the task was dropped for the time. Scott now adopted the habits which enabled him to carry out his labours. He gave up his previous plan of sitting tip late, rose at five, dressed care- fully, was at his desk by six, and before the, family breakfast had ' broken the neck of the day's work/ A couple of hours afterwards he finished the writing, and was his ' own man' by noon. At Ashestiel he rode out, coursed with his greyhounds or joined in ' burning the water/ as described in ' Guy Mannermg.' He answered every letter the same day, ,and thus got through a surprising Scott amount of work. Lockhart describes (ib. ch. xxvii. j>. 256) how in 1814 a youthful friend of his own was irritated by the vision of a hand which he could see, while drink- ing his claret, through the window of a neighbouring house, unweariediy adding to a heap of manuscripts. It was afterwards identified as Scott's hand, then employed upon ' Waverley ; ' and the anecdote shows that he sometimes, at least, wrote into the evening. During 1806-7 Scott was hard at work upon 'Dryden,' and in the spring of 1807 visited London to make researches in the British Museum. He was also appointed secretary to the parliamentary commission iipon Scottish jurisprudence (ib. ch. xvi.),and took much pains in qualifying himself for the duty. An essay upon the changes proposed by the commission was afterwards contri- buted by him to the * Edinburgh Annual Register^ for 1808 (published 1810), and shows his suspicion of the reforms which were being urged by Bentham among others (see BENTHAM, Works, voL y.) At the same time he was writing ' Marmion,' upon which he says (Introduction of 1830) that he thought it desirable to bestow more care than his previous compositions had received. Some of it, especially the battle, was composed while he was galloping his charger along Portobello Sands during his volunteer exer- cises (LoCKHAKT, ch. xv i.) The introductory epistles, which most of his critics thought a disagreeable interruption, were carefully laboured, and at one time advertised for separate publication (ib. ch. xvi. p. 154). TBhey are of great biographical interest. Constable offered a thousand guineas for the poem befb*e seeing it, and Scott at once ac- cepted the offer. He had a special need of money in consequence of the failure, at the end of 1806, of his brother Thomas. ( Mar- mion ' was published on 23 Feb. 1808, and was as successful as the * Lay.' The general applause was interrupted by some sharp criticism from Jeffrey in the 'Edinburgh Review.' Jeffrey, besides a general dislike to the romanticism of the newschool, strangely accused Scott of neglecting ' Scottish feelings and Scottish characters.' He sent the re- view, with a note, to Scott, with whom he was engaged to dine. Scott received him with unchanged cordiality, but Mrs. Scott sarcastically hoped that he Lad been well paid by Constable for his * abuse' of his host. Scott himself ceased to be a contributor to the ' Edinburgh,' although his personal relations with Jeffrey were always friendly (see Letters, i. 436-40, 11. 32). Otner reasons sufficiently explain his secession. In November 1807 he r . Scott had proposed to Southey to become one of Jeffrey's contributors, in spite of certain at- tacks upon ' Madoc ' and < Thalaba.' Southey declined, as generally disapproving of Jef- frey's politics, and Scott was soon annoyed by what he thought the unpatriotic tone of the review, especially the ' Cevallos ' article of October 1808. He at once took up eagerly the scheme for the ' Quarterly Review,' which was now being started by Murray, who visited him i ^ ' f ' 96 seq.) Canning approved the scheme, and Scott wrote to all his friends to get recruits. Lockhart says that he could 'fill half a volume with the correspondence upon this subject ' (see, too, Gifford's letters in Letters, vol. ii. appendix)* The quarrel with Jeffrey involved a quarrel with Constable, the pub- lisher at tnis time of the * Edinburgh/ Other serious difficulties had arisen. The edition of ' Dry den ' in eighteen volumes, with Scott's admirable life, had appeared in the last week of April 1808. He had worked hard as an editor, and received 756J., or forty guineas a volume. He had by, October 1808 prepared an edition of the ' Sadler Papers' (published in 1809-10), and was at work upon a new edition of the ' Somers Tracts,' and now, besides some other trifles, had undertaken the edition of Swift, for which Constable offered him 1,500/. A partner of Constable's, named Hunter, an intelligent and honourable man, but strongly opposed to Scott in politics, was dissatisfied with the Swift bargain. Scott was bitterly offended at some of Hunter's language, and on 12 Jan. 1809 wrote an indignant letter breaking off all connection with the firm. He had pre- viously engaged John (1774-1821) [q. v.] ? the younger brother of James Ballantyne, who had failed in business, to act as clerk under the brother. It was now decided to start a pub- lishing firm (John Ballantyne & Co.) in oppo- sition to Constable. Scott was to supply half the capital, and the other half was to be divided equally between James and John. According to Lockhart, Scott had also to pro- vide for James's quarter, while John had to borrow his quarter either from Scott or some one else (LOCKHABT, ch. xviii, p. 174). The new firm undertook various enterprises, es- pecially the ' Edinburgh Annual Register/ to which Southey was a contributor; and Scott now hoped, with the alliance of John Murray, to compete successfully with Con- stable. In the spring of 1&09 he visited London and saw much of his new acquaintance, John Bacon Sawrey Morri tt [q. v.], with whom lie stayed at Rokeby Park on his return. In London he saw much of Canning, Ellis, and Scott Scott /. , Croker. The first number of the ' Quarterly Re- view/ to which, he contributed three articles, appeared during his stay, and he had frequent conferences with John Murray concerning the new alliance with Ballantyne, This was soon cooled in consequence of John Ballantyne's modes of doing business (SMILES, John Murray, L 175). ^ Scott added tojhis other distractions a keen interest in theatrical matters. He became intimate with J. P. Kemble and Mrs. Siddons. In the summer he took a share in the theatre at Edinburgh, and induced Henry Siddons [q. vA the nephew of Mrs. Siddons, to undertake the management and to produce as his first play the * Family Legend* of his friend Joanna BailHe. This led to a friendship with Daniel Terry [q. v.] , an actor in the Edinburgh company, who shared Scott's taste for curiosities, dramatised his novels, and admired him so much as to catch a trick of personal likeness. In 1810 an act was passed to put in force some of the recommendations of the judica- ture commission. Compensation was made to the holders of some offices abolished. Scott had recently appointed a deserving old clerk to a vacant place and given the ' ex- tractorship' thus vacated to his brother Thomas. Thomas was now pensioned off with 130/.ayear. The transaction was attacked as a iob in the House of Lords by Lord Holland. Thomas had been forced by his difficulties to retreat to the Isle of Man, and- did his duty at Edinburgh by deputy. The appoint- ment was apparently not out of the usual course of things at that period, Scott bitterly resented the attack, and ' cut ' Lord Holland soon afterwards at Edinburgh. The quarrel, however, -was made up in later years. Meanwhile Scott was finishing his third poem, ' The Ladyof tlie Lake/ He re- ceived nominally 2,000 J. for the copyright, but '' Ballantyne & Co.' retained three-fourths of the property. He had taken special care to be accurate in details, and repeated the king's ridefromLoeh Vennacharto StirUng,in order to assure himself tha:fc it could be done in the time. The poem was published in May 3810, and equalled the success of its pre- decessors. There was a rush of visitor** to Lock Katrine, and the post-horse duty in Scotland rose regiHarly from that date (LooKHAEX, ch. xx. p. 192)v From Lock- Bart's statement, it appears that twenty thousand copies were sold in the year, the quarto edition of 2,050 copies being sold for two guineas. Thia success was even more xapid than that of the 'Lay' or 4 Marmion/ though the sale of each of the 'poems down to 1825 was about the same, peing in each ease something over thirty thousand. 'The Lady of the Lake' was praised by Jeffrey in the ' Edinburgh,' while Ellis (who reviewed it in the * Quarterly') and Canning entreated him to try next time to adopt Dryden's metre. The extraordinary success of these * novels in verse ' was iu proportion less to their purely poetical merits than to the romantic spirit afterwards more appropriately embodied in the novels. A poem of which it can be said that the essence could be better given in prose is clearly not of the highest class, though the lays include many touches of most genuine poetry. Scott himself never formed an exalted estimate of his own verses, Johnson's poems, he said, gave him more pleasure than any others, His daughter, on being asked what she thought of the * Lay/ said that she had not read it ; ' papa says there's nothing so bad for young people as reading bad poetry.' His son had never heard of it, and 1 conjectured as the reason of his father's celebrity that ' it's commonly him that sees the hare sitting' (LOCKHAET, ch, xx. p. 196), The compliment to the 'Lady' which probably pleased its author most was from his friendt Adam Ferguson, who was serving in Portugal, and had read the poem to his comrades, while lying under fire at the lines of Torres Vedras (fb. ch. xxii. p. 206). Ferguson afterwards read to similar audiences the * Vision of Don Roderick/ in Spenserian stanzas, published for the benefit of the distressed Portuguese in 181L This, with an imitation of Crabbe and one or two trifles of the same period, seems to have re- sulted from his desire to try his friend's ad- vice of attempting a different style in poetry. After finishing the ' Lay,' Scott had again taken up * Waverley,' and again laid it aside upon a discouraging opinion from Ballantyne, who, it seems, "wanted more * Lays.' Scott's regular employment was the edition of Swift. Meanwhile the publishing business was going badly, partly owing to Scott's characteristic patronage of other authors. Anna Seward [q. v] had begun a correspon- dence with him on the publication of the^Min- strelsy.* She was not sparing of comically pedantic compliments, which Scott repaid with praises which, if insincere, brought a tit punishment. She died in 1809, and left him her poems with an mi unction to publish them. He obeyed, and the firm suffered by the three volumes, which appeared in the autunm of 1810. Another unlucky venture was the edition of Beaumont and Fletcher by Henry William Weber [g. y.] Scott had taken him for an amanuensis in 1804 when he was a half-starved bookseller's hack. Though Weber was a Jacobin in principles, r t, 't ScOtt 8 and given occasionally to drink, Scott helped i him frequently, till in 1814 he went mad ; and afterwards supported him till his death in 1818. Unluckily, Scott also put too much faith in his client's literary capacity, and lost heavily by publishing his work. Some- what similar motives prompted him to pub- lish the * History of the Culdees,' by his old friend John Jamieson [q. v.], and another heavy loss was caused by the 'Tixall' poetry. The * Edinburgh Annual Register/ in which he was glad to employ Southey, caused a loss of never less than 1,000/. a year. Scott's professional income, ho\yever, was now improved. The reconstitution of the court of session enabled Home to retire from the clerkship on a pension, and from January 1812 Scot fc received the salary, as well as performed the duties, of his office. The salary was fixed at 1,300/., which was a clear addition to his previous income. As his lease of Ashestiel was ending, he resolved to buy a place of his own. He paid 4,000/. for an estate about five miles further down the Tweed, to which he gave the name of Abbotsford. It included a meadow on the Tweed, one hundred acres of rough land, and a small farmhouse (a facsimile plan of Abbotsford in 1811 is given at the end of Letters, vol. i.) The neighbourhood of Melrose Abbey, to which the lands had formerly belonged, was an additional attrac- tion. Scott at once set about planting and building, with the constant advice of his friend Terry. lie moved into the house from Ashestiel in May 1812. He wrote here, amid the noise of masons, in the only habitable room, of which part had been screened off for him by an old curtain. He engaged as a tutor for the children George Thomson [q. v.], spn of the minister of Mel- rose, who lived with him ma&y years, and was the original of Dominie Sampson. While amusing himself with his planting and his children, he was now writing 'Kokeby' and 'The Bridal of Triermain/ He visited Morritt at llokeby in the autumn, to refresh his impressions, and the book was published at Christmas 1812, and was followed in two months by ' Triermain^ Although an edition of " three thousand two-guinea copies of 1 llokeby ' was sold at once, and ten thousand copies went off in a few months, its success was very inferior tp that of its predecessors. Scott attributes this to various causes (Pre- face of 1830), such as the unpoetical charac- ter of the Roundheads. A * far deeper ' cause, as he aays, was that his style had lost its novelty by his own repetitions and those of his many imitators. He was writing with less vivacity j and Moore, in the * Two- Scott penny Postbag, 1 hit a blot by saying that Scott had left the border, and meant l to do all the gentlemen's seats on the way ' to London. Another cause assigned by Scott was that he tad been eclipsed by Byron, whose poems he cordially admired. Murray brought Scott into communication with Byron on the publication of t Childe Harold ' in 1812. Byron reported compliments from the prince regent to Scott, and apologised for the sneer at * Marmion ' in ' English Bards and Scotch Reviewers/ They afterwards meet on very friendly terms. Scott wrote a generous review of Byron, at his final de- parture from England, by which Byron was much gratified (Quarterly, vol. xiv.), and Lady Byron, though complaining of certain' misunderstandings, acknowledged Scott's good intentions, and was cordially received by hi m soon afterwards at Abbotsibrd. * The Bridal of Triermain,' which was composed as a relief to * Rokeby/ was published anony- mously, and Scott endeavoured to spread tbe impression that "William Erskine, who had suggested the poem and consented to humour the jest, was its author. The affairs of Ballantyne & Co. had now reached a serious crisis. Scott had made tip his personal quarrel with Constable in 1810, and had some friendly communications with him (ib. ch. xx. p. 192). The edition of Swift had remained on Constable's hands. In May 1813 Scott consented, though re- luct antly, to apply to Constable for help in Ballantyne's affairs, engaging that the pub- lishing business should be wound uj> if proper terms could be obtained. The print- ing concern was bringing in about l^OO/. a year. Constable examined the books in Au- gust, and reported that the liabilities were about lo,000/., and that the assets, if they could be realised, would about balance them (Archibald Constable, iii. 31). It was, how- ever, a period of financial difficulty, and -it was impossible to dispose of the stock and copyrights in time. An advance was neces- sary to meet the immediate difficulties. Scott hereupon applied to his friend, the Duke of Buccleueh, who had, as he observed, the * true spirit of a border chief (ib. iii. 28), and who at once agrejA to guarantee an ad- vance of 4,OQO by a Sondon banker. Con- stable had already in May agreed to take part of the stock of theBallantynes for 2,000/., which was ultimately resold to the trade at a great loss. Much more was still left on hand. John Ballantyne set up as an auc- tioneer, though he continued to act as Scott's agent for the * JVaverley Novels.* In January 1816 a new arrangement was made, under which James Ballantyue became simply Scott Scott Scott's agent, receiving a salary of 40Q/. a year for managing the printing business. The affairs of this and the publishing busi- ness had become indistinguishable. John Ballantyne said that the publishing business was wound up with a clear balance of 1,000. in consequence of Scott's energy. The new firm took over, according to Lockhart (p. 461), liabilities to the amount of 10,000/. Scott complained much in 1813 of having been kept in ignorance by his partners of the real state of affairs ; and it seems that the printing, as well as the publishing, office had been in difficulties from an early period, The printing business, however, was sub- stantially a good one, and, now that the publishing was abandoned, might be expected to thrive. For two or three years after the arrange- ment with Constable the affairs of the firm were in a very critical state, and Scott was put to many straits for raising money. He cordially admitted his obligations to Con- stable's sagacity and help, while he begged John Ballantyne to treat him ' as a man, and not as a milch-cow 7 ( LOCKHART, ch. xxvl p. 246). Scott, however, was sanguine by nature, and had sufficiently good pro- spects, His income, he says (24 Aug. 1813), was over 2,000 a year, and he was owner of Abbotsford and the house in Castle Street. He was clear that no one could ultimately be a loser by him. Just at this time the regent offered him the poet-laureate- ship, which he erroneously supposed to be worth 400J. a year. It had fallen into such discredit that he feared to be ridiculed for taking it, and declined on the ground that he could not write the regular odes then imperative, and that his legal offices were a sufficient provision. In the midst of his difficulties he was sending 50J. to Maturin, then in distress, and was generous to other struggling authors while pressed to pay Hs family expenses. Unfortunately, Scott had been seized with a passion for adding to his landed property. A property was for sale which would extend his estate from the Tweed to the Cauldshiels Loch ; and to raise the money he offered, in June 1813, to sell a An written poem (after- wards ' The Lord ofthe Isles ') to Constable . for 5,OOQZ. Though the literary negotiation 'failed, Jbe bought the land, and was at the same time buy mg * a splendid lot of ancient armour ' for his museum. On 1 July 1814 appeared Scott's edition of Swift in nineteen volumes, which was re- viewed by Jeffrey in the ' Edinburgh ' at Constable's request. Jeffrey praised Scott, but his hostile estimate of Swift was thought by Constable to have injured the sale of the works. In the midst of his troubles Scott had accident ally found his old manuscript of * Waverley ' in looking for some fishing- tackle, lie thought that his critics, Erskiue and Ballantyne, had been too severe ; and in the last three weeks of June 1814 wrote the two concluding volumes. The book appeared on 7 July 1814. The first edition of one thousand copies was sold in five weeks, and a sixth had appeared before the end of a year. Constable had offered TOO/, for the copyright, which Scott said was too little it' it succeeded, and too much if it failed. It was therefore published upon half-profits. On 29 July Scott sailed upon a cruise with the lighthouse commissioners, in which he was accompanied by his friend William Erskine and others. They visited the Orkney and Shetland islands, and re- turned by the Hebrides, reaching Green ock on 8 Sept, The delightful journal published in Lockhart's ' Life ' gives a graphic picture of Scott's charm as a travelling compa- nion, and of his keen delight in the scenery, the antiquities, and the social condition of the people. lie turned his experience to account .'hePirate'and * The Lord of the Isles/ On returning he received the news of the death of his old friend the Duchess of Buccleuch, who, as Countess of Dalkeith, had suggested ' The Lay of the Last Minstrel. 7 He found also that * Waverley ' was making a startling success. For the time he had other pieces of work in hand. Besides writing articles on chivalry and the drama for Constable's ' Supplement ' to the ' Encyclopedia Bri- tannica,' and other minor pieces of work, he had finally agreed, while passing through Edinburgh, for 'The Lord of the Isles.' Constable gave 1J5QOJ. for half the copy- right It was rapidly finished, and pub- lished on 18 Jan. 1815, Though it was about as popular as ' Ilokeby,' Scott became aware that the poetical vein was being- exhausted. When Ballantyne told him or the comparative failure, he received the news after a moment with ' perfect cheerfulness/ and returned to work upon the conclusion of his second novel, ' Guy Mannering/ which. as Lockhart calculates, was written in six weeks, about Christmas 1814. The success of his novels encouraged him to make new purchases. ' Money,' he writes to Morritt in November 1814, 'has been tumbling in upon me very fast ; ' his pinches from * long- dated bills' are over, and he is therefore buying land {Letters, i. 351). For the next ten years Scott was pouring out the series of novels, displaying an energy and fertility of mind which make the feat one Scott 9 1 Scott of the most remarkable recorded in literary history. The main interruption was in 1815. All his patriotic feelings had been stirred to the uttermost by the concluding scenes of the war; and he went to France in August, visited "Waterloo, saw the allies in Paris, met the Duke of Wellington and Lord Castlereagh, was courteously received by Bliicher, and kissed by the hetman Platoff. For Wellington he had the highest admira- tion, and wondered that the hero should care for the author of a ' few bits of novels.' Scott's impressions on this tour were de- scribed by him in 'Paul's Letters to his " ^"^ " * oem on the Kinsfolk " (1815), and in a ' Field of Waterloo/ published in October 1815 for the benefit of soldiers' widows, and an admitted failure. His last poem of any length, 'Harold the Dauntless,' was pub- lished in January 1817, as by the author of * Triermain/ and had, says Lockhart, ' con- siderable success,' but not such as to en- courage him to further attempts in the same line. The ' Waverley Novels,' on the contrary, had at once become the delight of all readers, even of those who, like Hazlitt, detested Scott from a political point of view. Scott had determined to be anonymous, and the secret was at first confided only to his pub- lishers and to his friends Morritt and Erskine, In his preface of 1830, and in some letters of the time, Scott gives reasons for this decision which are scarcely convinc- ing. The most intelligible is his dislike to be accented as an author, and forced to talk about his own books in society. This fell in with his low estimate of literary reputation in general. He considered his writings chiefly as the means of supporting his posi- tion as a gentleman, and would rather be received as Scott of Abbotsford than the author of the ' Waverley Novels.' When writing his earlier books, as Lockhart shows, he had frankly consulted his friends ; but as he became more of a professional author, he was less disposed to wear the character publicly. It is probable that his connection with the Ballantynes had an effect in this change. He began to take a publisher's point of view, and was afraid of making his name too cheap. Whatever his motives, he adhered to his anonymity, and in agreements with Constable introduced a clause that the publisher should be liable to a penalty of 2,000/. if the name of the author were revealed (ib. ch. xliii. and liv. pp. -388, 469). He says, in his preface, that he con- sidered himself to be entitled to deny the authorship flatly if the question were put to him directly. It "was reported that he had solemnly disavowed 'Waverley' to the prince regent, who entertained him at dinner in the spring of 1815. Scott, how- ever, told Ballantyne that the question had not been put to him, though he evaded the acknowledgment when the regent proposed his health as the ' author of Waverley' (For a similar story see SMILES'S John Murray, L 474). From the first, the most competent readers guessed the truth. It was suffi- ciently intimated by Jeffrey in his review of Waverley/ and the constant use in the novels of his own experiences gave unmis- takable evidence to all his familiars. T intimate friends, such as Southey and Sydney Smith, speak without doubt of his authorship. The letters on the authorship of * Waverley ' by John Leycester Adolphus [q. v.j in 1821 gave a superfluous, though ingenious, de- monstration of the fact. Scott counte- nanced a few rumours attributing the novels to others, especially to his brother, Thomas Scott, now in Canada. Thomas, he sug- gested, need not officiously reject the credit of the authorship. Murray believed this re- port in 1817 : and a discovery of the same statement in a Canadian paper led a Mr. W. J. Fitzgerald to write a pamphlet in 1855 attri- buting the authorship (partly at least) to Thomas (see Notes and Queries, 1st ser. vols. i. and ii.) Scott said that his first suggestion of novels intended to -portray Scottish character came from Miss Edgeworth's Irish stories. He sent her a copy of ' Waverley ' and warm compliments from the anonymous author. Scott's sympathetic reproduction of the national characteristics was of course com- bined with the power, which distinguished his novels from all previous works, of giving life to history and to tiie picturesque and vanishing forms of society. Ills * feudalism ' and toryism were other aspects of his intense interest in the old order broken down by the revolution. He was also pouring out the stores of anecdote and legend and the vivid impressions of the scenery which he had been imbibing from his early childhood while rambling through the country in closp and friendly intercourse with all classes. Scott's personal charm, his combination of mascu- line sense with wide and generous sym- pathy, enabled him to attract an unprece- dentedly numerous circle of readers to these almost impromptu utterances of a teeming imagination. The first nine novels, in which these quali- ties are most conspicuous, appeared in five years ; the last on 10 June 1819. * Waver- ' was followed on 24 Feb. 1815 by * Guy M'annering,' the hero of which was at once Scott Scott recognised by Hoss as a portrait of the Constable's jealousy of Murray that the pub- author himself ' The Antiquary,' which, as lisher, besides taking the second series of the he told Basil Hall (Fragments, iii. 325 ; and < TVlas of mv Landlord.' cleared the Auram see Archdeacon SINCIAIK, Old Times and _ * j Distant Places), was his own favourite, ap- peared in May 1816. The Black Dwarf and 'Old Mortality' appeared together, as the first series of the ' Tales of my Landlord, on 1 Dec. 1816. The * author of " Waver- ley "' was not mentioned on the title-page, but the identity was instantly recognised. Scotthimself reviewed this in the * Quarterly,' inserting, however, as Loekhart says, a gene- ral estimate of the novels written by \V. Erskine. The main purpose of the article is to give facts in justification of some of his Scottish portraits, especially his account^ of 4.1,,, j* A ,*Ann*t + nifta in 4 t~\} A \'frk1*t ol if YT * wllIC*!* the covenanters in ' Old Mortality/ which Tales of my Landlord,' * cleared the Augean stable ' by taking the remainder of Ballan- >), 'Rob Roy 31 Dec. 1817, and the ' Heart of Midlothian' in June 1818. This representation of the nobler side of the covenanting temjjer gave the best answer to McCrie's criticism, and the story caused, says Loekhart, an un- equalled burst of enthusiasm throughout Scotland. The third series of 'Tales of my Landlord,' including the ' Bride of Lammer- moor' and the 'Legend of Montrose/ ap- peared on 10 June 1819, The arrangements for publishing these novels were unfortunately carried on by Scott through the Ballantynes, of whom other publishers, such as Cadell and Black- wood, seem to have felt thorough distrust (see CONSTABLE, iii. 108, &c. ; SMI&ES, Murray -, i. 462). John Ballantyne tried to work upon the eagerness of various competitors for the works of the popular author. The books were printed by James Ballantyne. Scott retained the permanent copyright, but sold the early editions for such a sum as would give half the profits to the publisher. * Guy nn f *MM* A.ita4 wfe *** * mt^* jfc Lk * ft < A. 1 *^* A j* J L j^ T ^^ ^i^ ^^-^^ ^. ^ tyne's stock for 5,270 two thirds of which was ultimately a dead loss. [This transaction, according to Constable (iii. 96), took place later.] Scott thus got rid of the last re- mains of the publishing business, and now supposed himself to be emerging from his difficulties. He was able, in consequence of some arrangement with Constable, to re- turn the Duke of Buccleuch's bond dis- charged (7 Jan. 1818). Finally, in Decem- ber 1818, Scott, who required money for land-purchases, building, and the expense of obtaining a commission for his son, made a bargain by which Constable bought the copyrights of all his works published up to that date for 12,000/. This included all the novels above mentioned and the poetry, with the exception of a fourth share ot * Marmion ' belonging to Murray. The Constables signed bonds for this amount on 2 Feb. 1819, but failed to pay them olF before their insolvency, Scott therefore retained some interest in the copyrights. Longman published the * Monas- tery/ and joined Constable in publishing the * Abbot/ Sut Constable published ail Scott's other works, and came into exceedingly in- tricate relations with Scott and the Ballan- tynes. * Ivanhoe,' which appeared at the end of 1819, marked a new departure. Scott was now drawing upon his reading instead of his personal experience, and the book has not the old merit of serious portraiture of real life. But its splendid audacity, its vivid presentation of mediaeval life, and the dra- matic vigour of the narrative, may atone ^for palpable anachronisms and melodramatic im- possibilities. The story at once achieved the popularity which it has always enjoyed, and was more successful in England than _ _. _ ^ I,. b ^* ta k ^f i. Mannering' was thus sold to the Longman a any of the so-called 'Scottish novels*' It for 1,5001. on condition of taking 600J. of was Scott's culminating success in a book- ^''V, selling sense, and marked the highest point both of his literaiy and his social prosperity. The year was indeed a sad one for Scott. He had been deeply grieved by the death of the (fourth) Duke of Buccleuch on 20 April 1819* He lost his mother, between whom and himself there had been a cordial af- fection, on 24 Dec. Her brother, Dr. Rutherford, and her sister had died on the 20th and 22nd of the same month. His own health was in so serious a state at the publication of the 'Tales* in June that the general impression -was that he would write no more. He had been suddenly at- sion Ballantyne worked so successfully upon tacked, in March 1817, by violent crampa John Ballantyne's stock Constable was vexed on being passed over, and the * Anti- quary ' was given to him on the usual terms ; but the first * Tales of my Landlord ' were sold to Murray and Blaciwood, who again took some of Ballantyne's stock (CONSTABLE, iii. 85). Constable, it seems, resented some of John Ballantyne's proposals, and- was un~ willing to be connected with the firm. On the appearance of * Rob Roy,' however, John Ballantyne again agreed with Constable, who gave 1,70Q for the copies, besides taking more stock, and Ballantyne himself gained 1,2001. by the bargain. On the next occa- Scott 93 Scott of the stomach. Similar attacks were re- peated during- the next two years, and the change in his appearance shocked his ac- quaintances. In April 1819 Scott himself took a solemn leave of his children, in ex- pectation of immediate death. The Earl of Buchan had already designed a splendid ' funeral, and tried to force his way into the patient's room to comfort him by explaining the details. The attacks caused intense agony, which- he bore with unflinching cou- rage. When unable to write he dictated to Ballantyne and Laidlaw in the midst of his suffering. The greatest part of the ' Bride of Lammermoor, the * Legend of Montrose/ and * Ivanhoe/ was written under these con- ditions (Ballantyne's full account is printed in Journal, i. 408). James Baiiantyne tes- tified to the remarkable &ct that Scott, while remembering the story upon which the ' Bride of Lammermoor ' was founded, had absolutely forgotten his own novel, and read it upon its appearance as entirely new to him. The attacks were repeated in 1820, but became less violent under a new treat- ment. Scott's growing fame had, made him the centre of a wide and varied social circle. In Edinburgh he was much occupied by his legal as well as literary duties, and kept early hours, which limited his social engage- ments. In the evenings he enjoyed drives in the lovely scenery and rambles in the old town. Every Sunday he entertained his old cronies, who were chiefly of the tory persua- sion. The bitterness of political divisions in Scotland divided society in to two sections, though Scott occasionally met Jeffrey and other whigs ; and Cockburn testifies (Me- morials, p. 267) that the only question among them at an early period used to be whether his poetry or his talk was the more delightful. The 'Edinburgh Beviewers' talked Adam Smith and Dugald Stewart, and aimed at epigrammatic smartness, while Scott simply poured out the raw material of tite ' Waverley Novels ; ' and one may easily believe that his easy humour was more charming than their "brilliance. He took part also in the jovial dinners, where he was the idol of his courtiers, the Ballantyne?, and where the dignified Constable occasion- ally appeared. Scott himself was temperate, ate^ little after & hearty breakfast, and was as indifferent to cookery as to music. He kept up the ponderous ceremonial of the * toasts ' and ' sentiments ' of the old-fashioned dinners (COCKBTTBN, Memorials, p. 40), at which the Ballantynes would rea,d speci- mens of the forthcoming novel. It was at Abbotsford that Scott was in his glory* He had from the first been eager to ex- tend his property. In 1816, according to Lockhart, the estate had grown from one hundred and fifty to nearly one thousand acres by purchases from small holders, who took advantage of his eagerness to exact ex- travagant prices. In 1817 he settled his old friend William Laidlaw on one of his farms at Kaeside. In 1 817 he also bought the house and land of Huntly Burn for 10,OOOJ., upon which next spring he settled Adam Fergu- son, now retired on half-pay. In 1819 he was contemplating a purchase of Faldonside for 30,OOOJ. This was not carried out, though he was still hankering after it in 1825 (Letters, ii. 260, 347); but in 1821, accord- ing to Lockhart, he had spent 29,OOOJ. on land (Ballantyne Humbug, p. 93). He had set about building- as soon as he came into possession, and a house-warming, to cele- brate the completion of his new house, took place in November 1818. Beginning with a plan for an ' ornamental cottage/ he gra- dually came to an imitation of a Scottish baronial castle. At Abbotsford Scott was visited by innu- merable admirers of all ranks. American tourists, including Washington Irving and George Ticknor, English travellers of rank, or of literary and scientific fame, such as Sir Humphry Davy, Miss Edgeworth, Words- worth, Moore, and many others, stayed with him at different periods, and have left many accounts of their experience. His businesslike habits enabled him during his most energetic labours to spend most of his mornings out of doors, and to give his even- ings to society. His guests unanimously celebrate his perfect simplicity and dignity, as well as the charms of his conversation, and his skill in putting all his guests at their ease. The busiest Writer of the day ap- peared to be entirely absorbed in entertain- ing his friends. He was on intimate terms with all his neighbours, from the Duke of Buccleuch to Tom Purdie, and as skilful in chatting to the labourers, in whose planting he often to6k an active share, as in soothing the jealousies of fine ladies. He had annu- ally two grand celebrations, devoted to salmon-fishing and coursing, which brought * the whole country-side together, and gave a 4 kirn/ or harvest-home, to his peasantry. Scott was always surrounded by his dogs, of whom the bulldog Camp and the deerhound Maida are the most famous. On Camp's death in 1809 he gave up an engagement for the loss ' of a dear old friend/ Mai da died in 1824, and was celebrated by an epitaph, translated into Latin by Lockhart. Even a pig took a * sentimental attachment ?J to him. Scott 94 Probably few men have charmed so many fellow-creatures of all classes. His family was now growing up. Scott, had made companions of his children, and never minded their interruptions. He cared little for the regular educational systems, but tried to interest them in poetry and his- tory by his talk, and taught them to ride and speak the truth. The boys were sent to the high school from their home. In 1819 the eldest, Walter, joined the 18th hussars, in spite of his father's preference for the bar. Scott's letters to him are full of admirable good sense and paternal confidence. The eldest daughter, Sophia, married John Gibson Lockhart [q.. v,] in April 1820. The Lock- harts took the cottage of Chiefswood upon the Abbotsford estate, where they became valuable elements of Scott's circle. At the end of 1818 Lord Sidmouth in- formed Scott of the prince regent's desire to confer a baronetcy upon him. Scott's hesi- tation was overcome by the prospect of an inheritance from his brother-in-law, Charles Carpenter, who had left a reversion of his property to his sister's children. It was es- timated at 40,OOOJ. or 50,OGO/., though it turned out to be only half that amount. The actual appointment was delayed by his illness till 30 March 1820, when he went to London, and kissed the new king's hands. G-eorge IV at the same time directed Lawrence to paint a portrait of Scott, as the beginning of a series for the great gallery at Windsor. Both Oxford and Cambridge offered him an honorary degree in 1820 ; but he was unable to present himself for the purpose. In the same year he was induced to accept the rather incongruous position of president of the Royal Society of Scotland. If he knew little of science, he succeeded in making friends of scientific men and giving charm to their meetings. Scott was informed in 1823 that the ' author of " Waverley " ' was elected member of the Roxburghe Club, and consented to act as locum tenant of the ' great unknown.' He founded the Bannatyne Club the same year, and took a very active part in it for the rest of his life. He was also about 1823 elected to 'The Club.' In 1821 Scott attended the coronation of George IV, and wrote a description for Bal- lantyne's 'Edinburgh Weekly Journal* (given in LOCKHART, p. 454, c,) In 1822 he took a leading ,part in the reception of George IV at Edinburgh. He arranged the details ; coaxed highland chiefs and lowland baillies into good humour, wrote appro- priate ballads, and showed an enthusiasm scarcely justified by the personal character Scott of the monarch. Tie begged a glass out of which the king had drunk his health to be kept as a relic, and sat down upon it, for- tunately injuring only the glass (Locic- IIABT, ch. Ivi.) He was amused by the visit at this time of the poet Crabbe, with whom he had previously corresponded, and profoundly saddened by the melancholy death of his old, and it seems his dearest, friend, William Erskine. Scott had to snatch opportunities in the midst of the con- fusion to visit the dying man. During this period Scott's toryism and patriotic feelings wore keenly excited. In January 1819 he had taken extraordinary interest *m the dis- covery of the Scottish regalia, which had been locked \tp at the time of the union and were reported to have been sent to Eng- land. On the king's visit, he applied for the restoration to Edinburgh of * Mons Meg,' then in the Tower of London, which was ultimately returned in 1829. lie petitioned at the same time also for the restoration of the Scottish peerages forfeited in 1715 and 1745. He had some connection with more important political aftuirs. The popular dis- content in 1819 had induced Scott and some of his neighbours to raise a volunteer force in the loyal districts, to be prepared against a supposed combination of Glasgow artisans and Northumberland colliers. The force was to be called the *Buccleucli legion, 1 and Scott was ready to take the command. The political bitterness roused bv this and the queen's trial led to the starting of the notorious ' Beacou' in 1821. Scott was in- duced to be one of the subscribers to a bond for raia'ng the necessary funds. He was considered to be partly responsible for the virulent abuse which the paper directed against the whi#a, and which lea to the duel in which Sir Alexander Boswell [q. v,] was killed in March 182& Sir James Gibson Craig [q. v.] intended, according to Cockbura (Memorials, p. 882), to send a challenge to Scott, but refrained on receiving an assur- ance that Scott was not personally concerned. The paper was suppressed, and Scott was as much disgusted by the cowardice as by the previous imprudence. Cookburn complains that the young tories who indulged in this warfare were encouraged by his t chuckling 7 over their libels instead of checking them. He was, as Cockburn says, nattered by their admiration into condoning offences, though there ' could not be a better natured or a better hearted man.* It must be added that, as Mr. Lang has shown (Life of Lockhart , L 194, &c.\ Scott seriously disapproved of the personalities, and remonstrated effectually with Lockhart. Scott in 1*851 adopted plans Scott 95 Scott for the * completion of Abbotsford * (LooK* HAET, ch. liv.) The masonry was finished and the roof being placed in October 1822 (ib. ch. Ivii.-lviii.) He amused himself by introducing gas, then a novelty, the glare from which was, as Lockhart thinks, bad for his health, and a bell-ringing device, which was a failure. During 18:24 he was occupied in personally superintending the decorations. Most of the furniture was made on the spot by local carpenters and tailors, to whom Scott showed his usual kindness. ' He speaks to every man,' said one of them, ' as if he were a blood relation/ The painting was carried out by a young man whom Scott had judiciously exhorted to stick to his trade in- stead of trying to rival Wilkie, and who prospered in consequence. At the end of 1824 the house was at last finished, and a large party assembled at Christmas. On 7 .Tan. 1825 there was a ball in honour of Miss Jobson of Lochore, a young lady with 60,000/ who, on 3 Feb. following, was mar- ried to Scott's son Walter. Scott had bought a captaincy for his son for 3,500J. He now settled the estate of Abbotsford upon the married pair, in accordance with the demands of her guardian. The whole expenditure irjxm Abbotsford is estimated by Sir J. Gibson Craig at 7G,000 (Letter to Miss Edgeworth). In the summer Scott made a tour in Ireland, visited his son, then quartered at Dublin, and Miss Edgeworth, who accompanied him to Killaruey. He was everywhere re- ceived with an enthusiasm which made the journey, as he said, ' an ovation.' He visited the ' ladies of Llangollen ' on his way home, and met Canning at the English lakes. A grand regatta, with a procession of fifty barges, was arranged upon Windermere, in which Wilson acted as ' admiral' and Words- worth joined the party. Scott reached Abbotsiord on 1 Sept., and soon heard the first news of approaching calamity. Scott's mode of life involved a large ex- penditure, but he was also making 1 apparently a very large income. The production of novels had been going on more rapidly than ever ; though after ' Ivanhoe ' there was a decline, of which he was not fully aware, in their cir- culation. He had begun the 'Monastery' before concluding * Ivanhoe.' It was pub- lished in March 1 820, and the 'Abbot ' followed in September. He agreed with the public that^the first was ' not very interesting,' and admitted that his supernatural machinery was a blunder. The ' Abbot' was suggested by his visits to Blair Adam, the seat of Chief Commissioner William Adam [q. v.], in sight of Lochleven Castle* The Blair Adam Club, consisting of a few of Adam's friends, met at his house to make antiquarian excursions, and Scott attended the meetings regularly from 1816 to 183L ' Kenilworth,' which had much success, appeared in January, and the 'Pirate' in December 1821. During the autumn he composed a series of imaginary ' private letters' supposed to be written in the time of James I. On the suggestion of Bal- lantyne and Lockhart that he was throwing away a good novel, he changed his plan, and wrote the ' Fortunes of Nigel/ which appeared i n May 1 822. ' Peverii of the Peak ' appeared in January, * Quentin Durward' in June, and 'St. Ronan's Well' in December 1823. ' Quentin Durward' was coldly re- ceived in England, though its extraordinary power was recognised after it had been re- ceived in France with an enthusiasm com- parable to that which had greeted ' Ivanhoe ' m England. In talking over the French excitement, Laidlaw told Scott that he was always best on his native heath. This, as Lockhart thinks, suggested ' St. Ronan's Well/ published December 1823, his only attempt at a novel of society. The experiment has been generally regarded as in this respect a failure, and James Ballantyne injured the story by inducing Scott to yield to his notions of propriety. The English sale showed a falling off, but in Scotland it was well re- ceived. The people of Innerleithen judi- ciously identified their well with that of St. Ronan's, attracted sightseers, and set up the St. Ronan's border games, where Hogg presided with the support of Scott. In June 1824 appeared ' Redgauntlet,' which was * somewhat coldly received,' The mag- nificent tale of Wandering Willie, which probably gives the best impression of Scott's power of story-telling, and the autobiogra- phical interest of the portraits of his father, himself, and his friend, W. Clerk (' Darsie Latimer '), give it a peculiar interest. The 'Tales of the Crusaders' appeared in June 1825, and though ( The Betrothed' is an ad- mitted failure, its companion, * The Talisman,' showed enough of the old spirit to secure for the two ' an enthusiastic reception/ This series of novels was produced under circumstances which had serious conse- quences for Scott's future. * Kenilworth ' was the last novel in which John Ballantyne had a share of the profits. The later novels were all published by Constable on terms which greatly affected Scott's position. Con- stable had printed at once ten thousand copies of * Rob Roy,' whereas the first edition of its predecessor had been only two thousand, and a second impression of three thousand copies had been required in a fortnight. A Scott Scott "t copy of John Ballantyne's agreement for * Kenil worth ' (in journal communicated by i Mr. A. Constable) gives the terms of sale for : it, -which were little varied in other cases, j Constable undertook to print twelve thousand : copies; he was to raise immediately 1,6001. ] and each of the Ballantynes 400/. for ex- j penses of publishing, and the profits to be , divided proportionally. Scott was to be ; paid 4,500. The retail price of the copies was 10s, a volume, or \L 10*., and they were apparently sold to the trade for about \L \ Scott thus enabled the Ballantynes to have j a' share in the profits, which Lockhart calls ; a l bonus. 7 He of course retained the copy- right. Besides allowing John Ballantyne this 'bonus,' Scott had offered in 1819 to write ! biographical prefaces for a 'Novelist's Li- brary/ to be published for his sole benefit. Scott fulfilled this promise by several lives profixed to an edition of the ' Novelist's/ * ne first volume of which appeared in February 1821. Ten volumes were published, but the scheme dropped after Ballautyne's death in June 1821. Ballantyne left *g,000& to his benefactor, but had unfortunately only debts to bequeath. In the following November Constable agreed to pay five thousand guineas for the copyright of the four novels ('Kexril- worth' being the last) published since those ! bought in 1819. ^ In June 1828 Constable ! bought the copyright of the next four pub- | lished (including 'Quentin Durward/ then just appearing) for an equal sum. Besides j this, he had advanced lt,000, on still un- finished works. Constable also gave 1,0002, for the dramatic sketch called 'Halidon Hiir (published in June 1822), which Scott wrote in two rainy mom ings at Abbotsford. This * wild bargain/ as Loekhart calls it, was made by Constable's partner, Cadell, ' in five minutes,' to the satisfaction of both partners (LOCKHART, ch. lv>, and CONSTABLE, iii. 216), Constable suggested that Scott might turn out such a work every three months. Both writer and publisher seem to have regarded Scott's genius as a perpetual and inexhaus- tible spring. Scott held that his best writ- ing was that which came most easily, and was ready to undertake any amount of work suggested. In March 1822 he says that Constable has 'saddled him with fortune, 1 and made twelve volumes grow where there might only have been one. He admits that he is building * a little expensively/ but he has provided for his family, and no one could be indifferent to the solid comfort of 8,OOOJ. a year, especially if he < buys land, builds, and improves 7 (CONSTABLE, iii. 207). In 1818 Lockhart says that Scott's income from his novels had been for several years not less than 10,OQO/. His expenses required steady supplies, and, as the advances involved an extension of credit, the publishers were naturally eager for new work which would bring in ready money, In 1823 the liabilities incurred began to be serious, and the novels were selling less freely. Constable and his partner, Cadell, were afraid of damp- ing Scott, and yet began to see that the supply was outrunning the demand, and even exhausting Scott's powers. Cadell reports in June 1823 that Scott was alarmed by the comparative failure of * Quentin I Jurward,' while Ballantyne had to meet en- gagements in July (CONSTABLE, iii. 271). Cadell told Scott that he 'must not be beaten or appear to be beaten. 7 He must go on with the novel in hand, but interpolate other work, such as a proposed volume on 'Popular Superstitions/ Constable mean- while had fresh projects. He proposed a collection of Mnghsh poets. He would give Scott G,000/. for editing it and writing pre- faces 'as an occasional relief from more im- portant labours,' He then (February 1822) proposed an edition of Shakespeare (by Scott and Lockhart), of which, it is said, three volumes were actually printed, but sold as waste paper after the crash of 1820 (see CONSTABLE, iii. 241, and LANG'S Lwkkart, 1 308, 396. In ' Notes and Queries/ 5th ser. L 843, it is said that some sheets are in exis- tence in America), In 1828 Constable had become alarmed at the transactions between his house and Ballantyne's, and proposed to Scott measures for redxicing the * floating balance* (CONSTABLE, iii. 275-86). Scott fully agreed, and said that he looked for- ward to sucjji an arrangement * without the least doubt or shadow of anxiety/ Con- stable's son David states, that by his desire an accountant was called in to make a plain statement of the accounts, but that his in- vestigations were stopped by Scott Scott, it is plain, was not seriously alarmed, and Constable was still sanguine, and before lon was contemplating another great under- taking enthusiastically. In May 1825 he expounded to Scott his scheme for the * Mis- cellany,* This series, intended to create a, popular demand for standard literature, was to start with a reprint of * Waverley ' (CoN- STABLB, iiL 307, 314), which was to^ be fol- ! lowed bva'life' of Napoleon, to be writ ten by , Scott. Scott took up the ' life* at once, which : speedily expanded under his hands untiHt ; oecarne too large for publication in the 'Mis- 1 cellany. 7 Lockhart was painfully impressed ; by the obvious effort which the drudgery of J consulting authorities imposed upon Scott. Scott 97 Scott Scott was at this time helping the widow and children of his brother Thomas (d. 1824). The son Walter went to India as an en- gineer, became a general, and died in 1873 (Letters, ii. 363, &c.) Meanwhile the speculative fever, which culminated in the crisis of 1825-6, was reach- ing its height. Constable and Cadell found themselves in difficulties in the autumn. Hurst, Robinson, & Co,, their London agents, with whom they had many transac- tions, were hard pressed, having, it is said, indulged, among other things, in a large speculation upon hops. In November Lock- hart heard a report that Constable's London banker had ' thrown up his book.' He told Scott, who was incredulous, but drove at once to Constable by night, and came back with the news that the business was ' as firm as Benlomond.' Scott's alarm gave the first hint to his family of the closeness of the con- nection with Ballantyne. His subsequent history is fully told in the 'Journal 7 which he began to keep at this time. Though freely used by Lockhart, its publication in full in 1890 first revealed the full interest of this most pathetic piece of autobiography. In December Scott was seriously alarmed, and at the end of the year borrowed 10,000 raise upon Abbotsford. This, he thought, would make Ballantyne secure, but he was anxious about Constable. A severe attack of illness at Christmas was aggravated by anxiety. In January Constable, after a delay from illness, went to London, and found that matters were almost desperate. Among other schemes for borrowing, he proposed that Scott should raise 20,OOOJ. Scott, with CadelTs ad- vice, absolutely refused, saying* that he had advanced enough for other people's debts, and must now pay his own. This led to Scott's later alliance with Cadell, who had fallen out with his old partner. On 16 Jan. Scott received decisive news of the stoppage of pay- ment by Hurst & Robinson, which involved the fall of Constable and of Ballantyne. He dined that day with Skene, apparently in his usual spirits. Next morning, before going to the court, he told Skene that he was a beggar, and that his ruin must be made public. He felt * rather sneaking ' when he showed himself in court. Cockburn (Me- morials, p. 431) says that there was ao feel- ing but sympathy. When some of his friends talked of raising money, he replied, ' No, this right hand shall work it all off.' In spite of business, he wrote a chapter of 'Woodstock' every day that week, finishing ' twenty printed pages 'on the 19th. The liabilities of Constable, according to VOL. II. Lockhart, amounted to 256,0007., those of Hurst, Robinson, & Co. to near 300,0002., and those of Ballantyne & Co. to 117,000& The, first two firms became bankrupt and paid 2s. Qd. and Is. 3d. in the pound re- spectively. ^Much controversy followed, with little definite results, as to the apportion- ment of responsibility for this catastrophe. The immediate cause was the system of ac- commodation between the firms of Constable and Ballantyne. Sir J. Gibson Craig, who was thoroughly acquainted with the facts, throws the chief blame on Scott. Craig was in Constable's confidence from the first diffi- culties of 1813. Though a strong whig, he behaved generously as one of Scott's chief creditors. Constable's loss, according to him, originated 'in a desire to benefit Scott, which Sir Walter had always the manliness to acknowledge.' Constable had supported the Ballantynes, but had found it necessary to take bills from them in order to protect himself, When affairs became serious, he took all these bills to Scott, offering to ex- change them for those granted to Scott. Scott being unable to dp this, Constable was forced to discount the bills, and upon his in- solvency ^ Scott became responsible for both sets of bills, thus incurring a loss of about 40,000. A similar statement is made by Lockhart, and no doubt represents the facts, though Lockhart's version is disputed by Ballantyne's trustees (Craig's letter of 1848 in CONSTABLE, iii. 456-7, and a fuller letter to Miss Edgeworth of 1832 communicated by Mr. A. Constable). Constable was a shrewd man of "busi- ness, and engaged in speculations sound in themselves and ultimately profitable. It is, however, abundantly clear that, from want of sufficient capital, he was from the first obliged to raise credit on terms which, as his partner Cadell said, ' ran away with all their gams.' Cadell was anxious in 1822 to retire in consequence of his anxieties (SMILES, Murray, L 185, &c.; CONSTABLE, iii. 286). Though Constable's regard for Scott was undoubtedly genuine, his advances meant that he was anxious to monopolise the most popular author of the day, and the profit on the ' Waverley Novels ' was a main support of his business. He was therefore both ready to supply Scott with credit and anxious not to alarm hirn by making diffi- culties. Scott was completely taken by surprise when Constable failed. ' No man,' he says (Journal, 29 Jan. 1826), ' thought (Constable's) house worth less than 150,0002.' Had Const-able stood, Scott woujhave stood too. The problem remains why Scott should not have been independent of Constable. H Scott Scott From 1816 to 1822 James Ballantyne had "been simply Scott's paid manager. In 1822 Scott had again taken him into partnership, carefully defining the terms in a 'missive letter' (printed in the* Ballantyne Humbug'). Ee spoke of the business as ' now so flourish- ing.' Profits were to be equally divided ; but Scott undertook to be personally re- sponsible for bills then due by the firm to the amount of about 30,000 This sum had been increased before the bankruptcy to about 46,000 The substantial question in the controversy between Lockhart and Ballantyne's trustees was whether Scott or Ballantyne was mainly responsible for this accumulation of indebtedness. ^That Scott's extravagant expenditure contributed to the catastrophe is of course clear. Had he not wasted money at Abbotsford, he would have been able to put his business in a sound position. It is, however, disputed how far the accumulation of bills was caused by Ballantyne's shiftlessness or by Scott f s direct drafts upon the business. The Ballantyne connection had un- doubtedly been a misfortune. James was inefficient and John reckless. They had ap- parently been in debt from the first, and had initiated Scott in the system of bill-dis- counting. Scott was in a thoroughly false position when he concealed himself behind his little court of flatterers rather than counsellors. He became involved in petty intrigues and reckless dealing in money. The failure of the publishing house, indeed, was due in great part to Scott's injudicious speculations. A debt apparently remained when the publishing was finally abandoned, in spite of Scott's ultimate disposal of the stock. The printing business, however, was sound, and made good profits even after the crash, under James Ballantyne's management (cf. JSallcmtyne Tiwnbug, p. 109, and Itqpfy) p. 118). Why, then, should the debt have continued to grow when, after 1816, the publishing had ceased ? The new firm that is, Scott had taken over, according: to Lock- hart, some 10,Q(XW. of the old liabilities, and this, if not paid off, would of course accumu- late (LocsmBT, ch. Hi. p. 461.) Ballan- tyne's trustees, however, argue that Scott's assumption of the debt in 1822 proves his consciousness that it had been created for his private purposes. They show conclusively that Scott was fullv cognisant of all the bill transactions, and directing Ballantyne at every step in making provision for bills as they came due. When Scott had become aware of the entanglements of 1818, he had remonstrated energetically and done Lis best to clear them off. CouLJ he have submitted to a repetition of the same process on behalf of the ' flourishing (printing) business ' had he not been aware that the debt was being in- curred for his own requirements? Lockhart wonders that Scott, who could have told what he had spent on turnpikes for thirty years, should never have looked into his own affairs. Scott was not so ignorant as Lock- hart implies. He had apparently become accustomed to the bill-discounting, while he fully believed that he was investing the pro- ceeds safely. Lockhart denies {Ballan- tyne Humbug, p. 94) that Scott drew sums from the business in behalf of his own private needs. But the accounts published by the trustees show that large sums had been advanced during the partnership (1823- 1826) for Scott's building and other expenses He had thus drawn out 15,000 more than he had paid in. Scott, of course, was personally responsible for these sums ; but he injured the firm by saddling it with a bad debt, Whatever, therefore, may have been Ballan- tyne's inefficiency, and the automatic accu- mulation of debt by renewing bills, it is hardly to be doubted that Scott encumbered the business by using it as his instrument in raising money for his own purposes. It belonged to him exclusively at the time when his outlay on Abbotsford was greatest, and he had been the real creator of the busi- ness. He seems to have spoken the simple truth when he told Lockhart on 20 Jan. 1826 that he had not suffered by Ballantyne : < I owe it to him to say that his difficulties, as well as hit* advantages, are owing to me.' The Ballantynes also complain that 'the settlement of Abbotsford in January 1825 put the bulk of his property beyond the reach of his creditors, without, as they state, due notice to Ballantyne* Scott, as Lock- hart urges, clearly imagined himself at this time to be perfectly solvent, and certainly did not in any way conceal the transaction, of which Constable at least was quite aware. Up to the last he seems to have felt not a trace of misgiving* Whatever blame Bcofet may deserve, his action was henceforth heroic* He resolved not to become a bankrupt, but to carry on the business for the benefit of his creditors. will/ he says (24 Jan, 1820), 'be their vassal for life, and dig in the mine of my imagination to lind diamonds , , . to make good my engagements, not to enrich myself/ The creditors, with few exceptions, behaved generously throughout* On 26 Jan, he eard that thejr had unanimously agreed to the proposed private trust* An attack upon the settlement of Abbotsford was afterwards contemplated by some of them ; and, accord- Scott ing to Sir J. G. Craig, it might certainly have been upset. Scott would then, he says, have felt it necessary to become a bankrupt (Journal, 16 Feb.) This would have been against the creditors' interests. The general feeling seems to have been that his bankruptcy would have been a national calamity, and that he should be treated with all gentleness in his attempt to atone for his errors. His son Walter made offers to help him which he declined ; and 'poor Mr. Pole, the harper/ who had taught his daughters music, offered to contribute all his own savings, amounting to five or six hundred pounds. Scott was deeply touched by this, and by the great kindness of Sir William Forbes, his old friend and successful rival in his first love affair. In the following year, when a credi- tor threatened Scott with arrest, Forbes paid the demand of 2,0007. from his own pocket, ranking as an ordinary creditor for the amount, and carefully keeping the trans- action secret till after Scott's death (LocK- HAET, ch. Ixxiv.) Scott's servants accepted the change with equal loyalty. His old coachman, Peter Matheson, became * plough- man in ordinary : ' the butler doubled his work and took half the wages ; and though Laidlaw had to leave Kaeside, which was let by the trustees, he came every week for a ramble with his patron. The house in Castle Street was sold, and Scott had to take lodgings during the legal session. The rest of tne time was spent at Abbotsford, where he had made all possible reductions. Scott's attention, even at this time, was diverted to a patriotic object. The proposal of government to suppress the circulation of small bank-notes was supposed to be inju- rious to Scottish banks ; and Scott attacked the measure in three letters of vehement patriotism, signed ' Malachi Malagrowther/ in the Edinburgh ' Evening Journal ' of March. A sensation was produced com- parable to that caused by Swift's ' Drapier's Letters;' and the government, though much annoyed at Scott's action, consented in May to drop the application of the measure to Scotland. Scott's pleasure at this success was dashed by a new calamity. Lady Scott's health had shown ominous symptoms. The news of her condition, he says (19 March), 'is overwhelming. . . Really these mis- fortunes come too close upon each other I * She became gradually worse, and died on 15 May. Lady Scott is not a very conspicu- ous figure in his life, and she apparently rather encouraged than checked his weak- nesses ; nor did he feel for her so romantic a passion as for his early love. He 'was, how- ever, an affectionate and generous husband j ; 99 Scott and many entries in the journal show that this catastrophe severely tried his stoicism. The younger son, Charles, was now at Ox- ford \ and his younger daughter, Anne, also in weak health, was the only permanent member of his household. Another anxiety which weighed heavilyj upon his spirits was the fatal diseases of fiis ' darling grandson,' John Hugh Lockhart. ' The best I can wish for him/ he says (18 March), ' is early death,' Though there were occasional hopes, the fear of the coming loss overshadowed Scott's remaining years. Scott hid his gloomy feel- ings as well as he could, and his family learnt their existence only from his journal. He was at his desk again soon after his wife's funeral. He had been encouraged (3 April) by news that ' Woodstock/ written in three months, had been sold for 8,228Z., * all ready money.' His chief employment was now the ' Life of Napoleon/ but he resolved to fill up necessary intervals by a new story, the * Chronicles of the Canongate.' * Wood- stock/ according to Lockhart, was a good bargain for the purchasers. Scott drudged steadily at 'Napoleon' till, in the autumn, he found it desirable to examine materials offered to him in London and Paris. He left Abbotsford on 12 Oct., and returned by the end of November. He was cordially re- ceived by his old friends in England, from the king downwards, and in Paris he declares (5 Nov.) that the French were ' outrageous in their civilities.' In the following winter he suffered severely from rheumatism, but stuck to his work, grudging every moment that was not spent at his desk. He was de- pressed by the sense of ' bodily helplessness/ and his writing became ' cramped and con- fused.' At the beginning of 1827 he was living quietly with his daughter, occasionally dining with old friends, and still heartily enjoying their society. On 23 Feb. he took the chair at a meeting to promote a fund for decayed actors. He allowed Lord Meadow- bank to propose his health as author of the ' Waverley Novels/ and in his reply made the first public acknowledgment that he was the sole writer. Scott still found time to write various articles, including one for the benefit of B. P. Gillies, to whom it brought 100^, An- other gift of a year later was a couple of sermons written to help^ G. H. G-ordon when a candidate for ordination. Gordon was one of the countless young men whom he had helped ; after employing him as an amanuensis, he had obtained a place for him in a public office, and now allowed him to clear off debt by selling the sermons for 250J. The ' Life of Napoleon' was published Scott TOO Scott in nine volumes in June 18:27. Loekhart calculates that it contains as much as five of the ' Waverley Novels/ and that the actual writing, after making allowance for absences and other works, had occupied twelve months. Though Scott had collected many books and consulted such authorities as he could, a work done at such speed, with powers already overstrained and amid press- ing anxieties, could not have serious his- torical value. It was, however, sold for 18,000, and warmly received at the time, Goethe, who had just addressed a compli- mentary letter to Scott (dated 12 Jan. 1827) acknowledging his lively interest in his i wonderful pictures of human life/ speaks favourably ('Kimst und Altertlum') of the * Napoleon/ The book also led to a con- troversy with General G ourgaud, about whom Scott had published certain documents. There was some talk of a duel, which c plea- surably stimulated* Scott's feelings ; but the affair blew over without a challenge. Scott, having finished * Napoleon/ began, without a day's intermission (Journal, 10 June 1827), a history of Scotland for children. The Lockharts were near him in the summer, and Scott told the story to the child before putting it on paper. The first series of the ' Chronicles of Canon- gate ' appeared in the early winter. He was discouraged by the reception of the novel, and only at Cadell's entreaty consented to make another start in fiction, The history published as * Tales of a Grandfather ' ap- peared in December, and was more * raptu- rously* received than any of his books since * Ivanhoe/ A second and third series ap~ peared in 1828 and 1829. Questions as to the copyrights of * Woodstock' and * Napo- leon ' had now been settled in Scott's favour. Affairs being simplified, Constable's creditors sold the copyrights of the 'Waverley Novels' and most of the poems. They were put up to auction and bought, half for Scott's trustees and half for Cadell, for 8,500 The purchase enabled Scott to carry out a plan which appears to have been sug- gested by Constable in 1823 (CcNSTABioa, iii. 255). This was an edition of the works with autobiographical prefaces, which was carried out with singular success, and chiefly contributed to the reduction of the debt. Scott refers to it as the magnwn opws* A dividend of six shillings in the pound was paid at Christmas 1827, near 40,OQO/. having been raised in the two years by Scott's exertions. His labours continued monotonously through the next two years; The 'Fair Maid of Perth/ the last novel which shows unmistakable marks of the old vigour, ap- peared in the spring of 1828, and the cha- racter of the chief whose cowardice is made pardonable reflected his sorrow for his harsh judgment upon his brother Daniel. In the summer he was much troubled by the bank- ruptcy of his friend Terry, whom he en- deavoured to help. < Anne of Geierstein/ the next novel, was warmly praised by his friends at Christmas, to his groat encourage- ment. It was disliked by Ballantyne, but-, though the printer's judgment anticipated that of later readers, succeeded fairly on its publication in May 1829. His spirits were raised by the success of the magnum opiis, which was now coming out in monthly volumes, and by the end of the year reached a sale of thirty-five thousand. He was greatly shocked by the death of his favourite, Tom Purdie, on 29 Oct. (see LANG'S Lock- hart, ii. 56). In the winter Scott wrote the < Ayrshire Tragedy/ the least unsuccessful of his dramatic attempts. Soon afterwards, how- ever, on 15 Feb. 1830, a paralytic or apo- plectic attack showed that his toils were at fast telling. He submitted to a severe regimen, and an apparent improvement en- couragud him to struggle on. His family could see a. painful change. Writing was obviously injurious, and Cadell hoped that tho success " of the mtyimm opus would! induce him to confine himself to writing the prefaces. Cadell tried also to divert his attention to a catalogue of the Abbotsford Museum. Scott was taken by the scheme, but after beginning it insisted upon starting a new story.' He could still speak effectively at an election dinner, and he made a suc- cessful appeal through the papers to ^the people of Edinburgh to receive Charles X on his exile with dignified docorum. He retired at the end of the summer season from his clerkship on an allowance of 800J, a year. He declined an offer from the ministry to make up the deficiency of his income by a pension, after consulting his creditors, who generously agreed that he should obey his sense of delicacy. He also declined the rank of privy councillor, as unsuitable to his position. He passed the winter at Abhotsford, toiling at his new story, l Count Robert of Paris.' " Cadell and Ballantyne became alarmed at its obvious indication of declining powers, ad Ballantyne at last wrote a frank opinion of its future. Another seizure had shaken him in November, He summoned his advisers to consider the novel On 17 Dec. 1830 a meeting of Scott's creditors took place, when a further dividend of three shillings ia the pound was paid* Scott 101 Scott They unanimously Agreed to Gibson Craig's motion that he should be presented with his library and other furniture in recognition of his * unparalleled exertions/ Cadell and Ballantyne found him on the same evening soothed by this recognition of his sacrifices. Next day they discussed the novel. Scott had meanwhile written a third ' Malagrowther ' letter, denouncing parliamentary reform. Both his friends protested against the pub- lication of this ill-timed performance, when his success depended upon popularity. Scott was grea,tly moved, and, in CadelTs opinion, never recovered the blow. Alarmed by his agitation, his friends begged him to go on with ' Count Robert. 7 To. have condemned it would have been a * death-warrant/ He burnt the pamphlet but toiled on with the story, dictating to Laidlaw, who happily thought it his best work (7 March 1831). He wrote as many , pages in 1830, says Lockhart, as in 1829, in spite of his decay. The * Letters on Demonology/ in execution of an old scheme, was the chief result. In January 1831 Scott made his will, being enabled by his creditors' liberality to make some provision for the younger chil- dren. He had an attack more serious than any which had yet occurred in April 1831. He was afterwards distressed by an un- favourable opinion of ' Count Robert ' from his publishers. On 18 May he persisted, in spite of remonstrance, in attending an elec- tion at Jedburgh, to protest for the last time against parliamentary reform. A mob of weavers from Hawick filled the town and grossly insulted him. He was taken away at last amid a shower of stones and cries of * Burke Sir Walter!' At Selkirk, a few days later, he seized a rioter with his own hands. Scott after this took up his last novel, ' Castle Dangerous,' in July, confiding in no one but Lockhart, with whom he was able to make a short tour in order to verify the descriptions of scenery. Lockhart's account of this last conscious return to the old haunts is especially touching. He afterwards finished both this and ' Count Robert/ which appeared together in November. His friends had now decided that a tour to a milder climate would offer the only chance of pro- longing his life. Captain Basil Hall [q.v.] suggested to Sir James Graham, then first lord of the admiralty, that a frigate might be placed at his disposal. The government at once adopted the proposal, to Scott's great pleasure ; and his eldest son obtained leave to sail with his father. Wordsworth hap- pened to reach Abbotsford on the day before Scott's departure, and wrote a fine sonnet on the occasion. Scott travelled to London by Rokeby, still writing notes for the opus magnum. He saw a few friends, but was distressed by the Reform Bill demonstrations. He sailed from Portsmouth on 29 Oct. in the Barham frigate, every possible attention being paid to him. He insisted on landing upon the curious island just formed by a submarine volcano, and wrote a description of it to Skene. He reached Malta on 22 Nov., sailed for Naples in the Barham on 14 Dec., and there a month later heard of his grandson's death. He 1 made a last attempt at two novels, founded -on stories told to him at Naples, but became anxious to return to his home. On 16 April 1 832 he left for Rome, where he insisted upon visit- ing St. Peter's to see the tomb of the last of the Stuarts* Italian scenery suggested to him snatches of old Scottish ballads. He was still able to see a little society, and could at times talk like himself. On 11 May he left Rome, passed through the Tyrol, and down the Rhine. On 9 June at Nimeguen he was prostrated by an attack of apoplexy and paralysis. He was brought to London on 13 June in a half-conscious state ; the longing, for home, whenever he could express himself, induced his physicians to permit his removal. He left London on 7 July, and proceeded by steamboat to Newhaven, near Edinburgh. Thence he was taken by car- riage to Abbotsford, and roused to great excitement by the sight of the familiar scenes. He recognised Laidlaw, and for a short time was better, and able to listen to passages from the Bible and his favourite Orabbe. Once he made a pathetic effort to resume his pen ; but his mind seemed to be with Tom Purdie and his old amusements. He repeated the ' Burke Sir Walter ' and often the ' Stabat Mater.' A bill was passed, on Jeffrey's pro- posal, to provide for his duties as sheriff, as he was incapable of resigning. On 17 Sept. he spoke his last words to Lockhart : < My dear, be a good man,' and refused to let his daughter be disturbed. His eldest son had come to him, and on 21 Sept. 1832 he died quietly in presence of all his children. * It was so quiet a day/ says Lockhart, * that the sound he best loved, the gentle ripple of the Tweed over its pebbles, was distinctly audible as we knelt round the bed and his eldest sou Mssed and closed his eyes. 7 Scott was succeeded in the baronetcy by his eldest son, Walter, who was born on 28 Oct. 1801, and died on 8 Feb. 1847, when the title became extinct. His other children were : (1) Charlotte Sophia,born 24 Oct. 1799 (after- wards Mrs. Lockhart), who died 17 May 1837 ; her daughter, Charlotte, married James Scott 102 Scott Robert Hope-Scott [q. v.], and died in 1858. (2) Anne, born 2 Feb. 1803, and died unmar- ried 25 June 1833. (3) Charles, born 24 Dec. 1805, died at Teheran, where he vrosattacM to the British embassy, in 1841, Scott is now lineally represented by the family of his great-granddaughter the Hon. Mrs. Mary Monica Maxwell Scott, now of Abbotsford j she is second daughter of J. B, Hope-Scott and wife of the Hon. Joseph Constable Maxwell (third son of William Maxwell, lord Herries). Mr. Maxwell as- sumed the additional surname of Scott on his marriage. Upon Scott's death the principal of the debt amounted to about 54,000, against which there was a life insurance of 22,000 Cadell advanced the balance of about 80,OOOJ. upon the security of the copyrights. A settlement was then made (2 Feb. 1833) with the creditors. The debt to Cadell ap- pears to have been finally discharged in 1847, when Cadell accepted the remaining copy- right of the works and of Lockhart's * Life/ fortunately prolonged by the Act of 1842. Abbotsford was thus freed from the debts of the founder (LANS-, Zookhart, ii. 297), Scott will be severely judged by critics whohold, with Carlyie, that an author should be a prophet. Scott was neither a Words- worth nor a Goethe, but an 'auld Wat' come again r and forced by circumstances to substitute publishing for cattle-lilting. The sword was still intrinsically superior in his eyes to the pen. His strong commonsense and business training kept him from practi- cal anachronisms, and gave that tinge of * worldliness ' to his character which Lock- hart candidly admits, but his life was an embodiment of the genial and masculine virtues of the older type so fondly cele- brated in his writings. A passionate patriot- ism in public and cordial loyalty to his friends mark his whole career. A chief (in one of his favourite quotations^ should be * a hedge about his friends, a heckle to his foes, He was too magnanimous to have persona! foes, and no petty jealousy entangled him in a literary squabble. His history is a long record of hearty friendships* His old chums Clerk, Erskine, and Skene; his literary ac- quaintajnces, George Ellis and Morritt ; his great rivals, Moore and Byron on one side and Wordsworth, Southey, and Coleridge on the 'Other j political antagonists such a Je-ffirey and Cockburn ; publishers who as- cribed their misfortunes to him, Constable and Ballantyne j the, feminine authors, Mis Seward, -Uoarawb Baillie, , Miss Edgeworth and Miss Austen (whose merits, though sh was personally unknown to him, he wa mong the first to recognise) ; and a whole ost of obscurer authors, Leyden, Hogg, laturin, Gillies, and others, are all names 7hich recall a generous friendliness on Scott's art, which was in almost every case re- urned by good feeling, and in very many y the warmest affection. In his own circle > t Abbotsford and Edinburgh, including his amily, his servants, and his numerous de- pendents and associates, he was idolised, and was at once a warm and judicious friend. The same qualities make all appreciative eaders love him, even when the secret of he charm is not observed. No doubt these ualities are compatible with the characteris- ;ic which, in its unfavourable aspects, is called pride. We may^ be induced to for- give him if, in the active discharge of his luties as friend and patron, he tooE a rather ow estimate of the functions of preacher or artist, and was blind to the equivocal prac- tices into which he was first seduced as the protector of an old friend. The pride, in my case, displayed itself as a noble self- respect and sense of honour when he was roused by calamity to a sense of his errors and made his last neroic struggle. Lockhart. gives a list of portraits of Scott, most of which were shown at the centenary exhibition of 1871. The catalogue then pub- Ished gives some interesting notices and photographic reproductions. A miniature :aken at Bath about 1776 belonged in 1871 io D. Laing; an early copy is at Abbots- ford. A miniature of 1797, sent to Char- lotte Carpenter, is also at Abbotsford. A portrait by James Saxon, 1805, is engraved for the *Lady of the Lake/ Raeburn painted a full-length portrait in 1808 for Constable, with Hermitage Castle in the distance, and ' Camp/ A replica of 1809, with a greyhound added, is at Abbotsford. Baeburn painted other portraits, including a head for Lord Montagu, in 1822, and an- other, about the same time, for Chantrey. William Nicholson (1781-1844) [q, T.] painted a watercolour in 1816, and an etch- ing from it in 1817 for a series of eminent Scotsmen. He painted three others, one of which, and portraits of Scott's daughters, are at Abbotsford. Andrew Geddes (q. v.] made a sketch, for his picture of the discovery of the regalia in 1818. Another sketch was made by Joseph Slater, from which a por- trait was painted in 1821 for Sir K. H. Inglis. Thomas Phillips (1770-1845) [q. v,] painted a head ia 1819 for John Murray, the publisher. John Watson Gordon [q. v-i painted a portrait, with an Irish terrier, for the Marchioness of Abercorn in 1820; and one in 1820, frequently engraved. The Scott 103 Scott original sketch is in the National Portrait Gallery, Scotland, and there were many repe- titions. Gordon also painted Scott in his study at Castle Street, and painted a por- trait for Cadell in March 1830, seated with his greyhound ' Bran.' Sir Thomas Lawrence (see above) painted in 1822 a portrait for George IV, finished in 1826, now at Wind- sor Castle. Wilkie in 1822 made a study of Scott for his picture of ' George IV at Holy- rood' (now at Windsor), and finished the separate portrait for Sir W. Knighton. Gil- bert Stuart Newton [q. v.l painted a three- quarter portrait for Mrs* Lockhart in 1824, now at Abbotsford, said by Lockhart to be 'the best domestic portrait ever done.' Charles Robert Leslie f q.v.] painted a half-length for Mr. Ticknor in 1 824, now in America. In 1825 Daniel Maclise [q. v.] made a sketch of Scott during his Irish tour, which was lithographed and largely sold. Another is in the 'Maclise Portrait Gallery ' (ed. Bates). John Prescptt Knight [q. v.] painted in 1826 a portrait, 'ill- Paul's Letters to- his Kinsfolk/ 1815, 25. ' The Antiquary/ 1816, 3 vols. 12mo. 26. ' Tales of my Landlord, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham: the Black Dwarf, OldMortality/1817 (really 1816). 27. 'Harold the Dauntless, by the author of the Bridal of Triermain/ 1817. 2,8. ' The Search after Happiness; or the Quest of Sultan Solimaun/ and jSLembWs address on the * Sale room/ 1817. 29. 'Rob Boy/ 1818, 3 vols. 12mo. 30. ' Tales of my Landlord, 2nd ser. Heart of Midlothian/ 1818, 4 vols. 12mo. 31. Ar- ticles in * Provincial Antiquities of Scotland/ issued in two parts, 1819-26 (2 vols. 4to, 1826), 32. 'Tales of my Landlord, 3rd ser. The Bride of Laramermoor: a Legend of Scott 104 Scott Montrose/ 1819, 4 yols. 12mo. 33. ' De- scription of the Regalia of Scotland/ 1819, 16mo (anon.) 34. ' The Visionary, by Som- nambulus' (a political satire in tliree letters, republished from the 'Edinburgh Weekly Journal '), 1820. 35. ' Ivanhoe/ 1820 (really 1819), 3 vole. 12mo. 36. ' The Monastery,' 1820, 3 Tola. 8vo. 37, ' The Abbot/ 1820, 3 vols. 8vo. 38. ' Kenilworth/ 1821, 3 vols. 8vo. 39. Biographies in Ballantyne's * Novelists/ 1821. 40. ' Account of George IV's Corona- tion/1821. 41. < The Pirate/ 1822, 3 vols. 8vo. 42. 'Halidon Hill/ 1822. 43. ' Macduff s Cross' in Joanna Baillie's ' Poetical Mis- cellanies/ 1822. 44. 'The Fortunes of Nigel/ 1822, 3 vols. 8vo. 45. 'Peveril of the Peak/ 1822 (January 1823), 3 vols. 8vo. 46. 'Quentin Durward/ 1823, 3 vols. Svo. 47. 'St. Ronan's Well/ 1824, 3 vols. 8vo. 48. ' Redgauntlet/ 1824, 3 vols. 8vo. 49. 'Tales erf the Crusaders: The Betrothed ; The Talisman/ 1825, 4 vols. 50. ' Thoughts on the proposed Change of Currency . . . three Letters by Malachi Malagrowther/ 1826 (from the ' Edinburgh Weekly Journal ' of March). 51. * Woodstock, or the Ca- valier; a Tale of 1651/ 1826, 3 vols. 8vo. 52. * Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French, with a preliminary view of the French Revolution, by the Author of Waverley/ 9 vols. 1827, 53. ' Chronicles of the Canongate : the Two Drovers ; the High- land Widow j the Surgeon's Daughter ; by the author of Waverley' (with introduc- tion signed Walter Scott), 1827. 54. ' Tales of a Grandfather/ 1st ser. 1828 ; 2nd ser. 1829; 3rd ser. 1830 (Scotland); 4th ser. (France), 1830. 55. 'Chronicles of the Canongate (2nd ser.): St. Valentine's Bay, or the Fair Maid of Perth/ 1828. 56. ' My Aunt Margaret's Mirror \ ' * The Tapestried Chamber/ and ' The Laird's Jock/ in the * Keepsake * for 1828. 57. ' Religious Discourses, by a Layman/ 1828. 58. ' Anne of Geierstein/ 1829, 3 vols, 8vo, 59. * His- tory of Scotland ' (Lardner's * Cabinet Cy- clopaedia'), 2 vols. 1830. 60. 'Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft* (Murray's 'Family Library'), 1830. 61. 'House of Aspen/ in the ' Keepsake/ 1830. 64. ' Doom of Devorgoil : Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire Tragedy/ 1830. 63. 'Essays on 'Ballad Poetry/ 1830 (attached to octavo edition of ' Poetical Works '). 64. ' Tales of my Land- lord (fourth series) : Count Robert of Paris : Castle Dangerous/ 1832. Scott edited ^the following : 1. ' Sir Tris- tram, an historical romance, edited from the AuchMeck MS./ 3804. 2. 'Original Me- moirs of Sir Henry Slingsby ' (with memoirs of Captain Hodgson), 1806. 3. 'Dryden's Works/ 1808, 18 vols.; reprinted 1821. 4. 'Memoirs of Captain George Carleton' (fl. 172S) [q. v.], 1808. 5. 'Memoirs of Patrick Gary' [q. v.], 1808. 0. 'Queenhoo Hall/ by Joseph Strutt [q. v.], 1808. 7. ' Sad- ler Papers ' [see under CLIFFORD, ABTHTTK, and SADLER, SIR RALPH], 1809-10, 2 vols 4to. 8. 'Somers Tracts '(2nd edit.), 1809-15, 13 vols. 9. ' Poems of Anna Seward ' fq. v 1 1810. 10. ' Secret History of the Court of Jamee 1/1811, 2 vols. 11. ' Memoirs of Sir Philip Warwick/ 1813. 12. 'Swift's Works/ 1814 and (revised) 1824, 19 vols. 13. ' The letting of Humor's Blood in the Head Vaine/ by Samuel Rowlands [q. v.], 1814, 14. ' Me- morie of the Somervilles/ 1815. 15. 'Burt's Letters from Scotland ' (with Eobert Jamie- son,1780?-1844[q.v.l),1818. 16. 'Northern Memoirs/ by Richard Franck [q. v.], 1821. 17. ' Chronological Notes of Scottish Af- fairs/ &c., by Sir John Lander, lord Foun- tainhall fq. v.l 1822. 18. 'Memoirs of Mine, do la RocUejaquelin ' (vol. v. of ' Con- stable's Miscellanv J ), 1827. Scott edited the 'Btumatyne Miscellany' in 1827, and contributed a memoir to the 'Bannatyne Memorial ' in 1829. lie wrote the 'B'an- natyne Garland, quhairin the President speaketh for thir first dinner; ' and printed for the club ' Lays of the Lindsays/ 1824 (suppressed ; a copy at the Centenary exhi- bition), ' Auld Robin Gray/ 1824, and a re- port of the trial of Duncan Terig, 1831. He presented to the Roxburghe Club the ' Court-martial on John, Master of Sinclair/ 1828. Scott contributed many articles to the ' Edinburgh ' and ' Quarterly ' reviews, of which lists are^ given in Lockhart and in Allibone's ' Dictionary.' lie wrote historical sketches of 1813 and 1814 for the 'Edin- burgh Annual Eegjster/ in which he also published a memoir of Leyden and some poems. Scott's poems were collected in 1820 in 12 yols. 12mo; in 10 vols. 8vo in 1821, to which was added an eleventh volume in 1830; in 10 vols. 12mo in 1823 ; and in 11 vols, 8vo in 1830 (with author's prefaces). An octavo volume of ' Miscellaneous Poems ' in 1820 includes ' Triermain/ ' Harold/ and various poems, first collected in the 12mo edition of that year. The poetry from the ' Waverley Novels 'was published in 1822. An edition in 12 vols. 8vo, edited by Lockhart, ap- peared in 1834, and was republished in 1 vol. m 1848. The ' Waverley Novels * were issued col- lectively by Constable, as he bought the copyright, as 'Novels and Tales' (12 vols. 1820), ' Historical Romances ' (7 vols. 182L>), Scott 105 Scott and ' Novels and Romances ' (7 vols. 1824). 'Tales and Romances' were published by Cadell in continuation, and two volumes of introductions (1827, 1833). The Collected edition, with the author's notes, appeared in 48 vols. from 1829 to 1833. Cadell also published the Cabinet edition (25 vols. fcap. 8vo, 1841-3), the People's edition (5 vols. royal 8vo, 1844-8), and the Abbotsford edi- tion (12 vols. impl. 8vo, 1842-7). The copyright of Scott's works was bought in 1851 by Messrs. Black for about 27,OOOZ. after Cadell's death. They published a Li- brary edition of the ' Waverley Novels ' in 25 vols. 8vo in 1852-4, Roxburghe edition (48 vols. 8vo, 1859-61), a Railway edition (1854-60), a Shilling edition (1862-4), and a Sixpenny edition (1866-8), each in 25 vols. ; and a Centenary edition in 25 vols. 8vo in 1870-1. Many other editions have appeared, and it is stated that about three million volumes of one of the cheaper issues were sold between 1851 and 189Q (Scotfe Journal, ii. 108). Among the latest are the Dry- burgh edition, 1892-4, in 25 vols. 8vo, and the Border edition in 48 vols. 4to, 1892-4, edited by Mr, Andrew Lang. Scott's miscellaneous prose works were first collected in 1827 in 6 vols. 8vo, in 28 yols. 8vo, 1834-6 ; and in 3 vols. royal 8vo in 1841. They include the * Lives of the Novelists/ the 'Life of Ley den' (from the < Edinburgh Annual Register'), < Paul's Letters/ the articles in the * Encyclopaedia/ and the * Border and Provincial Antiquities/ some reviews from the 'Edinburgh' and ' Quarterly/ the < Life of Napoleon/ and the 'Tales of a Grandfather. 3 [The main authority for Scott is Lockhart's .admirable life. It appeared originally in seven volumes, 1837. Pages cited above refer to the one-volume edition of 1 841 . Scott's last Journals (1890) and his Familiar Letters (1894), published by David Douglas from the Abbotsford collections, are an important supplement. The first includes some extradts from Skene's unpublished re- miniscencesv Othro lives had been published by W, Weir, 1832, and by George Allan in 1834. References to Scott are to -be found in nearly every biographical work of the period, especially in Southey's Life and Correspondence, where Sautheys replies to Scott's letters in Lockhart are published, and the ' selections ' from his letters, and Cockburn's Memorials (pp. 40, 211, 217,267, 280, 317, 382, 401, 430). Of books more especially devoted to Scott may be men- tioned the ' Refutation ' of misstatements in Lockhart by Ballantyne's trustees (1838), Lockhart's Ballantyne Humbug Handled, and the Reply to this by the trustees, 1839. Archi- bald Constable and his Literary Correspondents (1873), vol. iii., and Smiles's Memoir of John Murray (1891), also throw some light upon t publishing transactions. The present Archibald Constable has kindly contributed some unpublished papers. Mr. Andrew Lang's Life of J. Q-. Lockhart (1897) discusses some of these points and gives other valuable informa- tion. Other books are: Domestic Life and Manners of Sir Walter Scott, by James Hogs: (1834), which Lockhart resented, but which has some interest ; Recollections of Sir Walter Scott [by R. P. Billies], 1837, 'valuable and written in an admirable spirit,' says Mr. Lang ; Letters from and to C, K. Sharpe (1838), with many letters of Scott's ; Journal of a Tour to Waterloo . . . with Sir W. Scott in 1815, by the late John Scott of Harden (1842) ; Reminiscences of Scott, by John Gibson (one of Scott's trustees), 1871 ; Basil Hall's Fragments, iii. 280-328 (last voyage) ; Washington living's Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey (London, 1850); G. Ticknor's Life and Letters (1870), i. 280-4, 430, ii. 360, &e. (see also letters from Ticknor and Edward Everett in Allibone's Dictionary) ; R. Chambers's Life of Scott with Abbotsford Notanda (chiefly referring to W. Laidlaw), by R. Carruthers (1874); Centenary Memorial of Sir W. Scott, by C. S. M. Lockhart (1871), Catalogue of Library at Abbotsford, by J. G. Cochrane CMaitland Club, 1838); Abbotsford, the personal relics and antiquarian treasures of Sir W. Scott, described by the Hon. Mary Monica Maxwell Scott, with illustrations by W. Gibb (1893).} L, S. SCOTT, SIB WILLIAM (d. 1350), judge, and reputed founder of the Kentish family of Scot's Hall, is said to have been son of John Scott who resided at Bra- bourne, Kent, apparently as seneschal of the manor. But the pedigree of the Scot's Hall family has not been traced with cer- tainty before the fifteenth century. The judge, according to a wholly untrustworthy tradition, was descended from a younger brother of John de Baliol [q. v-.J kin^ of Scot- land, and also of Alexander de Baliol, [q. v.], lord of Chilham, Kent. William Scott makes his first appearance as a pleader in the year- book for 1330 (Michaelmas term). He was made serjeant-at-law in 1334-5, and on 18 March 1336-7 justice of the common pleas, having been knighted the day before, , when the Black Prince was created Duke of Cornwall. In December 1340, with Chief- justice Sir Robert Parning [q. v.] and other judges, he sat at Westminster to try their delinquent colleague, Sir Richard de Wil- loughby [q. v.] He has been doubtfully identified with William Scott, who was knight marshal of .England, and is said, ac- cording to an epitaph recorded by Weever, to have been buried in Brabourne church in 1350. But there was a William Scott who purchased land at Brabourne between 1352 and 1396, and was assessed to the sixteenth Scott 1 06 Scott from 1349 to 1372. There is no proof, as is commonly stated, that the judge was lather of Michael Scott, who in 1346-7 was assessed to the sixteenth in Bircholt. Obscurity in the history of the family of Scott of Scot's Hall ceases with the settlement by Peter de Coumbe in 1402 of the manor of Combe or Coumbe in Brabourne on William Scott (d> 1434), who was escheator for Kent in 1425, sheriff in 1428, and M,P. in 1430. Before 1409 he married his first wife, Joan, daughter of Sir John de Orlestone (d. 1397), and by purchase or inheritance he acquired the manor and church of Orlestone, which had belonged to her family. He presented to the church in 1426, 1430, and 1433. He is believed to have built on the manor of llall the mansion-house afterwards known as Scot's Hall. To him also was probably due the reconstruction in the Perpendicular style of the chapel of the Holy Trinity to the south of the chancel in Brabourne church, at the entrance of which he directed that he should be buried (cf. WEEVEK). He died on 5 Feb. 1433-4. His second wife was Isabella, youngest daughter of Vincent Herbert, alias Jftnch, of Netherfield, Sussex (ancestor of the earls of Winchilsea) ; she survived him, and remarried Sir Gervase Clifton, treasurer of the household to Henry VI, who resided at Brabourne. By his second wife William Scott had, with other issue, an heir, John, and William (d. 1491). The latter was lord of the manor of Woolstan, and founder of the family of Scott of Chigwell, Essex. The heir, SIB JOHN SCOTT (d. 1485) of Scot's Hall, a consistent Yorlust, was ap- pointed sheriff of Kent in 1,460, and, on the accession of Edward IV next year, was knighted and made comptroller of the house- hold. Edward IV, on the attainder in 1461 of 'Thomas, baron de Eoos, and Jame$ Butler, earl of Wiltshire, gave him the castle and manor of Wilderton and Molash IE Kent and the manor of Old Swinford and Snods- bury in Worpestershire, with a life interest in the castle and manor of Ohilham. He was one of the negotiators of the treaty of com- merce with Burgundy, concluded at Brus- sels on 24 Nov. 1467, And of the marriage treaty [see MABGARETI DUCHESS OE Bra- CKcnipT], and one of the commission for the delimitation of the Pale of Picardy , appointed on IB June 1472. He was returned to par- liament for Kent in 1467, and was engaged in the following years on diplomatic nego* tiations with the Hanse Towns. In 1471 he succeeded Bichard Neville, earl Warwick, whom he was sent to arrest in France after the battle of Stamford (May 1470), as lieu- tenant of Dover Castle, warden of the Cinque ports, and marshal of Calais, and continued in active diplomatic employment. He died on 17 Oct. 148t5, and was buried in the north wall of the chancel of Brabourne church. His arms are in the north window of ' the martyrdom ' at Canterbury Cathedral. His account-book (1463-6) was printed in ' Ar- chieologia Cant.' vol. x. By his wife Agnes (A 1487), daughter of William de Beaufite of the Grange, Gillingham, Kent, he had, with two daughters, an heir, William. The state- ment that Thomas Kotherham [q. v.] was a younger son is without foundation. SIB WILLIAM SCOTT (1459-1624) of Bra- bourne was concerned in the siege of Bodiam Castle in 1483-4, for which and other delin- quencies he received a pardon on the accession of Henry VII* Rising in favour with that monarch, he was sworn of the privy council, appointed comptroller of the household, and created C.B. with Prince Arthur on 29 Nov. 1489. He was also lieutenant of Dover Castle, warden of the Cinque ports, and marshal of Calais in 1490-1, sheriff of Kent the same year, in 1501 and 1516. In 1495 he succeeded fcp the manor of Bra- bourne on the death, without issue, of Joan, widow of Sir John Lewknor (killed at Tewkesbury 1471), The property came to her from her father Kichard, son of John IIalsham> and, by a settlement of 1464, was limited to John Scott and his heirs, failing Joan, Lowlmor's issue. John Scott's relation- ship to the Halshams and Lewkuors is not established. In 1519 Sir William attended Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, and figured amongthe grandees deputed with Wolsey to receive the Emperor Charles V on his landing at Dover on 28 May 1522. Scot's Hall he rebuilt in a style of such splendour as to make it long- the rival of the greatest of the houses of Kent, He died on 24 Aug. 1524, and was buried in the chancel of Bra- bourae church. By his wife Sybil (& 1527) he left issue, A younger son, Edward (d. 1535), married Alice, daughter of Thomas Fogffe, serjeant porter of Calais, and founded the family of Scott of the Mote, Iden, Sussex. His heir, SIB JOHN SCOTT (1484P-1533), was knighted by the young Prince Charles (afterwards the Emperor Charles V) for gal- lantry displayed in the campaign of 1511 in the Low Countries against the Duke of Guilders [see POTSTINGS, SXK EDWA.BD]. He entered the retinue of George Neville, lord Abergavenny, constable of Dover Castle, and had charge of the transport service on the landing of Charles V at Dover on 28 May 1522. He was sheriff of Kent in 1627, and died 7 Oct. 1633. By marriage with Anne, daughter of Bcginald Pympe (said to be de* Scott 107 Scott gcended from John Gower, the poet), hie suc- cessors acquired the manor of Nettlestead, Kent. Their issue was, besides several daugh- ters, three sons, "William (d. 1536 s.p.)> Keginald, and Richard, who was lather of Keginald (d. 1599) [q. v.J author of 'The Discovery of Witchcraft.' Sir John Scott's second son, Sir Reginald Scott (1512-1554), sheriff of Kent in 1541 and surveyor of works at Sandgate, died on 15 Dee. 1554, and was buried at Brabourne, having married, first, Emeline, daughter of Sir William Kempe ; and, secondly, Mary, daughter of Sir Brian Tuke [q. v.] He had issue six sons and four daughters. Sir Keginald Scott's eldest son by his first wife, SIB THOMAS SCOTT (1535-1594), was soon prominent in public affairs in Kent. He was knighted in 1571, and was deputy lieu- tenant of the county. In 1575 he succeeded as heir to the manor of Isfettlestead. In 1576 he served as high sheriff, and was knight of the shire in the parliaments of 1571 and 1586. He was a commissioner to report on the ad- visability of improving the breed of horses in this country, a subject on which he is said to have written a book ; was commissioner for draining and improving Romney Marsh, and became superintendent of the improve- ments of Dover harbour. At the time of the Spanish Armada he was appointed chief of the Kentish force which assembled at Northbourne Down. He equipped four thou- sand men himself within, a day of receiving his orders from the privy council. Renowned for his hospitality and public spirit, he died on 30 Dec. 1594, and was buried at Bra- bourne. The offer of the parish of Ashford to bury him in the parish church free of expense was declined. A long biographical elegy, which has been attributed to his cousin Reginald, is extant (Pscz, Collection of CM- rious Pieces, -vol. iii. ; SCOTT, Memorials of the Scot Family, REGINALD SCOT, Discovery, ed. Nicholson, pp. xv-xvii), He married three times, By his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Baker of Sissinghurst, he had six sons and three daughters? this lady's sister married Thomas SackviUe, lord Buck- hurst [q.v,] In 1583 Scott married, secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Heyman of Somerfield ; she died in 1595 without issue. His third wife was Dorothy, daughter of John Bere of Horsman's Place, Dartford. Scot was this ladVs fourth husband ,- he had no issue by her (SCOTT, Memorials of the Family of Scot of Sc-ofs Sail, 1876, pp. 194-206, with portrait and win). Sir Thomas Scott's second son, SIB JOHN- SCOTT (157CW.61 6), was knighted in the Low Countries by Lord Willoughby, under whom he served as captain of a band of lancers (1588). He commanded a ship in the expe- dition of 1597 to the Azores ; in 1601 he was implicated, but not fatally, in the Essex rising. From 1604 till 161 1 he was M.P. for Kent, and in 1614 he sat for Maidstone. Ou 9 March 1607 he became a member of the council for Virginia, and on 23 May 1609 a councillor of the Virginia Company of Lon- don ; to the former he subscribed 75/. He died on 24 Sept. 1616, and was buried in Brabourne church, Kent. He was twice married: first, to Elizabeth Stafford, a de- scendant of the Duke of Buckingham (be- headed in 1521); and, secondly, to Cathe- rine, daughter of Thomas Smith, the cus- tomer, and widow of Sir Rowland Hayward. Dekker in 1609 dedicated his Phoenix' to her and her father. The last Scott who occupied Scot's Hall was Francis Talbot Scott (1745-1787), ap- parently fifth in descent from Sir Edward Scott (d. 1644), fifth son of Sir Thomas (1535-1594). On Francis Talbot Scott's death the estate was sold to Sir J ohn Hony- wood of Evington. The old mansion was pulled down in 1808. There are many living representatives of the various branches of the family. The estates of Orlestone and Nettlestead were alienated in 1700. [Scott's Memorials of the Family of Scott of Scot's Hall (which, is at many points inaccu- rate); Weever's Funeral Mon. 1631, p. 260; Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, 'Athol ;' Hasted's Kent, ed. 1790, iii. 292; Foss's Lives of the Judges ; Dugdale's Chron. Ser. pp. 42, 43 ; Abbrev. Rot. Orig. ii. 99, 179; Paston Letters, ed. Gairdner; Metcalfe's Book of Knights; Cal. Eot. Pat, p. 134 1 Lyon's Dover Castle, ii. 244, 245 ; Letters and Papers, Henry VIII ; Rymer's Fcedera, 1st edit. xi. 590-1, 599,737-59, 778,xiv. 407-8 ; The French Chronicle of London (Cam- den Soc.),p. 87 ; Rutland Papers (Camden Soc.), pp. 72, 73; Chronicle of Calais (Camden Soc.), pp. 8, 15 ; Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles (Camden Soc.), p. 157; Hist, MSS. Comm. 9th Rep. App, p. 138 ; Brown's Oenesis of United States, esp. pp. 996-7 ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1599-1616; and information from C R. Beaz- ley, esq. Valuable notes have heen supplied by Edmund Ward Oliver, esq.] J. M. R. SCOTT or SCOT, SIB WILLIAM, LORD BALWEABIB (d. 1532), Scottish judge, was elder son of Sir William Scott of JBalwearie, by Isobel, daughter of Sir John Moncrieff of Moncrieff. He accompanied James IV in bis expedition into England in 1513, and, being taken prisoner at the battle of Plodden, was obliged to sell a portion of his lands of Strathmiglo to purchase his ransom. In February 1524 he was chosen a commissioner to parliament, when he was appointed one Scott 108 of the lords of the articles for the barons, an honour frequently afterwards conferred on him, although obtained by no one else under ,the rank of a peer. On 24 Nov. he was styled a justice, in the absence of the jus- tice-general, in a commission appointed to do justice on the ' malt makers ol Leith for common oppression through the exorbitant dearth raised by them, and of their causing through the whole realm' (Acta ParL Scot. ii. 315; Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1628, p. 529). On the institution of the college of justice on 13 May 1532, he was nominated the first justice on the temporal side, but died before 1 9 Nov. of the same year. By h is wife, Janet Lundy, daughter of Thomas Lundy of Lundy, he had two sons, Sir William, father of Sir James Scott (Jl. 1579-1606) [q. v.], and Thomas (U80P-1589) [q. v.] [Douglas's Scottish Baronage, p. 304 ; Brunton and Haig's Senators of the College of Justice, pp. 19, 20.] T. P. H. SCOTT, SIE WILLIAM (d. 1650), of Clerkington, was the eldest son of Laurence Scott of Harprig, advocate, clerk to the privy council, and one of the clerks of the court of session. In November 1641 he was knighted bv Charles I. Like his father, he was one of the clerks of session, and after the enactment of the act of classes rendering it impossible for those who took part in the engagement on behalf of Charles I to hold office, he was in June 1649 appointed an ordinary lord of session with tie title of Lord Clerkington, In 1645 he had been, chosen to represent the county of Hadding- ton in parliament, and in 1650 was chosen a commissioner for the county of Edinburgh. He was also one of the committee of estates, and took a prominent part in affairs at the period of Charles IPs recall to Scotland in June 1650. Se died on 23 Dec. 1656. By his first wife, a daughter of Morrison of Prestongrange, he had one son, Laurence; and by his second wife, Barbara, daughter of Sir John Balmahqy of Dalmahoy , bart., he had three sons and three daughters* The sons were: John, who succeeded his brother Laurence, obtained from his father in patri- mony the lands and barony of Malleny, and was the ancestor of the Scotts of Malleny James of Scotsloch ; and Robert, dean o: Hamilton, [Sir James Balfonr's Annals; Bishop G-uthryY Memoirs; -Anderson's Scottish Nation ; Brimton and Haig's .Senators of the College of Justice.] m TJI T3T SCOTT, SIB "WILLIAM (1674P-1725) of Thirlestane, Latin lyrist, eldest son o Francis Scott, bart, of Thirlestane, Selkirk Scott hire, and Lady Henrietta, daughter of Wil- iam Kerr, third earl of Lothian [q. v.], was born after 1673, in which year his parents vere married (FRAZJBR, Book of Jfucd&tch). le was admitted a member of the faculty >f advocates on 25 Feb. 1702, On 20 May 719 he executed a deed of entail of his ands of Thirlestane. He died on 8 Oct. L725. Scott married, in 1699, Elizabeth, only surviving child of Margaret, baroness Napier, and her husband, John Brisbane, son of an Edinburgh writer. After her decease he married Jean, daughter of Sir John Nisbet of Dirleton, East Lothian, and widow of Sir William Scott of Harden. Francis Scott, son of the first marriage, be- came the fifth baron Napier (ancestor of Lord Napier and Ettrick) on the death of his grand- mother, who was predeceased by his mother. Scott contributed to Dr. Archibald Pit- cairne's 'Selecta Poemata/ 1726, proving bdniself a scholarly writer of sentimental and humorous lyrics, and an adept at maca- ronic verse. In the preface to the volume tiis literary merits are highly extolled by several contemporaries. A direct family tradition, starting from his son, assigns to him the somewhat broad but decidedly appreciative and diverting Scottish ballad, the 'Blythsome "Wedding;/ which is also claimed for Francis Sempill [q. v.] Scott's powers no doubt -were equal to the achieve^ ment ; and, though there exists nothing else or like character that is undoubtedly his, the tradition compels attention. [Douglas's Peerage ; FrazerV Book of Bros cleuch ; Anderson's Scottish Nation ; Mark Napier's History of the Partition of the Lennox; Johnson's Musical Musoum, ed. Laing; Allan Cunningham's Songs of Scotland.] T, B, SCOTT, WILLIAM LOUD STOWBLL (1745-1836), fourth child and eldest son of "William Scott of Newcastle on-Tyne, who was at various times a 'hoastman,' and * coal-fitter f or coal-shipper, and a small publican, by his second wife, Jane, daughter of Henry Atkinson, a local tradesman, was born 17 Oct. 1745 (0.8.) The public alarm at the Jacobite rebellion and General Cope's defeat at Prestonpans caused his mother to remove for her confinement to her father's country house at He worth, a place about three miles from Newcastle, and on the Durham side of the Tyne ; it is said that, as the town gates were shut and egress for- bidden, she was lowered from the walls into a boat. At any rate, but for the lucky accident of his birth in the county of l)ur~ ham, neither he nor his brother John, after- wards Lord Eldon [q. v.], was likely to have gone to Oxford. For some years William Scott 109 Scott Scott was educated at the Newcastle gram- mar school, under the Rev. Hugh Moises [q. y.J, fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, and, on his advice, he stood for and obtained a scholarship at Corpus Christi College, Ox- ford, open to persons born in Durham. Seven days after his election he matriculated, on 3 March 1761. On 20 November 1764 he took his B.A. degree, and on 14 Dec. was elected on probation to a Durham fellowship at University College, and was admitted actual fellow on 14 June 1765. He was at once appointed one of the two college tutors and m this capacity earned the reputation of being eUl, 420); eventually he became senior tutor. He appears, however, from a letter to his father in 1772, to have found the work an excessive strain on his health. On > took his IVI.A. degree, pro- on *._,- on/fin 1 *7T j, ana. in I/ /o, , T .*i*^jiwid ; he was. after a contest, elected by convocation Camden reader m ancient history. He never pub- lished his lectures, and forbade his executors to do so; but they were very popular and almost as much esteemed as Blackstone's Vinenan lectures. Gibbon speaks of them with approbation from hearsay, and singles bcott out as a shining example amid the freneral iTif.*mayit.*r Q ,,.: ^ , -i - hn L eace <> the time ; Dr. Parr, who seems to have heard tb^m praises them highly (see Quart. Rev. tW,' *' ; nd , Mll 1 man > wl o saw the notes of them after his death, confirms Gibbon's state- ment MILMAN, Life of OMon, 1839, p. 83). Scott s mtunate friendship with Dr John- son beg at Oxford, and* continued tSl Johnson's death. Robert Chambers [q. v 1 at school and college, brought ^? John8(m s visiting y Ooll se. He accompanief Aiw ewoastle * Edinburgh in Await 1773, was elected a member of The Club m December 1778, and lived to be its ST nH 1Mmber ' ^ Mi Hawkins and Reynolds was an executor of Johnson's will. ?"' *& tfJ^on, ' - lie used freely in his edition of Boswell, but the former were sent by post to Sir Walter Scott, and, the mail being robbed, disap- peared j owing to Lord Stowell's advanced age they never were rewritten ( Croker Papers, Scott's wish had long been to go to the bar, and as early as 24 June 1762 he entered himself as a student at the Middle Temple, but his own caution and his father's reticence about his own means led him to put off his removal to London. In the autumn of 1776 his father died, leaving him an estate in Durham named Usworth, the family house in Love Lane, Newcastle, and other pro- perty, worth altogether, according to Lord Eldon, 24,000/. In winding up his father's estate, he for some time continued his ship- ping business, and thus gained a practical experience, which was afterwards of profes- sional value to him. Accordingly he resigned his tutorship, and early in 1777 took chambers at 3 Kiiijfs Bench Walk, Temple,- but, retaining his Camden readership till 1785, he continued to reside occasionally in Oxford. He particularly interested himself in increas- ing the collections in the Bodleian Library, and assisted in raising the fund for the pur- chase of rare works at the Pinelli and Cre- venna sales. He elected to practise in the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts, and for that pur- pose took the degree of D.C.L. on 23 June 1779, and was admitted a member of the faculty of advocates at Doctors' Commons on 3 Nov. in the same year. He was also called to the bar on 11 Feb. 1780. At first he was so unready a speaker that, although he had once spoken for his friend, Andrew- Robinson Stoney or Bowes, at the Newcastle election in 1777, he wrote out his argu- ments, and for several months read them in court from manuscript; but his talents, coupled with his singular combination of wide Beading in history and civil law, and practical experience of both college and ship- ping business, soon began to tell in the , special courts in which he sought to practise. [ Briefs ^and preferments alike were heaped upon him. * His success is wonderful/ writes John Scott in 1783, ; and he has been fortu- nate beyond example/ On 21 May 1782 he received the crown appointment of advocate- general for the office of lord high admiral, the emoluments of which in times of war were considerable ; in 1783 the archbishop of Canterbury appointed him to the sinecure office, worth 40Q a year, of registrar of the court of faculties. On 30 Aii. 1788 the bishop of London constituted him judge of the consistory court of London. On 3 Sept. Scott no Scott 1788 he was knighted, and from the same day ran his appointment as king's advocate- general, in succession to Sir William Wynne, promoted to be dean of arches, though the patent was dated 28 Oct. On 24 Sept, 1788 the archbishop of Canterbury appointed him vicar-general for the province of Canter- bury j and he was also commissary of the city and diocese of Canterbury, and chan- cellor of the diocese of London. On the death of Halifax, bishop of St, Asaph, he became master of the faculties on 3 April 1790, and was elected a bencher of his inn on 5 July 1794, serving as treasurer in 1807, and finally, on 26 Oct. 1798, he was appointed judge of the high court of admiralty, and was sworn of the privy council. Scott had not been long at the bar before he sought to enter parliament. As early as 1779 he wrote to his brother that he wanted to find a seat. When Sir Koger Newdigate retired from the representation of the uni- versity of Oxford in 1780, Scott and Sir Wil- liam Jones both came forward, but, as their friends saw, with little chance of success (Johnson to Mrs. Thrale, 9 May and 6 June 1780), Sir William Dolben was returned. In 1784 Scott was elected for the close ' great jealousy every innovation with'respect borough of Downton, but was unseated on . to ecclesiastical property, expressed great petition ; he stood again in 1790 and won i doubt about the bill? His last prominent and kept the seat. At last, on Sir William ' appearance in the House of Commons was Dolben's death in March 1801, he was elected at the opening of the session of 1820, when for Oxford University, and continued to re- he moved the speaker, Manners-Sutton, into present it till his elevation to the House of the chair. Though his friends had long ex- Lords. During his first six years in the j pected a peerage for him, it was not till 1831 House of Commons he spoke only once, on , that he received it ; when, on the occasion 2 June 1795, when, having been mentioned | of the coronation of George IV, and by by Dundas as the legal adviser of ministers patent dated 17 July 1821, he was created with regard to the instructions sent to Sir * ... - .... - - ~ Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis in the West Indies, he was compelled to rise and take part in the debate. Afterwards he made occasional speeches and brought in bills on ecclesiastical and legal questions* He proposed Abbot, his fellow university amend the 21 Henry VIII as to Pluralities of Livings/ and was the basis of the broader act _passed by Lord Harrowby. But in the main Scott was a steady opponent of reform. On 25 May 1810 he declared himself opposed to any concession to the claims of the Roman catholics (Hansard, xvii. 183). On 23 Jan. 1812 there was a long debate on excommu- nications by process from the ecclesiastical court, in which his speech in their favour was so strenuously and successfully replied to by Bomilly and others that he was obliged to promise to bring in a bill for their abolition, a promise which he fulfilled in July 1813, but ' very reluctantly, for he had little taste for reform ' (ROMILLY, Memoirs iii. 6) ; the bill passed as 53 George III* c. 127. Martin's bill for regulating the office of registrar in admiralty was so altered by his amendments that its supporters would have preferred that it should not pass at all. lie opposed the Chapel Exemptions Bill in 1815 as being a relief of dissenters, and in 1817 and 1818 resisted Gurwen's Tithes Bill * Scott,* writes Romilly (Memoirs, iii. 330)^ ' who, as member for the university of Ox- ford, conceives himself bound to watch with OTftrtt. IP.fl.lrmfirtr frvc>t*\r irmrktratlyvr* -in'+U .., ~_.L member, upon his re-election as speaker on 16 Nov. 1802. < Nothing could be more appropriate than his language,' writes Wil- berforce (Life, iii. 73). In 1803 he brought in the Curates Bill, which was thrown out in the House of Lords at the end of the ses- sion (CoLCHESTEB, Diary, i. 675). With his Clergy Residence Bill he was more suc- cessful. Under the sanction of the govern- ment he introduced it on 6 April, and it received the royal assent on 7 July (, Life of Lord Sidmouth, il 189). In 1804 he reintroduced the Curates Bill, but too late to pass it, and in 1805 feared to bring it in again, as he thought his university hostile to it. Subsequently it passed as an ' Act to a baron with the title of Stowell of Stowell Park, an estate which he had bought in Gloucestershire. He took his seat on 5 Fob, 1822. His appearances in the House of Lords after his elevation to the peerage were rare, though on ecclesiastical questions his opinion was much deferred to. In 1823 he moved for a committee to inquire into the state of the marriage laws, but hardly appears otherwise to have taken part in debate. On 14 Au, 1820 he resigned his office in the consiatorial court. His last decision in that court was Buding v. Smith (2 HAGKURD, Consistory JStepprfy 371}; but he clung tenaciously to his judgeship in the admiralty court, though he liad been tempted to resign it in 1808, when, on Sir William Wynne's retirement, he received, and, on Eildon's advice, refused, the offer of the more dignified but less lucrative office of dean of the arches. His faculties had begun to fail, more perhaps outwardly than in reality. Loss of sight and weakness of voice obliged Mm to em- Scott Scott a Sir C. Robinson, and afterwards Dr. on, to read his judgments for him. One of his judgments was given in the cele- brated case of the slave Grace, 26 Sept. 1827 (MooBE, Memoirs, vi. 156). At length, on 22 Feb. 1828, old age compelled him to re- sign. Sir Walter Scott writes, 24 May 1828 : ' Met my old and much-esteemed friend, Lord Stowell, looking very frail and even coma- tose. Quantum mutatus ! He was one of the pleasantest men I ever knew ' (LOCKHABT, Life of Scott, vii. 135). For the rest of his life he lived principally at Earley Court, Berkshire, which he occupied in right of his first wife. Lord and Lady Sidmouth, his son-in-law and daughter, resided there with him during great part of the year, and Lord JEldon was a constant visitor. Down to April 1833 he was in communication with Lord Eldon about public affairs, but after that his mind gave way. He was never made aware of the death of his son in No- vember 1835, and though his will, which he made himself on 30 April 1830, made no provision for the event of his surviving his son, his daughter felt it to be useless to en- deavour to bring him to make arrangements adapted to the altered circumstances. He died at Earley Court in the afternoon of 28 Jan. 1836, and was buried at Sonning, near Reading. His personalty was sworn under 230,000, and he left besides landed estates producing 12,000/. per annum. Scott married, on 7 April 1781, Anna Maria, eldest daughter of John B agnail of Earley Court, Berkshire, by whom he had four children ; only two grew up : Wil- liam, who was M.P. for Qatton from 1826 to 1830, and died of intemperance on 26 Nov. 1835 (Gent. Mag. 1836, i. 99) ; and Mary Anne, who married first, in 1809, Colonel Thomas Townsend of Honington, Warwickshire, and secondly, in 1823, the first Viscount Sidmouth. His first wife died on 4 Sept. 1809, during his absence on a visit to the Duke of Atholl in Scotland. He became acquainted with his second wife, Louisa Catherine, a daughter of Admiral Earl Howe, widow of John, first marquis of Sligo, whom he married 10 April 1813, through having to pass sentence on 16 Dec. 1812, as presiding judge of the admiralty sessions at the Old Bailey, upon her son, the second marquis, for enticing two seamen to desert from a man-of-war at Malta and join the crew of his yacht. The story that Lady Sligo made the first advances for a marriage in the ' New Monthly Magazine ' for January 1846 is ill-founded, but the acquaintance of Sir William Scott and Lady Sligo certainly arose from this triaL The match was discountenanced by Lord Eldon, and was ill-assorted from the first, Scott was parsimonious and convivial, Lady Sligo domestic and open-handed. They lived un- happily, first at her house in Grafton Street, which was settled on Scott for life, and to which he removed from 5 College Square, Doctors' Commons, where he had lived over thirty years, and afterwards in Cleveland Row, but they soon informally separated, and on 26 Aug. 1817 she died, having borne him no children. In person Scott was below the middle height, fair-haired, corpulent in his later years, of a benign expression of face, and, though slovenly in dress, very courteous and polished in manner. There is a portrait of him, painted in 1812 for the Newcastle guild- hall, and engraved in Twiss's 'Life of Eldon/ vol. ii. His constitution was feeble in his early years ; he was always a great eater and drinker, a * two-bottle man ' (BOSWELL'S Johnson, ed. 1835, viii. 67), and a bon vivant. His brother said of him 'he will drink any given quantity of port.' Despite his excesses his bodily health remained good till he was nearly ninety. All his life he was a saving man ; the phrase ' the elegant simplicity of the three per cents' is his, and many stories were told of his niggardliness. Yet all his life, as ' Dr. Scott of the Commons ' and as a judge, he was welcome in the best society of his time ; he was a wit and a scholar, and, as a speaker, master of a cold, polished eloquence. ^As a judge he stands in the front rank with Hale and Mansfield, and his services to maritime and international law are un- surpassed. His decisions are reported in the reports of Christopher Robinson (1798- 1808), Edwards (1808-12), Dodsoix (1815- 1822), and Haggard (1789-1821). Before Scott's time no reports of the decisions of the admiralty court had been published. He was thus little fettered by the judgments of his predecessors, and was free to be guided by the writers on Roman, canon, and inter- national law, and by the historical material with which his own reading had made him familiar. At the same time the circum- stances of the French wars poured into his court for decision the fullest and most varied series of cases in maritime law that has ever occurred.^ He thus enjoyed the greatest opportunity of giving unity and consistency to a whole department of English law, and for a generation he was rather a lawgiver than a judge in the ordinary sense of the term. Upon many maritime points his judgments are still the only law ; and, little popular as they were at the moment among the Americans, who often suffered by them, Scott 112 Scott they have been acce^ courts also as authoritative (see Life of Judge Story, i. 554). t There has seldom/ saysLord Brougham (*' Statesmen of the Time of George III,' Worte, ed. 1872, iv. 67), ' if ever, appeared in the profession of the law any one so peculiarly endowed with all the learning and capacity which can accom- plish, as well as all the graces which can embellish, the judicial character. . . . His judgment was of the highest cast; calm, 'firm, enlarged, penetrating, profound. His powers of reasoning were in proportion great, and still more refined than extensive. . . . If ever the praise of being luminous _ could be bestowed upon human composition, it was upon his judgments, and it was the approbation constantly, and as it were pecu- liarly, appropriated to those wonderful exhi- bitions of judicial capacity.' The British Museum Catalogue wrongly attributes to him ' The Essence of Algernon Sydney's work on Government, by a Student of the Inner Temple/ 1795, but he is said to have written 'Observations by Civis,' 1811, and 'Letters (anon.) 1812. on the Bullion Committee/ [In addition to authorities given above, see Dr. W. E. Surtees's Lives of Lords Stpwell and Eldon, 1846, reprinted with corrections from Colburn's New Monthly Magazine, vols, Ixxiv., Ixxv. Ixxvi. ; Twisa's Life of Eldon ; Townsend's Life of Lord Stowell in Lives of Twelve Irish Emi- nent Judges, reprinted from Law Magazine, xvi. 23 ; Gent. Mag. 1836, i. 427 ; Quarterly Review, xxv. 46 (probably by Talfourd). Scott's most important admiralty judgments the Maria 1799, and the Giatitudine, 1801 are to be found in Kobi neon's Reports; a separate report of his greatest matrimonial case (Dalrymple ^. Dal- rymple) was published by Dr. J. Dodson in 1811 ; in 1857 a collection of these judgments was pub- lished by Clark of Edinburgh. His j udgment in the case of ' The mongrel woman Grace' is given in the New State Trials, ii. 273, and was published separately from his notes by Dr. Haggard in 1827. He kept a diary * of considerable interest (Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. iv. 292), which has not been printed.] J. A. H. SCOTT. WILLIAM (1797-1848), jockey brother of John Scott V 1794-1871 ) [q. v,] the trainer, was born at Ohippenham in 1797 and first employed in the stables of his father who kept the Ship Inn, Ship Street, Ox- ford. In 1815 he received further instruc- tion under James Croft, the well-known trainer et Middleham, and was then in the service of Mr. Thomas Houldsworth unti 1823. As a partner with his brother in the Whitehall training stables from 1825, he obtained the opportunity of riding many he best known and most successful jockeys f his day. Strength, judgment, ancl grace were the distinguishing points of his horse-* manship. His successes extended over a ieriod of rather more than twenty years, and ncluded four victories in the race for the Derby in 1832 for Mr. Robert Ridsdale on "It. Giles, in 1835 for Mr. John Bowes on Mun- dig, in 1842 for Colonel Anson on Attila, and n 1843 for Mr. Bowes on Cotherstone ; three ictories in the Oaks in 1836 for himself and lis brother on Cyprian, in 1838 for Lord Uhes- ;erfield on Industry, and in 1841 for Lord Westminster on. Ghuznee ; nine victories in ;he race for the St. Legerin 1821 for Mr. T. 0. Powlett on Jack Spigott, in 1825 for Mr. Richard Watt on Memnon, in 1828 for the Hon. E. Petre on The Colonel, in 1829 or Mr. Petre on Rowton, in 1838 for Lord Chesterfield on Don John, in 1839 for Major Yarbur^h on Charles XII, in 1840 for Lord Westminster on Launcelot, in 1841 for Lord Westminster on Satirist, and in 1846 on Sir Tatton Sykes for himself. Sir Tatton Sykes, originally called Tib- thorjje, was bred by Scott in 1843. Ridden by his owner, he in 1846 started six times and won three times. At the Newmarket spring meeting he won the Two Thousand Guineas, at Epsom he ran second for the Derby, at Newcastle-on~Tyne he ran for the North Derby, at York he won the Knaves- mire Stakes, at Doncaster (as already stated) he won the St. Leger, and at Newmarket First October meeting he ran second for the Grand Duke Michael Stakes. After quar- relling with his brother, Scott set up train- ing stables of his own ; but he was not suc- cessful, and, falling into dissipated habits, he soon lost the greater part of his money. His last mount was on Christopher in the Derby of 1847. He died at Highfteld House, near Mai- ton, on 26 Sept. 1848, and was buried at Meaux, near Malton, on 2 Oct. He married a daughter of Mr. Richardson, draj>er at Bever- ley, by whom he left a son and a daughter. [Scott and Sobright, by the Druid, 18(52, p. 47 ; Sporting Heview, October 1842 p. 249 (witti portrait), November 1846 pp. 298-301 (wiiti engraving of Sir Ttitton Sykes) December 1848 pp. 407-10; Black's Jockey Club, pp. 361, &c. ; Taunton'tf Portraits of Knee Horses, 1888, ii. 30& (with portrait); BeU' Life in London, 1 Oct. 1848, p. 3; see also * The Doncaster St. Leger' in Sir F. H, Doyle's Tho Eeturn of the Guards and other Poems, 1883, pp. 11-19.] <*, 0. B. SCOTT, WILLIAM (1818-1872), divine, bom in London on 2 May 1813, was the second son of Thomas Scott, merchant, of good horses, and very soon became one of Clement's Lane and Newington, Surrey. In October 18-7 he waa entered at Merchant Scott Scott Taylors* School, and on 14 June 1831 he matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, as Michel exhibitioner. He was Michel scholar in 1834-8, and graduated B.A. in 1835 and M.A. in 1839. Ordained deacon in 1836 and priest in 1837, he held three curacies, the last of which was under "William Dodsworth [q. v.] at Christ Church, Albany Street, Lon- don, in 1839 he was made perpetual curate of Christ Church, Hoxton, where he remained till 1860, and was widely known as ' Scott of Hoxton.' In 1860 he was appointed by Lord- chancellor Campbell ^ vicar of St, Olave's, Jewry, with St. Martin Pomeroy. Scott was an active member of the high- church party. When in 1841 its organ, the * Christian Remembrancer/ was set on foot, he was made co-editor with Francis (3-arden. In 1844, when it became a quarterly, James Bowling Mozley [q. v.] for a short time suc- ceeded Garden, but during a large part of the career of the paper, which ended in 1868, Scott was sole editor. He felt deeply the secession of Newman, who regarded Scott with respect (see a letter to Keble, 29 April 1842, J. M. NEWMAN'S Letters, ed. Mozley, ii. 396). Though personally unacquainted with him, Scott wrote of Newman to J. B. Mozley that he had * lived upon him, made him my better and other nature.' Scott took a leading part in the agitation follow- ing the Gorham judgment. His ' Letter to the Rev. Daniel Wilson/ 1850, a reply to Wilson's bitter attack on the Tractarians, passed through four editions. In 1846 he joined Pusey and his associates in their efforts to prevent the ordination at St. Paul's of Samuel Gobat, the Lutheran bishop-elect of Jerusalem. Ten years later he was, with Pusey, Keble, and others, one of th eighteen clergy who signed the protest against Arch- bishop Sumner's condemnation of Archdeacon Denison. Scott's advice was much sought by Henry Phillpotts [q. v.l, bishop of Exeter, and by Walter Kerr Hamilton [q.v.], bishop of Salisbury. Dean Church was his intimate friendi He was among the founders of the ' Saturday Review/ to which he constantly contributed, and was lon^ a zealous member of Mr. Gladstone's election committees at Oxford, voting lor him at his last candida- ture in 1868. In London Scott's influence was especially great. He was one of the prime movers in the formation in 1848 of the London Union on Church Matters, and from 1859 onwards was chairman of the committee of the Eccle- siological Society. He was one of the chief advisers of Milman and Mansel in the work of restoration at St. Paul's Cathedral, acting for some time as honorary secretary of the VOi,. U. restoration committee. In 1858 Scott was elected president of Sion College, then in process of reform, and next year published a continuation of the 'Account' of that foundation by John Russell (1787-1863). Scott died on 11 Jan. 1872 of spinal disease, and was buried in Highgate ceme- tery. He married Margaret Beloe, grand- daughter of William Beloe [q. v.], and had three sons and two daughters. In 1841 he edited, with additions and illustrations, Laurence's ( Lay Baptism in- valid; ' and in 1847, for. the Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology, the works of Archbishop Laud in seven volumes. Several of his ser- mons are in A. Watson's Collection.' His 'Plain Words for Plain People/ 1844, cen- sured the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for garbling theological works. [C. J.Bobinson's Register of Merchant Taylors' School ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886 ; Crockford's Clerical Directory; Guardian, 17 Jan. 1872, reproduced in Church Times, 19 Jan.; Times, J5 Jan. 1872; J, B. Mozle/s Letters, ed. Anne Mozley, 1885, pp. 155, 168/169, 321, 322; Church's Oxford Movement, p. 352, and Life and Letters, p. 145 ; Liddon's life of Pusey, iii. 77, 442 ; Works in Brit. Mns. Libr. ; Men of the Reign and Notesand Queries, 4th ser. ix. 66, give wrong date of birth.] Gr. LB Gr. N. SCOTT, WILLIAM BELL (1811-1890), poet, painter, and miscellaneous writer, born on 12 Sept. 1811 at St* Leonard's, Edin- burgh, was the seventh child of Robert Scott (1777-1841) [q. v.], the engraver, by his wife Ross Bell, a niece of the sculptor Gowan. David Scott [q. v.], the painter, was an elder brother. The death in infancy of the four elder children of the family sad- dened the household for many years, and the parents joined the baptist body. William was educated at Edinburgh high school, and received his first art teaching from his father. He afterwards attended classes at the Trustees' Academy, and in 1831 was for some months in London drawing from the antique in the British Museum. Subse- quently be assisted his father, now an invalid, in his business as an engraver, which he carried on in a tenement overlooking Parlia- ment House Square, Edinburgh. He began to write poetry, and sought out Christopher North and other celebrities for advice and encouragement. Some of his poems appeared in ' Tait T s Magazine ' and in the ' Edinburgh University Souvenir ' for 1834. In 1837 he removed to London, where he supported him- self precariously by etching, engraving, and painting. His first picture, ' The Old Eng- lish Ballad Singer/ was exhibited in 1838 at the British Institution. In 1840 * The Jester ' Scott 114 Scott appeared in the Norfolk Street Gallery, and in 1842 he exhibited at the academy. ^ Down to his last appearance ab the academy in 1869 he exhibited in all twenty pictures in London. In 1843 he sent a cartoon to the competition of designs for the decoration of the Houses of Parliament. The cartoon was unsuccessful, but procured him from the board of trade the offer of a mastership in the government schools of design at Newcastle-on-Tyne. He had already married Miss Letitia Mar- gery Norquoy, and, desirous of a fixed in- come, he accepted this otter, which gave him for twenty years a chief part in the or- ganising of art schools in the north under the department of science and art. When in 1864 he returned once more to London^ he continued his connection with the de- partment at South Kensington as artist em- ployed in decoration, and as examiner in art schools, till 1885. During Scott's stay in the north his lite- rary and artistic activity was very great. About 1855 he executed for Sir Walter Trevelyan at Wallington Hall a series of eight large pictures, with numerous life-size figures, in illustration of the history of Northumberland and the border. The scheme of decoration was completed in 1863-4 by the addition of eighteen oil pictures in the spandrils of the arches of the hall, on the subject of the ballad of Chevy Chase. In 186*9 Scott began his lifelong friendship with Miss Boyd of Penkill Castle, Avr- shire, where in 1868 he painted a seriei of designs illustrating the 'King's Quhair in encaustic on the walls of a circular stair- case. In 1870 he bought Bellevue House in Chelsea, and divided his time for the rest of his days between London and Perth- shire, In London he had a large circle of friends, and was for fifty years in close contact with the chief literary and artistic coteries of the metropolis. His relations with Rossetti were especially intimate, anc he was acquainted with Mr, Swinburne The later years of his life were devoted to vmtin^his reminiscences. These appearec after his death in 1892 in two volumes ' Autobiographical Notes of the Life of Wil liam Bell Scott ; and Notices of his Artisti and Poetic Circle of Friends, 1830 to 1882 edited by W. Minto ' (with two portraits from etchings by himself J, The frankness and even surliness, of his tone and occa sional inaccuracy caused general irritation but the work is a valuable contribution t the history of literary and artistic society fcScott died, after several years of suffering from angina peetoris, on 22 Nov. 1890 at Pen kill Castle, Mr. Swinburne wrote memoria erses on his death (Athenaum, 28 Feb. is probably upon his poetry that Scott's eputation will ultimately rest. Blake and helley were his chief models, and Rossetti's riendship was a continual stimulus to him. ut he lacked Rossetti's intensity and artistic renius. Fundamentally lie was Scotch, and, n spite of the breadth of his sympathies, his oest poetry is mystical and metaphysical ather than romantic. He is an artist of he German schools, never of the Italian. His chief published designs are : 1. * Chorea ancti Viti ; or Steps in the Journey of Prince _egion: twelve Designs by W, B.Scott/ Lon- don, 1851, 4to. 2. 'William Blake: Etch- ngs from his Works by W. B. Scott, with descriptive text/ London, 1878, fol. His very numerous writings may be clas- iified under : I. POETRY.!. * Hades ; or the Transit : and the Progress of the Mind. Two Poems by W. B. Scott,' London/ 12mo, 1838, with two illustrations. 2. l The Year of the AVorld: a Philosophical Poem on Redemption from the Fall, by William B, Scott/ Edinburgh, London, 18mo, 1846: this is Scott's only long poem ; the preface explains that the five parts were written at different periods. 3. 'Poems by William Bell Scott, -with three Illustrations/ Lon- don and Newcastle, 8vo, 1854. 4. ' Poems by William Bell Scott; Ballads, Studies from Nature, Sonnets, c, illustrated by seventeen Etchings by the Author and L, Alma Tadema/ London, 8vo, 1875 : this volume marks Scott's highest point of achievement in poetry ; many of the sonnets have gained a place in anthologies, J5. 'A Poet's Harvest Home : being one hundred short Poems, by William Bell Scott/ Lon- don, 16mo, 188& ; another edition, 'with an aftermath of twenty short poems/ London, 8vo, 1893, II. AKT.L 'Memoir of [his brother] David Scott, containing his Journal in Italy, Notes on Art, and other Papers/ Edinburgh, 1850, 8vo, 2. 'Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England : being Examples of Antique Fur- niture, Plate, Church Decorations, c. . . . drawn and etched ' (with descriptions), Lon- don, 1851, 4to. 3. ' Half-hour Lectures on the History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts . . , with fifty Illustra- tions by the Author, engraved by W. J. Linton,*' London, 1861, 8vo ; these lectures were given to Scott's students at Newcastle j they were revised in 1867 and in 1874, 4 'Albert Durer: his Life and Works ; in- cluding Autobiographical Papers and Com- plete Catalogues . . . with six Etchings by the Author and other Illustrations/ London, Scottow Scotus 1809, 8vo ; a copy of this, with copious manu- script notes by the author, is in the British Museum Library. 5. ' Gems of French Art : a Series of Carbon-photographs from the Pictures of Eminent Modern Artists, with Remarks on the Works selected and an Essay on the French School/ London, 1871, 4to. 6-7. Similar works on modern Belgian and modern German art followed in 1872 and 1873. 8. The British School of Sculpture, illustrated by twenty Engravings from the Finest Works of Deceased Masters of the Art, and fifty Woodcuts: with a prelimi- nary Essay and Notices of the Artists,' Lon- don, 1872, 8vo. 9. ' Our British Landscape Painters, from Samuel Scott to David Cox . , . with a Preliminary Essay and Biogra- phical Notices/ London, 1872, 4to. 10. i Mu- rillo and the Spanish School of Painting : fifteen Engravings in Steel and nineteen on Wood ; with an Account of the School and its Great Masters/ London, 1873. 11. 'The Little Masters (Albrecht Altdorfer, Hans Sebald Beham, &c.)/ London, 1879, 8vo; this appeared in the * Series of Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists ; ' it was republished in 1880. ^ 12. 'A. Descriptive Catalogue of Engravings, brought together with a view to illustrate the Art of En- graving on Copper and Wood from the Florentine Niello Workers in the Fifteenth Century to that of William Blate/ privately printed, London, 1880, 4to. Scott also edited a series of editions of the works of English poets, with more or less elaborate memoirs. The more important are : Keats's 'Poetical Works/ 1878, 8vo, four editions ; L. E. Landon's * Poetical Works/ 1873, 8vo, 2 edits. ; Byron's ' Poetical Works/ 1874, 8vo, 4 edits. ; Coleridge's ' Poetical Works' (illustrated), 1874, 8vo, 4 edits.; Shelley's * Poetical Works/ 1874, 8vo, 2 edits. ; Shakespeare's 'Works/ 1875, 8vo; Scott's 'Poetical Works/ 1877, 8vo, 4 edits. [Memoir of David Scott and Autobiographical "Notes, mentioned above; Obituary notices in the Academy, xxxviii.529 ; Athenaeum, 1890, p. 745 ; Times, 27 Nov. 1890 ; article by H. Buxton Foraan in Celebrities of the Century, 1890 ; Miles's Poets and the Poetry of the Century (Fre- derick Tennyson to Olough), 1891 J E. B. SCOTTOW, JOSHUA (1618-1693), colonist, seems to have come of a Suffolk family, and to have been born in England in 1618. He went out to Massachusetts with his widowed mother, Thomasina Scot- tow, about 1684. He was admitted a mem- ber of the ' old church' at Boston on 19 March 1639, and allotted building land at Muddy River, or Brookline, the same year ; he also owned property at Scarborough (in Maine). He became a shipowner and merchant of re- pute in Boston. His name (usually with t cap- tain ' prefixed} frequently occurs in connec- tion with municipal matters. In 1665 he was summoned, alone 1 with the governor and com- pany of Massachusetts, in respect of some injury done to the ship Oleron. He was a pillar of his church, and prominent in its meetings for prayer. Sewall records ' a brave shower of rain while Captain Scottow was praying after much drought.' He died on 20 Jan. 1693 (SEWALL, Diary). Scottow married about 1643, and ap- parently his wife and four children survived him. One of his daughters married Thomas Savage, from whom descended James Savage (1767-1845) [q. v.l the antiquary. Scottow was the author of some rare pamphlets: 1. 'Old Men's Tears for their own Declensions mixed with fears of their and posterities further falling off from New England's Primitive Constitution. Pub- lished by some of Boston's old Planters and some other,' Boston, 1691 ; in this he di- rectly attributes the losses of New England by disease and Indian raids to visitation for the sins of the public. 2. ' A Narrative of the Planting of the Massachusetts Colony, anno 1628, with the Lord's signal presence the first thirty years/ Boston, 1694 ; re- printed in 'Massachusetts Historical Re- cords ' (4th ser. iv. 279 sq.) [Collections of Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, especially 2nd ser. iv. 100, 4th ser. viii, 631, and note.] C. A. H. SCOTUS or EBIOHNA, JOHN (JL 850), philosopher, was, as his first surname shows, of Irish origin ; and the fact is expressly stated by Prudentius, bishop of Troves (* De Praede- stinatione contra loannem Scotum,' xiv., in MIGHT'S Patrol. Lat. cxv. 1194 A). The supposition that he was a native of Scotland is altogether contrary to the usage of the word * Scotus ' at the time. To contem- poraries he was always known as Joannes Scotus or ' Scotigena. His alternative sur- name was used only as a literary pseudonym in the titles of his versions of Pionysius the Areopagite ; and this, as it is found in the oldest manuscripts, was not Erigena, but Eriugena or lerugena. That John formed it on the model of Grajugena has been in- ferred from the lines in which he celebrates his favourite author, St, Maximus: Quisquis amat formam pulchrae laodare sophiae Te legat assidmis, Maadme G-rajugena. - P- 1236.) The first element in the name is doubtless derived from firin (accus. rnn) : the alter- native form suggests ie/>o$ ; since Ireland was 12 Scotus 116 Scotus f) wpos- vy A further trace of John's activity at the court of Charles the Bald is furnished by his translations from the Greek. The grow- ing fame of the abbey of St. Denys had added a new interest to the name of Diony- sius the Areopagite ; and when the writings falsely ascribed to him were presented by Michael the Stammerer to Lewis the Pious in 827 (HiLDTOT, Rescript, adlmper. Ludov., iv. ; MIGNB, cvi. 16), there was a natural de- sire to have the means of reading them. At length, by the command of Charles the Bald, John Scotus made a translation (under the name of loannes lerugena) of tne books t De Cselesti lerarchia/ *de Ecclesiastica lerar- chia/ < de Divinis Nominibus/ ' de Mystica Theologia/ and ' Epistolse.' To the whole he subjoined a set of verses in which he extolled the glories of Greece by comparison with those of Rome ( Opp. p. 1194). W hether owing to these verses, in the presence of an angry dispute between the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople, or to the Neo- Flatonic complexion of the work itself, the orthodoxy of" the book was doubted, and Nicolas I ordered that it should be sent to him for approval. The date of this letter, which is only preserved as a fragment in the ' Decretum ' of Ivo of Chartres, iv* 104 TMiGNE, clxi. 289 seq.), is quite uncertain (jAFPi, Reffistr. Pontif. Roman. No. 2833, ed. 2), and it has been placed variously in 859 (CHBISTLIEB, p. 27), 861-2 (FLOSS, p. 1026), and 867 (Mraina, cxix. 1119). These are almost the only facts known to us on contemporary authority concerning John's life. The inference from a letter to Charles the Bald, written by Anastasius ' the librarian ' (MiatfE, cxxix. 739 seq.), that he was already dead in 875, is not justified by its language (cf . CHBISTLIEB, pp. 52 seq.) ; indeed, some verses Iby the Scot enable us to guess that he was still in Francia in 877, the year of his protector's death (Opp. pp. 1235 seqq. ; cf. HXTBBB, p. 120). It is not until the twelfth century that we obtain from the writings of William of Malmeshury a fuller, notice of him. William descnbes in the ' Gesta Pontifjcum,"v. 240 (pp. 392 seq., ed. N. E. S. A. Hamilton)^ the honour in which the sage^-a man little in person and of a merry wit was held by Chanles the Bald, and the intimacy with which they were as- sociated, both in serious studies and in the familiar intercourse of daily life. In this Scotus 118 Scotus connection two stories of John's lighter mood are told. One is the famous answer to the king's 'Quid distat inter sottum et Scottum P *- * Mensa tantum,' in regard to which it is to be observed that the play upon 'Scot' and *sot* was not, even in John's day, much leas in William's, a new one. After this William gives an account of his works and his later life, which he re- peats almost word for word in his letter to Peter (printed by GALE in Testimonia, ubi sujjra, and with a collation of a second manu- script by POOLE, pp, 317-20) and, more briefly, in his < Gesta Regum,' ii. 122 (i. 181 seq., ed. Stubbs), This narrative has, how- ever, been often suspected because it relates liow John was invited by King Alfred to England, and what befel him there ; and it has been generally believed that this account has arisen from a confusion with another John, spoken of by Asser, bishop of Slier- borne, in his * Life of Alfred.' Asser, in fact, makes two separate statements. In one he says that Alfred sent to Gaul to obtain teachers, and called over two men, Grimbald (who has been mixed up, to the discredit of this notice, with a very late story bringing In the schools at Oxford, which was inter- polated by Archbishop Parker in hie edition of Asser) and John, 'Johannem quogue seque presbyterum et monachum, acemmi ingenii yirum, et in omnibus disciplinis literatorise artis eruditissimura, et in. multis aliis artibus artificiosum ' (* De Rebus gestis ^Elfridi ' in Monum. Hist. Britann. 1 487 u), In the second passage Asser states that Alfred set over his newly founded monastery of Athelney 'Johannem presbyterum mo* nachum, scilicet Ealdsaxonem genere' (p. 493 o), i,e. a continental Saucon by descent The .specification has the appearance of in- tending a distinction from the other John j and mediaeval writers uniformly agreed, as is not at all unlikelv, that the latter, the companion of Grimbald, was the same with John Scotus. Asser relates that John the Old Saxon was attacked in church by the servants of two Gaulish monks of his house, who wounded but did not slay him. William of Malmesbury's account of John Scotus has some points of resemblance to this, but more of difference. He says that John quitted Francia because of the charge of erroneous doctrine brought against him, He came to King Alfred, by whom he was welcomed and established as a teacher at Malrtesbury, but after some years he was assarted bythe boyg, whom he taught, with their styles, and so died, It never occurred to any one to identify the Old Saxon abbat of 'Athelaey with the -Irish teacher of Malmesbury with the name John as the single point in common until the late forger, who passed off his work as that of Ingulf, who was abbat of Croyland towards the end of the eleventh century (< Descr. Comp.' in Per. Angl. Script, post Bedam p 870, Frankfurt, 1601) ; and the confusion has survived the exposure of the fraud. It is per- missible to bold that William has handed down a genuine tradition of his monastery, though it would be extreme to accept all the details of what happened more than two cen- turies before his birth as strictly historical see an examination of the whole question in Pooo, app. ii.) William adds that the body of the ' Sanctus sophista Johannes ' lay for a time unburied in the church of St. Lawrence, but was afterwards translated to the greater church, where it was placed at the left hand of the altar, with an inscrip- tion which he records (Gesta Pontif., Ep.ad Pc.tr, Gest. Reg. 11. cc.) Towards the end of the eleventh century, however, the tomb was removed by Abbot Warin, who destroyed also the monuments of previous abbats, and stowed away in a corner of St, Michael's Church (Gest. Pontif. v. 265, p. 421). The verses upon the tomb declared John to be a martyr, and he has accordingly been identified with the Joannes Scotus who was commemorated on 14 Nov. But this Joannes Scotus was biflhop of Mecklenberg, and suf- fered martydom on 10 Nov. (ADAM OF BKKSMEN, Qesta Hammalurg, JSccL Pontif, ill 60 ; c. MABILI.OK, Ada 8& 0. & #,, sec, iv. ii. 518), After 1686, in conse- quence no doubt of this confusion, the name was omitted from the martyrologies (see POOLS, p, 827 and n. 48). John Scotus's principal work, the five books *7rfpi (jfuJtreajv fUFptcr^tov, i.e. de Divisions Nature,' written in tne form of a dialogue, is of uncertain date, but plainly later than the tract 'de Pr&destinatione* (851) and the translations from the pseudo-fiionysius. It presents the author's developed system, a system which has been taken lor pantheism, but which is really a Neo-P}atonic mysti- cism. John's leading principle is that of the unity of nature, proceeding from (1) God, the first and only real being j through (2) the creative ideas to 3) the sensible universe, which ultimately is resolved into (4) its first Cause. Within this circle the four * divisions t of nature' are comprehended. The supreme Nature is expounded by alternate affirmation and negation, ' tine two principal parts of theology ' (Kara^anwJ and aTro^art/^) ; for that which may be asserted of God may also be denied of him, because he transcends humau conceptions* By this means John Scotus 119 Scotus attempts to reconcile contradictions. The ideas are the primordial causes of things, the effects of which are manifested in time and place in a series of * theophanies ; ' but the effects cannot be separated from the causes, and, in them, are eternal, though not eternal in the sense in which God is eternal, because the causes are derived from him : they are, however, coeternal with the Word, though here again not absolutely coeternal. Matter has no existence except as dependent on thought, and our thought (here the Scot anti- cipates, more plainly than St. Augustine, the famous argument of Descartes) is itself the proof of our being. The ideal world is wholly good, but as the creature passes from it into the world of matter, that which was one becomes manifold, and evil arises. But evil, being thus a mere accident of the material exis- tence, will cease when man, losing again the distinction of sex, returns to the primal unity. Not less remarkable is John's state- ment of the relation of reason to authority. Reason is a theophany, the revelation of God to man ; authority is one species of this re- velation ; it stands below reason, and needs it as its interpreter, for the Bible has many senses. If Scotus may here seem to antici- pate the later dispute which accompanied the beginnings of the scholastic movement, still more evidently does this appear in his treatment of the scope and functions of logic. The universals, he maintained, were words ; and although, in his view, there was a necessary correlation between . words and thoughts, and therefore between words and things, still it was open to his successors to neglect this association, and to lay a stress on the primary connection between logic and grammar (see PRANTL, ii. 24-37). Besides, the strict syllogistic method which John employed, and against which his opponents murmured, nmy well have had its influence upon later method. Yet it is hazardous to see in John Scotus the John who is men- tioned in a chronicle known only from Bulseus's citation (Hist. Univ. Paris, ii. 443) as the founder of nominalism (cf. S. M. DETJTSGH, Peter Abalard, p. 100, n. 3, Leip- zig, 1883). In some respects he may be ac- counted the herald of the movement of the eleventh century, but in more he is the last prophet of a philosophy belonging to earlier ages. When, in the first years of the thir- teenth century, his books * de Divisione Naturse ' won a passing popularity through the teaching of Amalric of Bene, their pan- theistic tendency was at once detected, and the work suppressed by Honorius III in 1225 (see his mandate printed by DEIOTUG, Chartul. Univ. Paris. L106 seq., Paris, 1889). It was not John's original writings, but his translations which exercised a notable in- fluence on mediaeval theology. Besides the works already enumerated, John wrote a series of commentaries on Dionysius : ' Expositiones super ierarchiam ceelestem,' ' Expositiones super ierarchiam ecclesiasti- canv (a fragment), and 'Expositiones seu Glosses in mysticam Theologiam ; ' ' Homilia in prologum S. Evangelii secundum loan- nem ' and a commentary on the Gospel itself, of which only four fragments are preserved ; ' Liber deegressu et regressu animaeadDeum/ of which only a dozen sentences remain ; and a number of poems, some only fragmentary, which are remarkable for their macaronic combination of Greek and Latin. These have been edited by L. Traube in the ' Poetse Latin! JEvi Carolini ' (Monum. Germ, hist.') iii. 518- 656 (1896) with a valuable introduction. John also translated the ' Ambigua ' of St Maximus, with a dedication to Charles the Bald. -This was edited, together with the ' De Divisione Naturae/ by T. Gale, Oxford, 1681. All John's known works and trans- lations were collected by H. J. Floss in, Migne's 'Patrologia Latina/ cxxii. (1853), whose edition represents the only attempt hitherto made (except for the poems) to construct a critical text. The editor's notes, however, on the 'Liber de Prs&destinatione ' serve rather for the edification of the Roman, catholic reader than for the scientific eluci- dation of John's opinions (cf.NooBDEN, Hinh- mar, p. 103, n. 2). Since Floss's book was published two more works claiming John's authorship have come to light* One is the brief life of Boethius, printed as ' Vita III ' in R. Peiper's edition (BoETii Philos. Con- sol, Leipzig, 1871), which is contained in a Laurentian manuscript, written in an Irish hand, of c. 1100 (described, with a facsimile, by G. VITBLLI and C. PAOLI, Collezione Fiorentina di Facsimili paleogrqfici, plate 4, Florence, 1884), and is there expressly de- scribed as ' Yerba lohannis Scoti. The other is a set of glosses on Martianus Oapella, dis- covered by the late M. Haureau (Notices et Extracts des Manuserits, xx. pt. ii. 6-220, Paris, 1862). [Bale's Script. Brit. Cat. ii. 24, p. 124; tTfesher's Veterttm Epistolarum Hiberniearum Sylloge (Dublin, 163*2); Oudin's Comment, de Script. Eccl. Antiq. ii. 234-47 (Leipzig, 1722); Hist. Lit. de la Prance, v. 416-29 (Paris, 1740); Cave's Script. Eccles. Hist. Lit. ii. 45 seq.(1743); Tanner's Bibl.Brit.-Hib. pp. 263 seq. (1748); biographies of John Septus by F. A. Stauden- maier (Frankfurt, 1834), T. Ohristlieb (Gotha, 1$6Q), and J. Huber (Munich, 1801); and an anonymous 'Comment., de Vita ei Praeceptis Scotus 130 Scougal J hi composition; 0. von Prantl'a Gcsch. tlw I^>gik im Atand- Gcschiohte act Iiitcmtur diw MittelnUors im Abendtatidft, ii, 2A7-ft7 (Lei{MRig) *BO; Mtii- iinger'a 8chuoUs of Clmrlt* thw Great, ch. v*; Poole's Jllufctr. of the Htatnry of Sldwevai Thought, eh, il, and append, i* iul ii. (1884); 0. Buehwald's Per LugOKlicgriif dm Jfohanmtft 3eoiuB Srigona (Lei{ig, IH84); W Dt> Divfoione Natune in Proc.of theArih(ot*lmn Society, vol. ii. ( 1892),] K. L. P. SCOTUS, MAR! ANUS (1028-1082 P), Irish monk. [See MAHIAKU&.J SCOTTJB, MACAUIUtf ( 115$), abbot of Wuwburg, [Sec MACAKHW.] SCOOTS, DUNS (1205 P-180K ?), school- man. [Si*o Dusrs, Jo \NKKS Hccmra,] SOOT7QAL, HEXttY (16CO-1078), Scot- tish divine, sun of Patrick Scoagal fq, v.], bishop of Aberdeen, was bow, probably at Leucnars, Fiteshtre, in June UNK), and was educated at King's Collie, Abmletm, whare be graduated MA, in 1008. He was a dis- tinguished student, and, afttT a precedent set in the case of George Gordon, first earl of Aberdeen [ut, greatly to Dugdale's annoyance, refused ;o pay the fees which were due to the col- ege of arms (WOOD, Athene Oxon. iv. 119). The exact date of his knighthood is not mown. He is, however, designated by his itle in a petition which he presented to ;he king in April 1665, alleging that he had been suspended from his place as 'one of :he city of London's council/ on account of his inability to walk before the lord mayor % on certain days of solemnity owing to the wounds which he had sustained in the cause of the late king (Col. State Papers, Dom. 1664-5, p. 310). In January 1667 he ap- pears to have impressed Pepys by his argu- ments in the House of Lords in the Duke of Buckingham's claim to the barony of De Ros (Diary and Correspondence, 1848-9, iii. 380). In April 1668 he was assigned as counsel for Sir William Penn, but the im- peachment was not proceeded with(CoBBETT, State Trials, vi. 876). On 23 June 1669 Scroggs was elected a bencher of Gray's Inn. He took the degree of the coif in October 1669, and on 2 Nov. following he was made a king's Serjeant (SlDERmr, i. 435 ; WYHOT, Miscellany, 1765, p. 297). On one occasion after he had be- come a serjeant, Scroggs was arrested on a king's bench warrant for assault and battery, Scroggs pleaded the privilege of his order, but Hale and the other justices of the king's bench decided against him. It would seem, however, that upon appeal to the exchequer chamber North gave his opinion that ser- jeants had a privilege to be sued in the court of common pleas only (NORTH, Lives, i. 90 ; LEVINZ, ii. 129; KEBLE, iii; 424; FREEMAN-, i. 389; Modem Reports, ii. 296). Through the influence of the Earl of Danby, Seroggs was appointed a justice of the court of common pleas, in the place of Sir William Ellis. He took his seat on the bench on 23 Oct. 1676, and ' made so ex- rf cellent a speech that my lord Northampton, then present, went from Westminster to Whitehall immediately, told the king he had, since his happy restoration, caused many hundred sermons to be printed, all which together taught not the people half so much loyalty; therefore as a sermon desired his command to have it printed and pub- lished hi all the market towns in England * (Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, c., 1828, i. 2). On the removal of Sir Thomas Rainsford, Scroggs was re- warded for his subserviency to the court by Ms appointment as lord chief justice of Eng- Scroggs 128 Scroggs land. He took his seat in the court of king's bench for the first time on 18 June 1678 (Hatton Correspondence, Camden Soc. Publ. new ser. xxii, 162). He was summoned to the assistance of the House of Commons on 24 Oct., while Gates was detailing his lying narrative of the * popish plot: In reply to the speaker Scroggs said that he would use his best endeavours, ' for he feared the face of noe man where his king and countrie were concerned/ and, withdrawing into the speaker's chamber, 'he tooke informations upon oath, and sent out his warrants ' ( Auto- biography of Sir John Bramston, Camden Soc. p. 179; see also Journals of the House of Commons, ix. 521 ; Journals of the House of Lords, *m. 301), The first victim of the 'popish plot' was William Stay ley, who was tried in the king's bench by Scroggs for treasonable words against the king on 21 Nov. Scroggs re- peatedly put questions to the prisoner in order to intimidate and confuse him, and, when the verdict of guilty was pronounced, brutally exclaimed, 'JNow you may die a Roman catholic, and when you come to die, I doubt you will be found a priest too (COBBBTT, State Trials, vi. 1601-12). Edward Coleman, the next victim, was tried before Scroggs in the king's bench, for high treason, on 27 Nov. Gates and Bedloe were the chief witnesses against the prisoner, and Scroggs in his summing up had the indecency to declare that ' no man of understanding but for by-ends would have left his religion to be a papist '($. vii. 1-78). At the trial of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, and John Grove, for high treason, at the Gld Bailey on 17 Dec., though it was clear that the testimony of Gates and his associates was perjured, Scroggs insisted that ' it is most plain the plot is discovered, and that by these men ; and that it is a plot and a villainous one nothing is plainer/ In sum- ming up the evidence Scroggs said : 'This is a religion ,that quite unhinges all piety, all * morality. . . They eat their God, they kill their king, and saint the murderer.' When the three prisoners were found guilty, Scroggs, turning to the jury, said: ' You have done, gentlemen, like very good subjects and very good Christians that is to say, like very good protestants and now mu.cn good may their thirty thousand masses do them ' (ib. vii. 79-144). On 10 Feb. 1679 Scroggs pre- sided at the trial of Robert Green, Henry Berry, and Laurence Hill, in the king's bench, for the murder of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, He made a violent harangue against popery, declared his implicit belief iu Prance's story, and expressed his ' great satisfaction that you are, every one of you guilty ' (ib. vii, 159-230), On the following day Samuel Atkins, a servant of Samuel Pepys, was tried before Scroggs in the king's bench as an accessory before the fact of Godfrey's murder. Atkins, however, esta- blished an alibi to the satisfaction of Scroggs, who declared that the prisoner appeared ' to be a very innocent man in this matter ' (ib. vii. 231-50). The next victims of the 'popish plot' were five Jesuit priests Thomas Whitebread, William* Harcourt, John Fen- wick, John G avan, and Anthony Turner. They were tried for high treasonbefore Scroggs at the Old Bailey on 13 June. Fenwick and Whitebread had been previously tried for high treason, along with Ireland, Pickering, and Grove, but Scroggs had discharged the jury of them, as there was only one witness against them. Though Whitebread urged that no man could be put in jeopardy of his life the second time for the same cause, the objection was overruled by the court. In his summing up Scroggs declared that Dug- dale's evidence gave him * the greatest satis- faction of anything in the world in this matter/ and, turning to the prisoners, ex- claimed, * Let any man judge by your prin- ciples and practices what you will not do for the promoting of the same' (ib. vii. 311-418). On the following day he presided at the trial of Richard Langhorne at the Old Bailey for high treason. Though Langhorne produced several witnesses to disprove the evidence of Gates, Scroggs felt bound by his conscience to remind the jury that * the profession, the doctrines, and the discipline of the church of Home is such that it does take away a great part of the faith that should be given to these witnesses/ The jury found Langhorne guilty, and he was sentenced to death with the five Jesuits who had been tried on the previous day (ib. vii. 417-90). Gn 18 July Sir George Wakeman,WiUiam Marshal, William Rurally, and Jame* Corker were tried at the Old Bailey before Scroggs for high treason. On this occasion Scroggs disparaged the testimony of Gates and Bedloe, and implored the jury 'not to be so amazed and frightened with the noise of plots as to take away any man's life without any reason- able evidence/ Bedloe had the impudence to complain that his evidence was ' not right summed up 'by Scroggs, but the jury, tak-* ing their cue from the chief justice, brought in a verdict of not guilty (ib. vii, 591-688)* By this sudden change of front Scroggs at once lost all the popularity which he had gained by his brutal zeal for the protes- tant cause. Gates and Bedloe were furious, and he was assailed on every side by broad- Scroggs 129 Scroggs sides and libels, in which, he was commonly designated by the nickname of * Mouth.' The popular opinion was that Scroggs had been bribed by Portuguese gold (LTJTTBELL, i. 17-18 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. pp. 474, 495, 12th Rep. App. vii. 160). This he solemnly denied, but the worth of his denial is questionable. Wood says that Scroggs mitigated ' his zeal when he saw the popish plot to be made a shooin^-horn to draw on others ' (Athents Oxon. iv. 116). One of his reasons for changing sides in this case was doubtless the implication of the queen in the charge brought against her physician, Wakeman ; another, the dis- covery that Shaftesbury had not ' really so great power with the king as he was thought to have' (NOETH, Lives, i. 198). At the Hereford assizes Scroggs tried Charles Kerne, for high treason as a popish priest; the evidence, however, was insufficient, and the prisoner was acquitted (COBBETT, St-ate Trials, vii. 707-16). Andrew Bromwich and "William Atkins, who were tried before Scroggs at the Stafford assizes, were not so fortunate, and both were condemned to death. To Bromwich Scroggs playfully said: 'Come, Jesuit, with your learning, you shall not think to baffle us ; I have of late had occasion to converse with your most learned priests, and never yet saw one that had either learning or honesty.' To the jury in the same case he significantly pointed put that they 'had better be rid of one priest than three felons * (ib. vii. 715 - 26, 725 - 39). After the assizes were over Scroggs visited Windsor, where he was received with, great favour by the king, who 'tooke notice to him how ill the people had used him in his absence. ' ' But," said he, " they have used me worse, and I am resolv'd we stand and fall together "' (Hatton Correspondence* i. 192). On the first day of term (23 Oct. 1679) Scroggs in the court of king's bench made an exceedingly able speech in vindication of his own conduct. He declared that he had followed his conscience according to the best of his understanding in Wakeman's trial, 'without fear, favour, or reward; without the gift of one shilling, or the value of it, directly or indirectly, and without any pro- mise or expectation whatever' (COBBBTT, State Trials, vii. 701-6). On 25 Nov. Scroggs presided at the trial of Thomas Knox and John Lane, who were convicted of a con- spiracy to defame Oates and Bedloe, but he declined to sum up the evidence, as the case was too clear (ib. vii. 763-812). In the fol- lowing month Scroggs unexpectedly met Shaftesbury at the lord mayor's dinner- VOL. 1,1. table, and, to the confusion of the exclu- sionists present, proposed the Duke of York's health (Hatton Correspondence, i. 207-10). He took part in the trial of Lionel Anderson, James Corker, William Marshal, William Russell, and Charles Parris, who were con- victed at the Old Bailey of high treason as Romish priests on 17 Jan. 1680. Corker and Marshal had been acquitted with Wakeman of the charge of being concerned in the ' popish plot.' The princ'pal witnesses against the prisoners were Oates, Bedloe, and Prance, but Scroggs on this occasion made no attempt to disparage their testimony (COBBETT, State Trials, vii. 811-66), Meanwhile Oates and Bedloe exhibited before the privy council thirteen 'articles of high misdemeanors' against Scroggs, charging him, among other things, with setting at liberty 'several persons accused upon oath before him of high treason ; ' with depreciating their evidence, and mis- leading the jury in Wakeman's case ; with imprisoning Henry Carr for printing the 1 Weekly Packet of Advice from Rome, or the History of Popery; ' with refusing to take bail in certain cases ; with being * much ad- dicted to swearing and cursing in his dis- course/ and to drinking in excess ; and with daring to say in the king's presence that the petitioners ( always had an accusation against anybody.' Scroggs having 'put in an an- swer, the case was heard on 21 Jan. 1680 before the king and council, who were pleased to rest satisfied with Scroggs's ' vindication, and leave him to his remedy at law against his accusers 1 (LUTTRELL, i. 32; see NOETH, Lives, i. 190; COBBETT, State Trials, viii. 163-74). He pre- sided at the king's bench on 3 Feb., during the greater part of the trial of John Tas- borough and Anne Price for attempting to suborn Dugdale, of whom he thought ' very well' (COBBBTT, State Tna&,viii. 881-916). At the trial of Elizabeth Cellier, who was acquitted of the charge of high treason 'in the king's bench on 1 1 June, Scroggs refused to receive Daniel-field's evidence, and after exclaiming * What ! Do you with all mischief that hell h&th in you think to brave it in a court of justice P ' committed him to the king's bench prison (ib. vii. 1043-55). Scroggs presided at the trial for high treason of Roger Palmer, earl of Castlemaine fq- V 0> in the king's bench on 23 June. Though Danger- field on this occasion was allowed (after a consultation with the judges of the com- mon pleas) to give evidence, Scroggs again attacked his credibility, and summed up in favour of the prisoner, who was acquitted by the jury (ib. vii. 1067-1 1 12). An application Scroggs 130 Scroggs having been made in this term to the lung's bench that the l Weekly Packet 1 was libel- lous, Scroggs and his colleagues granted a rule absolute in the first instance forbidding the further publication of the newspaper. On 26 June Scroggs and the other justices of the king's bench gave the crowning proof of their servility to the court in trust rating Shaftesbury's attempt to indict the Duke^of York as a popish recusant by suddenly dis- charging the grand jury (Journals of the House of Commons^. 688-9). At the trial of Henry Carr for libel at the Guildhall on 2 July, Scroggs still professed his belief in the < popish plot,' which he described to the jury as i the certainest of anything of fact that ever came before me.' Carr had attacked the chief justice in one of the numbers of the ' Weekly 'Packet/ which had appeared soon after Wakeman's trial, but this did not pre- vent Scroggs from taking part in the pro- ceedings, and Carr was duly found guilty bjr the jury (ib. vii. 1111-1130; LXTTTRELL, i. 50-1 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. p. 479). On 23 Nov. the House of Commons, after tearing evidence of the proceedings in the king's bench on 20 June, resolved that 'the discharging of a grand jury by any judge before the end of the term, assizes or sessions, whilst matters are tinder their consideration and not presented,' was illegal, and at the same time appointed a committee * to exa- mine the proceedings of the judges in West- minster Hall.' The report of this committee was presented to the house on 22 Dec., when it was unanimously resolved that Scroggs, j Jones, and Western should be impeached (Journals of the House of Commons, ix. 601, 688-92). The articles of impeachment against Scroggs were eight in number. The first charged him with traitorously and wickedly endeavouring * to subvert the fun- damental laws and the established religion and government of this kingdom.' The second was for illegally discharging the grand jury of Middlesex before the end of term. The third was founded on the illegal order made" 1 "by the court of king's bench for the suppres- sion of the ' Weekly Packet/ The fourth, fifth, and sixth were for imposing arbitrary fines, for illegally refusing bail, and for granting general warrants* The seventh was for openly defaming and scandalising several of the witnesses of the * popish plot.' The eighth charged him with * frequent and notorious excesses and debaucheries' and 'profane and atheistical discourses' (ib. ix. 697-9, 700). On 7 Jan. 1681 the articles of impeachment were carried up to the House of Lords by Lord Cavendish, and were read in the presence of Scroggs, ' who stood up in his place.' After Scroggs had withdrawn from the house, a motion for his committal was made, but the previous question was moved and carried. Another motion for an address to suspend him from his oHice until after the trial was defeated in the same manner. lie was ordered to find bail in 10,0002., with two sureties in 5,OOOZ. each, and to put in his answer on 14 Jan. (Jour- nals of the House of Lords t xiii. 736-9). Be- fore that day came parliament was prorogued, and on the 18th it was dissolved. Term be- gan on 24 Jan., but Scroggs was absent from the king's bench, * nor did he come all the term to the court ' (LUTTRELL, i. 64). Three days after the meeting of the new parlia- ment (24 March 1681), Scroggs put in his Answer, denying that any of the charges amounted to high treason, and pleading not guilty. At the same time he presented a petition for a speedy trial (Journals of the House of Lords, xiii. 752). Copies of his answer and petition were sent to the House of Commons, but no further proceedings were taken in the matter, as parliament was suddenly dissolved after a session lasting only eight clays. On account of his great unpopularity it was thought expedient to remove him from the bench; and on 11 April 1681 Scroggs, much to his surprise, received his quietus. He was succeeded as lord chief justice by Sir Francis Pemberton [q. v.] As a reward for his servility to the court Scroggs was granted a pension of 1,500/. a year, while lus son was promoted to the rank of a king's counsel. lie withdrew to his manor of South Weald in Essex, which he had pur- chased from Anthony Browne in 1607. After a retirement of two years and a half Scroggs died at his town house in Chancery Lane on 25 Oct. 1683, and was buried in South Weald church. Scropfgs married Anne, daughter of Ed- mund Fettyplace of Benchworth, Berkshire, by whom he had an only son, William (see below), and three daughters, viz. (1) Mary, t _ i- i ._ J " 10 t^l- 1&"X. . A)\ who died unmarried on IB July 1675; ~, IPs reign ; , , who married, first, Anthony Gilby of Ever- ton in the county of Nottingham, barrister- at-law ; secondly, the Hon. Charles Hatton, younger son of Christopher, first baron Hat- ton, and, dying on 22 May 1724, aged 75, was buried in Lincoln Cathedral, Scroggs was an able but intemperate man, with a brazen face, coarse manners, a loud voice, and a brutal tongue, Neither his Scroggs ^ private nor his public character will bear much examination. He possessed little re- putation as a lawyer, but he was a fluent speaker, and had * many good turns of thought and language/ Indeed, he could both speak and write better than most of the lawyers of the seventeenth century, ' but he could not avoid extremities ; if he did ill it was extremely so, and if well in extreme also' (NoBTH, Examen, 1740, p. 568). His behaviour on the bench compares unfavour- ably even with that of Jeffreys. He fre- quently acted the part of a prosecutor rather than that of a judge. His summing up in some of the ' popish plot ' cases can only be described as infamous. In fine, he was un- doubtedly one of the worst judges that ever disgraced the English bench. But it should be remembered in passing judgment on his character that his faults and vices were shared in a greater or less degree by most of his contemporaries. Violent as his conduct appears to us, Scroggs can hardly be said to have strained the law as it then stood in any of the * popish plot ' trials, excepting perhaps in the cases of Whitebread and Fenwick. And though his motives may not have been disinterested, some little credit is due to him for the courage which he showed in the face of an angpry mob in helping to expose the machinations of Oates, Bedloe, and Danger- field. His colleagues in the king's bench, who shared with him the responsibility of these trials, were for the most part passive instruments in his hands. Sir Robert Atkyns [q. v.], however, who * was willing to avoid all occasion of discoursing with Scroggs/ had several differences of opinion with him, and on one occasion Scroggs reported him to Charles II because he presumed to say that ' the people might petition to the king, so that it was done without tumult it was law- ful ' (Parl. Hist. v. 308-9). The reports of the thirteen state trials at which Scroggs presided were revised by himself, and he appears to have made con- siderable sums of money by selling to book- sellers the exclusive right of publishing them. Some of his judgments in the civil cases which came before him will be found in the second volume of Shower's ' Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench/ 1794, pp. 1-159. Several of his letters are preserved in the British Museum (Addit. MSS. 28053 f. 114, 29549 ff. 62, 64, 68-75). His ' Practice of Courts-Leet and Courts- Baron'was published after his death, London, 1701, 12mo; 2nd edit. London, 1702, 12mo ; 3rd edit. London, 1714, 8vo ; 4th edit. Lon- don, 1728, 8vo. Sir Walter Scott introduces Scroggs into 'Peveril of the Peak* (chap. i Scroop xli.), and Swift refers to him in No. 5 of the ' Drapier's Letters ' (Swiir, Works, 1814, vii. 236-7). SIE WILLIAM SCEOGGS (1652 P-1695), only son of the above, was educated at Mag- dalen College, Oxford, where he was a cho- rister. He matriculated at the age of seven- teen on 26 March 1669, and gradual ed B. A. in 1673. He was admitted a member of Gray's Inn on 2 Feb. 1770, was called to the bar on 27 Oct. 1(576, appointed a king's counsel in April 1681, and elected a bencher of his inn in May following. He was knighted at Whitehall on 16 Jan. 1681, and on 17 June following he presented an ad- dress to the king from some of the members of Gray's Inn, thanking him for dissolving parliament. He served as treasurer of his inn from November 1687 to November 1688. He married, first, in 1684, Mary, daughter of Sir John Churchill, master of the rolls, who died without leaving children ; and secondly, in 1685, Anne, daughter of Mat- thew Bluck of Hunsdon House, Hertford- shire, by whom he had issue, Scroggs died in 1695, leaving his widow executrix of his will (LurwrcHB, Reports, 1704, ii. 1510). She died on 23 April 1746, aged 81, and was buried at Chute in Wiltshire. His name appears more than once as counsel in the seventh volume of Cobbett's * State Trials.' [ Authoriti es quoted in the text ; Burnet's Hi st. of his own Time, 1833, i. 190-1, 227-8, 255-85 ; Wood's Life and Times (Oxf. Hist. Soc. Publ. No. xxi.),ii. 465, 506,515,537; Foss's Judges of England, 1864, vii. 164-71 ; Lord Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices, 1858, ii. 4-23; "Woolrych's Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jef- freys, 1827, pp. 51-5, 316-17; Lingard's Hist* of England, 1855, ix. 172-92, 216-28; Sir J.F. Stephen's Hist, of the Criminal Law in England, 1883, i. 383-404, ii. 310-13; Pike's Hist, of Crime in England, 1873-6, ii. 216-17, 218-29 ; Morant's Hist, of Essex, 1766, i. (Hundred of Chafford) 119 ; "Wright's Hist, of the County of Essex, 1836, ii. 534 ; Cussans*s Hist, of Hert- fordshire, i. (Hundred of Edwinstree) 162-3, ( Hundred of Brautrhin) p. 44 ; Bloxam's Mag- dalen College Reg. 1853, i. 95 ; Le Neve's Pedi- grees of Knights (Harl. Soc. Publ. vol. viii.). pp. 346, 369; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. xi. 378, 468, 4th ser. iii, 216, 5th ser. vi. 207, 8th ser. v. 407, ix. 307, 439 ; Cal._ State Papers, Dom. 1665-6 p. 192, 1667-8 p. 238 ; Lans.owne MS. (Brit. Mus.) 255 ; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. App. pp. 467, 471, 472, 494, 679, 8th Rep. App. i. p. 166, llth Rep. App. ii. pp. 46, 197-8, 13th Rep. Arp. v. 344-5, App. vi. p. 20 ; Haydn's Book of Dignities, 1890.1 <* F - & B - SCROOP, LAURENCE (1577-1643), Jesuit. [See ANDBRTON.] Scrope 132 Scrope SCROPE or SCROOPE, ADRIAN 1 (1601-1660), regicide, son of Robert Scroope of Wormsley, Oxfordshire, by Margaret, daughter of Richard Cornwall of London. His family were a younger branch of the Scropes ot Bolton (BLORE, Rutland, pp. 7, 9 ; TUWTBR, Visitations of Oxfordshire, p. 327). Scroope matriculated at Hart Hall, Oxford, on 7 Nov. 1617, and became a stu- dent of the Middle Temple in 1619 (FOSTER, Alumni Own.) In November 1624 he mar- ried Mary, daughter of Robert Waller of Beaconsfiolcl, a cousin of the poet Waller (CHESTER, London Marriage Licenses, 1198). At the opening of the civil war he raised a troop of horse for the parliament (PEACOCK, Army Lists, pp. 54, 108, 2nd ed.), and in 1646 was major in the regiment of horse com- manded by Colonel Richard Graves. When the army and parliament quarrelled Scroope took part with the soldiers, and possibly helped Joyce to carry off Charles I from Hol- denby to Newmarket (Clarke Papers, i. 59, 1 19). He succeeded to the command of the regiment about July 1647 (#. p. 151). In June 1648, at the outbreak of the second civil war, Scroope was ordered to join Colonel Whalley in the pursuit of ^ the Earl of Norwich and the Kentish royalists, and he took part in the siege of Colchester (#. ii. 27 ; Cat. State Papers, Dom. 1648-9, pp. Ill, 116). At the beginning of July he was detached from Colchester to pursue tho ( Earl of Holland, whom he defeated and took ; prisoner at St. Neotw on 10 July (z?>. pp. 17- \ 186 ; Report on the Duke of Portland's MS8. i. 478; RTTSKWORTH, vii. 1187). He was then sent to suppress some dist urbances at Yarmouth (ib. vii. 1216; Old Parliainmtary History, xvii. 338), caused by the threatened landing of the Prince of Wales. Scroope took part in the deliberations of the council of the army which resulted in the rupture of the treaty of Newport ; was appointed one of the king r s judges, and at- tended the meetings of the 'court with ex- emplary regularity. His name appears twenty-seventh among the signatures to the death warrant (Clarke Papers, ii. 54, 278; NALSOF, Trial of the Regicides, 1682). Scroope's regiment was one of those selected by lot for the expedition for the reconquest of Ireland (20 April 1649); but early in May 1649 they mutinied, refused to go to Ireland, and demanded the re-establish- ment of the representative council of agita- tors which had existed in 1047 ( The Eesolw- tions of the Private Soldiery of toL Scrooped Regiment of Horse, now quartering at Salis- bury, concerning their present J&rpediton for the Service of Ireland, 1649, folio; A De- claration from his Excellency, etc., concern- ing the present Distempers of part of Com- missary-Gen. Ireton's and of Col Scroope's Regiments, 1649, 4to). On 15 May Crom- well and Fairfax surprised the mutineers at Burford, and the ringleaders were tried by court-martial and shot (GARDINER, Common- wealth and Protectorate, i. 54-60). Scroope's regiment henceforth disappears from the army lists, and the soldiers composing it were probably drafted into other regiments. Scroope himself was made governor of Bristol (October 1649), a post which he held till 1655 (.WHITELOCKE, Memorials, ed. 1853, iii. 113). In 1655 Bristol Castle and other forts there were ordered to be demolished, in pursuance of a general scheme for diminishing the num- ber of garrisons in England, though Ludlow asserts that Bristol was selected because Cromwell did not dare to * trust a person of so much honour and worth with a place of that importance ' (LTTDLOW, Memoirs, ed. 1894, i. 394). In May 1055 Scroope was appointed a member of the council established by the Protector for the government of Scotland, at a salary of 600Z. a year (THURLOE, iii. 423, iv. 127, 520). He did not distinguish himself as an administrator, and appears to have spent as much time as lift could out of Scotland (ib, vi. 92, 156; Cat. State Papers, Dom. 1658-9, p. 101). During the political revolutions of 1059-60 he apparently re- mained neutral, and for that reason had some prospect of escape when the Restora- "ion took place. He Rurreudered himself obediences to the king's proclamation (4 June 1000), and on 9 June the House of Commons voted that lie should have the benefit of the act of indemnity on payment of a tiue of one year's rent of his estates (Commons Journal*, yiii. 60). On 20 June he was accordingly discharged upon parole (ib. viii, 70). The'House of Lords, however, ordered all' the king's judges to be arrested, and excepted Scroope absolutely from pardon (Lords 1 Journals, XL 102, 114, 133). The commons on 13 Aug. reiterated their vote m Scroope's favour, but, as the lords remained firm, they finally (28 Aug.) yielded the point (Commons' Journal*, viii. 118, 139; MASBOST, Life of Milton, vi. 49, 85). This was an inexcusable breach of faith, as Scroope had surrendered in reliance upon the king's pro- clamation. On Scroope's trial (12 Oct. 1660) Hichard Browne, late major-general for the parliament, and now lord mayor elect of London, deposed that in a private conversa- tion held since the Restoration Scroope ^had used words apparently justifying the king's execution, and had refused to pronounce it Scrope 133 Scrope m urder. Scroope, who defended himself with dignity and moderation, pleaded that he acted by the authority of parliament, and that he 'never went to the work with a malicious heart. 7 Sir Orlando Bridgeman, the presid- ing judge, treated Scroope with great civility. ' Mr. Scroope/ he said, ' to give him his due, is not such a person as some of the rest;' but Browne's evidence, which had led to Scroope's abandonment by the commons, sealed his fate, and he was condemned to death (Trial of the Regicides, pp. 57-72, ed. 1660). He was executed at Charing Cross on 17 Oct. An account of his behaviour in prison and at the gallows describes him as* a comely ancient gentleman/ and dwells on his cheerfulness and courage ( The Speeches and Prayers of some of the late King's Judges, 4 to, 1660, pp, 73, 80). Scroope's eldest son, Edmund, was made fellow of All Souls' on 4 July 1649 by the par- liamentary visitors, was subsequently keeper of the privy seal in Scotland, and died in 1K58 (FosTEB, Alumni Oxon. 1600-1714; WOOD, Fasti, ii. 146 ; BTJBROWS, Register of the Visitors of the University of Oxford, p. 476). His brother Robert was about the same time made fellow of Lincoln Col- lege, and created by the visitors B.A. on 19 May 1649 ( WOOD, Fasti, ii. 128). Scroope also left two daughters, Margaret and Anne. The regicide is sometimes confused with his distant kinsman, SIE ADRIAN SGBOPE or SCROOPED. 1667), son of Sir Gervase Scroope of Cockerington, Lincolnshire. Sir Gervase Scroope raised a regiment for the king's ser- vice, and was left for dead at Edgehill, where he received sixteen wounds, but survived to 1655. The son served in the king's army during the war, and was made knight of the Bath at the coronation of Charles II (CLAREN- DON, Rebellion, vi. 97 ; RUSHWORTH, v. 707 ; BTTLSTRODEJ Memoirs, pp. 78, 85, 103). The fine imposed on father and son for their de- linquency amounted to over 6,000 (Calen- dar of Compounders, p. 1327). Sir Adrian Scroope, who died in 1667, married Mary, daughter of Sir Robert Carr of Sleaford, and was the father of Sir Carr Scrope [q. v.] (BLORE,pp.6,9). ' [A ' life ' of Adrian Scroope is given in Noble's Lives of the Regicides, ii. 200. Other authorities mentioned in the article,] 0. BL. JF. SCROPE or SCROOP, SIR CARR (1649-1680), versifier and man of fashion, was eldest son of Sir Adrian Scrope of Cockerington, Lincolnshire, knight ' of the Bath-(79), preserved in the * lloxburghe Collection of Ballads ' at the British Museum (iii. 819), and printed by Mr. Ebs worth in the fourth volume (pp. 575-576) of his col- lection, is supposed to have been written by Scrope. [Wood's Fasti, ii. 294; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Gardiner's Wadlmra College Registers, i. 253 ; Cunningham's Nell G-wyn, ed. Whotifcley, pp. xli-xlii ; Notes and Queries, 7th ser. i. 429, 619 j Foster's Yorkshire Pedigrees ; Burke's Ex- tinct Baronetcies ; Moore's Carre Family, 1863 ; cf. a familiar epistle to ' Mr. Julian, Secretary to the Muses,' in Egerton MS. 2623, f. 81, which refers chiefly to Scrope, is printed in the Works of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham (1775, n. 142-5), and has sometimes been attributed to Dryden.] W, P. C. SCROPE, SIR GEOFFREY na (d. 1340), chief justice of the king's bench, "was younger son of Sir William le Scrope of Bolton, and brother of Sir Henry le Scrope (d. 1336) [q.v.] His mother was Constance, daughter and heiress of Thomas, son of Oillo de Newsham, variously described as of Newsham-on-Tees and of Jtfewsham-on-Tyne (Scrope and Growenor Roll, ii. 10, 58). Ucof- frey Scrope certainly had an estate at \Vhal- ton, near Morpeth, a few miles south-oast of which there is a Newsham, but. it is not upon the Tyne. Like his brother, Scrope adopted the profession of the law, and by 1316 he was lung's sergeant. He is also called ' valettus regis.' He was summoned to councils and parliaments, and occasionally sat on judicial commissions. In 13^1~ii he accom- panied Edward II in his campaign against the barons, and gaye sentence on Koger d'Amory at Tutbury. Both before and after this he was employed in negotiations with the Scots. He was raised to the bench as a judge of the common pleas on 27 Sept, 1323, and promoted to the chief-justiceship of the king's bench on 21 March 1324. The email estate he held as early as 1312 in Coverdule, south of Wensleydale, he aug- Scrope mented before 1318 by the acquisition of the manor of Clifton on Ure at the entrance of the latter dale, where he obtained a license to build a castle in that year. Early in the next reign he purchased the neigh- bouring manor of Masham from the repre- sentatives of its old lords, the Wautons, who held it from the Mowbrays by the service of an annual barbed arrow (id. ii. 138 ; DUG- DALE, fictronctffc, i. 657 ; Ktrklnfa Quest, Surteos Soc., pp. 153, 334-9). Eltham Mandeville and other Vesci lands in Kent had passed into his hands by 1318. One of Edward IFs last acts was to invest him with the great castle and honour of Skipton in Craven forfeited by Roper, lord Cliiford. So closely was he identified with the court party that Mortimer was alleged to have projected the same fate for him as for the jDespensers (Parliamentary Writ#,u. ii. 244). But though Edward's deposition was fol- lowed by Scrape's removal from office, he received a pardon in February 1328, and was reinstated as chief justice. He was a soldier and diplomatist as well as a lawyer, and his services in the former capacities were in such request that his place had frequently to be supplied by substitutes, one of whom was his brother Henry, and for a time (1334-7) he seems to have exchanged his post for the (nominal) second justiceship of the common pleas. Again chief justice in 1338, he finally resigned the office before October in that year on the outbreak of the French war (cf. Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, i. 155). In the tournaments of the previous reign, at one of which ho was knighted, Scrope had not disgraced the azure bend or of his family, which he bore with a silver label for di'(lVrence f and in the first months of Ed- ward III^s rule he was with the army which nearly joined battle with the Scots at Stan- hope Park in Weardale (i. i. 1S3). But it was in diplomatic business that Edward III found Scrope most useful. He took him to France in 1329, In 1831 and 1333 he was entrusted with important foreign mis- sions, lie had only just been designated (1334) one of the deputies to keep a watch over John Bnliol when he was sent on an embassy to Brittany and France, In 1335 and again in 1337 Scottish affairs engaged his attention. Just before crossing to Flanders in 1338 Edward III sent Scrope with the Earl of Northampton to his ally the emperor, and later in the year he was em- ployed in the negotiations opened at the eleventh hour with Philip VI. He had at ( least six knights in his train, and took the I field hi the campaign which ended blood* Scrope 135 Scrope lessly at Buironfosse (1339), Galfrid le JBaker (p. 65) relates the well-known anec- dote of Scrope's punishing Cardinal Bernard de Montfavence's boasts of the inviolability of France by taking him up a high tower and showing him her frontiers all in flames. He now appears with the formal title of king's secretary, and spent the winter of 1339-40 in negotiating a marriage between the heir of Flanders and Edward's daughter Isabella. Returning to England with the King in February, he was granted two hun- dred marks a year to support his new dignity of banneret. Going back to Flanders in June, he took part in the siege of Tournay, and about Christmas died at Ghent (MuEi- MTJTH, p. 120 ; LE BAJOSR, p. 73). His body was carried to Coverham Abbey, to which he had given the church of Sadberge (F&dera, iv. 4L7). Jervaulx and other monasteries had also experienced his liberality. Besides his Yorkshire and Northumberland estates, he left manors in five other counties. Scrope was the more distinguished of the two notable brothers whose unusual fortune it was to found two great baronial families within the limits of a single Yorkshire dale. Scrope married Ivetta, in all probability daughter of Sir William de Eoos of Ingman- thorpe, near Wetherby. A second marriage with Lora, daughter of Gerard de Furnival of Hertfordshire and Yorkshire, and widow of Sir John Ufflete or Usflete, has been inferred (Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, ii. 104) from a gift of her son, Gerard Utfiete, to 1 Scrope and his mother jointly in 1331; but Ivetta is named as Scrope's wife in 1332 (Whalley Coucher Book}. By the latter he had five sons and three daughters. The sons were: Henry, first baron Scrope of Masham [q. v.l ; Thomas, who predeceased his father; William (1325 P- 1367), who fought at Cressy, Poitiers, and Najara, and died in Spain; Stephen, who was at Cressy and the siege of Berwick (1356); Geoffrey (d. 1383), LL.B. (probably of Oxford), prebendary of Lincoln, London, and York (Test. Ebor. iii. 35, but cf. Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, ii. 110). The daughters were Beatrice and Constance, who married respectively Sir Andrew and Sir Geoffrey Lutterell of Lincolnshire; and Ivetta, the wife of John de Hothom. [Rymer's Fcedera, original edit.; Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, ed. ISTi colas, 1832 ; Foss's Judges of England,, iii. 493;' Murimuth in Bolls Ser, ; Galfrid le Baker, ed. Maunde Thompson ; Tea- tamenta Eboracensia, (Surtees Soc.);'Dugdale's Baronage ; Le Neve's Fasti EcclesieeAnglicnnje; Whalley Coucher Book (Chatham Soc.) ; Scrope s Hist. Castle Combe, 1852.] J. T-T. j SCROPE, GEOBGE JULIUS POU- LETT ([1797-1876), geologist and political economist, was born on 10 March 1797, being the second son of John Poulett Thomson, head of the firm of Thomson, Bonar, & Co., Russia merchants, of Waverley Abbey, Sur- rey, and of Charlotte, daughter of Dr. Jacob of S alisbury . Charles Edward Poulett Thom- son, lord Sydenham [q. vj, was his brother. George was educated at Harrow school, and after Keeping one or two terms at Pembroke College, Oxford, migrated in 1816 to St. John's College, Cambridge, graduating B. A. in 1821. But while still an undergraduate he had be- come a keen student of geology, influenced by Professor Edward Daniel Clarke [q. v.] and Professor Adam SedgwickTq. v.J, then at the outset of his career. With his parents he had spent the winter of 1817-18 at Naples, where Vesuvius then active on the one side and the Phlegrsean fields on the other, naturally directed his thoughts to the phe- nomena of volcanoes. In 1819 he returned to Italy and extended his studies to the volcanic districts of the Campagna, visiting the following spring the Lipari Islands and Etna, besides making the tour of Sicily. In the spring of 1821 he married Emma Phipps Scrope, heiress of "William. Scrope (1772- 1852) [q. v.] of Castle Combe, Wiltshire, and assumed her name. His geological work was in no way interrupted. In the same year, in June, he 'went to Auvergne, and spent six months in examining its extinct volcanos with those of the Velay and Vivar- rais. This done, he again visited Italy, where he arrived just in time to witness the great eruption of Vesuvius in October 1822. when the upper part of the cone about six hun- dred feet in height was completely blown away. He also examined the Ponza, islands and studied all the different volcanic dis- tricts of Italy from the Bay of Naples to the Euganean hills, returning to England in the autumn of 1823, by way of the districts of like nature in the Eifel, the vicinity of the Rhine and^ the north of Germany (ScEOPB, Considerations on Volcanos, p. vii ; Geologic cal Magazine, 1870, p. 96). In 1824 he joined the Geological Society, and his reputation became so speedily esta- blished that in 1825 he was elected one of the secretaries, his colleague being Charles Lyell [q. v.] At that time Werner's notions that basalts and suchlike rocks were chemical precipitates from water had led astray the majority of geologists. The triumph of the 'Neptunists/ as the disciples of Werner were called, over the * Plutonists,' whose leaders were James Hntton (1726-1797) [q. v,] and John Play fair [q. v.], seemed assured. But Scrope 136 Scrope Scrope had put Werner's notions to the surest test the evidence of nature and found them to be ' idols of the cave ; ' so that in 1828 he published the results of his Studies in a book entitled ' Considerations ou Volcanos.' It is full of accurate observa- tions, careful inductions, and suggestive in- ferences; it enunciates emphatically the doctrine afterwards developed by Lyell and called * Uniformitarian, 1 but as it was neces- sarily controversial, was much in advance of its age, and had ventured into a cpsmological speculation, it did not meet with a generally favourable reception. The book was re- written, enlarged, and published under the title < Volcanos ' in 1862. But Scrope's * Geo- logy andExtinctVolcanos of Central France/ published in 1826, produced a stronger im- pression and established the author's reputa- tion as an accurate observer and sound reasoner. A second and revised edition ap- peared in 1858, and this is still carefully read by every geologist who visits Auvergne. Lyell, who reviewed the first- edition in the ' Quarterly Review/ xxxvi. 437, justly called it the most able work which had appeared since Playfair's 'Illustrations of the Ilutto- jaian Theory/ In the same year (18^6) Scrope was elected F.R.S. He was also much in advance of his con- temporaries in recognising the action of rivers in the formation of valleys, and was the author (among other contributions to the subject) of an important paper on the Meuse, Moselle, and other rivers (Pi w?. Geol. 8oc. L 170). His views were practically identical with those of Lyell, whom at this time he might be said, as slightly the senior in geological work, to lead rather than to follow; and when Lyell's 'Principles of Geology 1 appeared in 1827, the book was reviewed by Scrope (Quart. Itey. xlii. 411, liii. 406). He expressed agree- ment with the author on almost all points, except that he thought Lyell was going rather too far in maintaining that geological change in all past time had been not only similar to, but also in all respects uniform with, what could now be witnessed, and he was more ready than his friend to admit the possibility of a progressive development of species. Some geologists would maintain that Serope's divergences from the author of the ' Principles ' indicated a yet clearer per- ception of the eartVs history. In short, it may be said that if Scrope had continued t,o devote himself wholly to geology, he would have probably surpassed all competitors. But he also felt a keen interest in poli- tics, in which his brother, afterwards Lord Sydenham, was taking an active part, and his energies were gradually diverted into another channel. Having settled down at Castle Oombe, the family seat of the Scropes in Wiltshire, he had been impressed, espe- cially from his experience as a magistrate, with the ( hardships of the agricultural la- bourer's life, and he threw himself heartily into the political struggle which was then in progress. In 1833, after the passing of the tirst reform bill, he was returned to par- liament as member for Stroud (having un- successfully contested the seat in 183:2) and represented the borough till 18(58. Here he was an energetic advocate of free trade and various social reforms, especially that of the poor law. But these reforms were urged by his pen, for he was a silent member. His juimphlets, both before and after his entry into parliament, were very numerous. Seven- teen stand under his name in the British Museum catalogue, bufc it is believed that seventy would be nearer the truth, for Scrope's fertility in this respect got him, in the House of Commons, the sobriquet of * Pamphlet Scrope/ In 1833 ho published a small volume on ' The Principles of Politi- cal Economy' (2nd edit. 1874) and another (in 187:2) on * Friendly Societies. 7 Pie also wrote a life of his brother, Lord Sydenham (1843). Still geology was not deserted, for in 1856 and again in 1809 the ' elevation theory ' of craters advocated by Humboldt, Von Buch, and other continental geologists brought Scrope back into the field. This theory, though mortally wounded by himself and Lyell, showed signs of life until his two papers ( Quart. Journ. GeoL Soc. xii. 326, xv 50&) extinguished it. Auvergne was again studied by him in 1857, while preparing the revised and enlarged edition of his work on Central France, which appeared in 1858* Kor must a very important and suggestive paper be forgotten, which attributed t lie folia- tion of crystalline rocks to differential move- ments of the materials while the mass was still in an imperfectly solid condition (Geo- logist, 18/38, p. 361). In 1867 Scrope received the Wollaston medal from the Geological Society, and on his retirement from parliament in the fol~ lowing year geology again obtained a larger share of attention. He lived in retirement during the later years of his life, but his in- terest in the science was unabated j and 'when he could no longer travel, he aided younger men less wealthy than himself to continue the study of volcanic districts. Though for some time he suffered from failure of sight, like his friend Lyell, and from eoine of the usual hifinxiitk'S of age, he could still Scrope 137 Scrope wield the pen, and the short notes and con- troversial letters which appeared during the last few months of his life showed no symptom of mental decline. He died at Fairlawn, near Cobham, Surrey, 19 Jan. 1876, and was- buried at Stoke d'Abernon. He had sold Castle Combe after the death of his wife, who for many years had been an in- valid in consequence of an accident when riding, not long after her marriage. Late in life he married again, and his second wife survived him. There was no issue by either marriage. Scrope, according to the Royal Society's * Catalogue of ScientificPapers,' was the author of thirty-six regular papers, the majority on volcanic geology and petrology , but in addition to this department of science and to political studies, he took great interest in archaeology, contributing papers on this subject to the 'Wiltshire Magazine/ and publishing in 1852 (for private circulation) an illustrated quarto entitled ' History of the Manor and Ancient Barony of Castle Combe, Wilts/ His position as a geologist may be best de- scribed in words used by himself in his earliest publication, written at a period when the Huttonian theory was generally discredited, viz. that the science ' has for its business a knowledge of the processes which are in continual or occasional operation within the limits- of our planet, and the application of these laws to explain the ap- pearances discovered by our geognostical researches, so- as from thjese materials to deduce conclusions as to the past history of the globe 5 (Considerations on Volcanos, Pref. p. iv). It is, perhaps, not too much to say that though two or three of his contemporaries, by a more complete devotion to geology, at- tained a higher eminence in the science, not one of them ever surpassed him in close- ness and accuracy as an observer or in soundness of induction, and firm grasp of principles as a reasoner, [Obituary notices, Nature, xiii. 29 J (A. G[eikiel), Academy, ix. 102 (J. W. Judd), Athenaeum, 29 Jan. 1876 ; Geol. Mag. 1876, p. 96, also memoir with .portrait, 1870, p. 193; Quart. Jcwr.GeoL Soe. xxxii. Proc. p. 69 ; Proc. Boy. Soc. xxv. 1, mentioned in Lyell's Life and Letters and in Life of Murchison by A, Geifcie (portrait, h\ 108) ; also information from Prof. J. W. .Tudd and B, F. Sco^t, esq., bursar of St. John's College, Cambridge.] T, 0. B. SCROPE, SIB BENBY EH( Agatha at Easby, dose to Richmond, the patronage of which, , with Burton .Constable and other lands, he had purchased from the .descendant Scrope '38 Scrope of Roald, constable of Richmond, who founded it in 1151. Scrope was considered its second founder. He had greatly ^aug- mented his paternal inheritance (Kirby 1 * Quest, pp. 230, 335-7, 354, 358). His wife was Margaret, daughter either of Lord Iloos or of Lord Fitzwalter. She after- wards married Sir Hugh Mortimer of Ohel- marsh, Shropshire, and lived until 1357. Their three sons William, Stephen, and Richard were all under age at his death, William, born 1320, distinguished himself in the French and Scottish wars, and died 17 Nov. 1344, of a wound received at the battle of Morlaix in Brittany, two years before. He left no issue, and his next brother, Stephen, having predeceased him, the estates passed to Richard (13:27 P-1403) [q. v.], first Baron Scrope of Bolton and chancellor of England. [Foss's Judges of England, iii. 499 ; Scropo and Grosmior Roll ed. Nicolas, 1882, i. 94-5, 98, 127, 132, 142, 145, 222, ii. 11 ; Rotttli Par- liamentorum, ii. 10; Parliamentary Writs, ed. Palgrave; Rymer's Fcedero, orig. ed. ; Inquisi- tiones post mortem, ii. 72, 125 ; Kirkby's Quest (Puttees Soe.) ; Dngdale's Baronage and Origines Jxm- great-grandfuther. Born in 1534, Scrope acted as marshal of the army which Eliza- beth sent in March 1560 to assist the Scot- tish protestants in the siege of Leith. Two years later he was appointed governor of Carlisle and warden of the west marches offices which he held to the end of his life. He served as the intermediary in Elizabeth's secret intrigues against the regent Moray in 1567. When next year the news of Mary Stuart's flight and warm reception at Car- lisle reached Elizabeth, Scrope, then in Lon- don, was at once ordered back to his post, in company with Sir Francis Knollys [q. v.], to take charge of the too fascinating fugitive. The border position of Carlisle necessitated her removal on L3 July to Scrope's castle at Bolton in Wensleydale, < the highest walled castle ' Knollys ' had ever seen.' Here she prepared her defence with Lesley and Mel- ville, and received encouraging messages from the Duke of Norfolk through his sister, Lady Scrope, who seems also to have con- veyed to hor the surest ion of a marriage with Norfolk. On 20 Feb. 1500 Mary was removed to Tut bury. Lady 8crope's" rela- tionship to Norfolk/ the proximity of Bolton to Scotland, and the Catholicism of the neigh- bouring families, made it an unsafe place of keeping. Local tradition asserts that Mary once escaped and got m far a what is now known a the '(Juoen's Gap' on Leyburn Shawl before she was overtaken. A few months later the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland made thpir ill-starred at- tempt to rescue Iwr from Tutbury. Though the latter was his wilVs brother-in-law, Scrope was active iti the suppression of the rifting, and forwarded to Cecil an appeal made bv 'Westmorland in a letter to Lady Scrope (CaL State Paprrs, 1/3H6-79, p. 210). In the spring of 1570 he ravaged ISskdale and Annandale (FROITD&, ix, L>(56) He occurs as a member of the council of the north in 1574 (Cal. State Papery p. 463), received the Garter on 23 April 1584, and retained the wardettflhip of tlm wat marches until his death in IftOi (to. 1 591-4, p, 125; CAM- DEN, j>, 468 ; l)uw>AU3, i. 657). The date is Hometi mes apparently incorrectly given as 10 May 1591 (Httt/ns, p, clxxxiii). At Bolton Hall are portraits of Scrope (set, !22) and hi^two wives. lie married, first, Mary (d, 1558), daughter of Edward, first baron North [q, v,l, by whom ho had a daughter Mary, who became the wife of William Bowes of 8f reattawi, near Barnard Cattle ; and, secondly, Margaret (d, 1592), daughter of Henry Howard, earl of Surrey [q. v,j, the poet, by whom he left two aons, Thomas and Ilenry* Thomas (d. 1601)) succeeded him as Scrope 141 Scrope tenth baron, and was the father of Emmanuel Scrope (1584-1630), who was created earl of Sunderland on 19 June 1627, and, leaving no legitimate issue, was the last of his line. Some of the family estates passed to Lord Snnderland's illegitimate daughters, Mary, wife of Charles Paulet, first duke of Bolton [q.v.l, and Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Savage, third earl Rivers. [Gal. State Papers ; Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, ed. Nicolas, 1832; Camden's Annals of Elizabeth's Reign, ed. 1675; Bugdale's Baron- age; Beltz's Memorials of the Order of the Garter ; Grainge's Castles and Abbeys of York- shire ; Fronde's Hist, of England.] J. T-T. SCROPE, JOHN LE, fifth BAEON SCBOPE OF BOLTON (1435-1498), was son of Henry, fourth "baron, by Elizabeth, daughter of his kinsman, John, fourth lord Scrope of Masham, and was born on 22 July 1435 [see under SCBOPE, HENKY LE, 1370-1415], Inheriting the Yorkist politics of his father, who died on 14 Jan. 1459, he fought with "Warwick at Northampton and was 'sore hurt' at Towton (Paston Letters, ii. 5). Edward IV gave him the Garter which had belonged to his father, the Duke of York. He took part in the gradual reduction of the Lancastrian strongholds in the north, and may have been at the battle of Hexharn in 1464 (WAVEiff, p. 441). Scrope was aggrieved, however, that Ed- ward did not rest ore to him the lordship of the Isle of Man, of which his family had been divested by Henry IV, and in 1470 he began to raise Richmond shire for the recalcitrant Nevilles. But on Warwick being driven out of the country he made his peace, and, though he adhered to Warwick during the short Lancastrian restoration, Edward overlooked his inconstancy and employed him in nego- tiations with Scotland in 1473. In 1475 he accompanied the king to France. As he still persisted in quartering the arms of Man, he was ordered to relinquish them during the expedition, without prejudice to his right, if any (JFcsdera, xii. 2). In the next year he went on a mission to Rome with Earl Rivers (Paston Letters, iii. 162). He held a com- mand in the Duke of Gloucester's invasion of Scotland (1482), and took part in the sub- sequent negotiations with the Duke of Albany.- Gloucester, when king, sought to confirm Serope's support by a grant of lands in the south-west, with the constableship of Exeter Castle. He was also governor oi the Pleet. Nevertheless he kept his position under a fifth king. In 1492 he was retained to go abroad with Henry VII, and as late as August 1497 assisted in raising the siege of N orham Castle. Scrope died on 17 Aug. 1498* His first wife, whom he married before 1463, was Joan, daughter of William, fourth lord Fitzhugh (d. 1452) of Ravensworth Castle, Richrnondshire. She bore him a son, Henry, sixth baron of the Bolton line, and father of the seventh baron, t stern and stout/ who fought at Flodden, and whose portrait is still at Bolton Hall. Scrope married, secondly, Elizabet h, daugh- ter of Sir Oliver St. John (by Margaret, widow of John Beaufort, duke of Somerset) and widow of William, lord Zouche of Haryngworth (d. 1463). She was still living in 1488 ( Rot. Parl vi. 424). By her he had a daughter Mary, who married Sir William Conyers of Hornby. His third wife was Anne, daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Harling of East Harling in Norfolk, and widow of Sir William Chamberlayne, K.G., and Sir Robert Wingfield. She survived Scrope only a few weeks. A daughter Agnes married, first, Chris- topher Boynton ; and, secondly, Sir Richard Radclitie [q. v.], the adviser of Richard III. [Rotuli Parliament orum ; Rymer's Fcedera, original edit.; Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, ed. Nicolas, ii. 61, 76 ; Testamenta Eboracensia (Sur- tees Soc.) f iii. 94, 149 ; Ramsay's Lancaster and York ; other authorities in the text.] J. T-T. SCROPE,JOHNa662?-1752),judge,son of Thomas Scrope or Bristol, a scion of the family of Scrope or Scroop of Wormsley, Oxfordshire [see SCEOPE, ADRIAN], was born about 1662. Bred a strong protestant, he entered the service of the Duke of Mon- mouth, and carried despatches, in the dis- guise of a woman, between Holland and Eng- land. On the revolution of 1688 he entered himself at the Middle Temple, where he was called to the bar in 1692. .On 13 May 1708 he was appointed baron of the newly constituted court of exchequer in Scotland, with a salary of 5002. a year and 1000/. a year for giving up his practice at the Eng- lish bar. lie "was also one of the commis- sioners of the great seal in the interval (20 Sept~19 Oct. 1710) between its surrender by Lord Cowper and its delivery to his suc- cessor, Sir Simon Harcourt. Chi 28 March 1722 he was returned to parliament for Ripon, but retained his Scottish judgeship until 25 March 1724, when he resigned, having on the preceding 21 Jan. received the post of secretary to the treasury ; he held the latter until his death. In 1727 he was returned to parliament for Bristol, of which he was afterwards elected recorder* Scrope is cha- racterised by Tindal (cited in Parl. RisL viii. 1196) as 'perhaps the coolest, the most experienced, faithful, and sagacious friend the minister (Walpole) had, 7 He adds that Scrope 142 Scrope < he was greatly trusted in all matters of the j revenue, and seldom or never spoke but to facts, and when he was clear in his rcoint.' On his motion on 23 April 1729 an incre- ment of 116,000*. was voted for the civil list ; he defended the salt duty bill against Pnlteney's criticisms on its second reading, 2 March 1731-2 ; he supported the motion for the exclusion of Ireland from the colonial su5) sat for his county in the commons was summoned to the upper house, and on 27 March succeeded Bishop Brantingham as treasurer on Sir Robert Thorp taking the great seal from William of Wyke- ham. This substitution of lay for clerical ministers was not particularly successful. It was Scrope no doubt who, on a tax upon parishes being proposed, estimated their number at forty thousand, while in reality there were only 8,600, lie laid down his ofllce in September 1375 to take up the (joint) wardenship of the west marches against Scotland. On Richard IPs accession Scrope became steward of the household, an oilice to which the minority gave unusual Importance. He figured prominently in the first two parlia- ments of the reign, in the second of which, held at Gloucester, the great seal was trans- ferred (29 Get, 1378) to him. He remained chancellor for little more than a year, giving way to Archbishop Sudbury on 27 Jan. 1380, and returning to the business of the Scottish border. But on 4 Dec. 1381 he again became chancellor and a member of the commission headed by Lancaster to inquire into the state of the royal household* But as the nominee of parliament and Lancaster (who between 1380 and 1384 retained his services for life in peace and war), Scropo was soon at variance with the young king. He refused to soal Richard's lavish grants, and, when royal messengers demanded the^great seal from him., would only surrender it into the king's own hands (11 July 1382). He told Richard that he would never again take office under him (WALSMWHIAM, ii. 68). Retiring into the north, Scrope resumed his activity as warden on the border, and was in both the Scottish expeditions of 1384 and 1885. It was on the latter occasion that he challenged the right of Sir Robert Grosvenor to bear the same arms as himself -viz, azure, Scrope 143 Scrope bend or. This was not the first dispute of the kind in which Scrope had engaged. At Calais in 1347 his right to the crest of a crab issuing from a coronet had been unsuc- cessfully challenged (Scrope and Grosvenor Holl, i. 62). Again, before Paris in 1360, a Cornish squire named Carminowe, who bore the same arms, had questioned his right to them. It was then decided that both were entitled to bear them Carminowe because his ancestors had borne them since the time of King Arthur, and because Cornwall was *un grosse terre et jadis portant le noun dune roialrne ; ' and Scrope because his fore- fathers had used this blazon since the days of William the Conqueror (ib. i. 50, 214). The bearings were simple, and their re- currence easily explicable in districts so iso- lated from each other as Yorkshire, Cheshire, and Cornwall. Nevertheless, after a trial extending over nearly five years [see under GBOSVENOR, SIB ROBERT, for details], in which doubts were thrown on the gentility of Scrope as the son of a ' man of law,' judgment was finally given (27 May 1390) entirely in his favour. He got his adversary excused a fine incurred by non-payment of the costs, and the two were publicly recon- ciled before the king in parliament. The re- cords of the trial and depositions of the witnesses, printed by Sir Harris Nicolas in 1832, throw much incidental light upon the early history of the Scrope family and upon the details of Edward Ill's wars. Scrope's son, the Earl of Wiltshire, abandoned the crab crest for a plume of feathers azure, leaving the former to the Masham branch. There is an impression of the * sigillum de Crabb ' in the * Testamenta Eboracensia 7 (ii. 187). The celebrated controversy had been in- terrupted by the political crisis of 1386-9, in which Scrope sided with the king's oppo- nents, and sat on their commission of govern- ment. His opposition at least was disinte- rested, for he spoke out boldly in parliament on behalf of his much maligned brother-in-law, Michael de la Pole, earl of Suffolk [q. v.] (Rot, Parl. in. 216-17). On Richard's resuming power and ruling with more deference to his subjects 7 susceptibilities, Scrope was more than once employed in negotiations with Prance and Scotland, and occasionally acted as a trier of petitions in parliament. But his advancing age induced him to devote much of his time to good works and the completion of his great castle at Bolton* The abbey of St. Agatha at Easby, close to Richmond, in which his father, its second founder, IB.J buried, had already experienced his generosity, He now (about 1393) set aside an annual rent of 100/. to provide twelve additional canons to pray for himself and his family. The fine late decorated re- fectory is said to have been his work ( Testa- menta JEbomcensia, i. 274). He got the church of Wensley made collegiate, and fur- nished the chapels of St. Anne and St. Os- wald at Bolton with a priest apiece (Dcro DALE, i. 655). His castle of Bolton, placed on the north side of "Wensleydale five miles west of Wensley, was now rapidly approach- ing completion. The license to creuelkte had been granted in 1379, but the contract with the builder is at least a year earlier. Though lie lived to see it finished, Scrope fassed most of his later life at l Scrope's nn, J Holborn, or at the manor of Pisho- bury in Hertfordshire, purchased in 1394 (WYLIE, ii. 193). As the last stones of Bolton Castle were being placed in posi- tion, Richard took his belated revenge upon his old adversaries of 1386. But Scrope's former moderation or his eldest son's favour with the king procured an exception in his favour. On 29^ Nov. 1397 a lull pardon issued to e Sir Richard le Scrop, an adherent of the Duke of Gloucester ' (Fcedera, viiu 26) . On the king's overthrow two years later, the odium incurred by Scrope's son as a chief agent of his tyranny threatened his father with a new danger. He appeared in the first parliament of Henry IV, and < humbly and in tears ' entreated the new king not to visit the sins of the son upon his father and brothers. Henry graciously consented that they should not be disinherit ed for "Wiltshire's treason (-Rot Parl. iii. 458). With one ex- ception on the occasion 01 the attainder of the conspirators of Christmas 1399 in January 1401 this was Scrope's last public appear- ance. He died on 30 May 1403, and waa buried in the abbey of St. Agatha. ILL 1 Testamenta Eboracensia ' (ii. 186) is a no- tice of a pension which he had to grant to a person seriously wounded by himself an4 nis servants in York Minster, By his wife Blanche (d. q,fter 1 378), daugh- ter of Sir William dela Pole of Hull, Scrope had four sons, of whom the eldest, William, earl of Wiltshire (d. 1399), is separately noticed. The second son, Roger, succeeded him as second baron, but died in the same year- (3 Dec.), when his son Richard (b. 1393?), by one of the coheiresses of Robert, lord Tiptoft, became third baron; Richard's grandson waa John le Scrope, fifth baron Scrope of Bolton [ His uncle of Bolton presented him to the rectory of Ainderby Steeple, near Northallerton, in 1367, but he was not in deacon's orders until 1376 ( WHITAKBK, i, 260). In November 1375 he became an official of Bishop Arundel at Ely, and in 1376 warden of the free chapel in Tickhill Castle, then in John of Gaunt's hands (GODWIN ; HUNTER, i. 236). Ordained priest in March 1377, he is said to have held a canonry at York, and next year became chancellor of the university of Cambridge (LE NEVE, iii. 509 ; WVLTE, ii. 200). In , 1382 he went to Rome, and was made audi- tor of the curia. Appointed dean of Chiches- ter (1383?), a papal bull on the death of "William Rede or Reade [q.v.] in August 1385 provided Scrope to that see, and ap- parently the canons elected him (Li3 NEVE, i. 256 ; llio DKN, ix. UG). But the king insisted on putting iu his confessor, Thomas Rush- hook [q. v.], bishop of Llandaif. Scrope was still at Rome, and was nominated notary of tho curia on 28 April 1386 (WYLIB, ii. 201). Urban VI promoted him by bull at Genoa on 18 Aug. in that year to be bishop of Coventry and Liehfuild, and consecrated him next day (Fwdera, vii. 541). The tem- poralities were restored to him on 15 Nov. In August 1387 he was installed in the presence of Richard II, then on progress, and swore to recover the lost estates of the see and refrain himself from alienations. t Sure,' fluid Kichard, * you have taken a bi$ oath, my lord ' (Anylia Sw.ra, i. 450). He went on a mission to Scotland in 1392, and acted as a conservator of the truce with that country in 1394 (F&dem, vii. 765; IwueSj p. 247). In 1397 he journeyed to Borne to seek the pope's consent to Hichard's pet project of canonising Edward II (ib. p. 264). The king spent the following winter with him at Lieuiield on his way to the Shrewsbury parliament. On the death of liobttrt Wald'by [<|. v.], archbishop of York, Kichard ignored t he choice of the chapter, and at his request the pope translated Scrope thither by bull (2 June 1398). Acquiescing in the revolution of 1399, Scrope was a member of the parliamentary commission which went to the Tower ^on 29 Sept. and received Richard's renunciation ! of the crown. In parliament next day, j after an address on the text, * I have set my ' words in thy mouth/ he read this surrender, and afterwards joined the archbishop of Canterbury in enthroning the new king. AVhen Henry, on his Scottish expedition in the summer of 1400, found himself straitened for money, Scrope exerted himself to fill the void (WytiB, i. 1&>). His loyalty would appear, however, to have been shaken by the discontent of the Perev t with whom he was closely connected. Not only were they imuwificeut benefactors of his cathedral Scrope t< church, but his younger brother, John, had married the widow of Northumberland's second son, and his sister Isabel was the wife of Sir Robert Plumpton of Plump- ton, a wealthy tenant of Northumberland, near Spofforth. Hardyng, a retainer of the Percys, claimed (p. 351), after Scrope's death, that their rising in 1403 was entered upon 'by the good advice and counsel of Master Richard Scrope.' But he does not seem to have given them any overt support. They appealed, indeed, in their manifesto to his testimony that they had in vain sought peaceful redress of their grievances, but they joined his name with Archbishop Arundel's (ib. p. 353). When Henry came to York to receive Northumberland's submission, Scrope celebrated high mass in the minster (ib. ii. 211). It is hardly fair (WYLIE, ii. 210) to connect his presence (with his suffragans) at the translation of the miracle-working bones of John of Bridlington [q. v.] on 11 May 1404 with the treasonable interpretation given two years before to the obscure prophecies attributed to this personage. Henry him- self had in the interval granted privileges in honour of the 'glorious and blessed con- fessor* (ib. i. 272 ; Annales, p.^388). Scrope joined the primate in stoutly re- sisting the spoliation of the church pro- posed by the ' unlearned parliament of October 1404. Mr. Wylie thinks that he attended a council of the discontented lords in London as late as Easter (19 April) 1405 ; but this is putting some strain upon Ilardyng's words (p. 362). It is certain, however, that in taking up arms at York in May, Scrope was acting in concert with Northumberland and Bardolf, who took ad- vantage of Henry's departure for Wales to raise the standard of rebellion beyond the Tyne. One of the rebel lords, Thomas Mowbray, earl marshal [q, v.], was with him. the archbishop first made sure of local support by privately circulating a damaging indictment of Henry's govern- ment, which he declared himself ready to support to the death. It hit some very real blots on Henry's administration, and the known discontent which these had excited, and the high character of Scrope, gave reason to hope that the uprising would be general. Assured of armed support, he placarded York with the manifesto of the discontented in English. After a protest against holding parliament in places like Coventry under royal influence and inter- ference with free election, three heads of re- form were laid down. The estates of the realm, and particularly the clergy, were to be treated with less injustice, the nobles to Scrope be freed from the fear of destruction, and the heavy burden of taxation to be lightened by greater conomy and the suppression of malversation. If these reforms were effected, they had the assurance of the Welsh rebels that Wales would quietly submit to English rule (Annales Ilenrici, p. 403; WALSIJJ&- HAM, ii. 422). The procedure foreshadowed followed the precedent of those armed de- monstrations against Puchard II for the redress of grievances in which Henry him- self had engaged. If Scrope indeed were really the author of another and much longer manifesto at trib uted to him (Historians of Fork, ii. 292), he was not going to be content with less than the deposition of a 'perjured king' and the restoration of the 'right line.' But Mr. Wylie (ii, 214) has thrown great doubt upon his authorship of this document. It would seem to follow, though Mr. Wylie does not draw the con- clusion, that Scrope was not prepared to gx> the lengths which the Percys went when left to themselves, unless indeed we assume that his quasi-constitutional plan of campaign was a mere blind, like Henry's first declarations on landing in 1399. Scrope expounded his manifesto in the minster, the neighbouring clergy in their churches. Gentle and simple, priests tind villeins, flocked armed into York. The citizens rose in a body. The archbishop ap- peared among them in armour, urging and encouraging them to stand fast, with the promise of indulgence, and, if they fell, full remission of their sins. A ' day of assign- ment ' had been arranged with Northumber- land, but the rapid movements of the Earl of Westmorland and the king's second son, John, the wardens of the Scottish marches, disconcerted their plans. On 27 May Mow- bray, Scrope, and his nephew, Sir William Plumpton, led out their 'priestly rout,' which soon grew to eight thousand men, under the banner of the five wounds, to join, the forces gathering in Mowbray's country near Topcliife. But at Shipton Moor, some six miles north-west of York, on the edge of the forest of Galtres, they encountered the royal army. Westmorland, not caring to attack with inferior numbers, is said to have waited for three days and then resorted to guile. He sent to demand the cause of all this warlike apparatus. Scrope replied that their object was peace, not war, and sent him a copy of their manifesto. The earl feigned approval of its tenor, and proposed a personal conference with the archbishop between the armies. Scrope accepted, and took the re- luctant Mowbray with him. Westmorland assured him that nothing could be more L Scrope 146 Scrope reasonable than his proposals, and that he would do his best to get the king to adopt them. The little party then shook hands over this happy ending, and the earl proposed that they should drink together in order to advertise their followers of their concord. This done, he suggested that as all was now over, Scrope could send and dismiss his wearied men to their homes. Nothing loth, they at once began to disperse. Scrope did not realise that he had been duped until Westmorland laid hands on his shoulder and formally arrested him. This remarkable story is related by writers absolutely con- temporary with the events ; but Otfcerbourne (i. 256), who wrote under Henry V, repre- sents the surrender as voluntary. Another version, based on the report of an eyewitness, ascribed the treachery to Lord Fitzhugh and the king's son John of Lancaster, duke of Bedford [q. v.] (Historians of York, iii. 288), Scrope and his companions were sent to Pontefract to await the decision of the king, who was hurrying up from Wales. On his arrival Scrope requested an interview, which Henry refused, sending Sir Thomas Beaufort to take away his crozier, which he only relin- quished after a stiff tussle^ declaring that none could deprive him of it but the pope, who had given it (Annales Henrici, p. 407 ; cf. WALSINQHAM, iL 423). Determined that York should witness the punishment of those who had incited her to treason, Henry carried his prisoners (6 June) to Scrope s manor of Bishopthorpe, some three miles south of the city. Before leaving Pontefract he had appointed a commission, including Beaufort and Chief-justice Gascoigne, to try the rebels, to which the Earl of Arundel and five other peers were now added (WtUB, ii, 230). Arundel and Beaufort received power to act as deputies of the absent constable and marshal The trial was fixed for Mon- day, 8 June. The archbishop of Canterbury, who arrived in hot haste early that morning, to deprecate any summary treatment of a great prelate of the church, was persuaded by the king to take some rest on tue under- standing that nothing should be done with- out his co-operation. But Henry was deeply incensed against Scrope, and Lord Arundel and Beaufort took care his anger did not cool. He called upon G-ascoigne to pass sentence upon Scrope and his Fellow-traitors. The three prisoners were brought before Ful- thorpe, Arundel, Beaufort, and Sir Ralp'i Euer, and Fulthorpe at once declared them guilty of treason, and by the royal orclt^r sentenced them to death ($., but tf.Annales Henrici, p. 409). Scrope repudiated any intention of injur- ing the king or the realm, and besought the bystanders to pray that G od's vengeance tor his death should not fall upon King Henry and his house. No time was lost in carry- ing out this hasty and irregular sentence. Atllrod in a scarlet cloak and hood, and mounted on a bare-backed collier's horse 'scarcely worth forty pence/ Scrope was conducted towards York with his two com- panions in misfortune. He indulged in no threats or excommunications, but as he went he sang the psalm * Exaudi.' lie cheered the sinking courage of young Mowbray, and rallied the king's physician, an old acquaint- ance, on his having no further need for his medicine ( Ckron. ed. ilus, p, 46). Just under the walls of York the procession turned into a field belonging to the nunnery of ClomentUorpe. It was the feast of St. William, the patron saint of York, and the people thronged from the city to the place of execution and trod down the young corn, in spite of the protests of the husbandmen and Scrope's vain reauest that the scene ^might bo removed to ttie high road. While his companions met thtiir death he prayed and remarked to the bystanders that he died for the laws and good government of Eng- land. When Ilis turn came he begged the headsman to d<>ul five blows at his neck in memory of tho five sacred wounds, kissed him thrice, and, eomnumding his spirit to God, bant his nck for the fatal stroke (QASCMQKB, p, LW). As his head fell at the fifth stroke a faint smile, some thought, still played over his features (Amiatex, p. 410). \Vith the king's permission, his remains were carried by tour of the vicars choral to the lady-chapel of the minster, where they were interred behind the lust column on the north-eaft in the pot which became the burial-place of his family (Wraa, ii. 284). A more injudicious piece of complaisance it would be hard to imagine. It gave a local centre to the natural tendency of the dis- contented Yorfcskinsmen to elevate their chief justice, "who knew the law, refused to sit in judgment on a prelate (GASCOIGNB, p. 226). Another member of the commission, Sir William Fulthorpe, a man learned in the law, though not a judge, was then instructed to act as president. While the king and Archbishop Arandel were breakfasting the fallen leader, the ft rat archbishop to die a traitor's duatlx, into a sainted ^ martyr. Miracles began to be worked at his tomb, the concourse at which grew so dangerous that after three months the government had it covervd with logs of wood and heavy atom* to keep the people off. This only gave rise to a new legend that an aged man, Scrope 147 Scrope whom Scrope in a vision commanded to re- move these obstacles, lifted weights which three strong men could barely raise (GrAS- COIGHSTB, p. 226). Subsequently the prohibition on bringing offerings to his tomb was re- moved, and they were devoted to the recon- struction of the great tower. The tomb still exists. Henry having averted the threatened papal excommunication, Scrope never received ecclesiastical recognition as a saint or martyr, despite the appeals of the convocation of York in 1462. But he was popularly known in the north as Saint Ri- chard Scrope, under which appellation mis- sals contained prayers to him as the * Glory of York ' and the ' Martyr of Christ.' Scrope's high character, his gravity, sim- plicity, and purity of life, and pleasant man- ners are borne witness to by the writers most fi iendly to the king (Annales Henrici, p. 403 ; "WALSIITGHA.M, ii. 269). Walsingham speaks vaguely of his ' incomparable knowledge of literature^ His manifesto, preserved only in a Latin translation, was meant for the popular ear, and the translator's criticism of the ' barbarousness and inelegance 5 of his original is probably a reflection on the Eng- lish language rather than on Scrope's style. A late York writer attributes to him several sequences and prayers in use in the minster ( Historians of York, ii. 429). It was during Scrope's archiepiscopate that the rebuilding of the choir, in abeyance since the death of Archbishop Thoresby, was resumed and carried to completion. The Scropes, with other great Yorkshire families, were muni- ficent ^supporters of the work. An alleged portrait of Scrope in a missal written before 1445 is mentioned in * Notes and Queries/ 2nd ser. i. 489. A drawing in watercolours by Powell, from a stained-glass window formerly in York minster, is in the National Portrait Gallery. [There is a meagre notice of Scrope's earlier career in the Lives of the Bishops of Lichfield by Whitlocke (c. 1560) in Anglia Sacra, i. 450; a brief and inaccurate life is contained in the early sixteenth-century continuation of Stubbs's Lives of the Archbishops of York by an un- known author (Dr. JRaine suggests William de Melton [q. v.]) This is printed in the Histo- rians of the Church of York, vol.ii. (Rolls Ser.) The fullest and best modern biography will be found in the second volume of Mr. Wylie's History of Henry IV, though his judgment of, Scrope is perhaps too severe. It should be com- pared with Bishop Stubbs's estimate in his Con- stitutional History, vol. iii. There is a short life by Sir Harris Nicolas in the second volume (p. 121) of his edition of the Serope and Grrosvenor Roll, 1832. The chief original authori- ties are the Annales Henrici IV, Contiiiuatio Eulogii Historiarum, and Walsingham's Historia Anglicana in the Rolls Ser.,- Otterbourne's History and the Monk of Evesliam's Chronicle, ed. Hearne ; Thomas Gascoigne's Account of the Trial and Execution printed at the end of his Loci e Libro Veritatum, ed. Thorold Rogers, and confirmed in many points by the Chronicle edited by Dr. Giles, 1848; Gascoigne also pre- served, and his editor has printed, the exposi- tion by Northurnbf rland, &c , of the causes for which Scrope died. Another account, based on the report of an eyewitness, of Scrope's rebellion and execution is printed from a manuscript in Lincoln College, Oxford, in Historians of York, iii. 288 -91. A lament for Scrope occurs in Hymns to the Virgin (Karly English Text Soc. 1867), another was printed in the Athenaeum, 4 Aug. 1888; Higden's Polychronicon (Rolls Ser.); see also Rymer's Fcedera, original ed. ; Devon's Issues of the Exchequer; Godwin, DePrsesuli bus Amrlise, ed. Richardson, 1743 ; L* Neve's Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanse, ed. Hardy; Testam i nta Eborai-ensia(SurteesSoc.) ; Hunter's South York- shire; Wh : taker's Richmondshire ; Yorkshire Archaeol. Journal, viii. 311.] J. T-T. SCROPE, THOMAS (d. 1491), bishop of Dromore, was also called BRADLEY from his^ birthplace in the parish of Medburne, Leicestershire; in the Austin priory there he is supposed to have received his early education. His epitaph (WEEVER, p. 768) affiliates him to the noble family of Scrope. In the bull appointing him. bishop he is called Thomas Scropbolton (TANNER, p. 658), and the barons Scrope of Bolton were lords of Medburne and patrons of Bradley priory. His great age at his death and the arms on his tomb formerly in Lowestoft church (Scrope of Bolton quartering Tiptoft, diffe- renced by a crescent) suggest that his father may have been one of the two sons of Richard le Scrope, first baron Scrope of Bolton [q. v,], who married Tiptoft heiresses. Roger, who became second baron, had, how- ever, a son Thomas who was an esquire as late as 1448. Nor do the pedigrees give a son Thomas to Roger's younger brother, Stephen, ancestor of the Scropes of Castle Combe, and his wife, Millicent Tiptoft. He may perhaps have been illegitimate. It does not appear what authority Bale and Pits had for the statement that, before becoming a Carmelite at Norwich, Scrope had been successively a Benedictine monk and a Dominican friar. Possibly his dedication of two of his works on the Carmelite order to Richard Blakney, a Benedictine, suggested his having been a membtr of the same order (TANNER). One of these books was written, as early as 1426. He dedicated a translation of a foreign treatise on hib order to Cyril Gar- land, prior of the Norwich Carmelites. But L2 Scropc 148 Scrope before the date just mentioned he had adopted the stricter life of an anchorite, and about 1425 excited the indignation of Thomas better or Walden [q. v.] by going about the streets clothed in sackcloth and girt with an iron chain, crying out that 'the New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb, was shortly to come down from heaven prepared for her spouse.' According to his epitaph, he was drawn from his retirement by Eu- genius IV, to whom he dedicated another of his books. It was probably Eugenius who sent him as a papal legate to lihodes. Ni- cholas V in January 1449 (? 1450) made him bishop of Dromore in Ireland, and he was con- secrated at Rome on 1 Feb. 1450 (TANNER ; cf.WARE,i. 261). He still held that see when, on 24 Nov. 1454, he was instituted to the rectory of Sparham, Norfolk. He is usually said, on the authority of Pits, to have re- signed Dromore about 1400, but there is some reason to suppose that this date is too late [see under MistN, RICHARD], He had been vicar-general of the bishop of Norwich since 1450, and remained his suffragan until 1477 (STITBBS, ReffMtrvw, Sacrum, p. 148 ; TANNER). lie was instituted to the vicarage of Trowse, Norfolk, on 3 June 1466, and collated to that of Lowestpffc on 27 May 1478 (ib.) In his old age he is said to have given all his goods to pious works, and to have gone about the country barefoot every Friday in- culcating the law of the decalogue (BALE). He died on 25 Jan. 1491, nearly a hundred years old, and was buried in Lowestoft church. A long Latin epitaph was inscribed on his monument. Scrope wrote : 1. ' De Carmelitarum In- stitutione.' 2. * De Sanctis Patribus Orlace on 7 March 1643. He has oiten been confused with his elder son, JAMBS ScftYMGEOTO, who succeeded as se- cond VIBOOTOI DuDHppE(^.1644) T and tooka more prominent part in politics. The latter'a character nearly resembled that of his grand- father. He was admitted burgess of Dundee on 9 July 1619. He was an ardent royalist, and was with Charles I at Marston Moor, where he received what proved to be a mortal wounfl. He died on 2-i July 1644, leaving a widow, Isabel Ker, daughter of the first duke of Boxburghe, two sons, and two daughters. The elder son, JOHN SOBYMGBOTTE, third VISCOUNT DUDHOPE and first E^RL off DUN- E (d. 1668), was one of the royalist loaclei-s during the civil war. In 1648 he joined with the Duke of Hamilton and General John Middleton, afterwards first earl of Midclleton [q. v.], in the attempt to rescue Charles I, and was present in command of a troop of horse at the battle of Preston. He succeeded in escaping to Scotland after the royalist defeat. He attended Charles II at StirlingjOastle in 1651, and marched with him to England on the expedition that ter- minated at Worcester. Again he escaped uninjured, and then he joined Middleton in the abortive campaign in the north in 16/34, He was captured in the braes of Angus by a party of Cromwelliim soldiers, and sent prisoner to London, where he was detained for some time. At the Kestoratiou his loyaltv was rewarded. He was made a privy councillor and created Earl of Dundee on 8 Segt. 1660. lie survived till 23 June 1668. By his marriage in 1644 with Lady Anne Ramsay, daughter of "William, earl 'of Dal- housie, he had no children, and the title became extinct. Ilia widow married Sir Henry Bruce of Clackmannan, whose family is now represented by the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. [I)5 he drew up a report upon the advisability of the state acquiring the telegraphs (which were then in the hands of a few private companies) upon the lines of a scheme first suggested by Mr. F. E. Baines, Throughout a series of delicate negotiations Scudamore was em- ployed as chief agent, and it was mainly due to his exertions that the way was prepared for the acts of 1868 and 1869; the first en- titling the state to acquire all the telegraphic 1 undertakings in the kingdom, and the second giving the post office the monopoly of tele- graphic communication. In 1870 the Irish telegraphs were successfully transferred to the post office by Scudamore, under whose directions they were completely^ reorganised and brought into one harmonious system* In the meantime he had been prompted assis- Scudamore 154 Scudamore tnnt secretary (18C3) and soon afterwards second secretary of the post office, and in 1871 he was madeO.B. Later on, his eager- ness for progress and impatience of obstacles led to some conflict of opinion, which waft ter- minated by his resignation in 1875. Among other changes made by Scudamore was the introduction of female clerks into the postal service, every department of which for at least ten years before his resignation had boon indebted to his energy and administrative ability. lie afterwards accepted an otter of the Ottoman government to go to Constan- tinople to organise the Turkish international post office, and projected some useful re- forms j the sultan conferred on him the order of the Medjidieh in 1877; but when, after interminable delays, Scudamore found that his projects were not seriously entertained, he gave up his post. He continued to live at Therapia, and found relaxation in literary work. His talent was shown as early as 1861 by one of his happiest efforts, a lecture on the fairies, entitled * People whom we have never met.' Another diverting volume contains his papers, entitled 'The Day Dreams of a Sleepless Man,' London, 1875, 8vo, His somewhat casual and allusive style appears to less advantage in ' France in the East ; a contribution towards the con- sideration of the Eastern Question' (London, 1882), which is a plea for the good intentions of France in south-eastern Europe, and de- nounces the policy of preserving the inte- grity of the Ottoman empire. He also wrote largely in < Punch ' and in the ' Standard,' the 'Scotsman,' the 'Comic Times,' and other papers. He died at Therapia on 8 Feb. 1884, aged 61, and was buried in the English ceme- tery at Scutari, He married, in 1851, Jane, daughter of James Sherwin, surgeon, of Greenwich, and left issue. [Times, 9 Feb. 188*; Ann. Beg. 1884 ; Kelly's Upper Ten Thousand, 1875 ; Barnes's Forty Years at the Post Office ; Spielmann's History of Punch, p. 361 ; private information.] T, 8, SCUDAMORE, JOHN, first VISCOTTKT ScvDAjioRE (1601-1671), eldest son of Sir James Scudaraore, who married, in 1699, at St. James's, Glerkenwell, Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Throckmorton, and widow of Sir Thomas Baskerville, was baptised at Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, on 22 March 1601. The Holme Lacy branch of the Scudamore family probably diverged from the main stem settled at Kentchurch, Herefordshire, late In the fourteenth century. Another branch migrated to Canterbury about 1650, and from it are descended Sir Charles Scu- damore [q. vj, William Edward Scudamoro [cj. v.], and Frank Ives Scudamore [q. v.l Sir James was the son of Sir John Scuda- more (d. 14 April 1623) of Holme Lacy kniprht, M.P. for Herefordshire in five par- liamtmts, standard-bearer to the pensioners and gentleman usher to Queen Elizabeth, as his grandfather, in turn, John Scudamore (d 1571), high sheriff of Herefordshire and rebuilder of Holme Lacy, had been one of the four gentlemen ushers to Henry VIII. The Sir John of Elizabeth's day was a friend of learning, a benefactor of Bodley's library and an intimate with its founder, who praises his ' sweet conversation;' and a special patron of the mathematician, Thomas Allen (1542-103:2) [q. v.] (cf. Letters from Eminent JPmom, ii. 203). Sir James, the viscount's father, a gallant soldier, accompanied Essex to Cadiz, where he was knighted in 1596 (OAMDEN, Annals, 1030, bk. Iv. p. 94 s.v. * Skidmore '). He was held up as a pattern of chivalry as Sir Scudamour in Spenser's * Faerie Qucerie,' the fourth book of which is devoted to his ' warlike deedes ' on behalf of l)uessa ; and he is similarly commemorated in Iligford's * Institutions of a Gentleman/ where is a picturesque description of his tilt- ing before Queen Elizabeth and a bevy of court ladies, * Famous and fortunate in his time/ says Fuller, he was M.P. for Here- fordshire 1004-11, and 1614, subscribed 371. to the Virginia Company, and, dying before his father, at the age of fifty-one, was buried at Holme Lacy on 14 April 1619,' John was educated under a tutor at Holme Lacy until KJ! tt, when, on 8 Nov., he matriculated from Magdalen College, Ox- ford t (he was created M.A. on 1 Nov, 1642), He is said to have entered at the Middle Temple in tho follovving year (though there is no record of this in the register), and he soon afterwards obtained license to travel. Having enmit about three years abroad, he was appointed by the Earl of Northampton to be captain of horse in Herefordshire, His family had been famous for generations for their horsemanship and breed of horses. On 1 June 1620 he was created a baronet, and he was M.P. for Herefordshire in 1620 and 1624, and for the city of Hereford in 1G25 and 16:28. He was sworn of the council of the marches on 25 Aug. 1823. He soon became a person of mark at the new cout, and was specially attached to Buckingham, whom he accompanied on the llochelle ex- pedition. He sincerely lamented the duke's death (of which he sent an early account in a letter to Laud), and was present at his funeral. On 1 July 1628 he was created Baron Dromore and Viscount Scudamore of Sligo,and shortly after Uis elevation retired Scudamore Scudamore to liis country seat. He was an assiduous student, learned in history and theology, but during his retreat paid much attention to grafting and planting orchards, and is cre- dited with introducing into his native county the redstreak apple Of no regard till Scudamore's skilful hand Jmprov'd her, and by courtly discipline Taught her the savage nature to forget, Hence styl'd the Scudamorean plant (PHILIPS, Cyder, bk. i. lines 503-6). A zealous royalist throughout his career, Scudamore was enthusiastically attached to the English church. Moved by the arguments of Sir Henry Spelman [q. v.], he repaired at great expense and endowed the dilapidated abbey church of Door (Dore), and restored the alienated tithes of several churches which his ancestor, Sir John, receiver of the court of augmentations under Henry VIII, ac- quired upon the suppression of the monas- teries (cf. STEPHENSON, Hist, of Llanthony Abbey, pp. 22, 27). He became a devoted admirer of Laud, who often visited him in , his journeys to and from St. David's when bish'op of that see, kept up a correspondence with him as archbishop, and co-operated in his plans for the rebuilding of St. Paul's. At the close of 1634 Scudamore was ap- pointed by Charles I as his ambassador in Paris. He sailed in June 1635, and was received graciously by Louis XIII, who pre- sented him with his portrait- and that of his consort, Queen Anne of Austria. The ex- penses of his journey and first audience amounted to 8&21. Shortly after his arrival Scudamore made a vain effort to purchase a valuable manuscript of the i Basilica ' (Basilica), or digest of laws commenced by the Emperor Basilius I in 867, and completed by Leo VI in 680. After the contract of sale was signed, Riche- lieu interposed to prevent this treasure leaving France (cf. MOBTTBETJIL, Droit By* zantin, 1844; Foreign Quarterly Review?, vii. 461), but Scudamore caused his son to translate ' The Sixty Sixe admonitory Chap- ters of Basilius to his sonne Leo/ which was printed at Paris in 1638 (the copy of this rare work in the British Museum bears the Scudamore armorial book-plate, but in the catalogue it is wrongly attributed to J. Scudamore, author of * Homer a la Mode'). In February 1636 Scudamore was directed to serve a writ upon Lady Purbeck (who Lad escaped the clutches of the .high com- mission and fled to Paris), commanding her to return to England. Richelieu again intervened, and .sent a guard of fifty archers for the lady's protect ion (Scudamore to Coke, March 1636, State Papers, French, ap. GAB- DINEB, Hist. viii. 145-6). During his residence in Paris Scudamore had a private chapel fitted up in his own. house, with candles and other ornaments, upon which severe strictures were passed (CLARENDON); he also gave some leading Huguenots to understand that the Anglican church deemed them outside its communion. It was doubtless to correct this bias that in 1636 the staunchly protestant Robert Sidney, second earl of Leicester [q.v.], was joined to Scudamore in the emhassage. The ambassa- dors, however, managed to work harmoni- ously together. To Milton, Hobbes, and Sir Kenelm Digby, Scudamore showed many courtesies when they visited Paris. In May 1638 he introduced Milton to Grotius, then Swedish ambassador in Paris ( MILTON, De- fensio Secunda), With the latter Scudamore was on confidential terms, arid he commu- nicated to Laud Grotius's scheme for a union of the protestant churches (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and English), excluding, however, the Calvinists and Presbyterians, for whom Scudamore had a special dislike. During the summer Scudamore announced the birth of Louis XIV, and paid elaborate compliments to the French queen, who ; had been childless during twenty-two years of married life. Notwithstanding these ameni- ties, a serious slight was shortly afterwards put upon Lady Scudamore by the queen, and the difficulty was only solved by Lady Scudamore's return to England. Scudamore himself hinted that his recall would be welcome ; this was granted at the close of 1638, and he crossed to England in January 1639. On his return to Holme Lacy he was met by a troop of horse from among his friends and tenants, was made high steward of Here- ford city and cathedral, and kept open house at Holme Lacy with great magnificence the followingChristmas. He continued his corre- spondence with Laud, who warned him * not to book it too much/ and with Grotius, and encouraged by his patronage Thomas Far- naby [q. v.], Robert Codringtpn ,[q. v.], and John Tombes [q. v.], who dedicated to him several works. In 1641 there was some talk of Scudamore being appointed to the vacant secretaryship of state. Foreseeing the ap- proach of the troubles, he laid in at Holme Lacy a stock of petronels, carbines, and powder. After the outbreak of the war in the west, in April 1643, he "betook himself to Hereford and put himself under Sir Richard Cave's orders. When, however, a few days afterwards, Waller made a dash for the city, most of Cave's men deserted, and he had t-o surrender at discretion. Scudamore Scudamore Scudamore was released upon condition of submitting himself to parliament in London* On going thither he found that his house in Petty France (a house adjoining that in which Milton subsequently wrote * Para- dise Lost') had been sequestered and all his goods seized and inventoried. He re- ceived news, moreover, that various outrages hud been perpetrated at his country houses at Llnnthony and Holme Lacy, but these were happily checked by Waller, who sent courteous apologies in answer to Lady Scudamore's remonstrance. Scudamore soon discovered his mistake hi appealing to par- liament. Irritated by the king's confisca- tion of Essex's estates in Herefordshire, they ordered the sale of his goods in Petty France and at the Temple, refused the tine that he offered, and committed him to the custody of the serjeant-at-arms. He re- mained in confinement for three years and ten months, when his affairs were settled tipon his paying a fine of 2,690/., his son James being subsequently included in this composition (November 1647 ; CaLfor Cowr poundvn$i 1643). In all, however, owing to the forced sales of his goods, the se- questrations, and his gifts to the royal cause, he ^stimated that he lost 37,69Q. by the civil war, quite apart from the munificent alms ^ which he distributed to distressed royalists. Scudamore was much broken by his confinement and by the wreck of the royalist fortunes. During his later years he devoted himself almost exclusively to study and to the seeking out and relieving of impoverished divines. Among those lie ' secretly ' bene- fited were Dr. Edward Boughen [q. v.l John Bramhall [q. v.l Thomas Fuller (1608-1661 ) ft. Y.I Canon Henry Rogers (1585P-1658) [q. v.l Dr. Sterne, and Matthew "Wren [q. v.l ?cf. WALKED, Su/crinyt of the Clergy, p. 36 ; GIBSOK, pp, 110, 112, where are enumerated upwards of seventy clergymen in receipt of alms from him), From 1630 he allowed tinction under Prince Maurice, and success- fully defended Hereford in July-August 1045 against Alexander Leslie, first earl of Leven [q. v.l The siege was raised upon the ap- proach of Charles on 1 Sept., when Scudamore, who was forthwith knighted, remarked that the Scotch mist had melted before the sun (Letter to the Lor dDiyby concerning the Siet/e I of Hereford, 1645, 4to). Less than four I months later (18 Dec.) the gates were opened j by treachery, but Scudamore crossed the ! Wye on the ice, and escaped to Ludlow. Sir Barnabas died, impoverished in estate, on 14 April 1658. The tirst viscount's son, James, baptised on 4 July 1624, M.P. for Hereford in 164:* and for Herefordshire 1601-8, accompanied his father to Paris, where he spent some years after 1639, and died in his father's lite- time, in 1 668, at the age of forty-four. He appears to have been a friend of John Evelyn, To him has been wrongly attributed a vulgar parody in verse entitled * Homer j\ la Mode' (16ti4), which was the work of his distant kinsman, James Scudamore of Christ Church, Oxford (son of John Scuda- more of Kentchurch, 1603-1069), who was drowned on 12 July 16C6; he was at Westminster, and there is extant a curious letter from his grandfather to Busby asking the master's acceptance of a cask of cider (cf, NKIKOLS, Lit Xltwtr. v. 895 j many books and other gifts to the dean and chapter of Hereford* llishop Keimett stated that he gave in all not le?s than 50,OOOZ. towards religious objects. He died on 8 June 1671, and was buried in the chancel of Holme Lacy church. He married, on 12 March 1614-1 5, Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Sir Arthur Porter of Llanthony, Gloucester- shire. She died, aged 52, and was buried at Holme Lacy in December 1651. Some six years later died Scudamore's younger bro- ther, Sir Barnabas, who served with dis- Alumni We&tvnon. p. 154). The first viscount was succeeded by his grandson, John Scuda- more (1050-1697); he married Frances, daughter of John Cecil, fourth earl of Exeter, by Frances, daughter of John Manners, earl of Rutland; the 'impudentest of woman,' wrote Lady Caraden, she ' eloped with a Mr. ComngHby, who waa thought to have got all Lord SldcJmore's children' (Rut land Paper*)* The peerage became extinct upon the death of the third viscount, James Seudamore, on 2 Dec. 1716. lie was educated at Gloucester Hall, Oxford, where ho was contemporary with the poet John Philips and with An- thony Alsop, who dedicated to him in 1698 his * Fabularum yEftopicaruxn Delectus ' (PiiiLrjps, 6y/2 ??.) He was M.P, for Herefordshire 1705-1715, and for Hereford 1716, and was created D.C.L. at Oxford on 12 May 1712, when Hearne met him, ' an honest man/ His widow died of small-pox in 1720, and her death occasioned Pope's allusion, 'and Scud'more ends her name'( Works^ ed. El win and Court hope, ii. 486), her houses having been favoured re- sorts of some of Pope's circle. There is a fine portrait by Kneller of Lady >Scucla- more and her daughter at Sherborne Castle. Some of the second viscountess's character- Scudamore 157 Scudamore istics descended to her granddaughter, the last viscount's only daughter and heiress, Prances (d. 1750). She was born on 14 Aug. 1711, and married, on 28 June 1729, Henry Somerset, third duke of Beaufort. In 1730 an act was passed authorising the duke to use the additional name and arms of Scuda- more, pursuant to the settlement of the third viscount; but before this act came into operation the duke proved the incontinence of his wife and divorced her (cf. The New Foundling Hospital for *F#,1784; H. Wai- pole to Mann on this ' frail lady,' 10 June 1742). Upon his death in 1746, Lady Frances married Charles Fitzroy (afterwards Scudamore), natural son of the first Duke of Grafton, and their daughter, Frances Scuda- more, conveyed the estates of the Scudamores to Charles Howard, eleventh duke of Norfolk, whom she married on 2 April 1771 ; she died a lunatic on 22 Oct. 1820. The portraits of the first Lord Scudamore and his wife, with those of other members of the family, and those presented by Louis XIII, are now at Sherborne Castle, Dorset. Some of the property passed through a daughter to the Stanhope family, whence the earls of Chesterfield, present owners of Holme Lacy, bear the name of Scudamore-Stanhope. [Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss; Wood's Fasti i. 263 ; Collins's Baronetage, 1720, ii. 175; CMlins's Peerage, 178 1, suppl. p. 422, andi. 211 ; Burke's Extinct Peerage ; G. E. C.'s Complete Peerage; Wootton's Baronetage; tt eat. Mag. 1805 i. 483, 1817 i. 99-100 ; Chester's Marriage Licenses ; Nichols's Progresses of James I, Hi. 608 n, ; Collins's Letters and Memorials, 1746, ii. 28, 97, 142, 174, 380-405. 440 sq.; Matthew Grib- son's View of Door, Horn* Lacy, and Hempsted, 1727 ; Military Memorial of Colonel John Birch (Camd. Soc.); Spelman's Tithes, ed. 1647, Grotius' De Veritate, 1718, pp. 364-6 ; Huichin- eon's Herefordshire Biographies, 1890, p. 98 C. J. Bobinson's History of the Mansions am Manor-houses of Herefordshire, passim ; Bun- combe's Herefordshire; Hoare's Modern Wilt- shire; auillim'sHemldry; Webb's History of th< Civil War in Herefordshire, passim ; Havergal'! Fasti Herefordenses, p. 184 ; Gardiner's Hi^t. o England and Civil War ; State Papers, Dom vols. 1635-43, passim; Masson's Life of Milton vol. i. passim; Wheatley and Cunningham' London, iii. 541; Brown's Genesis of Unitei States of America, ii.9$>8; ^notes kindly given b} W. R. Williams, esq., and by John Hut-hinson esq. ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] T. S. SCUDAMORE, WILLIAM EDWARD (1813-1881), divine, only son of Dr. Ed ward Scudamore of an ancient family, for merly seated at Kent-church, Herefordshire and nephew of Sir Charles Scudamore M.I), [q. v.], was born at "Wye in Kent n 24 July 1813. Having been educated at school "in Brussels, at Edinburgh high chool, and then at Lichfield, he entered fct. ohn's College, Cambridge, as a sizar ou July 1831, and graduated E.A. as ninth wrangler in 1835. He was on 14 March 837 admitted a fellow of his college, whence le proceeded M.A. in 1838. After serving or a short time as assistant master at Oak- lam school, he went to Minto in Roxburgh- hire as tutor in the family of Gilbert Elliot, econd earl of Minto [q.v.] He made in- luential friends in the north, and was in March 1839 presented to the living of Ditch- ngham in Norfolk, the patron of which is >ound under an old trust to elect a fellow of St. John's; he had been admitted to deacon's orders by the latitudinarian bishop Mward Stanley [q.v.] in the previous year. El is views were largely fashioned by the Dxfbrd movement, which found an exponent at Cambridge in John Fuller Russell [q.v.] BLe set to work to undo in his parish the re- sult of upwards of ninety years' neglect by non-resident rectors. He restored the parish church , built a school, and raised subscriptions for a chapel-of-ease in an outlying portion of the parish. In 1854, partly through his in- fluence, a small penitentiary, managed by sisters of mercy, was opened in Shipmeadow. In 1859 the penitentiary was transferred to Ditchingham, and, by his strenuous exer- tions as warden, both sisterhood and house of mercy were greatly enlarged. At a later date an orphanage and hospital were built, and are still carried on. His leisure he de- voted to patristic and liturgiolog^ical studies, and he published in 1872 his * Notitia Eucharistiea* (2nd edit, enlarged, 1876). This is at once a storehouse of archaeology and of sacramental doctrine. Scudamore followed the guidance of Hooker and the Anglican divines of the seventeenth century (cf. HEBZOG, Reliff. Encycl. ed Schaff, ii. 1352). But his high-church sympathies, while tempered by erudition, were blended with puritan feeling. He dissented from the extremer views of the English Church Union, and urged its members in the inte- rests of historical truth to modify their posi- tion* When the union issued an authorised * Reply ' to his * Remarks ' (1872), he rejoined in a temperate ' Exposure r (1873), convict- ing his adversaries of error on several points ofecelesiology. Scudamoro was more widely known by his devotional works, especially by his ' fclteps to the Altar' (1840), which reached a sixty- seventh edition in 1887, and has been trans- lated into Hindustani and frequently re- Scudder printed in America. The writer expressed obligation in the preface to the devotional works of Ken and Wilson and to the * Ofti- cium Eucharisticum ' of Edward Lake [q.v.] Utterly unworldly, he received only 401. for the book, in spite of its enormous sale. From Scudamore's * Incense for the Altar ' (1874) Dr. Pusey printed some selections in his 'Hints for a First Confession 7 in 1884 Scarcely less popular was his ( Words to take with us' (1859, 8vo ; 6th ed. 1879). Scudamore died at Ditehingham rectory on 31 Jan. 1881, and was buried in the parish cemetery. His wife Albina, daughter of John King, died 7 June 1898, aged 85, leaving two sons and one daughter. In addition to the works mentioned above and several single sermons and small tracts, he published ; 1 . ' An Essay on the OfHce of Intellect in Religion, 1 1849, 8vo. 2, * Letter* to a Seceder from the Church of England,' 1851, 12mo. 3. 'England and Rome: a Discussion of the Principal Points of Diffe- rence/ 18,55, 8vo. 4. The Communion of the Laity,' 1855. 5. 'Litanies for Use at the various Reasons of the Christian Year/ 1860. _ 6. The North Side of the Table : an Historical Enquiry,' 1870, 8vo. 7. t< H"Qpa rfjs npoorvxw 1 873, 8vo. 8, * The Diocesan Synods of the Earlier Church,' 1878, Hvo (all the above were published in London), Among other elaborate articles to Smith's ' Dictionary of Christian Antiquities* (1875- 1880) he contributed those on ' Fasting-/ * Images/ i Oblation,'* Lord's Prayer/ * Lord's Supper/ and ' Relics. 7 [Robinson's Mansions and Manors of Here- fordshire, pp. 135 sq. (with ScnicUmorfl pedigree); Luard's Graduati Oantabrigiense, 1884; notes from E. F. Scott, enq,, of St. John's College; Guardian, 2 Feb. and 9 March 1881; Church Times, 11 Feb. 1881; Times, 7 Feb. 1881; Davenport's ScwiamorG and Bickersteth ; or Steps to the Altar and Devotions of the Re- formers compared, 1851 ; works in British Mu- eoum Library ; private information*] T, S. SCUDDER, HENRY (d. 1659?), divine, was of Christ's College, Cambridge, lie was afterwards minister at Drayton in Oxford- shire, and in 1633 was presented by the king to the living of Oollingbourne-Ducis, near Harlborough, Wiltshire. Ho held pwsby- terian views. In June 1643 he was sum- moned to the Westminster assembly of divines (RTOHWOHTH, pt iii. vol. ii. p. 338). When in June 1645 an order came from the House of Commons to pray for the forces, Scudder was one of the four preachers assigned to Aldgnte. On 6 April 1647 he * made report of the review of the proofs of the " Confession of Faith" of the seven tot Scudder chapters and part of the eighth.' On 9 I Pusey, under whom he gave public lectuivs in Hebrew. lie took orders in the established church, and, his residence in Oxford being contemporary with the rise of the tractarian party, he 'became closely associated with the movement, and assisted materially in the publication of the literature connected with it. He was one of the earliest members of the secession to Rome ; in Janu- ary 1842 Pusey wrote to Newman asking him to correct Seager's romaniwing tenden- cies j Newman made the attempt, but Seager was received into the catholic church on 12 Oct. 1843 at St. Mary's College, Oscott (GoNDOtf, Convcmon tie ceHt-ci:nr/ttfmf? wiWa- trps angliccmti, pp, 86, 100). His conversion caused Pusey much pain and embarrassment (Lii>DON, L\fe of Pusey, il 141, 229, 230, 377). When the catholic university college was established, by Monsigiior Capet, at Kensing- ton, Seager was appointed to the chair of Hebrew and comparative philology. His knowledge of oriental languages wits exten- sive, but his special forta lay in the Semitic branch, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac being his chief study. During the latter part of his HiV, however, he devoted considerable attention to the languages of Assyria and Kpfypt, and he was a regular attendant at the classes in- stituted by the Society of Biblical Archeo- logy for instruction in those tongue. Pro- fessor Sayce and Mr. P. Le Page itenouf, the lecturers at those classes, were among hia most intimate friends. I Ce was a member of the council of the Society of Biblical Ar- chaeology, and took a yrotniwmt part in the discussion of the various subjects brought before the meetings, Shortly before liis death he was readmitted a member of the university of Oxford, from which he had been expelled on his adhesion to the church of Rome. A decree was passed enabling him to replace his name on the books with- out payment of the usual fees. He died suddenly at the H6tel de Ville, Florence, while attending the congress of orientalists. on 18 Sept, 1878. His widow died at Ilamsgate on 27 March 1893. His works are; 1. *The Smaller Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon of Professor Siraonis, translated and improved from his second edi- tion/ London, 1882, 12mo* 2, 'Gnecorum casuum analysis. De vera casuum verbo- rum, inflect ionumque in genere, natura et online . . . brevis disputatio/ London, 1833, 1 2mo. 3, < The Daily Service of the Anglo- Catholic Church, adapted to farailv or pri- vate worship. By a Priest/ ftanbury, 1838, U>mo. 4. * Auricular Confession. Six letters in answer to the attacks of [the Rev \V, S. Brieknell] one of the city lecturers' on the Cutholie principle of private confes- sion to a priest. . . . By Academicus/ Ox- ford 1842, 8vo, 6, Mflcoleaiie Anglicans Oflicia Antiqua: Portiforii sen Breviurii Sarisburiimsis, annotations perpetua illus- trati, et cum Breviariis Eboracensi, Here- fordensi, et llomano coraparati, Fasciculus Primus/ London, 184% lihno; 2nd part London, 1855, Izhno. The first portion of the 'fasciculus primus* had been separately published, London, 1842, 12mo* 6, "The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola translated from the authorised Latin ; with . . , a preface by the Right Rev. Nicholas "Wiseman, D.D., Bishop of Melipotamus,' London, 1847, Iftono. 7. ' Faithfulness to Cilrftce* On the Position of Anglicans hold- ing- the Real 1'n^ence; with considerations on the 8i n of unlawful obedience/ London, 1 85(), I sJmo. 8, The Female Jesuit abroad ; a true and romantic Narrative of True Life: including om account, with iutorical rt^- minisctmws, of Bonn and the Middle Rhine,' London, 1853, 8vo, 9, ( The Cumulate Vote, aft a modt k rativs of State oscillations/ Lon- don (tf *ciit ion*), IH67, Bvo. 10, ' Plutocracy as a .Principle; or, does the pOBsession of property involve, as a moral right, that of political powtff? A letter in which are im- partially pnsnted both Hides of the ques- tion,' 2ml ndit. London, 1867, Bvo. 1 L The Snftrapfe as a Moral IHght; what are its groundH? 1 ' London, 1807, 8vo. lie was also a contributor to the * Classical Museum ' and to the 'Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology,' [Academy, 2H Scpfc. 1878, p. 315; Athempum, July I8")p.823, 2lSept, 1878p,72nnd28 Sept. p* 403 ; Ifodlmn Cat, iv, 846; Browne's Annals of the TnuTarinn Movement, pp. 7tt, 87 : Letters " ' 86, 86; Letteni of Nevv- ofXB. man, ed. Anne ussley; Thomas Mozle/s Be- el ; Clergy List, 1841, p. 175 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886 iv, 1269; Gondon's Motifs n $ J une 1590, and B.D. ori June 1597, being dispensed from the sual exercises on the ground that he was engaged on certain duties at the command f the archbishop of Canterbury. 7 He graduated D.D. on 1 June 1608, maintaining n his theses that various forms of religion were ncompatible with unity of faith; that no ne could be saved by the faith of another ; and that heretics should be compelled to onform outwardly. lie was appointed roctor of the university on 21' April 1596, ,nd was licensed to preach on 17 Feb. 1605-6. !n 1601 he was made vicar of Evenley, Northamptonshire, and rector of Burthrop, Gloucestershire, and in 1606 he became vicar f Charlbury, Oxfordshire. On 18 March 618-19 lie 'was elected bishop of Bristol, )eing consecrated on 9 May following, and receiving back the temporalities on the 28th. Ie died on 1 1 Oct, 1622, and was buried in Bristol Cathedral. John Manningham de- scribes him as ' a dissembled Christian, like an intemperate patient which can gladly leare his physicion discourse of his dyet and remedy, but will not endure to obserue them * (Diary, Camd. Soc. p. 11). By his wife Anne, daughter of Ralph and Mary Hutchinson, he had one or more sons. The stone placed over his grave was subsequently removed to make room for the communion table* [Wood's AtThense Oxon, ii. 861 ; Godwin, De raesul. Angliw, L Richardson; Lansd, MS. 984, f. 23 ; Cal. State Papers, Bom. 1619-23, pp. 44, 459 ; I> Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardy ; Clark's Beg. Univ. Oxon. paswm; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1 500-1 714; Clods's Memorials of the Merchant Taylors' Company, p. 685; Robinson's Keg. Merchant Taylors' School, i. 22,] A. F, P. SUABLE, THOMAS (1777-1840), rear- admiral, son of James Searle of Staddles- combe, Devonshire, was born on 29 May 1777, He entered the navy in November 1789, served on the Mediterranean, home, and Newfoundland stations, and in 1796 was in the Royal George, flagship of Lord Brid- port, hy whose interest he was made lieu- tenant, on 19 Aug., to the Incendiary fire- ship. In 1797 he was in the Prince, flag- ship of Sir Roger Curtis; in 1798, in the Nemesis frigate, on the North American station, and in 1799 commanded the Courier cutter in the North Sea. On 26 Nov. 1799 he was made commander on the recommen- dation of Lord Duncan, who was greatly pleased with his activity during the year, and especially with his gallant capture t* a large French privateer on 23 Nov From Searle 165 Seaton June 1800 to October 1802 lie was employed in the transport service ; and from July 1803 to April 1804, with the Portsmouth division of sea-fencibles. During 1804- 1805-6, he commanded various small vessels off Boulogne and the north coast of Erance, and in December 1806 was appointed to the Grasshopper brig for service in the Mediter- rean. His service in the Grasshopper was marked, even in that age, ' as dashing in the extreme.' On 11 Dec. 1807, off Cape Palos, he engaged a heavily armed Spanish brig of war with two settees in company ; captured the brig and drove the settees to seek safety in flight. Lord Collingwood ofiicially re- ported the affair as * an instance of the zeal and enterprise which marked Searle's general conduct.' On 4 April 1808, in company with the Alceste and Mercury frigates, he assisted in destroying or capturing a convoy of merchant vessels at Rota, near Cadiz, after dispersing or sinking the gunboats that escorted them, and silencing the batteries of Rota, which protected them. This last ser- vice was performed by the brig alone ' by the extraordinary gallantry and good con- duct of Captain Searle, who kept in upon the shoal to the southward of the town so near as to drive the enemy from their guns with grape from his carronades, and at the same time kept in check a division of the gunboats that had come out from Cadiz to assist the others engaged by the Alcestes and Mercury. It was a general cry in both ships : " Only look how nobly the brig be- haves"' ([Sir] Murray Maxwell [q. v.] to the secretary of the admiralty, Gazette, 1808, p. 670). Consequent on Maxwell's letter Searle was advanced to post rank on 28 April 1808, though the promotion did not reach him till July; and meanwhile, on 23 April, being in company with the Rapid brig, on the south coast of Portugal, he fell in with two richly laden Spanish vessels from South America, under convoy of four gunboats. The merchant ships ran in under the batteries of Faro, by which they were pro- tected ; but the brigs, having captured two of the gunboats, driven the other two on shore, and silenced the batteries, brought off the ships, with cargoes of the value of 60,000* On leaving the Grasshopper, Searle was presented by the crew with a sword of the value of eighty guineas, and shortly after, by Lloyd's, with a piece of plate worth one hundred guineas. In 1809 he commanded the Frederickstein in the Mediterranean ; in 1810-11, the Elizabeth in the North Sea and at Lisbon ; and in 1811-12, 'the Druid in the Mediterranean. On 4 June 1815 he was nominated a C.B. In 1818-21 he com- manded the Hyperion frigate in the Channel (in attendance upon George IV) and in a voyage to South America, whence he brought back specie to the amount of half a million sterling. From 1836 to 1839 he was captain of the Victory, then guardship at Ports- mouth ; and on 9 Nov. 1846 was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral. He died at Kingston House, Portsea, on 18 March 1849, and was buried at the garrison chapel, Portsmouth. He is described as a man of middle height, strongly built, black hair, dark complexion, and remarkably handsome. He married, in November 1796, Ann, daugh- ter of Joseph* Maddoek of Plymouth Dock- yard and Tamerton Foliot, and by her had a large family ; eight daughters survived him. [O'Byrne's Nav. Biogr. Diet. ; Marshall's Roy. Nav. Biogr. v. (suppl. pt. i.) 309; James's Naval Hist. (ed. cr. 8vo) ii. 379-80, 382, 413- 414, iv. 270-1, 326, 329-30 ; service-book in the Public Record Office ; information from his great-grandson, Mr, W. J. Eichards of Ply- mouth.] J. K. L. SEATON. [See also SEATON, BAEOH-. [See COLBOEJ^E, SIB JOHN, 1778-1863,] SEATON, EDWARD GATOR (1815- 1880), author of the Handbook of Vaccina- tion/ was born at Rochester in 1815, where his father, a retired naval surgeon, was in practice. He was educated at Edinburgh University, where he graduated M.D. in 1837, and, then joining his father at Roches- ter, was appointed surgeon to the North Aylesford union. Purchasing a small practice, he settled at 77 Sloane Street, London, in 1841, removing^ to 33 Sloane Street in 1852, and remaining there until 1862. He took an active part in founding the Western Medical Society, of which he was secretary, librarian, and afterwards president, with the Epidemiological So- ciety he was connected from its founda- tion in 1850 (serving as president in 1869). A committee of the society conducted in- quiries concerning small-pox and vaccina- tion, and reached the conclusion that the disease had much increased in foreign countries. The report, drawn up by Seaton, was presented to parliament (Parliamentary Papers, 1852-3, No. 434, and 1854-6, No. 88). The outcome of the inquiry was the Compulsory Vaccination Act of 1853. Among other papers printed by him were 'The Protective and Modifying Process of Vaccination J {Journal of Public Health and Sanitary Review, 1856-7, ii. 101, 343-68) and an ' Account of an Epidemic of Small Seaton 166 Seaton Pox in Jamaica/ 1851-2 (Tram. Ejridemto- lof/ical Soc. 1858, m>. 1-12). In 1858 Seaton "was appointed an inspector under the general board of health, and was engaged in reporting on the state of vaccination in England, which he found to be deficient and requiring an amendment iu the^ law. He contributed the article on vaccination to Reynold's < System of Medicine ' (1866, L 483-519), and published his well-known 'Handbook of Vaccination ' (1808), a 'lie- port on Animal Vaccination,' and * On the recent Small-pox Epidemic with reference to Vaccination/ in the new local govern- ment series iu 1874. His efforts led to im- proved arrangements for public vaccination* In 1872 he oecame a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and represented Great Britain in tlie sanitary conference held at Vienna in 1874. From 187 1 he acted as assis- tant medical officer to the local government board, and in June 1876 succeeded John Simon, C.B., as medical officer. In this capacity his sound clear judgment proved of great value. He died at the residence of his son-in-law, Thomas Spooner Soden, at 48 Ladbroke Grove, Netting Hill, London, on 31 Jan. 1880, and was buried in Kensal Green cemetery. Besides the works enumerated, he wrote : * General Memorandum on the Proceedings which are advisable in Places attacked by Epidemic Diseases/ 1878 ; < Chelsea Vestry : Annual Reports of the Medical Officer of Health/ 1885-90. [Dudgeon's Official Defence of Vaccinations, Leicester, 1876; Medical Ti men and Gazette, SI Jan. 1880, pp, 137-8 ; Proceedings of Medical and Chirurgteal Society, 1875, viti. 485 ; Lancet, 31 Jan. 1880, pp. 188-0; Trans. Bpidemiolo- gical Soe. 1880, iv. 48 1-2. ] 0. 0, & SEATON, JOHN THOMAS (fi, 1761- 1806), portrait-painter, was son of Chris- topher Seaton, a gem-engraver, who was a pupil of Charles Christian Keisen [q. y,],and Sied in 1768, Seaton was a pupil of Francis Hayman [q. v.], and also studied in the St. Martin's Lane academy* He and his father were "both uaemlbers 01 the Incorporated So- ciety of Artists, and signed their declaration roll in 1766. He resided for some time at Bath, whence he sent portraits to tha exhi- bition of the society, and in 1774 he ex- hibited portraits at the Boyal Academ; His portraits were usually small full-lengtl in a landscape. He subsequently went to Edinburgh, where he practised with repute as a portrait-painter, and was living in 1806. A portrait by him of "Walter Macfarlan (d, 1767) of Macfarlane is in the Scottish Na- tional Portrait Gallery. [Jtedgravo's Diet, of Artists; Graves's Diet, of Artiuts, 1760-1893; Sequier's Dictionary of Painters,] f, Q SEATON THOMAS (1684-1741), divine, hymn-writer, and founder of the Seatonian prize for sacred poetry at Cambridge, born tit Stamford in 1*584, was admitted a sizar of Clave Hall, Cambridge, in 1701, under the tuition of Mr. Clarke, bedel of the univer- sity. He graduated B. A. in 1704, was elected a fellow of his college, and commenced M.A. in 1708, After taking holy orders, he became chaplain to Daniel, earl of Nottingham, on whoso presentation he was instituted to the vicarage of .Ravenstone, Buckinghamshire, on 9 hov. 1721. He died at Havenstone on 18 Aug. 1741, and was buried there on the 23rd. A large tombstone was erected to his memory in the churchyard, with a Latin inscription, which has bean printed by Lips- comb (Hist* of Buckinghamshire, iv* 820, By his will he devised his estate at Kis- linguury, Northamptonshire, to the univer- sity of Cambridge, on condition that out of the rents a j>rize should be annually awarded to a master of arts of that university who, in the judgment of the vice-chancellor, the master of Clare Hall, and the Greek pro- fessor, had composed the best English poem on the attributes of the Supreme Being or some other sacred subject. The first poem was printed in 1750, and the publication has continued uniformly to the present time, ex- cept in 1706, 1769, and 1771. Many of these compositions will be found in 'Musse Sea- totuamo. A complete Collection of the Cambridge Prize Poems, from their first in- stitution * * . to the present time. To which are added two poems, likewise written for the frize, by Mr* Sally and Mr, Scott ' (London, 778, 8vo). Seaton -was himself the authorof : 1. '.The Divinity of our Saviour proved : in an Essay on the Eternity of the Son of God/ London, 17 19, 8vo 5 in answer to WhXston. 2. ' The Conduct of Servants in Great Families. Consisting of Dissertations upon seyewil Pas- sages of the Holy Scriptures relating to the Office of a Servant/ London, 1720, 12mo. 8* * The Defects of the Objections against the New Testament Application of the Pro- phecies in the Old, exposed ; and the Evan- gelists Application of 'em vindicated/ Lon- don, 1726, 8vo. 4. ' A Compendious View of the Grounds of Religion, both Natural and Beveal'd : in two dissertations, 7 London, 1729, 12mo. & * The Devotional Life ren- derM Familiar, Easy, and Pleasant, in seve- ral Hymns upon the most common occasions of Human Life. Composed and collected Seaton 167 Seaton by T. S,/ London, 1734, 12mo; reprinted ! Oxford, 1855, 12mo. [Addit. MS. 5880, f. 39 b ; Cambridge Book of Endowments, p. 152 ; Camden's Britannia, ed. Gough, ii. 177 ; Carter's Cambridge, p. 394; (Jooke's Preachers' Assistant, ii. 298 ; Cooler's Annals of Cambridge, iv. 243 ; Critical Review, 17*2, p. 69 ; Graduati Cantabr. 1823, p. 419 ; Kotes and Queries, 3rd ser. ii. 506.] T. C. SEATOET, Sis THOMAS (1806-1876), major-general, born in 1806, was the son of John Fox Seaton of Pontefract, and after- wards of Clapham. In July 1822, being then sixteen years and five months old, he ob- tained a cadetship in the East India Com- pany's service, and on 4 Feb. 1823 he was commissioned as ensign in the first battalion of the 10th native infantry of the Bengal army. In July he was transferred to the second battalion of the 17th native infantry, stationed at Ludhiana in the Punjab. This battalion was soon afterwards converted into the 35th native infantry. He served with the first battalion (which had become the 34th) from October 1824 till July 1825, but then returned to the 35th, and remained in it till 1857. His commission as lieutenant was dated 1 May 1824. He took part in the siege of Bhartpur, and was afterwards sta- tioned at Meerut and in the Lower Pro- vinces, where he married Caroline, daughter of J. Corfield of Taunton, Somerset. On 2 April 1834 he was promoted captain. In 1836, having lost his wife, he went to England on furlough for three years, and returned to India in 1839, having married, as his second Tvife, Elizabeth, daughter of J. Harriman of Tivoli, Cumberland. He found that his regiment was engaged in the campaign just opened in Afghanistan, and hastened to join it by way of the Bolan Pass. In his autobiography he has given a vivid picture of the sufferings of the convoy to which he was attached in crossing the desert of SHkarpur to Bagh in the intense heat of June. He rejoined his regiment at Kabul on 8 Sept. 1839, and remained there for two years, except for a short expedition over the Hindukush to Bamian. In October 1841, when the regiment was about to re- turn to India as part of Sale's brigade, the general rising of the Afghans took place [see SALE, SIB ROBBBT BJWBY} The bri- gade had to reopen the Koord Kabul Pass, and to fight its way to Jalalabad, which it reached n 12 Nov. The defence of Jalalabad lasted five months, and in the course of it Seaton hac opportunities of showing his resource. He was sent to destroy the walls of an outlying fort which might give cover to the enemy jut they proved too hard for spade and pick, and he had no powder to spare. There was a unken road at the foot of the wall, and the soil was soft ; so he threw a dam across the ower part of the road, and turned a little stream into it. In a few hours the wall fell, in the first two months of the defence the rtock of wine and spirits ran out, but Seaton contrived to make a still with some washer- men's pots and a matchlock barrel, and sup- plied his mess with spirits as long as there was sugar left. The cordial friendship between the two nfantry regiments of the brigade the 13th British light infantry and the 35th native infantry was one of the most notable fea- tures of the defence of Jalalabad. They en- tertained one another at parting, after their return to India, and the 13th presented to :he 35th a piece of plate, which passed into Beaton's possession when the 35th was dis- banded in the mutiny. Seaton received the medal awarded to the ' illustrious garrison/ and was made C.B. He was given the local rank of major on 4 Oct. 1842. From 1842 to 1851 he held the appoint- ment of brigade-major at Agra. After three years' furlough in England he rejoined his regiment at Sialkot on 31 Jan. 1855, and took command of it. He had become major in the regiment on 17 Nov. 1852, and lieu- tenant-colonel in the army on 20 June 1854. In May 1857 he went to 'Simla on account of his health, but within a week he was sent to Umballa to take command of the 60th native infantry, a regiment which was ripe for mutiny. A few days afterwards the troops at _ Umballa set out for the siege of Delhi; but this regiment, in spite (or because) of its known condition, was detached on the march to intercept a body of -mutineers at Rohtak. By dexterous handling Seaton delayed the inevitable outbreak for a fortnight ; but on 10 June the regiment drove away its officers, and marched to join the mutineers in Delhi. The officers made their way to the British camp, where there was much surprise at their safe arrival ; and Seaton served as a field * officer during the earlier part- of the On 23 July he was dangerously wounded, and after the fall of Delhi he was sent up to Simla, In November he was again ready fot duty, and was made lieutenant-colonel^ oi the 1st European fusiliers, his commission bearing date 27 June, He was made 1 colonel in the army on IS Oct. With a force of 2,300 men, including his own regiment, he escorted a large convoy from -Delhi through the Duab, to join the commander-in-cliief. He had engagements with the mutineers Seaward 168 Seaward near Bibrarn, at Patiali, and at Mainpuri, in which he defeated them by skilful tactics with little loss. He joined Sir Colin Campbell at Fateh- garh on 7 Jan. 1858, and was left in com- mand there as brigadier during the siege of Luclmow. * You'll be mobbed, my dear friend/ said Sir Colin, ' as soon as I leave, but you must hold out till I come back/ He had only a small force, but finding that the mutineers were mustering in large numbers in the neighbourhood, he marched out on the night of 6 April, fell upon a body of them at Kankar, and routed them so thoroughly that the main road to the north- west was no longer in danger. In this bril- liant affair his men ' had marched, out and home, forty-four miles, had fought an ac- tion, defeating the enemy with considerable loss, and capturing their guns, ammunition, tents, stores, and baggage, and they had re- turned home safely with the captured guns, without leaving behind a single straggler, and, in spite of the tremendous heat, doing all in a little over twenty-two hours/ In June he was sent to Shahjahanpur, and on 8 Oct. he surprised and defeated theOudh mutineers at Bunhagong, In the following spring his brigade was broken ii]>, as the fighting was at an end ; and he retired soon afterwards with the rank of major-general. His retirement bore date 80 Aug. 1859* He had been made K.OJB. on 24 March 1858, After spending several years in England, lie settled in France on account of the milder climate, and he died at Paris on 11 Sept. 1876. Seaton's autobiography, 'From Cadet to Colonel/ was published in two volumes in 1866, and reprinted in one volume in 1877. It is a well-told story of an Indian soldier's career. He also wrote some papers on Tret- cutting and Wood-carving/ ibr a boys* maga* zine, and they were reprinted as a manual in 1875. [Prom Cadet to Colonel ; Stoequeler's Memo* rials of Afghanistan, pp. 213-27; Mnllesoa's Hiat of the Indian Mutiny ; Annual Kegister, 1876 j Illustrated London News, 23 Sept. 1876.] SEAWABD, JOHN (1786-1858),' civil engineer, son of a builder, was born at Lam* beth, London, in January 1786, and began life as a surveyor and architect, working with his father. He was afterwards engaged by Grillier & Co,, contractors for the erection of Yauxhall Bridge; the direction of that work was entrusted to Seaward, and this circumstance brought him the acquaintance of Jeremy Bentham and Ralph and James Walker. He next managed some lead*mines in Wales, acquired a knowledge of chemis- ry, and became friendly with Woolf, Trevi- ;hick, and other mechanical engineers. Re- turning to London, he superintended the con- struction of Gordon's, Dowson's, and other docks on the Thames, and became agent for the Gospel Oak Ironworks in Staffordshire. He was at the same time connected with the Imperial and Continental Gas Company, and introduced gas lighting into several towns in France, Belgium, and Holland. In 1823 he made drawings for a new London Bridge of three arches, each of 230 feet span. In 1824 he established the Canal Ironworks, Mill- wall, Poplar, for the construction of ma- chinery, more particularly of marine engines. The first vessel built there in 1825, the lioyal George, was intended to run between Dover and Calais. lie joined the Institution of Civil Engineers as a member in 1826, and was a frequent attendant at the meetings, A younger brother, SAMUEL SEAWARD (1800-1842), joined John about 1826; the brothers produced machinery for every part of the world, and made the name of Seaward widely known. In 1829 they assisted in the formation of the Diamond Steam Packet Company, and built the engines for the boats whlcu ran between Gravesend and London. Of these, the Buby and the Sapphire were types for speed anu for accommodation. In 1836 the brothers brought out the direct- acting engines for the Gorgon and Cyclops, known as Seaward's engines, nearly dis- pensing with the heavy wide-beam engines which up to that period were in general use. Their auccesfi was complete, and the saving obtained in the consumption of fuel by the double-alide valve, both lor the steam and ex- haust, with other improvements, caused the government to entrust the Seawards with the building of twenty-four steamboats and some smaller vessels. At the same time they adapted their engines to the vessels of the East India Company, the Steam Naviga- tion Companies, and the ships of foreign governments. They early advocated the use of auxiliary steam power for the voyage to India, and experimented with the Vernon in 1839 and 1840 with great success ( Trans. Instlt ofCiiil J%/n Saxons, by his wife Eicula, sister of Ethel- bert or JSthelberht (552 P-616) [q. v.], king of Kent, reigned in dependence on his uncle Sebright 170 Seeker Ethelbert,and became a Christian soon after the latter's conversion. He and his people received Mellitns [ct v.] as their teacher and bishop. The founder of St. Paul's Church in London, the chief city of the East-Saxons, was, however, not Sebert, but his superior king, Etlielbert. Sebert is said to have founded Westminster Abbey, but this is a late legend. He died soon after Ethelbert, in or about 616, and was succeeded by his three sons, who had remained heathen, and under whom the East-Saxons relapsed into heathenism [see under SEXKEB]. In 1308 a \ tomb, said to be that of Sebert, was opened ! in Westminster Abbey for the purpose of ' translating the relics, and the right hand and forearm of the body were found uudecayed. [Bede's Hist. Eccl. ii. cc, 3, 5 ; A.-S. Chroa. an. 604, ed. Plummet ; JfCemble's Codax DipL No. 555 (Engl. Hist. Soc.) ; Monastics, i, 265, 288-91 ; Ann. Paulini ap. Chron. JBdw. I and Edw. II, i. 266 (Rolls Ser,) ; Diet. Chr. Biogr. art. 'Seberfc/ by Bishop Stubbs,] W. H, SEBBIGHT, SIE JOHN SA.UNDERS (1767-1840), seventh baronet, of Besford, Worcestershire, and Beechwood, Hertford- shire, politician and agriculturist, born on 23 May 1767, was the eldest sou of Sir John Saunders Sebriffht, sixth baronet, by Sarah, daughter of Edward Knight, esq,, of Wol- verley, Worcestershire. The father, a colonel of the 18th foot and lieutenant-general in the army, represented Bath in three parlia- ments (1761-1780), and died in March 1794. The family settled in Worcestershire early in the fourteenth century ; it came originally from Sebright Hall, near Great Baddow in Essex (see NASH, Worcestershire, I 78-9). Edward Sebright, who was high sheriff of Worcestershire in 1622, was created rst baronet in 1626, and proved himself a zealous royalist; he inherited from his uncle, William Sebright (d. 1620), who was M.P. for Droit- wich in 1572, the manor of Besford, Wor- cestershire, which the uncle purchased, B The seventh baronet served for a short time in the army and was attached to the staff of Lord Amherst. He always took some interest in military matters. He was elected M.P. for Hertfordshire on 11 May 1807, and continued to represent the county- till the end of the first reformed parliament He disclaimed connection with any 'party, but, while always anxious to support the executive, generally acted with the more advanced whigs. He was a strong advocate of economy in administration, of the abolition of sinecures and unnecessary offices, and of the remission of indirect taxation* He was iii principle a free-trader. Sree from most of the prejudices of the country squire, he showed his liberality most signally in his attitude towards the game laws. On 5 April 1821 he seconded Lord Oranbornes motion for an inquiry into the game laws, and supported all subsequent bins for their amendment. In 1826 he at- tributed the increase of crime chiefly to their influence (ParL Debates, 2nd ser. xiv. 1242-3). In 1824, and again in 1828, he spoke in favour of the repeal of the usury laws and he * detested monopolies of all kinds/ As a practical agriculturist, owning land in three counties, Sebright gave his opinion (17 Dec. 1830) against any allotments larger than kitchen-gardens, but was willing to try an experiment on a larger scale (ib. 3rd ser. ii. 995). When, on 1 March 1831, Lord John Rus- sell moved for leave to bring in the first Re- formBUljSebright, as an independent member, seconded the motion (ib. 3rd ser, ii, 1089 ; LB MABCHANT, Althorp, p. 208), and cordially supported this and the succeeding reform bills. On 17 Dec. 18&J ho was returned for Hert- fordshire, at the head of the poll, to the first reformed parliament, but retired at its close. In 1809 he published a valuable letter to Sir Joseph Banks on < The Art of Improving the Breeds of Domestic Animals ' (am. 8vo). Bebright was also author of * Observations on Hawking, describing the mode of breaking and managing several Kinds of hawks used in falconry/ 1820, 8vo ; andof * Observations upon the Instinct of Animals/ 1880, 8vo. He died on 10 April 1840, A portrait of him was engraved by S. Reynolds from a painting by Boileaa. lie built and endowed a school at CheyereU's Green, and a row of altnfthouses for sixteen paupers in the parish of Iftamstead, Hertfordshire, where some of the family property lay. He married, on 6 Aug. 179$, Harriet, heiress of Richard Crofts, esq, of West Harling, Norfolk. She died in August 1826, leaving, with seven daughters, a son, Hir Thomas Gage Saunders Sebright (1802-1&64), who succeeded as eighth baronet. [Wotton'fc Baron etage, 1771, i. 261-3 ; Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 1893 ; Walford's County Families ; Ifagbfc Worcestershire, i 78-9 (with pedigree) ; Cussans's Hertfordshire, iii. pt. i. pp 106, 113; Parl. Debates, 1807-34; Evans's Oat. $ngr. Portraits j Foster's Alumni Qxon.; Brit. Him. Cat, j Donaldson's Agricult. Bio- graphy, p, 97.3 <* L H* SEOKER, THOMAS (1893-1768), arch- bishop of Canterbury^ was born at Sibthorpe, a village in Nottinghamshire, in 1693, Thomas Becker, his father, who was a pious disinter, lived on a small estate that he Seeker 171 Seeker owned there. His mother was a daughter of George Brough, a gentleman-farmer at Shelton, also a village in Nottinghamshire. Having been educated at the dissenting aca- demy of Timothy Jollie [q. v.] at Atter- cliffe, the son was sent in 1710, partly, it would seem, at the expense of Dr. Isaac Watts, to study divinity, with a view to en- tering the dissenting ministry, under Samuel Jones (1680P-1719) [q.v.], who kept an academy, first at Gloucester, and then at Tewkesbury. Here he met some fellow-stu- dents who distinguished themselves in after life, notably Joseph Butler, afterwards bishop of Durham; Isaac Maddox, who became bishop of .Worcester ; and Samuel Chandler [q. v.J, the nonconformist writer. There were sixteen pupils, and Seeker, in a letter to Dr. Watts,' gives an interesting account of their studies. Unable to make up his mind to which religious community to attach him- self, he abandoned for the time the intention of entering the ministry, and in 1716 began to study medicine. He went to London and attended the best lectures there, and went over in 1718-19 to Paris, where he first met his lifelong friend and future brother- in-law, Martin Benson [q-v.], afterwards , bishop of Gloucester. He kept up a corre- spondence with Butler, who extracted from his powerful friend, the Rev. Edward Talbot, a promise that he would persuade his father, William Talbot, bishop of Salisbury, to pro- vide for Seeker, if the latter would take orders in the church of England. Seeker had already written to a friend intimating that he was not satisfied with the dissenters, In the summer of 1720 he returned to Eng- land, and was introduced to Talbot, who died of small-pox, in the following December, hav- attended to the wishes of his dying son, and provided for all three. Seeker, under the influence of Butler, Benson, and S. Clarke, was won over to the church. He had no university degree, but at Leyden, on 7 March 17:20-1, he received his M.D. degree, having written for the occasion a theme of unusual excellence, 'De Medicinl Static^,' (Leyden, 1721). He then entered as a gentleman- commoner at Exeter College, Oxford, and graduated by virtue of special letters from the chancellor In December 1722 he was ordained deacon, and on 28 March 1723 was ordained priest by Dr. Talbot, now bishop of Durham, at St. James's, Westminster, where he preached his first sermon. He was in high favour 'with the bishop, who in 1724 grave him the valuable living of Houghton-le* Spring, On 28 Oct. 1725 he married Catha- rine, the sister of his friend Benson. She had been living since Edward Talbot's death with his widow and daughter, and Mrs. and Miss Talbot continued to live with the Seekers after the marriage. Seeker was an active parish priest at Houghton, where his knowledge of medicine was of great service to his poorer parishioners. But, for the benefit of Mrs. Seeker's health, a sort of exchange was effected with Dr. Finney, rector of Ryton and prebendary of Durham, to both of which posts Seeker, having resigned Houghton, was instituted in London on 3 June 1727. In July 17S2 he was ap- pointed chaplain to the king at the instance of Bishop Sherlock, who was much struck with a sermon he heard Seeker preach at Bath. In August he preached before Queen Caroline (the king being abroad) at St. James's Chapel Royal, and from that time became an attendant at the queen's philo- sophical parties. In May 1733 Seeker, on the recommen- dation oi Bishop Gibson, was appointed to the rectory of St. James's, Westminster. He proceeded D.C.L. at Oxford, not being of sufficient standing for the D.D. degree ; and he preached on the occasion the Act sermon ' On the Advantages and Duties of an Aca- demical Education,' which pleased the queen and contributed to his further advancement. In December 1734 he was nominated bishop of Bristol, and on 19 Jan. following was consecrated to that see in Lambeth, chapel. He still retained both the rectory of St. James's and the prebend of Durham, for which, however, there was some excuse, as Bristol was the poorest bishopric in England. It was at this time that he drew up his 'Lectures on the Church Catechism J for the use of his parishioners at St. James's. Among the regular worshippers at his church was Frederick, prince of Wales, who now resided at Norfolk House, and Seeker baptised many of the prince's children. George II had been impressed by Seeker's sermon on the death of Queen Caroline, and he charged the bishop to try and bring about a reconciliation be- tween him and his son; but the attempt proved abortive, and Seeker incurred for a time the royal displeasure. In 1737 he succeeded Dr. Potter as bishop of Oxford, and in this capacity his modera- ; tion and judgment stood him in good stead. i Oxford was a stronghold of Jacobitism, and the bishop was a staunch supporter of the Hanoverian government ; but, though lie never concealed his opinions, Seeker con- trived to avoid collision with those with whom he disagreed. As bishop of Oxford he was brought into contact with Sarah, duchess Seeker 172 Seeker of Marlborough, who resided at Blenheim. He frequently visited her there, and was made one of her executors. In 1748 Mrs, Seeker died, leaving no issue. In 1760 he was installed dean of St. Paul's, in succession to his friend Butler, who was made bishop of Durham. This again was a sort of exchange, made at the instance of the lord chancellor, Hardwicke. Seeker resigned St. James's^and his prebend at Durham in favour of a friend of the chancellor's. In 1768, in spite of his breach with the court, he became archbishop of Canterbury, being confirmed at Bow Church on 21 April, He was reconciled to C-Jeorge II before that kind's death, and with his successor, whom he Bad baptised, con- firmed, crowned, and married, he was a favourite. George III gave him in 1761 a miniature of himself, which descended through the bishop's niece to the Rev. Seeker Gawthern, of Car Colston. For ten years Seeker filled the post of primate creditably, if not brilliantly. In his later years he suf- fered severely from the gout, lie died of a caries of the thigh-bone on 3 Aug. 1768, and was buried in a covered passage leading from Lambeth Palace to the north door of Lam- beth church. At his own request neither monument nor epitaph was placed over his remains. Seeker was a favourable specimen of the orthodox eighteenth-century prelate. He had a typical horror of t enthusiasm/ and deprecated the progress of methodism, though he was alive to its earnestness and piety, and did not persecute its adherents. His early training probably enabled him to distinguisn between the attitude of the Wesleys and that of the dissenters. John Wesley de- step they took, and never regarded their movement as a secession. Seeker's remarks on methodism in his charges show great discernment, and for that very reason were not likely to please any party. On the other hand, he had no sympathy with the whig theology of the time, and sjoke of the 'Hoadleian divinity * as ' Christianity secun- dum usum Winton/ He was not beyond his age in the matter of pluralities, thinking it no shame to hold a valuable living, and a prebend, or an important deanery, m con- junction^ with a bishopric. But on almost all public questions he was on the side of enlightenment and large-hearted chanty. Anti-Jacobite though he was, he protested against the persecution of the Scottish epi- scopal clergy after the rebellion of 1746. He -was strongly in favour of .granting the epi- scopate to the American church [see SHABP, GaiiraiLB], following ,in this, as in many points, the example of his friend Butler; and Lie incurred great disfavour both in England and in America by advocating the scheme. Kot long before his last illness he defended indignantly the memory of his old friend Butler from the absurd charge that he had died apapiwt (cf. Seeker's three letters signed * Misopseudes' in St. James'* Ckron. 1767). He was foremost in opposing the Spirituous Liquors Bill of 1743, which unquestionably wrought much mischief. He supported the repeal of the Jews 7 Naturalisation Bill of 1753, but so reasonably that fanatics thought he was arguing against the repeal. Though unbending as a churchman, he had the happy knack of disentangling the personal from the theological side oif the question, and maintained friendly relations with many leading- dissenters, such as Doddridge, Watts, Leland, Larclner, and Chandler. He was liberal with his money, and very happy in his family relations. He showed the potency of his friendships, among other ways, by cheer- fully undertaking the rather thankless task of re vising and correcting his friends 1 writings. Butler's * Fifteen Sermons' and 'Analogy^ are said to have had the benefit of his revision ; certainly Dr* Church's ' Answer to Middleton/ and * Analysis of Lord Boling- brokers Works/ and Dr, Sharpe's * Answer to the Hutchinsonians ' were corrected by him. On the other hand, he is raid to have been somewhat stiff and reserved to those with whom he could not sympathise, He cer- tainly made several enemies. Horace Wai- pole is particularly bitter against Seeker, bringing outrageous charges against him; and a less reckless writer, Bishop Hurd, in the well-known ' Life of Warburton ' pre- fixed to his edition of Warburton's 'Works/ depreciates Seeker's learning and abilities. Bishop Porteus defended his old friend and benefactor against both writers. Other cham- pions were Bishop Thomas Newton, who de- scribes him as ' that excellent prelate/ and Mr. Johnson of Connecticut, who thought 'there were few bishops like him ;' while William Whiston, who disagreed with his views, called him * an indefatigable pastor/ Even Horace Walpole owns that he was 'in- credibly popular in his parish/ As a writer Seeker is distinguished by his plain good sense. The range of his know- ledge was wide and deep, lie was a good hebraist, and he wrote excellent Latin. The works which he has left to the Lambeth library are valuable ^quite as much from his manuscript annotations as for their own worth. Judging by his printed sermons, one would hardly rank him among the great pulpit orators of the English church. But he Seeker Seckford purposely, his biographer tells us, composed them with studied simplicity, and the reader misses the tall commanding presence, and the good voice and delivery of the preacher. Archbishop Seeker's printed works include no fewer than 140 sermons. Four volumes of ' them were published in his lifetime and the rest after his death. His other printed works are : Five Charges,' delivered by him to his clergy as bishop of Oxford in 1738, 1741, 1750, and 1753 respectively, and 4 Three Charges ' as archbishop of Canterbury in 1758, 1762, and 1766. All these give a valuable insight into the state of the church in the middle of the eighteenth century. His 'Instructions given to Candidates for Or- ders after their subscribing the Articles' (1786 ; 15th edit. 1824) deal with the ques- tions in the ordination service. .They are short, but sensible and earnest. His Oratio quam coram Synodo Provincise Cantuarien- sis anno 1761 convocata habendam scripse- rat, sed morbo prsepeditus non habuit Archi- episcopus/ is remarkable for its excellent latinity. His thirty-nine ' Lectures on the Church Catechism ' (1769, 2 vols.), written for the use of his parishioners at St. James's, were published in two volumes after his death. He also wrote, in repljr to a colonial criticism of the scheme of appointing bishops in America, * An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts r (1764). The subject of bishops for America also drew from him a 'Letter to the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, Esq./ dated 9 Jan. 1750-1, but not published until 1769, after his death, in accordance with his instructions. Seeker argues in favour of the modest proposal that 'two or three persons should be ordained bishops and sent to our American colonies.' All these works were collected in 1792 in four octavo volumes. A portrait by T. Willes was mezzotinted by J. McArdell in 1747. A later portrait by Reynolds, now at Lambeth, was engraved by Charles Townley (1797) and by Henry Meyer (1825). A copy of this portrait, pro- bably by Gilbert Stuart, is in the National Portrait Gallery, London. [A Review of the Life and Character of Dr. Thomas Seeker, archbishop of Canterbury, by Bishop Beilby Porteus [1770] ; Seeker's Works in four vols. ; Abbey's English Church and its Bi- shops, 1700-1800; Abbey and Overton's English Church in the Eighteenth Century ; Hunt's Reli- gious Thought in England ; Brown's Worthies of Nottinghamshire, p. 247; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. xii. 344; Monthly Repository, 1810 p. 401, 1820 p. 65, 1821 pp, 193-4.] J. E. 0, SECKER, WILLIAM (d. 1681 ?), divine, preached at Tewkesbury and afterwards at All-Hallows, London Wall. He may have been the William Seeker who was appointed rector of Leigh, Essex, on 30 Aug. 1667, and died there before November 1681 (NEWCOTJRT, Repert. Eccle*. ii. 384). Seeker's sermon on ' A Wedding Ring fit for the Finger, or the Salve of Divinity on the Sore of Humanity, laid open at a Wed- ding in St. Edmunds' (? Edmonton), Lon- don, 1658, 12mo, was very popular, and was often reprinted (cf. edits, at Glasgow, 1850, 12mo; New York, 1854, 16mo). It was translated into Welsh, ' Y Fodrwy Briodas/ Brecon, 1775 (two editions), and as 378-85 ; Baga de Secretis ; Record of the House of Gournay, pp. 808, 809; Parliamentary Hist, of England, 1762-3, iv. 207 ; Oal. State Papers, Bom. 1547-80 p, 248, 1581-90 p. 281, Addenda, 1566-79 p. 649, 1680-1626 p. 788; Strype's Works (Index); Topographer and (ienoa- Ingisr, i. 551; Wright's Elizabeth, ii. 62, 184, 228, 246.] T. 0. SECTJEIS, JOHN (JL 1566), medical writer, was born in. England. His name was a latinised version or the English sur- name Hatcnett. He studied at the univer- sity of Paris for two years about 1550, being then very young. He attended and admired the lectures of Jacobus Sylvius, and studied pharmacy in the shops of several apothecaries, tie afterwards studied at Oxford, and in 1554 published A. Gret Galley lately com into England out of Terra noua laden with plusitions, poticaries, and surgions/ It is a dialogue on the tokens and qualities of foolish and misguided physicians* He went to live in Salisbury, and seems to have been licensed to practise physic by the bishop. Hepresented a memorial to the bishop on the granting" of episcopal medical diplomas. It contained seven proposals that every one who wished to practise physic in the diocese, and was not a graduate of a university, should only do so on receipt of a diploma from the bishop or his chancellor ; that surgeons should be required to show that they'could read and write ; that apothecaries should not prescribe physic; that no unlicensed person should practise ; that no one should assume a uni- versity degree which he did not lawfully possess; that mid wives should be sworn before the bishop; and that apothecaries' shops should be inspected from time to time by physicians. He mentions the Col- lege of Physicians of London in this memorial with great respect. In 1561, and perhaps earlier, he began to publish ' A Prognostica- tion ' for the year, a small black-letter book, combining with information as to law terms advice as to when it was wise to let blood or take lenitive medicine. Then after a short preface, in which he says that he likes to practise physic better than to prophesy, there follows a prognostic of the weather for each month. He seema to have continued these till 1580 (Wool)). The edition of 1562 ia in the British Museum. In 1566 he pub- lished *A Detection and Querimonie of the daily enormities and abuses committed in physick.' It is a small black-letter book, written in racy idiomatic English, with a Latin dedication to the universities of Ox-? ford and Cambridge, printed in italics. It discusses physicians, surgeons, and apothe- caries, and lays down rules for the education and conduct of each* Bo expresses his belief in the power of the royal touch of the kings of England and of France. There is a pre- face of tux eight-line stanzas of English verse, and at thw end a peroration * to bothe the universities * in four stanzas of the same kind. This book was reprinted in 166*2 with liecord's * Judiciail of Urines.' The date of his death ia unknown. Wood (Athena Qxon. i, 458) states that John Securis (or llatchett) was at New College, Oxford ; but the original register shows that Thomas Securis (or Hat- chett), and no other of the name, was ad- mitted a scholar 19 June 1552, and that his place was iilled !> Nov. 1558. He was a native of Salisbury, and was admitted on the foundation at Winchester in 1546 (informa- tion kindly sent by Dr. J. E* Sewell, warden of New College, Oxford). A contemporary MICHAEL SECXTBIS or HAT- CHKXT (JL 1545), a doctor who lived in the * new borough of Bar urn/ was author of i Libri Beptem de Antiquitate ac illustri Medicinse Online,* extant in Digby MS. 202 in the Bodleian Library, which also contains some other medical opuscula by the same author (see MACBA*, Cat, CWL MSS. Bodl ix282- 285). [Works ; TArmer*HBM.p. 659 j Aikin'a Bmg*. Msruoir* of Medicine, 1780,] U. & , Sedding Sedding SEEDING, EDMUND (1836-1888), ar- chitect and musician, son of Richard and Peninnah Sedding of Summerstown, near Okehampton, Devonshire, was born on 20 June 1836. John Dando Sedding [q. v.] was his younger brother. He early displayed anti- quarian tastes, which led to his visiting cathe- drals, abbeys, and churches in England and France. In 1853 he entered the office of George Edmund Street [q. v.], where he de- voted "himself to the study of Gothic archi- tecture. For some time he resided as an architect in Bristol, and, after again spend- ing a period in London, removed about 1862 to Penzance, where he obtained a large practice. In Cornwall he built or restored the churches of Gwithian, Wendron, Altar- nun, North-hill, Euan, St. Peter's, Newlyn r and St. Stephen's, Launceston, while he had in progress at the time of his death a new church at Stockport, a rectory, and two churches in Wales, the restoration of Bigbury church, and a mansion at Hayle for Mr. W. J. Rawlings. Sedding was a performer on the harmonium and organ, and an admirer of ancient church music. He was for a time precentor of the church of St. Raphael the Archangel, Bristol, and organist of St. Mary the Virgin, Soho. He greatly exerted himself in the revival of carol singing, and his books of Christmas carols were very popular. In 1865 his health failed, and he died at Penzance on 1 1 June 1868, being buried at Madron on 16 June, He married, on 18 Aug. 1862, Jessie, daugh- ter of John Proctor, chemist, Penzance, by whom he left four children. His chief musical compositions were : 1. * A Collection of Nine Antient Christmas Carols for four voices,' 1860; 6th edit. 1864. 2. 'Jeru- salem the Golden : a hymn/ 186L 3. ' Seven Ancient Carols for four voices,' 1863 ; 2nd edit. 1864. 4. 'Five Hymns of ye Holy Eastern Church/ 1864. 5'. < Sun of my Soul ; a hymn set to music in four parts/ 1864. 6. < Litany of the Passion/ 1865. 7, ' The Harvest is the end of the World/ 1865. 8. ' Be we merry in this Feast : a carol/ 1866. To F. G. Lee's * Directorium Anglicanum/ 2nd edit. 1865, he supplied fifteen quarto pages of illustrations* [Julian's Hymnology, 1892, pp. 211, 21 2 j Western Morning News, 17 June 1868, p. 2; Church Times, 1868, vi. 230, 241; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. 1878-82, pp. 641, 1334 ; Street's Memoir of &. E. Street, p, 20.] a a B. SEEDING, JOHN DANDO (1838-1891), architect, second son of Richard and Peninnah Sedding, and younger brother of Edmund Sedding [q, v.J was born at Eton on 13 April 1838, and in 1858, like his brother, entered the office of George Edmund Street [q. v.] He made a close study of ecclesiastical archi- tecture and decorative work connected with churches. After his architectural training was completed he mainly confined himself to designing embroidery, wall-papers, chalices, patens, and other goldsmith's work ; but in 1872 he achieved a success in planning the church and vicarage of St. Clement's, Bourne- mouth. Thenceforward his architectural practice steadily grew. In 1876 he made the acquaintance of and submitted sketches to Mr. Ruskin, who told him that * he must always have pencil or chisel in hand if he were to be more than an employer of men on commission.' Sedding took this adjura- tion to heart. He endeavoured to form a school of masons and of carvers and modellers from nature, and succeeded in exerting a re- markable influence over his workmen by his vigilant interest in the details of their craft. He himself was tireless in drawing and studying flowers and leaves, and from such studies he derived nearly all his ornamental designs. Elected F.R.LB.A. in 1874, by 1880 he had an office in Oxford Street, Lon- don, and between that date and his death he built, among other works, the church of the Holy Redeemer at Clerkenwell ; St. Augus- tine's, Highgate ; St. Edward's, Netley; All Saints, Falmouth; St. Dyfrig's, Cardiff; Salcombe Church, Devonshire; the Chil- dren's Hospital, Finsburv; and Holy Trinity- Church, Chelsea (unfinished). He became diocesan architect for Bath and Wells, de^r signed the pastoral cross for the cathedral, and did much valuable work upon the churches of the diocese. He probably ex- celled in the additions and restorations which he executed in many of the small parish churches of the west of England, notably at Holbeton, Ermington, and Meavy in Devon- shire; and in designing chancel screens, reredoses, altar crosses, and decorations he showed a happy originality. He moved his residence in June 1888 from Charlotte Street to West Wickham in Kent, and be- came an enthusiastic gardener, with a strong prepossession for cut-yew hedges and arcades, and other topiarian devices, writing in 1891 his very suggestive 'Garden Craft, Old and New.' Before it was published he died at Winsford Vicarage, Somerset (where he was engaged on some restoration) on 7 April 1891, A few days afterwards died his wife, Eose, daughter of CanonTinling of Gloucester. Posthumously appeared his * Art and Handi- craft' (189S), embodying his views on the claims of architecture, some of which had already been expounded in an original paper Seddon 176 Seddon rend before the Edinburgh art congress in 1889. Younger men in his profession de- rived much inspiration both from his work and from his utterances. Two black-and- white port-raits are prefixed to ' A Memorial of John Sodding,' privately printed, 1892. [Garden Craft, with memorial notice, by _the Jtev. E. F. Russell; Memorial of J. Sediling, 1892, with a short appreciation by H. Wiis m; Builder, 11 April 1891; Boase and Courtney's Bihlintheca Cornubiensis ; Times, 10 April 1891.] T. S. SEDDON, FELIX JOHN VAUGTIAN (1798-186")), orientalist, son of William Seddon, attorney, of Pendleton, near Man- chester, was born in 1798, and educated at the Manchester grammar school In IB 15 he went to India, where he resided fifteen years, and during* his stay acquired an inti- mate knowledge of several oriental lan- guages. He was in 1820 appointed registrar of Itangpur, Bengal, and at the outbreak of the Burmese war, in 1824, accompanied the army as translator and accountant to the agent of the governor-general. lie trans- lated the articles of war and artillery exer- cise into Munipuri, for use of the 'native levy, and prepared a grammar and dictionary of the language of Assam. When his health failed in 1880, he was engaged on a com- parative dictionary of the Munipuri, Siamese, and Burmese tongues. At a later date he assisted in translating the Bible into some Indian language. On 12 July 183# lie was elected professor of oriental languages at King's College, London, and published in 1835 i An Address introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Languages and Litera- ture of the East/ 8vo. In 1837 he again went out to India, intending to og>en a college at Lucknow, a project in which William IV took much interest; but when he arrived there he found that the king of Oude was dead, and his successor was op- posed to the plan* This and other difficulties obliged him to abandon the undertaking. He was afterwards appointed preceptor to the nawab Nizam, and for his services re- ceived a pension* The latter part of his life was spent at Murshidabad, Bengal, where he died, unmarried, on 25 Nov. 1865, [Manchester School Eegistet (Chatham Soc,), a. 244.3 a w. a SEDDOH, JOHN (1644-1700), call- grapher, born in 1644, became master of Sir John Johnson's free writ ing school in Priests Court, Foster Lane, Cheapside. Massey de- scribes him as a 'celebrated artist/ and says lie exceeded i all our English penmen in' a fruitful fancy, and surprising invention, in the ornamental parts of his writing' He died on 13 April 1700. The following performances of his passed through the rolling press : 1, < The Ingenious Youth's Companion. Furnished with variety of Copies of the Iland in Fashion. Adorned with curious Figures and Flourishes in- vented and performed t\ la Volee/ London [1690], oblong Bvo. It contains fifteen plates engraved by John Sturt. 2. 6 Feb. 1770, after which j worth, in the parish of Kochdale. His living the building was sold, and converted into J at Stwtibrd was sequestered for debt aftei St. Catherine's Ghurt'h [now OI^TTON, j Iw had been there two or three years, At KICHOLAS, D.I).] Seddon declined to be- j Wigan he was unpopular, and generally lie come the minister of the Octagon Chapel, ; appears to have been negligent of his duties, and in his owo. ministry practised extern- and ' a clever but erratic pareon of the Doctor Dmltl species, 1 as James Crossley styled him (Maw/tester School Jffr//, i.^116)* He married ior meanH a young lady of good family neat Manchester, and died in 1706, on his passage to the West Indies, as chaplain of the 104th or royal regiment of Manchester volunteers. He waa author of, apart from sermons: 1, * Characteristic Strictures, or Remarks on upwards of One Hundred Portraits of the most Eminent Persons in the Counties of porary prayer* Beddon was a main founder (17/38) of the "Warringtou public library, and it first president. He was the iirwt wwtarv (17(U) of the Lancashire and Cheshire Widows* Fund. He died suddenly at Warringtwt on 23 Jan. 1770, and WAS buried in Cairo Street Chapel. He married, in 1757, a daughter of one Hoskina, equerry to Frederick, prince of Wales, but had no issue, Bin wife's fortune was invested in calico-printing works at Stockport, and lost* She survived him. A valuable selection from his letters and papers was edited by Robert Brook Aspland [0. v,X in the * Christian Reformer * (1854 pp, 224 aq., ,158 an., 613 q., 1855 pp. 365 sq.) A silhouette likeness of Seddon is in Kendriek's 'Profiles of Warrington Worthies/ 1854. [Funeral Sermon, by Philip Holland, in Hol- land^ Sermons, 179$, vol. ii, ; Brief Momoiv, by At-pland, in Christ iun Koformor, 1854, pp. 224 sq.; Seddon Papers, in Christ inn Ktifoitner, ut supra; Monthly Repository, 1810, p.^4'28; Turner's Historical Account of Warrington Academy, in Monthly KopoKitory, 1810 ; Taylor's Account of the LHttoimhin) Controversy on Prayer, in Monthly Repository, 18'-i2, pp. 20 itq. ; Bright's Historical Sketch of Warringttm Academy, in Transactions of Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. xi. (11 Nov, 1858), also separately printed, 186$, and abridged in Christian Reformer, 1861, pp, 68*2 $q.; Nightingale's JUancashire Nonconformity (1892), iv. 217 w. (1893), vl 128 aq.; manu- script volume of letters relating to Octagon Chapel, in library of Renshaw Street Chapel, Liverpool ; extract from Glasgow matriculation, register, per W. Innes Addison, Esq.] A. G-. SEDDOK THOMAS (1753-1796), au- thor, sou of John Seddon, fanner, of Pendle- ton, near Manchester, was born in 1758 t and receired part of his education at the Man- Lancaster and Chester/ London, 1779, 4to [anon.]; a series of libellous and satiric sketches which gave great offence. 2. i Let- ters written to an Officer in the Army on varionn subjects, Religious, Moral, and Poli- tical, with a. view to the Manners, Accom- pHfthmtmtB, and proper Conduct of Young ' Wamngton, 1786, 2 vols. 8vo, 8, * Impartial and Free Thoughts on a Free Trade to the Kingdom of Ireland 7 [1780], 8vo. [Manchester School Regittter, i. 115(Chetham Poc.) ; Fostor'B Alumm Oiou. 1714-188G; Baiby's Old Stratford, 1878, p. 45; Clarke's &huoi Candidas, ed. J. E. Bailey, 1877, p. 17.] C* W, S. SEDB03ST, TIIOMAR (1831-1856), landscape-painter, son of Thomas Seddon^ a well-ltnown cabinet-maker, was born in Aldersgate Street, |jondo,on 28 Aug. 1821. He waa educat*xl at a school conducted ou the Pestalozzian syfttem by the Eev. Joseph Barren at Stanmore, and afterwards entered his father's business, but he found its duties HO irksome that in 1841 he was sent to Paris to study ornamental art. He attained great efficiency as a draughtsman, and on. his re- turn he made designs for furniture and super- intended their execution. In 1848 he gained the prize of a silver medal and twenty pounds offered by the Society of Arts for a design for an ornamental sideboard. He also practised drawing from the life, and in 1849 Chester grammar school. He was intended , visited North Wales and stayed some weeks by his father for the medical profession, but i at Bettws-y-Coed ; there he began his first himself chose the church* though he was ill- j real studies of landscape, which he continued suited for it. He matriculated from Ma#~ ! in the following year at Barbizon in the dalen HatJ, Oxford, on 2 March 1776, but ! forest of Fontainebleau. In 1860 he took an wasted his time, ran into debt, and took no active part in establishing the North London degree, although he afterwards styled him- 1 school of drawing aud modelling in Camden, Sedgwick 179 Sedgwick Town for the instruction of workmen. His first exhibited work, ' Penelope/ appeared at the Royal Academy in 1852, but next year he went to Dinan, and, turning his attention to landscape-painting, sent to the Royal Academy a picture of * A Valley in Brittany/ which was followed in 1854 by a large picture of the ruined monastery of ' Lhon, from Mont Parnasse, Brittany/ He then, without returning to England, set out to join Mr. William Holman Hunt in Egypt, and reached Alexandria on 6 Dec. 1853. He spent some months in. Egypt and in, the Holy Land. During his stay at Cairo he painted a portrait of Sir Richard Burton in Arab costume, and made some careful and highly finished studies and sketches of eastern life. His * Sunset behind the Pyramids ' was rejected at the Royal Academy in 1855, but three of his oriental pictures, * An Arab Sheikh and Tents in the Egyptian Desert/ ' Dromedary and Arabs at the City of the Dead, Cairo/ and an 'Interior of a Deewan, formerly belonging to the Copt Patriarch, near the Esbekeeyah, Cairo/ were in the exhibition of 1856. Many commissions followed, and Seddon, after returning to England in 1855, revisited Egypt in quest of fresh materials for his pictures ; but within a month of his arrival at Cairo he died of dysentery in the church mission-house there on 23 Nov. 1856. He was buried in the.protestant cemetery at Cairo. Seddon left unfinished a large picture of 'Arabs at Prayer.' An exhibition of his works was held at the Society of Arts in 1857, when an appreciative address was de- livered by Mr. John Raskin. His picture of 'Jerusalem and the Valley of Jehoshaphat from the Hill of Evil Counsel/ painted on the spot in 1854, was purchased by sub- scription and presented to the National Gallery. His brother, John Pollard Seddon, the architect, published his 'Memoir and Letters ' in 1858. [Memoir and Letters of Thomas Seddon, by his brother, 1858 ; Athenaeum, 1857, i. 19 ; Red- grave's Dictionary of Artists of the English School, 1878; Journal of the Society of Arts, 1857, pp. 360-2, 419; Royal Academy Exhi- bition Catalogues, 1852-1856.] R. E, GK SEDGWICK, ADAM (1785-1873), geo- logist, was born on 22 March 1785 at Pent in the dales of western Yorkshire. He was the third child of Richard Sedgwick, per- petual curate of Dent, by his second wife, Margaret Stums. Till his sixteenth year he attended the 'grammar school at Dent, of which, during this time, his father be- came headmaster. Adam was next sent to the well-known school at Sedbergh, There he remained till 1804, when he went up to Trinity College, Cambridge, as a sizar. For a few months before he read with John Dawson [q.v.l, the surgeon and mathema- tician, who had helped fco bring him into the world. An attack of typhoid fever in the autumn of 1805 nearly proved fatal. He was elected scholar in 1807, and graduated B. A. in 1808, with the place of fifth -wrangler. The examiner, who settled the final order of the candidates, is said to have considered Sedgwick the one who showed most signs of inherent power. Sedgwick continued at Cambridge, taking private pupils and reading for a fellowship. The latter he obtained in 1810, but at the cost of serious and possibly permanent in- mry to his health, In May 1813 he broke a blood-vessel, and for months remained in a very weak state. In 1815, however, he was able to undertake the duties of assistant tutor, and he was ordained in 1816. The great opportunity of his life came in the early summer of 1818, when the Wood- wardian professorship of geology became va- cant [see HAILSTONE, JOHN], Though Sedg- wick was practically ignorant of the subject, and his opponent, the Rev. George Cornelius G-orham [q.v.], was known to have studied it, he seems to have so favourably impressed the members of the university that he was elected by 186 votes to^ 59. Hitherto the office had been almost a sinecure ; Sedgwick, although the income was then only IQO a year, determined to make it a reality. He at once began earnest study of the subject, spending part of the summer at work in Derbyshire, and gave his first course of lec- tures in the Easter term of 1819. It was soon evident that a wise choice had been made. Sedgwick's lectures became each year more attractive. His repute as a geologist rapidly increased, and he took a leading part in promoting the study of natural science in the university. One instrument for this pur- pose was the Cambridge Philosophical So- ciety, in the foundation of which he was one of the most active. He interested him- self in the geological collection of the uni- versity, which he augmented often at his private expense, and saw transferred to a more commodious building in 1841. In 1818 Sedgwick was elected fellow of the Geological Society ; he was president iu 1831, and received its Wollaston medal in 1851. He was made fellow of the Royal Society in 1830, and gained the Copley medal in 1863. In 1838 he was president of the British Association, and served as president of the geological section in 1837, 1845, 1853, and 1860. He was made hon,o> Sedgwick 1 80 Sedgwick rary D.O.L, of Oxford in 1860 and honorary LL.D. of Cambridge in 1866. Though Sedgwick spent much time in the field during the vacations, he seldom left the British Isles, and to Ireland he went but twice. He visited the continent only four times, going as far as Chamonix in 1816, to Paris in 1827, to the Eastern Alps with Murchison in 1829, and he made, with the same companion, another long geological tour in Germany and Belgium in 1839. Meanwhile Sedgwick engaged^ in much university business. He was senior proctor in 1827, and in 1847 he was made Cambridge secretary to Prince Albert when the latter was elected chancellor of the university, and from 1850 to 1852 served as a member of a royal commission of inquiry into the con- dition of that university. He was appointed by his college to the vicarage of bhudy- Camps (tenable with his fellowship), de- clined the valuable living of East larleigh offered him in 18S1 by Lord-chancellor Brougham, accepted a prebendal stall at Korwich in 1834, and declined the deanery of Peterborough in 185S. At Norwich, as in Cambridge, he stimulated an interest in science, and was hardly less popular as a preacher than as a host. But this removed him from Cambridge only for two months in the year. He delivered his usual courses of lectures till the end of 1870, though in later years he not seldom had to avail himself of the services of a deputy. He died after a few days' illness very early in the morning of 27 Jan* 1873, and was buried in the chapel of Trinity College. It was determined to ouild a new geological museum as a memorial, and a large sum was collected for the purpose, but this scheme has not yet been carried out (1897), His name is commemorated by the 'Sedgwick Prize * (for an essay on a geological subject), founded by Mr. A. A, Vansittart in 1863. Sedgwick was quick in temper, but sym- pathetic, generous, and openhanded ; a lover of children, though he never married* As a speaker and lecturer he was oftea discur- sive, sometimes colloquial, but on occasion most eloquent. He possessed a marvellous memory, and was an admirable raconteur. Thus his humour, his simplicity of manner, and Ms wide sympathies made him welcome among *all sorts and conditions of men/ from the roadside tavern to the royal palace* A reformer in politics, he was not without prejudices against some changes. The same was also true in science. Though so emi- nently a pioneer, new ideas met sometimes with a hesitating reception* He was rather slowly convinced of the former great exten- sion of glaciers advocated in this country by Louis Agassiz and William Buckland [q.v.J, never quite accepted Lyell's uni- iormitarian teaching, and was always strongly opposed to Darwin's hypothesis as to the origin of species. But he had a marvellous power of unravelling the stratigraphy of a complicated district, of co-ordinating facts and of grasping those which were of pri- mary importance as the basis of induction. A certain want of concentration diminished the quantity and sometimes affected the quality of his work, but any one whose good nature is great and interests are wide, who is at once a professor in a university and a canon of a cathedral and active in both must be liable to many serious inter- ruptions. Moreover, Sed^wick's health, after his election to a fellowship, was never really good. His eyes, especially in later life, gave him much trouble ; one indeed had been permanently injured in 1821 by a splinter from a rock. ^ fie seems to have met with more than his share of accidents falls, a dislocated wrist, and a broken arm. It is^ evident that he disliked literary composition and was somewhat given to procrastinate. But, notwithstanding these drawbacks, he left an indelible mark on his own university, and will be ever honoured as one of the great leaders in the heroic age of geology. At the outset of his career, as he stated in his last published words, * three prominent hopes' possessed his heart to form a collection worthy of the university, to secure the building of a suitable museum, and to ' brinj together a class of students who would listen to my teaching, support me by their sympathy, and help me by the labour of their hands/ These Taopes, as he says, were fully realised (Catalogue of the Cambrian and Silurian Fossils, &c., Pref, p. xxxi), Sedgwick in his prime was a strikingfigure : almost six feot nigh, spare but strongly built, never bald, close-shaven, with davk eyes and complexion, strongly marked fea- tures, overhanging forehead, and bushy eve- brows, A portrait in oils by Thomas Phillips, RA,, dated 1832, and owned by Mr, John H. Gurney of Norwich, was reproduced for the < Life and Letters ' (1890), as was also a fine crayon portrait by Lowes Dickinson, dated 1867, now ia the Woodwardian Mu- seum at Cambridge. Busts of Sedgwick by H. Weekes and Thomas Woolner are ia possession of the Geological Society, London, and Trinity College, Cambridge. Sedgwick never published a complete book on any geological subject, though he wrote a lengthy introduction to the description of Sedgwick 181 Sedgwick ' British Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge' by Professor McCoy (1854), and a preface to ' A Catalogue of the Cambrian and Silurian Fossils/ in the same collection, by John Wil- liam Salter [q.vjand Professor John Morris [q.v.] (1873). He appears in the ' Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers ' as the sole author of forty papers and joint- author of sixteen, published for the most part in the ' Transactions J or the 'Quarterly Jour- nal of the Geological Society,' the * Trans- actions of the Cambridge Philosophical So- ciety,' or the * Philosophical Magazine/ Of these the more important can be grouped in five divisions : 1. ' On the Geology of Cornwall and Devon/ a subject which was dealt with in the first of his more important communi- cations, read before the Cambridge Philoso- phical Society in 1820 (Trans. C. P. & i. 9). Other papers follow, some of tnem written in conjunction with Murchison. In these the order of the rocks beneath the new red sandstone of the south-west of England was worked out, the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous deposits and of the under- lying Devonian system was gradually esta- blished, and some valuable contributions were made to the history of the various crystalline masses in Devon and Cornwall, including those in the Lizard peninsula. 2. The next group of papers, small in number, deals with the ' new red sandstone ' in the northern half of England, giving the results of field work between 1821 and 1824. One of them describes the mineral charac- ter and succession of the magnesian and other limestones, the marls, and the sandstones, which extend along, the eastern flank of the Pennine range from the south of Northum- berland to the north of Derbyshire, dwelling more particularly on the lower part ; another deals with the corresponding rocks, breccias and conglomerates, with sandstones, marls and thin calcareous bands, on the western side of the -same range, more especially in the valley of the Eden. The part of the new red sandstone more particularly worked out t>y Sedgwick has since been termed Permian^ but his diagnosis of the relations of the strata, their marked discordancy from the underlying carboniferous and their closer affinity with the overlying red rocks, since called Trias, has proved to be correct. 3. A- third group deals with a yet more difficult questionthe geology of the lake district and its environs. The researches just named were carried downwards through the underlying carboniferous rocks^antJ then the intricacies of the great central massif were attacked. This task more especially occu- pied the summers from 1822 to 1824, and its results were published in papers, dating from 1831 to 1857. A more popular ac- count was also given in five letters addressed to Wordsworth, published afterwards in Hudson's 'Complete Guide to the Lakes' (1853). 4. A fourth group includes a large num- ber of miscellaneous papers, published at various dates and on different geological topics. Among the more important of these may be noted * On Trap Dykes in Yorkshire and Durham y (1822) ; ' On the Association of Trap Rocks with the Mountain Limestone Formation in High Teesdale ' (1823-4) ; two in 1828, written in conjunction with Mur- chison one on the Isle of Arran, another on the secondary rocks in the north of Scot- land; one (with the same coadjutor) on the Eastern Alps (1829-30); and last, but not least, the classic paper * On the Structure of Large Mineral Masses, &c./ read before the G-eological Society of London, and published in their ' Transactions ' (iii. 461). 5. The fifth and largest group deals with the geology of Wales. Seagwick first took this in hand in the summer of 1831,, when he was working for part of histime with Charles Robert Darwin [q.v.] Commencing with the rocks of Anglesey for a base, he worked over Carnarvonshire, and in 1832 carried on his researches into Merionethshire and Cardigan- shire. In 1834 he accompanied Murchison over the district on the eastern border of the principality, on which the latter had been engaged. The results of these and of later visits, more especially in 1842 and 1843, were described from time to time in verbal communications to the Cambridge- Philoso- phical Society and to the British Association, out the first systematic papers were read to the Geological Society in 1843 (Proc. GreoL Soc. voL iv. pt. i. pp. 212 ; Quart. Journal Geol. Soc. i. 5). Others followed in 1844 and 1846. Soon after Murchison had pub- lished his ' Silurian System/ in 1889, it be- came evident that difficulties existed in cor- relating the work done by the two geologists in their several districts, and a controversy gradually arose concerning the limits of the Cambrian system as established by Sedg- wick and oi the Silurian system of Murchi- son (names which were first used about 1835). The general structure of north Wales had been determined by Sedgwick as early as 1832, and subsequent investigation in this region has confirmed the general accuracy of the order in which he placed the beds and of the main divisions which he established ; while it has been proved that Murchison had confused together two distinct formations, Sedgwick 182 Sedgwick the Oaradoc (Bala of Sedgwick) and that now called Upper Llandovery (the May Hill sandstone of SedgwickX and had also fallen into serious error as to the stratigraphy of his own Llandeilo beds. The dispute reached an acute stage in 1862, when Sedg- wick read two papers to the Geological So- ciety of London. He considered that m regard to these, especially the former, the council of this society had dealt unfairly with him ; and from 1864, after another dis- pute over a paper ' On the May Hill Sand- stone/ &c., he ceased to be on terms of friendship with Murchison and was estranged from the society. By these papers, which em- bodied the results of investigations in 185:4-3, the distinction of the true Caradoc and of the May Hill sandstone was established. Sedgwick was also author of a * Discourse on the Studies of the University of Cam- bridge 7 This book originated in a sermon, preached in the chapel of Trinity College at the commemoration of benefactors on 17 Dec. 1882. Next year it was published, by re- quest, after several months 7 delay. It ran through four editions in two years, and in 1850 was republished as a bulky volume, with a very long preface (cf. Notes and Queries, 8th ser. xn. 344). [There are frequent references to Sedgwicfc in the lives of Buckland, 0. parwiu, Lyeli, and Mwchison, and obituary notices appeared during 1873 in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, and other scientific periodicals ; but these have "been superseded by the above-named Life und Letters of the Keverend Adam Sertgwick, by J. W. Clark and T. McK. Hughes (ifivols, Cam- bridge, 1890).] T. G, B. SEDGWICK, DANIEL (1814-1879), hymnologist, was born of poor parents in Leadenhall Street, London, on 26 Nov. 1814. After serving an apprenticeship, ^he became a shoemaker. In 1889 he married and joined the strict baptist congregation at Providence Chapel, Grosvenor Street, Com- mercial Road. Already in 1837 he had given up shoemaking to commence dealing in secondhand books. He gradually worked up a connection among collectors, mainly of theological literature. His customers in- cluded George Offor [q* v.1, William Bonar, the collector of hymn-books, and Alexander Gardyrte, whose collection of Scottish poetry is now in the Mitchell Library, Glasgow. His shop was at 81 (afterwards renum W*>4 93) Sun Street, Bisliopsgate. In 1840 he taught himself writing, and acquired a neat and clear hand, but never gained any facility in literary composition. In 1859 he com- menced publishing reprints of the rarer hymn- writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, under the general title of ' Library of Spiritual Song. 7 The first of the thirteen issues consisted of the hymns of William Williams (1717-1791) [q,v.] Pursuing his studies in hymnology, ne produced in 1860 'A Comprehensive Index of many of the Original Authors and Translators of Psalms and Hymns,' with the dates of their vari- ous works, chiefly collected from the origi- nal publications (2nd edit, enlarged 1863). Thenceforth he was recognised as the fore- most living hymnologist, He was consulted by men of all opinions by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, when compiling Our own Hymn- book,' 1866, and Josiah Miller, when writing * Singers and Songs of the Church/ * Hymns Ancient and Modern ' owed from its earliest days something to his assistance ; and when Sir Koundiill Palmer (Lord Selborne) was compiling his ' Book of Praise' in 18(>2 the sheets were submitted to Sedgwick's inspec- tion, when he identified the majority of the compositions. In fact, hardly a hymn-Look appeared in his later days in which his aid was not acknowledged. His manuscripts, which are now preserved in the Church House, Westminster, were used in Julian's < Dictionary of Hymnology/ He died at 93 Sun Street on 10 March 1879, and was buried in Abntty Park cemetery. His wile survived him j he had no issue. Sedgwick prepared indexes of authors for the English editions (on the title-pages of which he figures as editor) of the American works : * Pure Gold for the Sunday School/ 1877, and * The lloyal Diadem Songs for the Sunday School,' 1^7, both by K. Lowry and W. II. Doane, His six catalogues of scarce religious poetry are of bibliographical value. [Information kindly supplied by W, T. Brooke, 68q, ; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. 1892, ii. 409, 4-51 ; Julian's Diet, of Hymnology, 1892, pp. 1036-7; Bookseller, May 1879, p. 424; Ihe Earthen Vessel, July 1879, p. 19; JRonndell Paltner's Book of Praise, 1863, preface, p. v; (X H. Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn-book, 18o6, preface, p, ix ; Hymns Ancient and Modem, Biggs** edition, 1867, preface, p, x.] <* C. B. SEDOWICK, JAMES (1775-1851), author, eon of James Sedgwick of West- minster, was born in London m 1775, .tie matriculated from Pembroke College, Ox- ford, on 30 Oct. 1797, but did not graduate. He was called to the bar at the Middle Temple on M Jan, 1801. In 1809 he was appointed a commissioner of excise at Edinburgh, and in 1811 Chairman of the excise board. In 1816 he was nominated by the treasury to a seat at the London excse board, bu*. his patent was cancelled Sedgwick 183 Sedgwick in consequence of the prince regent having promised the Marchioness of Hertford that Colonel Sir Francis Hastings Doyle should have the first vacancy. By way of com- pensation Sedgwick was appointed examiner of the droits of admiralty accounts, with his previous salary of 1,500J. a year. He was promoted by patent, dated 25 Aug. 1817, to be chairman of the board of stamps. At the beginning of 1818 he conducted an inquiry into the conduct of the stamp revenue in Scotland, and discovered great ^abuses. His effort to secure the permanent dismissal of the officer to whom the disorder was attri- butable proved, to his irritation, unsuccessful. At the same time he gave offence to^ Lord Liverpool and the government by printing * Observations' on the position of affairs and engaging in controversy in the < Morning Chronicle' respecting the inquiry. His fourteen letters were reissued in the form of three pamphlets. When, in 1826, the board of stamps was dissolved, he alone of all the members was denied a pension. In 1828, however, he received a small retiring allow- ance of 400Z. a year. Henceforth he had a grievance, and the greater part of his life was spent in memorialising successive ad- ministrations or petitioning parliament. In 1845 he published another series of ' Letters addressed to Lord Granville Somerset and others ' on * The Dissolution of the Board of Stamps, with Strictures on the Conduct of Sir John Easthope as proprietor of the < Morning Chronicle/" The 'Morning, Chronicle' had ceased to print his com- plaints. He was a director of the County Fire Office. He died, from the effects of a fall, on 26 Jan. 1851 at his house, 3 Church Street, Kensington. He was married, and left one daughter. Besides the works already pientwraea, Sedgwick wrote: 1. . 57i.) She is supposed to have made a )ious end, dying at Bath on 26 Oct. 1717. L)r, Johnson may have had this supposition m his mind when he wrote in the * Vanity of Human Wishes : ' * And Sedley curs'd the :orm that pleased a king.' By her husband, Earl Portmore, who sur- vived till 2 Jan. 1730, she had two sons David, viscount Melsington (d, 1729), and Charles Colyear, second earl of Portrnore (tt 1785). By the Duke of York (afterwards James IT) she seems to have had several children tvho died young. Dnngeau mentions in February 1(386 that two of her sons by tlie king were being educated in Paris. The only child who lived to maturity was apparently Lady Catharine Darnley; she married, on 28 Oct. 1699, James Annesley, third earl of Anglesey, from whom, on account of alleged cruelty on his part, she was separated by act of parliament on 12 Juno 1701 (of. Eist. j/W&SL Comm. 10th Hep. App, iii. 336), After his death, in January 1701 -2, she married, secondly, on 16 March 1706-6, John Shef- field, first duke of Normauby and Bucking- ham fq. v,] ; she died on 13 March 1748, and was interred, with almost regal pomp, in Westminster Abbey. Her extravagant pride in her rank was conspicuous even on her deathbed (e WALPOIB; British Champion, 7 April 1743). By her first husband she had an only daughter, Catherine, who married William, son of Sir Constan tine Phipps [q. v,], lord-chancellor of Ireland* By her second husband she had a son Edmund, who suc- ceeded to the title and estates, but, dying unmarried during his mother's lifetime, be- queathed to her all the Mulgrave and Normanby property. These estates she left by will to her grandson, Constantine Phipps, first baron Mulgrave, whose grandson, Con-' stantine Hnry PJjipps fq. v.J, on his eleva- tion to the marquisate, assumed the title of Normanby. Portraits of Lady Dorchester, by Kneller and Dahl, were at Strawberry Hill, while an anonymous portrait of her, in a low toss with red drapery, is in the possession of Earl Spencer (Cat. Nat Portr. 1866, No. 1022). [G. B, C.'s Pear*g s.v. Anneslay, Darlington, Dorchester, and Portmore; LuttrelTs Diary, vol, Sedley 187 Sedley iv. passim ; Evelyn's Diary, ii. 84, 248 ; Reresby's Diary, passim; Burnet's Own Time; EJlis ' Corresp. ii. 92; Poems on State Affairs, 1716, passim; Dangeau's Memoires, i. 303; Diary of Henry, earl of Clarendon, ed. Singer; Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. A pp. pp. 173, 176 ; Ma- zure's Hist, de la Revolution, ii: 149, 170 ; Lady Cowper's Diary; Lingard's Hist, of England, x. 201 sq.; Macaulay's Hist. 1858, ii. 70 sq.; Ranke's Hist, of England, iv. 285 ; Jesse's Mem. of the Court of England under the Stuarts, iv. 491 ; Dasent's St. James's Square, pp. 181-2; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. iii. 281, 438.] T. S. SEDLEY, SIR CHARLES (1689P-1701), wit and dramatic author, -was born about 1639 at Aylesford in Kent. He was the youngest and posthumous son of Sir John Sedley (or Sidley, as the name was properly spelt), baronet, of Southfleet in Kent, whither this ancient family had moved its seat from the neighbourhood of Romney Marsh. Sir John Sedley^s wife Elizabeth was the daugh- ter and heiress of the learned Sir Henry Savile (1549-1622) [q. v.] < An Epitaph on the Lady Sedley ' was written by Edmund "Waller (Poems, ed. Drury, p. 243). Their son Charles succeeded to the title and estates after his elder brothers William and Henry had both died unmarried (CoLinre). Sedley entered Wadham College, Oxford, as a fellow commoner on 22 March 1655-6, but took no degrees. After the Restoration he entered parliament as one of the members (barons) for New Romney. The earliest of many notices concerning him in Pepys's e Diary 7 -refers to a shameful drunken frolic in which he, Lord Buckhurst (afterwards Earl of Dor- get), and Sir Thomas Ogle engaged at the Cock Tavern In Bow Street, and for his share in the orgie he was fined 500Z. in the court of king's bench. Chief-justice Foster is said to have observed on this occasion that it was for Sedley ' and such wicked wretches as he was that God's Danger and judgments hung over us, calling him sirrah many times' (PEPYS, s.d. 1 July 1668 ; cf. JOHNSON'S Lives of the Poets, s.v. Dorset). Five years later Sedley and his boon-companion Buekhurst were guilty of a similar escapade, and when they were threatened with legal proceed- ings, the king was reported to have inter- fered on their behalf, besides getting drunk in their company (PEPYS, 23 Oct. 1668). On 16 Nov. 1667 Pepys speaks of Lord Vaughan as * one of the lewdest fellows of the age, worse than Sir Charles Sedley ; ' on 1 Feb. 1669 he alludes to the brutal assault con- trived by him upon the actor Edward ^Kynas- ton [q. v.], who had presumed upon his strik- ing personal resemblance to Sedley by appear- ing in public dressed in imitation of him. On 4 Oct. 1664 and 18 Feb. 1667, however, Pepys listened with muck pleasure to Sedley 's witty criticisms at the play. Sedley married, on 23 "Feb. 1657, at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, Catherine, daughter of John Savage, earl Rivers, by whom he had one daughter, Catharine [q . v.], who be- came the favourite mistress of James, duke of York, and was by him created Countess of Dorchester. According to a well-known anecdote, Sedley is said to have declared himself to be even in civility with King James, who had made his daughter a coun- tess, by helping (through Ms vote in the Con- vention parliament) to make the king's daughter a queen. But, supposing the ear- liest of the prose papers printed as Sedley's, entitled 'Reflections upon our Late and Pre- sent Proceedings in England,' to be genuine, he at the time of the Revolution favoured delay till the question as to the birth of the Prince of Wales should have been settled, and, only in the event of this proving impos- sible, supported the succession of the Prin- cess of Orange in her own right and without her consort. This contribution to the pam- phlet literature of the crisis furnishes a good example of Sedley's clear and facile prose style. The parliamentary speeches attri- buted to him, bear largely upon the advan- tages of retrenchment, and in general reflect the opinions of a moderate tory. Notwith- standing the continued interest in public affairs exhibited in these speeches, Sedley is said to have withdrawn from London as much as possible after the death of Charles II. In January 1680 his skull was feactured by the fall of the roof of the tennis-court in the Haymarket, and he narrowly escaped with his life (Satton Correspondence, Camd. Soc, i. 216). He died on 20 Aug. 1701. A por- trait was engraved by Vandergucht (BBOM- LET>, The literary reputation of , Sedley among his contemporaries equalled his notoriety in the world of fashion and scandal. King Charles II is said to have told him that 1 Nature had,given him apatent to be Apollo's viceroy/ and to have frequently asserted that ' his style, either in writing or discourse, would be the standard of the English, tongue.' Flatteries were lavished on him by Rochester, Buckingham,andShadwell(seeLAjsrGBAiNE); and Dryden introduced him, under the ana- grammatic designation of Lisideius, as one of the personages of the dialogue published in 1668 as ' An Essay of Dramatic Poesy.' Dryden dedicated to Sedley ' The Assigna- tion' (1673)-, where he calls him the Tibullus of his age, and recalls the genial nights spent Scdlcy 188 Scdulius with him *m jtlfusnnt mid for th* u>nt purt wlmt may bp called the * rambling* comedy iiitf rttvtivt' tUsnwmO of t h* uj?i. This worthless piece is supposed \VIun tlu literary remains of 8i*U*\v ar , to |ly just about the time of Monek'sde- <*\Rnitm*ry itn|wrf*r! ly to elaruf mn in favour of the Restoration. ' Bel- warrant tht.*irrontompon^vrt,*|HtttittMn. l!U lamirn, or th M tat was* (1687), founded on mt to h as vqual in nutrit vtn to SitMfritnn! n*nt * of thu Karl f IVmbrokt* muy b hw, ! of hi* play 8. Th character of the heroine but it haw !MO taia Rttritmttt! to Butler* wn iwo, in mxeh an age, T| w pulpit gia the bcator of the st^ige? R^y alw rfuptmU Fmch original wWcli turnH of dtrttnn, tlw vil*'t of whih is *'- lianml hy th ttnHtuiiM mmpXiiMtr of hta although a HcentiouH, in not m a rui# an obmwuH writer. Hw hn al**o li'ft a of translations and adaptation^ tncltirUng StHlly f g poema, together with those of a Berks of cpi^ramH from Martial The plays of Sir Charles the title of * lloauty th Conqueror, or the TTk j ft * i *: At * . > i \ Biiirt.! in Prt>a and Author's Life, written by an Eminent Hand, 2 vK 1776 (tha MctmotrH are nugatory; ToUi. are made to speak and do like Romans,' It would be more appropriately compared with Dryden's * All for Love' (1*678), W is too frigid and uninteresting a oompoaition, espe- cially in its earlier portions, to sustain the comparison, It is in heroic couplets, largely interspersed -with triplets, to which Sedley particularly addicted. 'The Tyrant 5, 027-0 } Nwt Hnius, De Scriptoribus JEcclesiasticis, pp. 149 152.] T. 0. SEEBOHM, HENRY (1832-1895), or- nithologist, born on 12 July 1832, was eldest son of Benjamin Seebohm of Horton Grange, Bradford, Yorkshire (who came to England from Germany in 1815), by his wife Esther Wheeler, of Hitchin, Hertfordshire. His parents belonged to the Society of Friends, and he was educated at the Friends' school, York, where- he developed a taste for na- tural history. At an early age he engaged in business, and ultimately settled at Shef- field as a manufacturer of steel. His spare time was devoted to ornithology, and from time to time he made journeys into Hol- land, Greece, Asia Minor, Scandinavia, Ger- many, and Siberia to collect and study birds in their native haunts. One of his most successful expeditions was to the valley of the Lower Petchora in 1875, with Mr. Harvie-Brown, when the eggs of the grey plover and of many rare species of birds were obtained. The account of this voyage, as well as of a trip to Heligo- land, whither he went to study the migration of the birds at the house of the celebrated ornithologist, Herr Gatke, was given in his * Siberia in Europe/ 8vo, London, 1880. In 1877, accompanied by Captain "Wiggins, he visited the valley of the Yenesei, where further ornithological discoveries of great importance were made, and recorded in his * Siberia in Asia/ 8vo, London, 1882. Later he visited Southern Europe and South Africa to study European birds in their winter quarters, and to collect materials for his work oil ( The Geographical Distribution ot the Family Charadriidse/ 4to, London, 1887. _ Seebohm joined the British Ornitholo- gists 7 Union and the Zoological Society in 1873 ; he was elected a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in 1878, and was one of the secretaries from June 1890 till his death. He was elected a fellow of the Linnean Society in December 1879. In later years he resided at South Kensing- ton and Maidenhead. He died on 26 Nov. 1895. ^ Besides, the works already named, Seebohm was the author of: 1. * Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum, vol. v., Turdidse/ 8vo, London, 1881. 2. ' A History of British Birds and their Eggs/ 8vo, London, 1883 5. 3. < Classification of Birds/ 8vo, London, 1890; supplement 1895. 4. "The Birds of the Japanese Empire/ 8vo, London, 1890. 5. 'Geographical Distribution of British Birds/ 8vo, London, 1893. 6. ' Address to the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union/ 8vo, Lon- don, 1 893. He also contributed upwards of eighty papers, chiefly on ornithological sub- jects, between 1877 and 1895, to the * Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society/ 'The Ibis/ and other scientific publications. He left unfinished a work on t The Eggs of British Birds ' and on ' Thrushes/ He was a liberal contributor to the na- tional collection during his lifetime, and at his death left his whole ornithological col- lection to the British Museum (Natural His- tory). [Times, 28 Kov. 1895; Nature, 5 Dec. 1895, p. 105; Athenaum, 7 Dec. 1895, p. 794; Ibis, 1896, pp. 159-62; information kindly supplied by his brother, Mr. F. Seebohm; Brit. Mns. (Nat. Hist.) Cat.; Royal Soc. Cat.; Zool Re- cord.] B. B. W. SEED, JEREMIAH (1700-1747), divine, born in 1700, was son of Jeremiah Seed, who graduated B.A. from Jesus College, Cam- bridge, in 1682, and was rector of Clifton, Westmoreland, from 1707 until his death in 1722 (Grad. Cant. p. 346 ; NICOLSON and BURN, Hist, of Cwrib. and West. i. 414). He was educated at Lowther grammar school, and matriculated on 7 Nov. 1716 at Queen's College, Oxford, proceeding B,A. on 13 Feb. 1721-2, and M.A. 1725 (FOSTER, Alumni, 1715-1886,iv. 1271). He was chosen a fellow in 1732, and Jbecame for some years curate to Dr. Waterland, vicar of Twickenham, whose funeral sermon he preached on 4 Jan. 1741 (2nd edit, London, 1742). Seed was pre- sented by his college in the same year to the rectory of Knight's Enham, Hampshire, where he remained until his death on 10 Dec. 1747. Seelc'y 190 Seeley Seed was much, admired as a preacher. Dr. Johnson remarked that he had * a very fine style/ but 'he was not very theological.' Others deemed his preaching * elegant but languid/ Two sermons were published during his lifetime ; others posthumously as * Dis- courses ' (London, 1743, 8vo; 0th, 1766). ' The Posthumous Works,' consisting of ser- mons, essays, and letters < from the original manuscripts/ was edited by Joseph Hull, M.A., fellow of Queen's College, London, and was printed for M, Seed (? his widow), 1750, 2 vols., with a portrait by; Hayman, en- graved by Ravenet, Other editions appeared, 2 vols., Dublin, 1750; London, 1770, 8vo, 1 vol. ; and the work is said to have been translated into Bussian. [Chalmers's Biogr. Diet.; Bose'sBiogr. Diet.; Barling's Cyclop. Bibliogr. ii. 2688-9; Gent. Hag. 1747, p* 592; London Mag. xvi. 581; Lysons's "Environs of London, m. 580; Boswell's Johnson, ed. Hill, iii. 248.] C. F. S. SEELEY, SIR JOHN EOBEBT (1834- 1895), historian and essayist, born in London on 10 Sept. 1834, was third son of Itoben Benton Seelejr [q. v.], publisher. From his father Seeley imbibed a love of books, to- gether with a special bias towards history and religious thought. He went first to school under the Rev. J. A. Barren at Btanmore, It was a school where no prices were given, but where more attention than usual was paid to English literature. From Stan- more he went on to the ^City of London school, then already winning a reputation under Dr. George Ferris Wuidborne Mor- timer [q. v.l Here he made such rapid pro- gress that he entered the sixth form when little over thirteen. But the work was too hard for him, and physical exercise was neg- lected. His health suffered ; he was obliged for a time to leave school. Forced to give up his classics, he took to reading English, and obtained a knowledge of English au- thors very rare in boys of his age. He had already read through * Paradise Lost' four or five times before he left school. In 1852 he went to Cambridge, entering the uni- versity as a scholar of Christ's College. He studied classics principally ; he read widely, not neglecting the accurate scholarship in vogue at Cambridge, but paying attention by preference to the literary qualities and the philosophical and historical contents of his authors. He impressed at least one of his teachers by his remarkable command of language and expression. In society he was somewhat reserved and shy, but he made some warm friends. Among his con- temporaries at Christ's wereC. S. Calverley, W, (now Sir Walter) Besant, Skeat, Peil'e, and other men \vho afterwards came to dis- tinction, Seeley was known as one of the ablest of an able set. His conversation was noted for its dialectical subtlety and terse- ness, and, though not. combative, he never shrank from thorough discussion. Ill-health compelled him to defer his degree for a year, but in 1857 he graduated, his name appearing, along with three others, at the top of the classical tripos. The senior chancellor's medal, which he also obtained, marked him out as, upon the whole, the best scholar of his year. Shortly afterwards he was elected to a fellowship in hi a own college, and was ap- pointed classical lecturer. This post he held for two years. In 1 855) he published, under the pseudonym of John Robertson, his first book, a volume of poems, which contains a poem on the choosing of David, versifications of several jjsalrns, and a series of historic sketches, chiefly monologues of historic per- sonages His mind was clearly busy on the two topics which interested him most through life- religion and history; but the dramatic and personal element is more prominent than in HIM later works. In 1 859 ho left Cambridge to take the post of chief classical assistant at his old aenool. In 1863 he was appointed professor of Latin in University College, London. Here lie remained for six years. But the study of his professorial subject did not satisfy him ; his mind was actively at work on the problems of Christian doctrine regarded from an hiatorical point of view. In 18(55 he published ' Ece Homo,' in some respects the most remarkable of his works. It is an attempt to present the life, work, and teaching of Christ m a simple and positive form, avoiding textual and other dubieties, sketching and connecting the larger features rather than elaborating details^ He as- sumes in general the authenticity of the gospel narrative, but deals with the person of Christ on its human side only. The book immediately attracted attention, and, though intentionally uncontroyersial, provoked a storm of controversy, in which Mr, Glad- stone (Good Words, IK. SB et sqq.), Cardinal Newman, Dean Stanley, and others took part. Its title and the limitation of its scope were held to imply a denial of certain doctrines which the author deliberately avoided dis- cussing, In the preface to a subsequent edition he defended himself Against miscon- structions, without however committing him- self to positive assertions on the subjects in question. The book was published anony- mously, but the secret of its authorship was not long maintained. In the preface to the ftist edition Seeley hinted at another volume Seeley Seeley dealing with some of the topics omitted in ' < Ecce Homo. 7 But * Natural Religion,* published in 1882, cannot in this sense be regarded as a sequel to the former work. - 'Isatural Religion' avoids discussing the supernatural basis of faith, but does not therefore deny its existence. It endeavours to widen the conception of the word * reli- gion,' which the author declares unduly narrowed, and to establish the possibility of a reasonable religion without the supernatural element. The work was not so well received as ' Ecce Homo.' The style is equally vigo- rous, the argument as lucid, but the subject is devoid of that personal interest and asso- ciation possessed by the earlier book, while the view of religion which it advocates . appeals only to the few, In 1869 Seeley became professor of modern history at Cambridge in the place of Charles Kingsley, and at Cambridge he remained for the rest of his life. He had as yet pub- lished nothing historical beyond some short papers, but historical speculation had inte- rested him from early years. His lectures at once made a great impression. ^ They were carefully prepared, epigrammatic in style, animated in delivery, attractive and stimu- lating from the originality, width, and sug- gestiveness of their views. For many years his classes were large, a'nd were by no means confined to those who were making history a special study. Besides lecturing, he held weekly classes for the purpose^ of discussing historical and political questions with ad- vanced students. These gatherings were called * ' conversation classes/ but they be- came, at least latterly, a sort of monologue in which the professor took his^ class through a regular course of political science. In the inaugural lecture which he de- livered when appointed professor he definec his view of the connection between history and politics, and laid down the lines on which his teaching was consistently to run through out his tenure of the professorship. He in sisted on the principle that a knowledge o history, but especially of the most recent hia tory, is indispensable to the politician. An( "by history he meant political historyno biography, nor the history of religion, art,o society, but the history of the state. With this view, when the historical tripos was established at Cambridge in 1873, he infused into it a strong political element. He woul indeed have preferred to call it a politica tripos, and to make history subordinate t politics. His lectures were, with few excep- tions, confined to the history of the last tw centuries, and his attention was mainly give to international history, to the action an eaction of states upon each other. The his- ory of Great Britain as a member of the European system was, he maintained, a sub- ect strangely and unduly neglected in favour f domestic or constitutional history by British historians. For some time Seeley's labours were not estricted to Cambridge. The income of his hair was at first very small, and he was ompelled to supplement it by giving lect ures the large towns of the north and in Scot- and, where he achieved a high reputation s a lecturer. Some of his public addresses and other papers were collected hi a volume ntitled ' Lectures and Essays/ and pub- ished in 1870. The most important of these are perhaps the essays on the * Fall of the iloman Empire' and on 'Milton/ and his naugural lecture at Cambridge. While still professor of Latin Seeley had, at the request of the Oxford University Pi-ess, legun an edition of the first decade of Livy. A volume containing the first book of Livy was published in 1871. The introduction is original and suggestive, and displays his capa- city for forming clear and positive conclu- sions on complicated historical problems. But such antiquarian research was not very congenial to him, and he never continued the edition. Some years after he became professor of listory an anonymous benefactor made an addition to the income of the chair, while about the same time the Cambridge Uni- versity Press gave a practical illustration of the endowment of research by paying in advance for a work on which Seeley was engaged. He was thus enabled to give up extraneous employment, and to devote him- self to his professorial lectures and to the book in question. This book, ' The Life and Times of Stein/ is probably Seeley's most solid and lasting contribution to fiistorical knowledge, but it was not one of ^ his most successful productions. He had little taste for personal detail or for simple narrative, and the character of Stein hardly lends itself to attractive biographical treatment. ^ But as an elucidation of the anti-Napoleonic re- volution, and of the share taken by Stein and Prussia in the revival of Germany, the book has no rival in the English language. 'The Expansion of England/ published in 1883, was a greater success so far as public reputation is concerned. This little volume consists of lectures delivered in the uni- versity, very slightly altered or amplified for publication. It sketches with a remarkable unity of view and vigour of treatment the great duel with France which began with the revolution of 1688 and ended with Seeley 192 Seeley Waterloo. No previous writer had so suc- cinctly and so pointedly emphasised the co- lonial aud commercial aspects of that struggle. The book was eagerly taken up by a very large public: it drew attention, at an oppor- tune moment, to a great subject; it substi- tuted imperial for provincial interests ; and it contributed perhaps more than any other single utterance to the change of feeling re^ specting the relations between Great Britain and her colonies which marks the end of the nineteenth century. The study of British foreign policy occupied Seeley during the greater jjart of the re- mainder of his life. His original intention was to write a detailed history of this subject during the period covered by the ' Expan- sion.' But he found it necessary to supply an introduction, and, in tracing the origin of those principles and antagonisms on which the policy of the eighteenth century was based, he was gradually forced back to the reign of Elizabeth. It was the protestant reformation, definitely adopted by Elizabeth, which in his view determined all the subse- quent relations between England and the great maritime states of the continent. Thus, what had been intended for a short introduc- tion gradually swelled into a considerable book, which he left completed, but not finally revised at his death. It was published in 1895, under the title 'The Growth of British Policy/ 2 vols. In this work Elizabeth, Cromwell, and William HI are displayed as the great founders of the British empire, and religion and commerce as the leading motives which directed their action. Before actually setting to work on this book Seeley had pub- lished (1886) a concise 'Life of Napoleon/ expanded from an article in the ' Encyclo- paedia Britannica.' It is a masterly summary of Napoleon's aims and actions, but is written perhaps from too hostile a point of view, and, while doing justice to Napoleon's great powers, deprives him of all claim to origi- nality as a statesman. A little book on * Goethe/ published in 1893, and a volume of * Lectures on Political Science/ issued pos- thumously, complete the list of Seeley's pub- lished works. The volume on Goethe is an amplification of some papers published in the 'Contemporary Review' in 1884. It is a study of Goethe the philosopher and teacher, rather than of Goethe the poet or the artist. As in the essay on Milton, it is rather what the author had to say than the way he said it which seems to have been most interest- ing- to Seeley. This little volume was under- taken as a relief from severer work, for which illness made him unfit, The kst years of his life were rendered less productive than they might have been by the attacks of the disease cancer to which tie eventually succumbed. He was elected fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cam- bridge, in October 1882, and in 1894 was made K.C.M.G. on the recommendation of Lord Rosebery. He had long been in some- what weak health, and suffered much from insomnia; but he bore his troubles with marvellous patience, and attended to his pro- fessorial duties whenever not actually inca- pacitated by illness. He died at Cambridge on 13 Jan. 1895. In his teaching of modern history Seeley adopted, though he did not formulate, the view that * history is past politics, and poli- tics present history.' Historical narrative without generalisation had no value for him ; he always tried to solve some problem, to trace large principles, to deduce some lesson. ' If the conclusions which he reached could be made applicable to present difficulties, so much the better. History was to be a school of statesmanship. So eager was he to esta- blish general principles that his conclusions occasionally appear paradoxical, and are sometimes open to dispute. But his method is at once stimulating and productive, and his whole conception of the subject tends to place it on a high level of public utility. Of the duties of the individual towards the state Seeley formed a high ideal, and, though not an active politician, he held strong poli- tical views. In later life he was a liberal unionist, and on more than one occasion raised his voice in public against home rule. He was for several years closely connected with the Imperial Federation League, and, though he never traced out any definite scheme of federation, there was nothing that he had more at heart than the maintenance of the union between Great Britain and her colonies. In university politics he took little part ; the routine of academic business and the labour of examinations were alike dis- tasteful to him. He never, even in his younger days, went much into society. In 1869 he married Mary Agnes, eldest daugh- ter of Arthur Phillott, by whom he had one child, a daughter, who survives him. His chief published works are: 1. * David and Samuel, with other Poems, original and translated, by John Robertson/ 1859. 2. ( Ecce Homo/ 1865. 8. < Lectures and Essays/ 1870. 4. 'The first Book of Livy, with an Introduction, Historical Examina- tion, and Notes/ 1871. 5. ' English Lessons for English People ' (written in collabora- tion with Dr. Abbott), 1871. 6. 'The Life and Times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age/ 1878. 7. ' Natural Seeley 193 Seeley Religion/ 1882. 8. 'The Expansion of Eng- land.' 9. 'A Short Life of Napoleon I/ 1885. 10. 'Goethe reviewed after Sixty Years/ 1893. 11. * The Growth of British Policy: an Historical Essay/ 1895. 12. * Lec- tures on Political Science/ 1895. [Articles in the Cambridge JReview and the Christ's College Magazine by Professor Hales ; article in the Cains College Magazine by Dr. Venn; memoir prefixed to the Growth of British Policy, by Professor Prothero; private infor- mation.] G-. W. P. SEELEY, EGBERT BENTON (1798- 1886), publisher and author, son of Leonard Benton Seeley, publisher, was born in 1798 in Ave Maria Lane, London, where his father (the son of a bookseller at Bucking- ham) had established himself as a bookseller and publisher about 1784. The business was afterwards removed to 169 Fleet Street. Kobert Benton served in his father's busi- ness until 1826, when he took control of the publishing branch of it, and entered into partnership with Mr. Burnside. In 1827 he opened a shop at 10 Crane Court, from which in. 1830 he removed to 172 Fleet Street, and in 1840 to 54 Fleet Street, In 1854 he en- tered into partnership with Mr. Jackson and Mr. Halliday (who both died a few years later), and in 1857 he relinquished his inte- rest in the business to his second son, al- though for some years he continued to render active help in the management. Seeley was brought up in the traditions of evangelical churchmanship, and his publica- tions were mainly confined to books expound- ing evangelical opinions. He issued an edi- tion of the works of Richard Cecil [q. v.] in 1838, biographies of Hannah More (1838), John Newton (1843), and Henry Martyn (1855), and many of the publications of the Church Missionary Society. He was inti- mate with the Rev. Edward Auriol, Dean Boyd, and Dean Champneys, whose works he published. Seeley joined his friends in promoting many religious and philanthropic movements. He was one of the founders of the Church Pastoral Aid Society in 1837, and of the Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes in 1844, and he served on the subdivision of parishes commission in 1849. With the Earl of Shaftesbury he exerted himself in supporting the factory bills. He was a member of the metropolitan board of works from 1856 to 1857. He died at 59Hilldrop Crescent, CamdenTown, Lon- don, on 31 May 1886, leaving Leonard Ben- ton Seeley (see below) and three other sons and six daughters. The second son, Mr. Richmond Seeley, succeeded to the publish- VOL, LI. ing firm. His third son, Sir John Kobert Seeley, is noticed separately. Seeleypersonally engaged in literary work, on both religious and historical lines, sending many contributions to the ' Times/ the ' Morn- ing Herald/ the * Record/ the ' Morning Ad- vertiser/ and * Fraser's Magazine.* One of his most thoughtful works was his ' Essays on the Church, by a Layman/ 1834, whicli went through many editions. Its object was to show that church establishments were in accordance with scripture, and that secession from the communion of the English church was not justifiable. More interesting was Seeley's 'The Greatest of the Plantagenets, Edward I/ 1860, which reappeared as ' The Life and Reign of Edward I/ 1872. Here Seeley successfully defended Edward I from the contemptuous strictures of Hume and other historians,and proved his greatness as a ruler, an opinion that later writers ha?e gene- rally adopted. Seeley's other writings were : 1. * Essays on Romanism/ 1839. 2. 'Me- moirs of the Life and Writings of M. T. Sad- ler/ 1842. 3, ' Remedies for the Perils of the Nation: an Appeal/ 1843. 4. 'The Church of Christ in the Middle Ages/ 1845. 5. 'The Atlas of Prophecy, being the Prophecies of Daniel, with an Exposition/ 1849. 6. ' The Pope a Pretender: the Substance of a Speech/ 10th edit. 1850. 7. ' A Memoir of the Rev, A. B. Johnson/ 1852. 8. * The Life of W. Cowper/ 1855. 9. ' The Life of J. Wesley/ 1856. 10. 'The Spanish Peninsula: a Sketch/ 1861. 11. 'Is the Bible True? ' seven dia- logues between James White (a pseudonym) and E. Owen, 1862. 12. 'Have we any Word of God?/ 1864. 13. 'Is the Bible True? Seven dialogues by a Layman/ 1866. 14. ' Essays on the Bible/ 1870. 15. ' The Life and Writings of St. Peter/ 1872. 16. 'Tha greatest of the Prophets, Moses/ 1875. LBOHTAED BENTOH" SEELEY (1831-1893), the eldest son, born in 1831, was educated at the City of London school and at Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, where he was fifth wrangler, was placed in the first class of the classical tripos, and in the first class in the moral sciences tripos, graduating B.A. in 185:?, and M. A. in 1855. In 1854 he was elected fellow of Trinity College. On 30 April 1855 he was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn ; he prac- tised as a conveyancer and equity draughts- man, and his written opinions displayed much care and learning. He died at 1 Great James Street, London, on 30 Oct. 1893. He edited 'Euclid,' 1875; 'Horace Waljjole and his Works, select Passages from his Writings/ 1884; 'Fanny Burney and her Friends/ 1890; and 'Mrs. Thrale, afterwards Mrs. Piozzi ; a Sketch of her Life and Passages o Seeman 194 Seemann from her Diaries and Letters/ 1891 (Times 2, 3 Nov. 1893). [Times, 1 July 1886, p. 1, 3 July p. 7; Pub lishers' Circular, 15 June 1886, pp. 601-2, with portrait; World, November 1893,] Gr. C. B. SEEMAN or ZEEMAN, ENOCH (1694-17-44), portrait-painter, was born in 1694 at Danzig in Germany, where his father was settled as a painter. It is possible thai the famous German ' virtuoso J painter, Bal- thasar Denner, who received some of his early instruction in painting at Danzig, may have been a pupil of Seeman's father, for some of Seeman's early paintings were executec in imitation of I)enner*s manner. Among these were a portrait of himself at the age o: nineteen, and an old woman's head in which the wrinkles, hair, fabric of clothes, are de- lineated in the minute manner which is seen, in Denner's works. Seeman was brought by his father, when young, to London, and practised there as a portrait-painter with great success. He resided in St. Martin's Lane, and at first styled himself 'Enoch Seeman, junior/ He was a good portrait- painter, and his portraits of ladies were much admired. The conventionalities, how- ever, of costume and posture have destroyed the value of his portraits. His portraits or portrait-groups were sometimes on a very large scale, such as the imposing picture of the Lapland giant, Gaianus, painted in 1734, now at Dalkeith Palace, and the family group of Sir John Oust [q.v.] at Belton House, Grantham. Seeman frequently painted his own portrait, in which he is seen in an animated attitude, with long flowing hair. One example is in the royal picture gallery at Dresden, and was engraved by J. G. Schmidt. Another, with his daughter in hoy's clothes, was at Strawberry Hill. A portrait by him of Sir Isaac Newton, formerly m the possession of Thomas Hollis, F.S.A., was engraved in mezzotint by J. MacArdell. Seeman also painted George II, Queen Caroline (a portrait of whom by him is in the National Portrait Gallery), and other members of the royal family. He died- suddenly in 1744. His son, Paul Seeman, painted portraits and still life, and his three brothers were all painters and ingenious artists, one of whom, Isaac Seeman, died in London on 4 April 175L The name is some- times, but erroneously, spelt Zeeman. [Vertue's Diaries (Brit Mus, Addit. MSS J3074, 23076, &c.); Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting ; Bedgrave's Diet, of Artists.] L. 0. SEEMAN]Sr,BERTHOLDCAEL(1825- 1871), botanist and traveller, born at Hano- ver on 28 Feb. 1825, was educated at the Lyceum there, then under Grotefend, the celebrated cuneiform scholar, from whose son he received his first botanical teaching. Seemann's first botanical paper, l Descrip^ tipnes Plantarum Novarum vel minus cog- nitarum/ published in ' Flora ' in 1844, was written when he was seventeen. After graduating at Gottingen, he in 1844 came to Kew and worked under John Smith the curator (1798-1888), in order to fit him- self for travel as a botanical collector. In 1846 Sir "William Jackson Hooker [q. v.j pro- cured Seemann's appointment as naturalist toHJLS. Herald, under Captain H. Kellett, C.B., then engaged on a hydrographical sur- vey of the Pacific. Seemann started at once for Panama. Finding that the Herald had not returned from Vancouver, he explored the Isthmus, finding many new plants, be- sides hieroglyphics at Veraguas, which he described in a paper read before the Archaeo- logical Institute. He joined the Herald in January 1847, and remained with her till June JL851. Almost all the west coast of America was explored, and three cruises were made into Arctic seas. In Peru and Ecua- dor Seemann travelled with Mr. (afterwards Captain) Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan Pirn ^q. v.Tfrom Payta through the deserts and Dver tne Andes to Guayaquil ; and in Mexico he went from Mazatlan over the Sierra Madre to Durango and Chihuahua, narrowly escap- ing the Oomanche and Apache Indians. In 1848 the Herald was ordered to Behring Strait to search for Franklin, first in com- pany with the Plover and afterwards with the Enterprise and the Investigator. Herald [sland was discovered, and a higher latitude than any previously attained in that region was reached, while Seemann collected many jlants and anthropological specimens relat- ng to the Esquimaux, visited Kamtchatka and the Sandwich Islands several times, and finally came home by Hongkong, Singa- K>re, the Cape, St. Helena, and Ascension. The Botany of the Voyage/ which was published between 1852 and 1857, with analyses by J. D. (now Sir Joseph) Hooker and one hundred plates by W. H. Fitch, comprises the floras of Panama, north-west Mexico, West Esquimauxland, and Hong- kong. Seemann's * Narrative of the Voyage,' published in two volumes in English in 1853, was translated into German in 1858. Its author was made Ph.D. of Gottingen, and was elected a member of the Imperial Aca- emy Naturae Curiosorum (now the Leo- )oldine Academy) under the title of Bon- )land. In the same year he began, in con- unction with a brother, who died in 1868, o edit a German journal of botauy under Seemann 195 Seffrid tlie name of ' Bonplandia/ of which ten quarto volumes were published at Hanover between 1853 and 1862. In 1857 he went to Montreal, representing the Linnean So- ciety at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and took the opportunity to visit the United States. In 1860 he was commissioned, with Colonel Smythe, R.A., to report on the Fiji Islands, before the English government ac- cepted their cession. His letters, written in the voyage out, to the * Athenaeum ' and the 1 Gardeners' Chronicle/ were translated both into French and into German. He made the ascent of Vorua and BukuLevu. His report 'On the Resources and Vegetable Products of Fiji' was presented to parliament, and in 1862 was published separately ^as 'Viti: an Account 01 a Government Mission to the Vitian or Fijian Islands? The appendix con- tained a catalogue 'of all the previously described plants of the islands, and some new species were described in t Bonplandia/ began the issue of a * Flora Vitiensis/ in ten quarto parts, with one hundred plates by Fitch. Of this, nine parts, written by himself, were published before his death ; the tenth, deal- ing with the cryptogamic plants, and by various hands, was issued in 1873. After discontinuing the issue of 'Bon- plandia' in 1862, Seemann in 1863 began the publication of the * Journal of Botany, British and Foreign ;' from 1869 Dr. Henry Trimen [q. y.l and Mr, J. G. Baker were associated with him in the editorship. la 1864 some French and Dutch capitalists sent him to Venezuela to report on its re- sources. Near the Tocuyo he discovered a valuable bed of anthracite. From March to August 1866, and during 1867, he accom- panied Captain Bedford Pirn to Nicaragua. Seemann's letters to the *Athenjeum' and to the ' Panama Star and Herald ' were re- printed in 1869 as * Dottings on the Roadside in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito/ One result of these journeys was the purchase by English capitalists of the Javali gold mine, Chontales, Nicaragua, of which Seemann was appointed managing director. He had also the management of a large sugpar estate near Panama. The climate ruined his health, and he died at Javali of fever on 10 Oct, 1871. Seemann married an Englishwoman, who predeceased him, leaving one daughter. He became a fellow of the Linnean So- ciety in 1862, and was a vice-president of the Anthropological Society and a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society In botany he made a special study of Camellia and Thea, of which he published a synopsis in the Linnean ' Transactions * (vol. xxii.>, and of the ivy family, his account of which was reprinted from the * Journal of Botany ' 1868. He introduced into cultivation the cannibal tomato, eaten with human flesh in the Fiji Islands, the candle-tree (Par- mentiera cerifera), and several handsome species of palm. Regel dedicated to him the genus Seemannia, gesnerads, natives of the Andes. Besides the botanical works and books of travels already mentioned, Seemann ^was author of the following scientific treatises : 1. 'Die Volksnamen der amerikanischen Pflanzen/ Hanover, 1851, 8yo. 2. 'Die in Europa eingefuhrten Acacien/ Hanover, 1852, 8vo. 3. 'Popular History of the Palms,' London, 1856, 8vo. 4. < The British Ferns at one View,' with illustrations by W. Fitch, London, 1860, 8vo. 5. Hanno- versche Sitten imd Gebrauche in ihrer Beziehung zur Pflanzen welt/ Leipzig, 1862, 16mo. 6. ' Revision of the Natural Order Hederaceae/ London, 1868, 8vo, He also wrote descriptions in English and German of the 84 Coloured Plates of Endlicher's 'Paradisus Vindobonensis/ 1858, folio, an4 translated from the German descriptions of ' Twenty-four Views of the Vegetation of the Coasts of the Pacific/ by F, H. von Kittlitz, 1861, 8vo. He wrote prefaces to L J. Ben- jamin's ' Acht Jahre in Asien und Afrika/ 1858, to "W. T. Pritchard's * Polynesiau Reminiscences/ 1866, and to Lindley and Moore's ' Treasury of Botany/ 1865. Seemanu, who displayed remarkable ver- $atility, wrote numerous articles in periodi- cals in English, German, and other languages. He was also a musical composer, and wa* author of three short German plays which enjoyed popularity in Hanover. Their titles ran: 'WaM macht Qual/ Hanover, 1BC7, 8vo ; * Der Wohlthater wider Willen/ Hano- ver, 1867, 8vo; and 'Die gelben Rosen/ Hanover, 1867, 8vo. [There is a lithographic portrait of him in the Journal of Botany for 1872: Gardeners' Chronicle, 1871, p. 1678; Proceedings of thft Linnean Society, 1871-2, p. buriv; Edwards's Photographic Portraits of Men of Eminence, 1866 : Appleton's American Dictionary.] ** a s. B. SEFFRID, SFBD>, SEINFRH), or SAFRED 1C (d* 1204), bishop of Chiches- ter, was archdeacon of Chichester when, in 1178, he was made dean of that church. He was consecrated bishop of Chiehester ou 16 Nov. 1180. He was on the side of the monks of Christ Church, Canterbury, in their 02 Segar 196 Segar quarrel with Archbishop Baldwin, and was employed by Urban HI and the king in con nection with the dispute in 1187 and 1188 In 1187 a large part of his cathedral church built by Bishop fealph LufFa, and consecrate* in 1108, was destroyed by a fire which pro babty began on the roof. He used all mean at his command to repair the damage. Th triforium suffered little, hut the clerestory had to he rebuilt ; stone vaulting was suli- stituted for the wooden roofs of the nav and aisles, the eastern limb was almos wholly rebuilt and much lengthened, the chapels on the eastern sides of the transept were added, and pointed single-light windows took the place of the Norman windows in nave and choir (STEPHENS). The church was dedicated in September 1199, but the rebuilding was not finished in Seffrid's life- time. Senrid is said also to have rebuilt the bishop's palace. In 1189 he was present at the coronation of Richard I, and at the great council at Pipe well. He strongly con- demned the outrage inflicted by the chan- cellor on Geoffrey (d. 1212) [q. v.], arch- bishop of York, in 1191, and wrote to the monks of Canterbury declaring that he was ready to take part in avenging such an insult to the whole church. He was ordered by the king, then in captivity, to come to him in Germany in 1193 in company with the chancellor (Roe. Hov. iii. 212). He was present at the new coronation of Richard on 17 April 1194, and at the coronation of John on 27 May 1199. In September 1200 he was too ill to attend the archbishop's synod at Westminster. He died on 17 March 1204. With the consent of the dean and chapter of Chichester he made statutes for the canons and vicars of the cathedral, which strengthened the independence of the chap- ter, and he regulated the residence of the canons and the duties of the dignitaries of the church. He founded a hospital for lepers half a mile to the east of Chichester, and another farther off in the same direc- tion. [Stephens's Mem. of S. Saxon See, pp. 65-9, 321 ; Gervase of Cant. i. 295, 385, 412, 491 Epp. Cantor. pp. 57, 151, 167, 345, Gesta' Henri* II de (B. Abbas), ii. 28, Bog. Hov ii 254, m. 15, 212, 247, ir. 90, B. deWo, ii.' 169, Ann. Winton, ii. 73,79, andWav. pp. 242 252, 256, ap. Ann. Monast. (these six Boll s Ser ) - Godwin, De Praesulibus, p. 503, ed. Bichardson 1 W. H. > FRANCIS (fl. 49-1563X translator and poet, whose name, variously spelt, is that of an old Devonshire family was probably the ' Francis Nycholson, ate Seagar,' who was made free of the Stationers' Company on 24 Sept. 1557 He was the author of: 1. A brefe Declaration of the great and innumerable Myseries and Wretchednesses used i[n]Courtes ryall,made by a Lettre whych mayster Alayn Charatre wrote to hys Brother. Newly augmented, amplified and inrytched, by Francis Segar U..U, 1549, 12mo. A fragment of this tract is in the Bodleian Li It probably a new edition of Caxton's transla- tion of .Alain Chartier's ' CuriaU Prefixed to it are five four-line stanzas * to the reader* by Segar (RiTSON, Bibliographia Poetica, p 327; HAZUTT, Handbook, p. 96). 2. ES, under Psalms, p. 1996; IBDIN, Typographical Antiquities, iv. 200) . 'The Schoole of Vertue and Booke of ?ood Nourture for Chyldren and Youth to learne theyr dutie by newly perused, cor- rected and augmented by the fyrst Auctour F. S. With a briefe Declaration of the Dutie of eche degree. Printed by William Seres/ 1557, 16mo. An acrostic giving the author's name ([Seager) is prefixed to this volume, which is divided into twelve chap- ters of doggerel rhyme. This is the earliest mown edition of a once popular work. It ias been reprinted by the Early English lext Society in the Babees Book/ 1368 yp. cxiii. 333-55). It was edited by Robert Crowley [q. y.l who added < certain prayers and graces/ and abridged in Robert Weste's Booke of Demeanor ' (1619, reprinted in 817 and in 1868 in the 'Babees Book'). Wood says that Crowley's version was in lis time 'commonly sold at the stalls of ballad-singers ' (Notes and Queries. 4th ser. vi. 452). In the 1563 edition of the < Myrrour for Magistrates * Segar has a poem of 'forty-four even-line stanzas, entitled ' How Richarde >lantagenet, Duke of Glocester, murdered is brother's Children, usurping the Crowne* No. 24). In the ensuing prose colloquy ' the meetre of the poem is, with reason, com- lained of, but its irregularity defended as uitable to Richard's character. The poem eappears in the editions of 1571, 1575, 578, and 1815 (p. xxi, and ii. 381-95). Francis was perhaps a member of the eoman family of Seagar or Segar of Broad Segar 197 Segar Cl yst, Devonshire, of whom a representative, JOHN SEAGAR (d. 1656), graduated B.A. from Wadham College, Oxford, in May 1617, and M.A. from St. Mary Hall in June 1620. He received the living of Broadclyst from his kinsman, William Seagar, the patron, in 1631, and died at Pitminster, Somerset, on 13 April 1656, having published ' The Dis- covery of the World to come* (London, 1650, 4to; a copy is in Dr. Williams's Li- brary). He subscribed his name to 'The Joint Testimonie of the Ministers of Devon ' (1648), and he may be the 'John Seager' who married Dorothy Snelling at Ply mp ton St. Mary on 11 Nov. 1622 (VIVIAN, Visit, of Devon, p. 694 ; GABDisrEB, Reg. of Wadham, i. 26; OLIVER, Socles. Antiq. i. 126; WOOD, Athena Oxon. ed. Bliss, iiL 276 ; FOSTER, Alumni Oxon. ; note from the Rev. J. Ingle Dredge). [Corner's Collectanea, pt. x. pp. 227-30; Wood's Athenae Oxon. i. 544 ; Oat. of Brit. Mus. Library; Warton's Hist, of English Poetry, 1871, iv. 142, 166, 199.] B. B. SEGAR, SIE WILLIAM (d. 1633), Gar- ter king-of-arms, was, according to Anstis, son of Francis Segar, who, as it is said, was a prothonotary in Holland. His mother, Ann, was daughter of Richard Sherrard. He was bred a scrivener, and held some em- ployment under Sir Thomas Heneage q. v.], tice-chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth, and through the interest of that statesman he gained admittance to the College of Arms, being created Portcullis pursuivant at Derby House by George Talbot, earl of Shrews- bury, 10 June 1585. In that capacity he attended the splendid festival of St. George, kept at Utrecht, 23 April 1586, by the Earl of Leicester. On 4 Jan. 1588-9 he was made Somerset herald, and in 1593 he was created Norroy king-of-arms, though his ?atent is dated as late as 2 June 1602 RYJOB, F&dera, zvi. 451). In 1603 a bill passed under the signet for advancing Segar to the office of Garter king- of-arms^in succession to Sir William DethicK [q.v.], and upon this foundation, without the authority of the great seal, he, under the ap- pellation of ' Rex Armorum Ordinis/ carried the insignia of the Garter to the king of Ben- mark. But Dethick, soon after this disseisin, was reinstated, and on 8 Sept. he was joined in a commission, by his proper style, to invest the Duke of "Wurtemberg. The circumstances of this investiture led to fresh <5ensures of hie conduct, and he was deposed from his _ office. Segar, being conscious of the invalidity of the former signet, procured a new one, and likewise a patent under the great seal in January 1606-7 constituting him Garter king-of-arms, In 1612 he was sent with the insignia of the order to Maurice, prince of Orange, and on 5 Nov. 1616 he was knighted at White- hall (METCALIFE, Book of &nights, p. 168). In December 1616 he was imposed upon by Ralph Brooke, York herald, who by artifice procured him to attest and confirm armorial bearings to Gregory Brandon, the common hangman of LondonTsee BRANDON, RICHAED]. Both Segar and Brooke were committed prisoners to the Marshalsea, but when the iniquitous business was unravelled Segar was restored to freedom, and on 5 April 1617 the king granted him an annual addition of 10/. to his stipend (RYMER, xvii. 5). On 16 Nov. 1618 he was appointed one of the special commissioners to inquire into the condition, of Lincoln's Inn Fields (ib. p. 119). He was one of the eminent persons recommended by Edmond Bolton in 1624 to be members of the projected Academy Royal, or College and Senate of Honour (Archaologia, xxxii. 146) ; and in 1627 he was joined in a special commission, with Dudley, lord -Carleton, to invest the Prince of Orange with the insignia of the order of the Garter (RrMER, xviii. 889). He died in December 1633, and was buried in the chancel of the church at Rich- mond, Surrey, on the llth of that month. He married, first, Helen or Eleanor, daughter of Sir Somers of Kent, knight ; and secondly, Mary, daughter of Robert Browne of Evington, Herefordshire, He had a large family. His works are: 1. An account of the festival of St. George, kept at Utrecht by the Earl of Leicester, 1586; in Stow's < An- nales,' ed. Howes, 1615, p. 716. 2. 'The Booke of Honor and Armes. Wherein is discoursed the causes of Quarrell and the nature of Iniuries, with their Repulses' [anonj, London, 1590, 4to. 3* * Armes of the Kjiightes of the Noble Order of the Garter * [1591] (cf. THOBPE* Catalogue of An- cient Manuscripts for 1835, p. 148, where a detailed account is given of the contents of the work). 4 ' Honor, Military and Ciuil, contained in foure bookes,* London, 1602, fol., dedicated to the Queen. A portrait of the author, engraved by Francis Delaram, forms, in some copies, the frontispiece* Some chapters in this work are taken almost ver- batim from the * Booke of Honor and Armes.' The third book contains fifty-four curious and interesting chapters upon the subjects of jousts, tournaments, triumphs, and inaugu- rations of emperors, kings, and princes. Horace Walpole, earl of Orford, reprinted many of these chapters, at the Strawberry Segar 198 Segrave Hill press, in a volume entitled * Miscel- laneous Antiquities/ 1772, 4to (cf. DALLA- WAT, Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of Heraldry, p. 222). 5. Verses in praise of J. Guillim's ' Rudimentes of the Arte of Armorye/ circ. 1610, Addit. MS. 26680. 6. *The Genealogie or Pedegree of Captaine Sir WilEam Cole of the Castell of Eneskillen/ 1630, compiled in collaboration with William Penson, Lancaster herald. This was privately printed [London ?], 1870, 4to, with additions under the certificates of Sir W. Betham and Sir J. Bernard Burke, Ulster kings-of-anns. 7. *R Jacobi I Delineatio Metriea,' being Latin verses ad- dressed to James I and the Emperor Charles V, Royal MS. in British Museum, 12 G. ix. 8. * Aspidora Segariana, or the Grants, Confirmations, &c. of Sir W. Segar/ Addit MS. 12225: a copy collated by Simon Segar, his great-grandson. 9. * The Earl Marshal his Office both in Peace and "War, Set down by the Special Command- ment from the King's Majesty's own Mouth/ printed in Guillim's * Display of Heraldry/ ed. 1724, from the Ashmolean MS. 856, p. 431. 10, 'Pedigreeof theFamilyofWeston, of Button Place, Surrey. Addit. MS. 31890. 1 1. * The Arms and Descents of all the Kings of England from Egbert to Queen Elizabeth/ Addit. MS. 27438. 12. 'Baronagium Genealogicum : or the pedigrees of the Eng- lish Peers, deduced from the earliest times , . . including as well collateral as lineal descents. Originally compiled ... by Sir "W. Segar, and continued to the present time "by Joseph Edmondson/ 6 vols., London, 1764-84, fol 13. < Original Institvtions of the Princely Orders of Collars/ Edinburgh, 2823, 4to, privately printed from a fine manuscript on vellum, in the library of the Faculty of Advocates ; dedicated to James I, To him has been attributed the authorship of t The Cities great Concern, in this Code or Question of Honour and Arms, whether Apprenteship extinguished Gentry P ' 1675 (MOTTLE, BibL Heraldica, p. 194). The real author was Edmund Boltoa [q. v.] His great-grandson, SIMON SEGAB (A. 1656-1712), son and heir of Thomas Segar of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, was admitted a member of Gray's Inn in 1656. On 14 June 1677 be was appointed collector of all the duties of the house, except com- mons due to the steward. In 1674 he was appointed second butler and library keeper, and in 1675 several sums of money were paid to him for setting up of the Readers' coates of armes in the Library' ("DOTTXHWAITE, Grotf* /#.' its History and Associations, 1886, pp. 23, 178, 279). He published 1 Honores Anglicani ; or Titles of Honour the Temporal Nobility of the English Kation (quatenus such) have had, or do now eniov ' London, 1712 and 1715, 8vo (Moras, pp' 278, 279). He was also the author of A Table showing the number of gentlemen ad- mitted into the society of Gray's Inn in each year from 1521 to 1674, with an alphabetical List of the Benchers and Treasurers and other matter directly drawn from authentic sources J (Harleian MS. 1912). [Addit. MS. 34217 f. 2 b; Anstis's Order of the Garter, i. 398; Ashmole's Hist, of the Garter Append, n., boriv. pp, 418, 618 ; Bromley's Cat! of Engr. Portraits; Brydges's Censura Lit Letters of George, Lord Carew, to Sir Thomas Boe, pp. 72, 73; Dallavay's Inquiries, p. 122- Foster's Gray's Inn Admission Register, pre- face ; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of England ; Guil- lim's Display of Heraldry (1724), i. 56, 419 Harleian MSS. 1084, 1107 art. 21, 1301 art. 7'- Lansdowne MS. 255, art. 65; Moule's BibL Herald, pp. 37, 52, 194, 279; Nichols's Progr. Eliz. iii. 41 ; Nicolas's Memoir of Augustine Vincent, p. 55 ; Notes and Queries, 3rd Her. xi 430; Noble's College of Arms, pp. 172, 181, 186* 203, 202, 230, 293 , Weaver's Funeral Mon 682J T. G. SEGRAVE, GILBERT DE (d. 1254), judge, was second son of Stephen de Segrave (d. 1241) [q. v,], by Rohesia, daughter of Thomas Despenser. His elder brother having died in their father's lifetime, he succeeded to the family estates in Leicestershire in 1241, Dugdale seems to have been in error in de- scribing him as a canon of St. Paul's, for he does not appear in the lists. In 1231 Gil- bert de Segrave had a grant of Kegworth in Leicestershire, and shortly after was made governor of Bolsover Castle. He was ap- pointed justice of the forests south of the Trent in 1242 (Edles Gascons, i. 104, c.) and governor of Kenilwprth Castle. In 1251 he was one of the justices to hear pleas in the city of London, but was not noticed as a judge after January 3252. In 1253 he ac- companied the king to Gascony (id. i. 2131, 2195, 2199, 2620X In January 1254 he was sent home by the king as one of his messengers to ask for money from the parliament (MATT. PABIS, v. 423). Afterwards he rejoined the king, and was in Gascony on 16 June, and at Bordeaux as late as 7 Sept.. (H6les Gascons, i. 3792, 4015). Very soon afterwards, having obtained a safe-conduct from Louis IX, he started home through Poitou in the com- pany of John de Plessis, earl of "Warwick [q.v,J, and other nobles. The party was treacherously seized by the citizens of Pons In Poitou, where Segrave fell ill, and died in prison before 8 Oct. (cf. #, I 3487 j Ann,, Segrave 199 Segrave Mon> iii. 193). On 12 Oct. his wardships were granted to the king's son Edward (ib. iii. 194 ; Roles Gascons, I 3720). He married Amabilia, daughter and heiress of Robert de Chaucumb (Excerpt, e JRot. Finium, i. 462> By her he was father of Nicholas de Segrave, first baron Segrave [q. v.], and of Alice, wife of William Mauduit, earl of Warwick [q. v.] Matthew Paris (v. 463) describes him as ' vir nobilis ac dives et moribus adornatus/ [Matthew Paris; Dunstable Annals ap. Annales Honnstici, vol. iii.; Nichols's Hist. Leicester- shire, iii. 409 ; Poss's Judges of England.] C. L. K. SEGRAVE, GILBERT DE (& 1313?), theologian, was pres